9 research outputs found

    Information technology reliability influence on controlling excellence

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    Controlling solutions implemented in the organization evolve in a continuous manner. They are becoming more "mature" - expanding the scope and depth of implemented solutions in striving for excellence. Nowadays, meeting controlling demands (in case of information requirements) is impossible without information technology (IT) support. Hence, IT reliability seems to play a special role in this maturation process. The notion of IT reliability is discussed in the paper as a prerequisite for the implementation of this management support method. Potential factor favoring the process of maturation of controlling solutions are also discussed. The aim of the paper is to identify what is the influence of IT reliability on controlling maturity (and excellence). The analysis will cover relations between the time of use of controlling (as an expression of maturity and excellence), the quality of its outputs, the results obtained due to its implementation in the organization and IT reliability, considered as a moderator of changes in controlling in the organization. The proposed theoretical framework is verified empirically on the sample of 557 organizations operating in Poland

    Influence of Intra-Organizational Trust on Organizational Outcomes

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    Nowadays, trust is perceived as one of the key factors that can build an organization's competitive advantage, increase the efficiency of its functioning and ability to develop. It can be expected that shaping trust in an organisation will lead to improvements in various aspects of its functioning, especially effectiveness. This issue has not yet been the object of comprehensive scientific research. Hence, this study tackles the issue of the impact of trust on an organization's outcomes. At the same time, two basic categories of trust are distinguished: global (attitudinal/affective) trust (regarding the belief that people in general are trustworthy) and specific (situational/cognitive) trust (modified by an individual's experience). In the latter category, we may distinguish between vertical trust (concerning superior-subordinate relations) and lateral trust (concerning relations between co-workers). The relation between the level of trust and organizational outcomes is examined for each of these categories of trust. The research covers organisations functioning in Poland and is based on a questionnaire. (original abstract

    Moderating role of corporate reputation in the influence of external support on organisational resilience and performance

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    The article analyses the influence made by corporate reputation on the mediation model for the impact of external support on organisational performance through resilience. The article aims to clarify the mechanism behind the moderating role of corporate reputation played in the influence of external support on organisational performance and considering the mediating role of organisational resilience. The empirical research was made to verify the existence of the relationship and to reach the aim of the paper. The set of hypotheses was built based on the theoretical research and then verified on the sample of 268 organisations operating in Poland. Dependences among the data selected from the theoretical research were analysed using statistical methods, including the correlation with the moderator and the mediated regression analysis. The obtained results clearly showed that corporate reputation was a moderator of the discussed mediation model for the influence of the external support on organisational performance through resilience. The paper contributes to further development of knowledge in organisational resilience management. It clarifies and stresses the role of two external factors: corporate reputation and external support in shaping the resilience of an organisation and its performance. The obtained results imply specific practical recommendations. Since corporate reputation can be the key to achieving greater organisational resilience and performance, special attention should be given to managing this category in an organisation

    Trust and controlling

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    The purpose of this study is to discuss the trust within and towards an organisation in the context of implementation of controlling therein. In this context the essence of trust and its importance in organisation management was presented, as well as trust in the contemporary management methods and concepts. Controlling as a trust-building factor inside an organisation was pointed out. Especially controlling and control were described. Moreover management by considering deviations in controlling and the teamwork in controlling were described. The role of controlling in process of trust-building to an organisation was presented. Establishing relations with the environment and systems of measurement of organisation’s achievements were presented, too

    Controlling in networking organisations – the concept and assumptions

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    W artykule scharakteryzowano istotę i cechy organizacji sieciowej. W kontekście specyficznego sposobu współpracy miedzy organizacjami - partnerami w sieci wskazano dużą potrzebę koordynacji działań poszczególnych podmiotów w celu realizacji współuzgodnionych zamierzeń i zaproponowano controlling jako metodę wspierającą sprawne zarządzanie organizacją sieciową. Przedstawiono ewolucję koncepcji controllingu od controllingu strategicznego, przez controlling partnerski w stronę controllingu w organizacjach sieciowych. Zdefi niowano pojęcie i zadania controllingu w organizacjach sieciowych (controllingu sieciowego). Nakreślono zarys jego rozwiązań funkcjonalnych, organizacyjnych i instrumentalnych

    Stan, bariery i przesłanki wdrożenia controllingu strategicznego – wyniki badań ogólnopolskich

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    Uzasadniono celowość prowadzenia badań dotyczących określania przyjmowanych w praktyce funkcjonowania organizacji postaci rozwiązań controllingu strategicznego jako warunku ich doskonalenia. Scharakteryzowano teoretyczne aspekty problemu badawczego. Przedstawiono metodykę badawczą. Przytoczono wyniki badań dotyczących częstości stosowania, przyczyn braku wyróżnienia i przesłanek wdrożenia controllingu strategicznego w badanych organizacjach. Poprzedzono je wynikami badań odniesionymi do realizacji zadań zarządzania strategicznego i występowania controllingu w ogóle w praktyce funkcjonowania organizacji

    Moderating role of user experience and it reliability in controlling influence on job performance and organizational performance

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    Controlling is a method, which is most often used in contemporary organizations. The expectation of improvement of the organization’s results is the most important reason of controlling implementation. The relation between controlling use and organizational performance is often taken for granted, however there are no comprehensive research explaining in detail how it affects results of organization functioning. The article attempted to fill in the existing research gap and explain how controlling affects results of organization functioning. The analysis concerned the impact of controlling use on both job performance and organizational performance. Since the job performance in case of controlling is increasingly dependent on the IT solutions, the analysis concerned the impact of IT reliability and User Experience (UX) on the developed model of the controlling influence on organizational performance. In that context the aim of the article was to clarify the mechanism of controlling use influence on organizational performance – considering the mediating role of job performance of employees and moderating role of IT solutions (the impact of UX and IT reliability on the relations between controlling, job performance and organizational performance). Formulated hypotheses were verified empirically on the sample of 637 organizations (349 operating in Poland and 288 operating in Switzerland). The presented results of empirical research allowed for the construction of a mediating model demonstrating the impact of controlling use on both job performance and organizational performance and shown that UX and IT reliability are moderators of the relation between the controlling use and job performance, and the relation between job performance and organizational performance

    Selected functional solutions of strategic controlling in organisations operating in Poland

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    Selected functional solutions of strategic controlling in organisations operating in Poland The purpose of the article is to present partial results of the nationwide research with regard to selected functional solutions of strategic controlling. They concern the concept and tasks of this controlling. The paper characterises theoretical aspects of the aforementioned issues as the basis for the interpretation of the obtained results. It presents the research methodology. It presents the obtained research results both in the general perspective, as well as with respect to detailed criteria, namely the organisation’s size and the type of environment. On the other hand, with respect to strategic controlling tasks, they were also presented with consideration of controllers and managers in the implementation of these tasks. The obtained research results are primarily practical. They may indicate to the managers in organisations the scope and manner of improvement in the functional solutions of strategic controlling. They may also suggest to the management theoreticians the need for and the directions of improvement of this type of solutions

    Funkcja koordynacyjna controllingu strategicznego w świetle wyników badań ogólnopolskich

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań w zakresie funkcji koordynacyjnej controllingu strategicznego, stosowanych w praktyce organizacji działających w Polsce. Badania przeprowadzono za pomocą techniki ankietowej. O wypełnienie kwestionariusza poproszono osoby odpowiadające za wdrożenie i funkcjonowanie controllingu, zakładając, że controlling strategiczny stanowi część składową controllingu w ogóle. Na tle charakterystyki szczegółowych zagadnień dotyczących funkcji koordynacyjnej controllingu strategicznego zaprezentowano wyniki badań odniesionych do tych zagadnień. Obejmują one wyszczególnienie stosowanych w praktyce badanych organizacji funkcji controllingu strategicznego, zakresu zadań w ramach funkcji koordynacyjnej rozpatrywanego controllingu i sposobu realizacji tej funkcji. Wyniki przedstawiono w ujęciu ogólnym oraz z uwzględnieniem najistotniejszych kryteriów je różnicujących – wielkości organizacji i typu otoczenia