27 research outputs found

    Coherent fibre-optic link: applications in Time and Frequency metrology, Geodesy, Radio Astronomy and Seismology

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    effect of a timebase mismatch in two way optical frequency transfer

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    Two-way frequency transfer on optical fibers is a powerful technique for the comparison of distant clocks over long and ultra-long hauls. In contrast to traditional Doppler noise cancellation, it is capable of sustaining higher link attenuation, mitigating the need of optical amplification and regeneration and thus reducing the setup complexity. We investigate the ultimate limitations of the two-way approach on a 300 km multiplexed fiber haul, considering fully independent setups and acquisition systems at the two link ends. We derive a theoretical model to predict the performance deterioration due to a bad synchronisation of the measurements, which is confirmed by experimental results. This study demonstrates that two-way optical frequency transfer is a reliable and performing technique, capable of sustaining remote clocks comparisons at the resolution, and is relevant for the development of a fiber network of continental scale for frequency metrology in Europe

    Infections in lung cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy and targeted therapy: an overview on the current scenario

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    Patients with a diagnosis of lung cancer are often vulnerable to infection, and the risk is increased by tumor-associated immunosuppression and the effects of the treatments. Historically, links between the risk of infection and cytotoxic chemotherapy due to neutropenia and respiratory syndromes are well established. The advent of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) targeting the programmed cell death-1 (PD-1)/programmed cell death- ligand 1 (PD-L1) axis and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) have changed the treatment paradigm for lung cancer patients. Our understanding of the risk of infections while administrating these drugs is evolving, as are the biological mechanisms that are responsible. In this overview, we focus on the risk of infection with the use of targeted therapies and ICIs, summarizing current evidence from preclinical and clinical studies and discussing their clinical implications

    Ultrastable laser interferometry for earthquake detection with terrestrial and submarine cables

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    Detecting ocean-floor seismic activity is crucial for our understanding of the interior structure and dynamic behavior of Earth. However, 70% of the planet’s surface is covered by water, and seismometer coverage is limited to a handful of permanent ocean bottom stations. We show that existing telecommunication optical fiber cables can detect seismic events when combined with state-of-the-art frequency metrology techniques by using the fiber itself as the sensing element. We detected earthquakes over terrestrial and submarine links with lengths ranging from 75 to 535 kilometers and a geographical distance from the earthquake’s epicenter ranging from 25 to 18,500 kilometers. Implementing a global seismic network for real-time detection of underwater earthquakes requires applying the proposed technique to the existing extensive submarine optical fiber network

    Comparing Remote Atomic Clocks via VLBI Networks and Fiber Optic Links: the LIFT/MetGeSp Perspective

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    Very Long Baseline Interferometry experiments require an extremely precise synchronization between the atomic clocks keeping the time and frequency standards at radiotelescope observatories. Recently the availability of fiber optic links from a few radio observatories and their national metrological institutes has made the streaming of extremely stable frequency standards via optical atomic clocks possible (even two orders of magnitudes better than Rubidium or Hydrogen maser standards). Firstly, we present the infrastructure of the Italian Link for Frequency and Time (LIFT) and results of the MetGeSp project aimed at finally creating a common clock between two of the antennas of the VLBI Italian Network. Secondly, the results are shown from VLBI experiments in which the rms phase noise was used to accurately compare the synchronicity of atomic clocks located at a few European stations (Medicina, Noto, Yebes, Torun, and Matera). VLBI clock timing proves a valid alternative to satellite-based techniques such as the Global Navigation Satellite System or the Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer

    Geodesy and metrology with a transportable optical clock

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    partially_open24openGrotti, Jacopo; Koller, Silvio; Vogt, Stefan; Häfner, Sebastian; Sterr, Uwe; Lisdat, Christian; Denker, Heiner; Voigt, Christian; Timmen, Ludger; Rolland, Antoine; Baynes, Fred N.; Margolis, Helen S.; Zampaolo, Michel; Thoumany, Pierre; Pizzocaro, Marco; Rauf, Benjamin; Bregolin, Filippo; Tampellini, Anna; Barbieri, Piero; Zucco, Massimo; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Clivati, Cecilia; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, DavideGrotti, Jacopo; Koller, Silvio; Vogt, Stefan; Häfner, Sebastian; Sterr, Uwe; Lisdat, Christian; Denker, Heiner; Voigt, Christian; Timmen, Ludger; Rolland, Antoine; Baynes, Fred N.; Margolis, Helen S.; Zampaolo, Michel; Thoumany, Pierre; Pizzocaro, Marco; Rauf, Benjamin; Bregolin, Filippo; Tampellini, Anna; Barbieri, Piero; Zucco, Massimo; Costanzo, Giovanni A.; Clivati, Cecilia; Levi, Filippo; Calonico, David