48 research outputs found

    Bird-Borne Samplers for Monitoring CO2 and Atmospheric Physical Parameters

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    Air quality monitoring in cities is significant for both human health and environment. Here, an innovative miniaturized active air sampler wearable by free-flying birds is presented. The device integrates a GPS logger and atmospheric calibrated sensors allowing for high spatiotemporal resolution measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, barometric pressure, air temperature, and relative humidity. A field campaign, carried out from January to June 2021, involved the repeated release of homing pigeons (Columba livia) from downtown Rome (Italy), to sample the air on their way back to the loft, located in a rural area out of the city. The measurements suggest the importance of green urban areas in decreasing CO2 levels. Moreover, a positive relation between CO2 levels, relative humidity, and air temperature was revealed. In contrast, a negative relation with distance from the point of release, month, and time of day was found. Flight speed and the altitude of flight were related to rising CO2 levels. The easy use of such devices paves the way for the application of miniaturized air samplers to other synanthropic species (i.e., gulls), making birds convenient biomonitors for the urban environment. © 2022 by the authors

    Water-channel study of flow and turbulence past a two-dimensional array of obstacles

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    A neutral boundary layer was generated in the laboratory to analyze the mean velocity field and the turbulence field within and above an array of two-dimensional obstacles simulating an urban canopy. Different geometrical configurations were considered in order to investigate the main characteristics of the flow as a function of the aspect ratio (AR) of the canopy. To this end, a summary of the two-dimensional fields of the fundamental turbulence parameters is given for AR ranging from 1 to 2. The results show that the flow field depends strongly on AR only within the canyon, while the outer flow seems to be less sensitive to this parameter. This is not true for the vertical momentum flux, which is one of the parameters most affected by AR, both within and outside the canyon. The experiments also indicate that, when (i.e. the skimming flow regime), the roughness sub-layer extends up to a height equal to 1.25 times the height of the obstacles (H), surmounted by an inertial sub-layer that extends up to 2.7 H. In contrast, for (i.e. the wake-interference regime) the inertial sub-layer is not present. This has significant implications when using similarity laws for deriving wind and turbulence profiles in canopy flows. Furthermore, two estimations of the viscous dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy of the flow are given. The first one is based on the fluctuating strain rate tensor, while the second is related to the mean strain rate tensor. It is shown that the two expressions give similar results, but the former is more complicated, suggesting that the latter might be used in numerical models with a certain degree of reliability. Finally, the data presented can also be used as a dataset for the validation of numerical models

    A street graph-based morphometric characterization of two large urban areas

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    Urban microclimate modelling, both numerical and in the laboratory, has strong implications in many relevant health and life-style management issues e.g., in studies for assessment and forecast of air quality (for both outdoor and, as boundary conditions, indoor investigations), for thermometric trend analysis in urban zones, in cultural heritage preservation, etc. Moreover, the study of urban microclimate modelling is largely promoted and encouraged by international institutions for its implication in human health protection. In the present work, we propose and discuss an adaptive street graph-based method aimed at automatically computing the geometrical parameters adopted in atmospheric turbulent flow modelling. This method has been applied to two real cases, the Italian cities of Rome and Cagliari, and its results has been compared with the ones from traditional methods based on regular grids. Results show that the proposed method leads to a more accurate determination of the urban canyon parameters (Canyon Aspect Ratio and Building Aspect Ratio) and morphometric parameters (Planar Area Index and Frontal Area Index) compared to traditional regular grid-based methods, at least for the tested cases. Further investigations on a larger number of different urban contexts are planned to thoroughly test and validate the proposed algorithm

    CFD Analysis of Urban Canopy Flows Employing the V2F Model: Impact of Different Aspect Ratios and Relative Heights

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is currently used in the environmental field to simulate flow and dispersion of pollutants around buildings. However, the closure assumptions of the turbulence usually employed in CFD codes are not always physically based and adequate for all the flow regimes relating to practical applications. The starting point of this work is the performance assessment of the V2F (i.e., v2¯ − f) model implemented in Ansys Fluent for simulating the flow field in an idealized array of two-dimensional canyons. The V2F model has been used in the past to predict low-speed and wall-bounded flows, but it has never been used to simulate airflows in urban street canyons. The numerical results are validated against experimental data collected in the water channel and compared with other turbulence models incorporated in Ansys Fluent (i.e., variations of both k-ε and k-ω models and the Reynolds stress model). The results show that the V2F model provides the best prediction of the flow field for two flow regimes commonly found in urban canopies. The V2F model is also employed to quantify the air-exchange rate (ACH) for a series of two-dimensional building arrangements, such as step-up and step-down configurations, having different aspect ratios and relative heights of the buildings. The results show a clear dependence of the ACH on the latter two parameters and highlight the role played by the turbulence in the exchange of air mass, particularly important for the step-down configurations, when the ventilation associated with the mean flow is generally poor

    Characterization of nitrogen dioxide variability using ground-based and satellite remote sensing and in situ measurements in the Tiber valley (Lazio, Italy)

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    The spatial-temporal distributions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in a rural area of Tiber valley were evaluated over one year (March 2022-February 2023) using remote sensing and in situ measurements. Surface concentration monitoring was conducted using a Pandora-2s spectrometer and a chemiluminescence analyzer operated at the Liberti Observatory (CNR-IIA). In spring, when the growing season and the agricultural activities increase, NO2 peaks were detectable by the Pandora but not by the in situ analyzer. The tropospheric Pandora and TROPOMI VCD products showed similar temporal patterns as those of the analyzer at the Observatory. High TROPOMI VCD levels in spring were detected at the Observatory and at six sites selected as representative of rural, residential, and industrial environments. WRF simulations found that high pollution events, observed by the Pandora and analyzer, occurred in calm wind conditions, favouring the accumulation of NO2 locally emitted. The complementary dataset provided by remote sensing and in situ techniques efficiently captured the spatial-temporal NO2 variability in a rural site exposed to low emission sources, thus supporting future decisional policies and actions

    On the Radiative Impact of Biomass-Burning Aerosols in the Arctic: The August 2017 Case Study

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    Boreal fires have increased during the last years and are projected to become more intense and frequent as a consequence of climate change. Wildfires produce a wide range of effects on the Arctic climate and ecosystem, and understanding these effects is crucial for predicting the future evolution of the Arctic region. This study focuses on the impact of the long-range transport of biomass-burning aerosol into the atmosphere and the corresponding radiative perturbation in the shortwave frequency range. As a case study, we investigate an intense biomass-burning (BB) event which took place in summer 2017 in Canada and subsequent northeastward transport of gases and particles in the plume leading to exceptionally high values (0.86) of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) at 500 nm measured in northwestern Greenland on 21 August 2017. This work characterizes the BB plume measured at the Thule High Arctic Atmospheric Observatory (THAAO; 76.53° N, °68.74° W) in August 2017 by assessing the associated shortwave aerosol direct radiative impact over the THAAO and extending this evaluation over the broader region (60° N-80° N, 110° W-0° E). The radiative transfer simulations with MODTRAN6.0 estimated an aerosol heating rate of up to 0.5 K/day in the upper aerosol layer (8-12 km). The direct aerosol radiative effect (ARE) vertical profile shows a maximum negative value of -45.4 Wm-2 for a 78° solar zenith angle above THAAO at 3 km altitude. A cumulative surface ARE of -127.5 TW is estimated to have occurred on 21 August 2017 over a portion (3.1 10^6 km2) of the considered domain (60° N-80° N, 110° W-0° E). ARE regional mean daily values over the same portion of the domain vary between -65 and -25 Wm-2. Although this is a limited temporal event, this effect can have significant influence on the Arctic radiative budget, especially in the anticipated scenario of increasing wildfires

    Bird-Borne Samplers for Monitoring CO<sub>2</sub> and Atmospheric Physical Parameters

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    Air quality monitoring in cities is significant for both human health and environment. Here, an innovative miniaturized active air sampler wearable by free-flying birds is presented. The device integrates a GPS logger and atmospheric calibrated sensors allowing for high spatiotemporal resolution measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, barometric pressure, air temperature, and relative humidity. A field campaign, carried out from January to June 2021, involved the repeated release of homing pigeons (Columba livia) from downtown Rome (Italy), to sample the air on their way back to the loft, located in a rural area out of the city. The measurements suggest the importance of green urban areas in decreasing CO2 levels. Moreover, a positive relation between CO2 levels, relative humidity, and air temperature was revealed. In contrast, a negative relation with distance from the point of release, month, and time of day was found. Flight speed and the altitude of flight were related to rising CO2 levels. The easy use of such devices paves the way for the application of miniaturized air samplers to other synanthropic species (i.e., gulls), making birds convenient biomonitors for the urban environment

    Bird-Borne Samplers for Monitoring CO2 and Atmospheric Physical Parameters

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    Air quality monitoring in cities is significant for both human health and environment. Here, an innovative miniaturized active air sampler wearable by free-flying birds is presented. The device integrates a GPS logger and atmospheric calibrated sensors allowing for high spatiotemporal resolution measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, barometric pressure, air temperature, and relative humidity. A field campaign, carried out from January to June 2021, involved the repeated release of homing pigeons (Columba livia) from downtown Rome (Italy), to sample the air on their way back to the loft, located in a rural area out of the city. The measurements suggest the importance of green urban areas in decreasing CO2 levels. Moreover, a positive relation between CO2 levels, relative humidity, and air temperature was revealed. In contrast, a negative relation with distance from the point of release, month, and time of day was found. Flight speed and the altitude of flight were related to rising CO2 levels. The easy use of such devices paves the way for the application of miniaturized air samplers to other synanthropic species (i.e., gulls), making birds convenient biomonitors for the urban environment

    A Review of Laboratory and Numerical Techniques to Simulate Turbulent Flows

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    Turbulence is still an unsolved issue with enormous implications in several fields, from the turbulent wakes on moving objects to the accumulation of heat in the built environment or the optimization of the performances of heat exchangers or mixers. This review deals with the techniques and trends in turbulent flow simulations, which can be achieved through both laboratory and numerical modeling. As a matter of fact, even if the term “experiment” is commonly employed for laboratory techniques and the term “simulation” for numerical techniques, both the laboratory and numerical techniques try to simulate the real-world turbulent flows performing experiments under controlled conditions. The main target of this paper is to provide an overview of laboratory and numerical techniques to investigate turbulent flows, useful for the research and technical community also involved in the energy field (often non-specialist of turbulent flow investigations), highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the main techniques, as well as their main fields of application, and also to highlight the trends of the above mentioned methodologies via bibliometric analysis. In this way, the reader can select the proper technique for the specific case of interest and use the quoted bibliography as a more detailed guide. As a consequence of this target, a limitation of this review is that the deepening of the single techniques is not provided. Moreover, even though the experimental and numerical techniques presented in this review are virtually applicable to any type of turbulent flow, given their variety in the very broad field of energy research, the examples presented and discussed in this work will be limited to single-phase subsonic flows of Newtonian fluids. The main result from the bibliometric analysis shows that, as of 2021, a 3:1 ratio of numerical simulations over laboratory experiments emerges from the analysis, which clearly shows a projected dominant trend of the former technique in the field of turbulence. Nonetheless, the main result from the discussion of advantages and disadvantages of both the techniques confirms that each of them has peculiar strengths and weaknesses and that both approaches are still indispensable, with different but complementary purposes

    Simulazione numerica dell'evento alluvionale nell'area romana del dicembre 2008

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    Uno degli obiettivi principali per l’ingegneria idraulica ed ambientale è, sicuramente, la mitigazione del Rischio Idraulico. Da più di un decennio è divenuta prioritaria, fra le strategie dell’UE, la gestione efficiente degli eventi alluvionali, che rappresentano una delle principali minacce per la società contemporanea, anche in relazione al crescente uso del suolo per attività umane, che ha prodotto un’interferenza gravosa fra dinamica dei processi naturali ed attività antropiche. Le attività di monitoraggio, preannuncio e allertamento lavorano prevedendo gli eventi di piena in alveo potenzialmente catastrofici (cioè capaci di generare esondazioni nelle sezioni critiche e quindi inondazioni del territorio), con un anticipo tale da garantire l’attivazione di tutte le attività di protezione civile e messa in sicurezza. I modelli di previsione delle piene in alveo combinano fra loro un modello di afflussi-deflussi (che traduce gli afflussi pluviometrici in portate di deflusso) ed un modello idraulico di propagazione dell’onda di piena in alveo. Essi necessitano, in ingresso, di una previsione delle precipitazioni attese prodotta, a sua volta, da un modello meteorologico