249 research outputs found

    The (inter)national self - negotiating the Japanese narrating China

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    Unpacking and reconstituting different aspects of the Japanese narrative on China within the context of the Yasukuni controversy between 2001 and 2006, this thesis concludes that the constitution of China is an inherent part of the negotiating processes of the “Japanese we”. With a methodological framework comprised of grounded theory and narrative analysis; in its merged form referred to as grounded narratology, a theoretical framework derived from the constitution of “threat”, “dependence” and “shame” dimensions of the narrative is put together. The theoretical framework is constituted by theories of identity, security, ontological security, routinisation and banal nationalism. This thesis contributes empirically though presenting a material that the author has not seen utilised to this date. Methodologically, it contributes with the fusion of grounded theory and narrative analysis and theoretically through merging fragments of different theories into a network that suggests further research to be done on routinised nationalist security relations, a dynamic that the author argues is crucial to understanding the current developments of the Japanese image of China as well as Northeast Asian dynamics as a whole

    Trädgårdsterapi för personer med psykisk ohälsa

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    Natur och trädgård har länge setts som en miljö för återhämtning och ur detta har trädgårdsterapi uppkommit. För att rehabilitera personer med psykisk ohälsa kan arbetsterapi och trädgårdsterapi användas men en tydlig forskningssamanställning med koppling till arbetsterapi saknas. En litteraturöversikt med fokus på aktiviteternas värde inom trädgårdsterapi, för personer med psykisk ohälsa, kan bidra till ökad kunskap och om hur trädgårdsterapi eller ramarna för den, kan användas inom arbetsterapi. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga aktuell forskning där trädgårdsterapi använts för personer med psykisk ohälsa. Mer specifikt var syftet att sammanställa vilka aktiviteter som utförs inom ramen för studierna, vilka aktivitetsvärden aktiviteterna kan relateras till, vilken miljö aktiviteterna utförs i samt hur resultatet av trädgårdsterapi beskrivs. En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes som resulterade i sex funna artiklar. Resultatet visar att mötet med andra och att vistas i en restorativ och tillåtande miljö var viktiga komponenter i trädgårdsterapin. Trädgårdsterapi bidrog till att deltagarna fick ökat självförtroende och lust att engagera sig i nya aktiviteter. De funna komponenterna i trädgårdsterapin visar på viktiga komponenter i arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med psykisk ohälsa. Komponenterna har också återfunnits i tidigare forskning vilket styrker användandet av trädgårdsterapi som en arbetsterapeutisk intervention

    Epidemiological studies on type 2 diabetes: assessment of diabetes risk factors and study participation

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    Type 2 diabetes is a disease with increasing prevalence. Better knowledge of risk factors may form the bases for specific interventions and preventive measures. The aim of this thesis was to contribute to the knowledge on type 2 diabetes, by examining family history of diabetes and other risk factors with emphasis on psychological exposures. The studies are based on the cohort of the Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Program (SDPP) in which 12,952 men and 19,416 women 35-56 years old were screened for diabetes and diabetes in close relatives. The baseline health examination comprised 3,128 men and 4,821 women of whom 50% had a family history of diabetes. An oral glucose tolerance test identified 65 men and 63 women with previously undiagnosed diabetes, and 228 men and 208 women with pre-diabetes (IFG, IGT or IFG+IGT). At the follow-up 8-10 years later, 2383 men and 3329 women were re-examined. 183 men and 106 women were then classified with diabetes, and 291 men and 211 women with pre-diabetes. In study IV, diabetes was assessed according to filled prescriptions of anti-diabetic drugs 2005-2008, through record linkage to the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register. The health examinations included body measurements, and information was obtained by questionnaire on life style, psychosocial, personality and socioeconomic factors. Prevalence odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated in logistic regression analyses for cross-sectional and prospective studies. Our findings indicate that a family history of diabetes is an important risk factor in both men and women. A combined exposure to a family history of diabetes and another risk factor, such as obesity, physical inactivity, smoking or low sense of coherence (capacity to cope with stressors) had a greater effect on type 2 diabetes than any of these factors alone. Biologic interaction was not suggested, with the exception for the combination of a family history of diabetes and obesity in women with pre-diabetes. High psychological distress conferred a two-fold increased risk for type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes in men, and in women middle scores were associated with an almost two- fold increase of pre-diabetes. Among personality traits, low antagonism in men was associated with a reduced risk of having abnormal glucose regulation (pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes), as were high hedonic capacity in both men and women. No significant associations were found with the impulsivity, negative affectivity, and alexithymia scales. Non-response bias did not seem to be present at screening- and baseline steps indicating that diabetes prevalence and risk may be estimated from a cohort study such as the SDPP. At follow-up, the overall risk for diabetes was slightly lower in the study group, although the effect of this for the association studies was limited. In conclusion, a combined exposure to a family history of diabetes and lifestyle factors had greater effect on type 2 diabetes than any of these factors alone. There was no cross-sectional biologic interaction between studied risk factors, except for a family history of diabetes and obesity in women with pre-diabetes. Psychological distress seems to be involved in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes, at least for men. In addition, some personality traits may be associated with abnormal glucose regulation

    What we know and need to know about factors that protect youth from problems: A review of previous reviews

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    AbstractThe purpose of this article is twofold: 1) To review previous research reviews concerning which factors that have been identified as protecting youth from externalizing and internalizing problem behavior, and 2) To suggest key areas of focus for future research. From the 30 identified reviews, it is clear that there is a quite extensive list of factors that can be considered protective for youth. However, from this review of reviews, it is also clear that many important questions remain unanswered. We list a number of areas within the field that deserve further attention in future research

    ApoLänk decreases patient medication discrepancies at discharge: initial experience from a Swedish bedside pharmacy service

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    Objective: To develop a working model so that dispensing pharmacists, patients and medical staff can work together to identify, solve and prevent problems associated with discharge prescriptions. Method: A routine was developed for communication between pharmacists, patients and medical staff and for dispensing drugs at the bedside. Hospital medication lists and prescriptions from the pharmacy and healthcare databases were simultaneously assessed. The study was carried out in two neurological wards in a Swedish university hospital. Results: Major shortcomings were identified in the coordination of pharmacy and healthcare records and in patients’ ability to take responsibility for their medication at discharge. Discussion between patients and staff allowed discrepancies in communication and documentation to be corrected. Cooperation between pharmacists and nurses was perceived as being very positive and important. Conclusions: The Apolänk service was appreciated by nurses, is almost cost neutral and reduces discrepancies that have the potential to cause patient harm

    Results from the Sweden 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth

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    Background: The Sweden 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity (PA) for Children and Youth is a unique compilation of the existing physical and health related data in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to summarize the procedure and results from the report card. Methods: Nationally representative surveys and individual studies between 2005-2015 were included. Eleven PA and health indicators were graded using the Active Healthy Kids Canada grading system. Grades were assigned based on the percentage of children/youth meeting a defined benchmark (A: 81-100%, B: 61-80%, C: 41-60%, D: 21-40%, F: 0-20%, or incomplete (INC). Results: The assigned grades were: Overall Physical Activity, D; Organized Sport Participation, B+; Active Play, INC; Active Transportation, C+; Sedentary Behaviors, C; Family and Peers, INC; School, C+; Community and the Built Environment, B; Government Strategies and Investments, B; Diet, C-; and Obesity, D. Conclusion: The included data provides some support that overall PA is too low and sedentary behavior is too high for almost all age groups in Sweden, even with the many national policies as well as an environment that is favorable to the promotion of PA

    Mutations in genes encoding complement inhibitors CD46 and CFH affect the age at nephritis onset in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    INTRODUCTION: Inherited deficiencies of several complement components strongly predispose to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) while deficiencies of complement inhibitors are found in kidney diseases such as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). METHODS: The exons of complement inhibitor genes: CD46 and CFH (factor H) were fully sequenced using Sanger method in SLE patients with nephritis originating from two cohorts from southern and mid Sweden (n = 196). All identified mutations and polymorphisms were then analyzed in SLE patients without nephritis (n = 326) and healthy controls (n = 523). RESULTS: We found non-synonymous, heterozygous mutations in CFH in 6.1% patients with nephritis in comparison to 4.0% and 5.4% in patients without nephritis and controls, respectively. No associations of SLE or nephritis with common variants in CFH (V62I/Y402H/E936D) were found. Furthermore, we found two non-synonymous heterozygous mutations in CD46 in SLE patients but not in controls. The A353V polymorphism, known to affect function of CD46, was found in 6.6% of nephritis patients vs 4.9% and 6.1% of the non-nephritis SLE patients and controls. The presence of mutations in CD46 and CFH did not predispose to SLE or nephritis but was associated with earlier onset of nephritis. Furthermore, we found weak indications that there is one protective and one risk haplotype predisposing to nephritis composed of several polymorphisms in non-coding regions of CD46, which were previously implicated in aHUS. CONCLUSION: SLE nephritis is not associated with frequent mutations in CFH and CD46 as found in aHUS but these may be modifying factors causing earlier onset of nephritis