246 research outputs found

    Decadal-scale vegetation dynamics above the alpine treeline, Mount Rufus, Tasmania.

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    Alpine areas by definition have summer temperatures too cool to support trees. Concerns have been raised that trees may invade these distinctive habitats where global climate change results in an increase in summer temperatures beyond the threshold limiting tree growth. In 2016, we investigated changes in the treeline and vegetation immediately above it by resampling quadrats and rephotographing from the set points established in the Alpine Treeline Ecotone Monitoring Program on Mount Rufus, Tasmania, in 2006. Within the study area, the only species with the potential to reach a tree height > 3 m is Eucalyptus coccifera Hook.f. The height, density, basal diameter and diameter at breast height were recorded for all E. coccifera within the study area, together with an estimate of percentage cover of each vascular plant species. No change was found in the location of the treeline over the 10-year period, although E. coccifera height and density above the treeline did increase. The vegetation on the north-facing slope shifted to a composition more closely related to the forest below the treeline, while on the south-facing slope forest species reduced in abundance and the vegetation became more dominated by alpine species. Historical aerial photographs suggest that there has been a minor and inconsistent establishment of E. coccifera plants at higher altitudes since 1953. The area was burned by bushfire in 1965, making it difficult to separate the effects of putative climate change and recovery after the fire event on vegetation changes, although data from Lake St Clair suggest a local constancy of mean growing season temperatures and rainfall

    Women, men and coronary heart disease: a review of the qualitative literature

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    Aim. This paper presents a review of the qualitative literature which examines the experiences of patients with coronary heart disease. The paper also assesses whether the experiences of both female and male patients are reflected in the literature and summarizes key themes. Background. Understanding patients' experiences of their illness is important for coronary heart disease prevention and education. Qualitative methods are particularly suited to eliciting patients' detailed understandings and perceptions of illness. As much previous research has been 'gender neutral', this review pays particular attention to gender. Methods. Published papers from 60 qualitative studies were identified for the review through searches in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PREMEDLINE, PsychINFO, Social Sciences Citation Index and Web of Science using keywords related to coronary heart disease. Findings. Early qualitative studies of patients with coronary heart disease were conducted almost exclusively with men, and tended to generalize from 'male' experience to 'human' experience. By the late 1990s this pattern had changed, with the majority of studies including women and many being conducted with solely female samples. However, many studies that include both male and female coronary heart disease patients still do not have a specific gender focus. Key themes in the literature include interpreting symptoms and seeking help, belief about coronary 'candidates' and relationships with health professionals. The influence of social roles is important: many female patients have difficulties reconciling family responsibilities and medical advice, while male patients worry about being absent from work. Conclusions. There is a need for studies that compare the experiences of men and women. There is also an urgent need for work that takes masculinity and gender roles into account when exploring the experiences of men with coronary heart disease

    Reversibility of the effects of GnRH-vaccination used to suppress reproductive function in mares

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    Reasons for performing study: Active immunisation against gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) provides a reversible method for control of oestrous behaviour and fertility in mares. Previous reports failed to demonstrate the interval to resumption of cyclic ovarian activity after GnRH-vaccination. Hypothesis: Administration of the GnRH-vaccine ImprovacÒ1 in a large group of mares of various ages will result in effective, reliably reversible suppression of ovarian activity within a two-year period. Methods: The mares, subdivided into three age categories were vaccinated twice (with a 35 d interval) using ImprovacÒ1 and were monitored via blood samples until Day 720 after initial vaccination for serum progesterone concentration determination by radio-immune assay and anti-GnRH antibody titre by enzyme immuno-assay. Samples were collected until individuals resumed cyclic ovarian activity. Results: All mares showed suppression of cyclic ovarian activity (SPC <1 nmol/l) and 92.2% resumed cyclic activity at Day 720 with a mean interval = 417.8 d (SD = 23.19) and median = 344 d. A significant age effect (P=0.028) on the interval, but not on GnRH-AB titre response, was observed between the youngest (11 years) categories. Conclusions: Immunising adult mares of all ages with ImprovacÒ1 resulted in a reversible suppression of cyclic ovarian activity in most mares. An age effect, with the youngest mares showing a longer interval to reversibility was observed.The Equine Research Centre of the University of Pretoriahttp://www.evj.co.uk/journals/hb2013ab201

    The Second Maiden's Tragedy

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the perceived importance of specific competencies in professional veterinary practice and education among veterinarians in several countries. DESIGN: Survey-based prospective study. SAMPLE: 1,137 veterinarians in 10 countries. PROCEDURES: Veterinarians were invited via email to participate in the study. A framework of 18 competencies grouped into 7 domains (veterinary expertise, communication, collaboration, entrepreneurship, health and welfare, scholarship, and personal development) was used. Respondents rated the importance of each competency for veterinary professional practice and for veterinary education by use of a 9-point Likert scale in an online questionnaire. Quantitative statistical analyses were performed to assess the data. RESULTS: All described competencies were perceived as having importance (with overall mean ratings [all countries] >/= 6.45/9) for professional practice and education. Competencies related to veterinary expertise had the highest ratings (overall mean, 8.33/9 for both professional practice and education). For the veterinary expertise, entrepreneurship, and scholarship domains, substantial differences (determined on the basis of statistical significance and effect size) were found in importance ratings among veterinarians in different countries. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated a general consensus regarding the importance of specific types of competencies in veterinary professional practice and education. Further research into the definition of competencies essential for veterinary professionals is needed to help inform an international dialogue on the subject

    Multi-species sociology of the body

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    The human body has become a central focus in sociology. Such work has centred largely on the human body and its significance in social contexts. This article draws on sociological understandings of human embodiment, especially the idea of the ‘body as a project’, to facilitate a multi-species understanding of bodies and their entanglements. Conceptualising the body as a project has provided sociological insights into the scientific and technological innovations that are designed to improve health and delay death. Nonhuman animals are entangled in these efforts, though their presence is often occluded. By examining notions of body masks, body regimes and body options, which are well established in sociological thinking about the body, this article seeks to prompt consideration of how to utilise theories of the body to examine human–nonhuman animal entanglements in order to establish a multi-species sociology of the body

    New data on the systematics and interrelationships of sawfishes (Elasmobranchii, Batoidea, Pristiformes)

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    New characters based on the arrangement and morphology of dermal denticles show that sawfishes can be divided into two distinctive groups. The first group, comprising the knifetooth sawfish Anoxypristis cuspidata, is characterized by tricuspid denticles variably located on both dorsal and ventral parts of the body. The second group is represented by species of the genus Pristis, showing an uniform and homogenous dermal covering of monocuspidate denticles on both dorsal and ventral sides of the body and within the buccopharyngeal cavity. Pristis is further divided into two subgroups: the first comprises species with denticles lacking any keels and furrows (the smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata, the green sawfish Pristis zijsron and the dwarf sawfish Pristis clavata); the second comprises species with denticles presenting keels and furrows well differentiated on their anterior part (the common sawfish Pristis pristis, the largetooth sawfish Pristis perotteti and the greattooth sawfish Pristis microdon). This investigation of the dermal covering provides results which agree with studies that separate the same two species groups of Pristis on the basis of other morphological data

    Male/Female Is Not Enough: Adding Measures of Masculinity and Femininity to General Population Surveys

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    Survey research and sociological theory each provide insights into how and why people and groups act, think, and feel. Sociological theories identify what concepts are important for understanding and representing the social world. That is, sociological theories inform what to measure in surveys, and, to a certain extent, how to measure it. Survey research permits sociologists to carefully specify what is to be measured vis a vis sociological theory, setting surveys apart as a social research tool. It is this level of specification of concepts and measures that allow surveys to provide continued value at a time when “big data” proliferate. High quality survey measurement and estimation is necessary for sociologists to evaluate sociological theory among generalizable samples with well-developed questions, leading to further refinement and improvement of the theory and improved understanding of the social world. High quality surveys also provide insights into where sociological theories fail and where they must be adjusted for different subgroups, as well as basic insights into the prevalence of outcomes of interest. Together, sociological theory and survey methods produce insights about society that can inform decision-making and social policy. This mutually reinforcing relationship between sociological theory and survey methods requires sociological theory to evolve from insights obtained using survey methods and survey measurement to evolve with advances in in sociological theory. The measurement of sex and gender in surveys is one area where the development of survey measures has not kept pace with sociological theory and empirical, largely qualitative, findings. Contemporary gender theory sees sex and gender as separate concepts, both of which are important for understanding behaviors and outcomes. Yet, virtually all contemporary surveys measure sex as a binary “male” versus “female” categorization and fail to measure gender, ignoring important heterogeneity in gender identification that may exist within sex categories and any overlap that may occur across categories. Both gender scholars and survey researchers are potentially affected by this shortcoming of modern survey measurement. Gender scholars lose an important tool for assessing gender theories, especially on generalizable samples, risking conclusions that are specific to a small group of individuals rather than the population at large. Survey researchers risk producing theoretically obsolete data, limiting the utility of the data or potentially generating misleading conclusions. Survey data that fail to capture and reflect modern and complex understandings of our social realities also face increased risk of being replaced by “big data” such as administrative and social media data. Survey data that do reflect modern and complex understandings can bring value not available in administrative or other data and are therefore unlikely to be replaced. This paper is part of a growing chorus advocating for updates to how modern surveys measure sex and gender. We argue that the reliance on a single binary measure of sex (male or female) is out of step with current sociological understandings of sex and gender. In response, we propose and test a new theoretically-informed gradational measure of gender identification in a nationally representative mail survey. We evaluate whether respondents answer the gender measure and examine the reliability and predictive validity of the measure. In particular, we examine whether measuring gender gradationally adds explanatory value beyond sex on important social outcomes such as sexuality, childcare, grocery shopping, housework, working for pay, and military service. We also examine whether sex moderates the effect of gender identification in the ways that sociological theory would suggest on these outcomes