38 research outputs found

    Daniel Bartosiewicz, Komunikacyjna funkcja wykładników spójności tekstu, Warszawa 2002, 168 ss.

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    Rocky Sandstone Landforms in Istebna, Silesian Beskid (Outer Carpathians, Poland)

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    The rocky sandstone landforms, which are interesting geotouristic objects, occur in the eastern part of Istebna village. The series of rock walls and pulpits is located on the southern slopes of the Karolówka Range. Fragments of the upper sandstones of Istebna Formation (Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene) crop out within these rocks. They represent the period of intensive supply of the clastic material into the Outer Carpathian Silesian Basin leading to the origin of thick-bedded , very coarse-grained sandstones and conglomerates. The occurrence of large, numerous crystalline rocks is a particular and unique feature of these outcrops. These magmatic and metamorphic rocks were derived from the basement of the Carpathian basins. This paper describes the detailed characteristics of these rocky landform objects

    EBV-negatywny poprzeszczepowy zespół limfoproliferacyjny u chorej po transplantacji wątroby

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    We present a case of 60-years-old woman with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder,EBV-negative, that was diagnosed in the large intestine 5 years after liver transplantationdue to hepatitis B virus infection. The diagnostic procedures and treatment were guided bythe recommendations of the Polish Lymphoma Research Group. Firstly, reduction ofimmunosupression was initiated followed by rituximab at a dose of 375 mg/m2 intravenousevery 7 days for 4 weeks. No response was observed and CHOP chemotherapy was added forsubsequent 4 cycles. The patient achieved complete remission (CR) confirmed by a computedtomography. Unfortunately the patient died being in CR probably due to pulmonary embolism.W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 60-letniej chorej z EBV-negatywnym potransplantacyjnymzespołem limfoproliferacyjnym (PTLD), zlokalizowanym w jelicie grubym, który zdiagnozowano5 lat po przeszczepieniu wątroby, wykonanym z powodu infekcji wirusem zapalenia wątrobytypu B. Diagnostykę i leczenie PTLD prowadzono zgodnie z rekomendacjami PolskiejGrupy Badawczej Chłoniaków. Początkowo zmniejszono dawkę leków immunosupresyjnych,a następnie chora otrzymywała rytuksymab w dawce 375 mg/m2 dożylnie co 7 dni przez4 tygodnie. Z powodu braku odpowiedzi do rytuksymabu dołączono chemioterapię wedługschematu CHOP. Po 4 cyklach uzyskano całkowitą remisję (CR), potwierdzoną w badaniachobrazowych. Niestety, chora nagle zmarła, pozostając w CR, najprawdopodobniej z powoduzatorowości płucnej

    The level of knowledge on smoking on the progression of disease in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : preliminary results

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a frequent disease: around 2 million Poles suffer of the COPD. The disease usually begins at the age of 30 and can continue for several decades. Development of the COPD is mainly caused by an active smoking, passive exposure to tobacco smoke and also certain occupational exposition on harmful smokes, dusts, gases, air pollution, as well as the infection of the respiratory system in childhood and such other factors as: a deficient of the a-1 antitripsine and the development disorder of lungs during the embryonic life period. The aim of the paper was to evaluate: - the level of COPD-affected patients’ knowledge on the subject of harmfulness of smoking and the latter's influence on the development of the disease; - patients' attempt to quit the addiction. The study employed a questionnaire consisting of two parts and containing 37 questions. The first part contained socioeconomic questions characterizing the examined group of COPD-diagnosed patients, while the second part included questions relating to the length of duration of the disease, occurrence of individual risk factors, the respondents' smoking record, their sources and level of knowledge concerning COPD. The survey comprised a group of 30 patients (4 women and 26 men) hospitalized as a result of an aggravation of the COPD. Only one of the respondents had never smoked. The remaining respondents, i.e. 97%, were smokers at the moment of COPD diagnosis. At present, approximately 3/4 of the surveyed COPD-diagnosed patients have ceased smoking. The primary factor which induced them to abandon the habit was the diagnosis of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. However, despite disease exacerbation 23% of the respondents still smoke. The analysis of the survey indicates that nearly 2/3 of the respondents possess knowledge with regard to the significance of smoking in the development and the course of COPD. Moreover, the majority of the surveyed population, i.e. 94%, is aware of the addictive impact of nicotine. All the patients realize the harm caused by smoking in respiratory, cardiovascular and alimentary system. The conducted study demonstrated that the majority of the respondents possessed correct information concerning the effects of smoking on the development and the course of COPD. For the majority of the smokers, the diagnosis of COPD entailed discontinuance of the smoking addiction. However, almost every fourth of the respondents smoke in spite of the diagnosis of the COPD

    Effectiveness of hand disinfection depending on the type of nail plate coating : a study among nurses working in a specialist hospital

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    Wstęp: Utrzymywanie przez pielęgniarki krótkich, niepomalowanych paznokci jest istotnym elementem skutecznej dezynfekcji rąk. Celem badania było sprawdzenie jakościowe czystości mikrobiologicznej pomalowanych paznokci po dezynfekcji dłoni, uwzględniające typ lakieru. Materiał i metody: Materiały pobrano od 188 pielęgniarek. Wyniki opracowano, biorąc pod uwagę typ lakieru nałożonego na płytkę paznokciową. Grupę kontrolną stanowiły 24 pielęgniarki z naturalnymi paznokciami. Wskaźnikiem skuteczności dezynfekcji rąk była liczba i rodzaj bakterii wyhodowanych z materiału pobranego od uczestniczek badania – z płytki paznokciowej, spod paznokcia oraz ze skóry wokół płytki. Wyniki: W badaniu techniką wymazu z płytki paznokciowej największy odsetek drobnoustrojów patogennych wyhodowano na paznokciach pokrytych zwykłym lakierem (21,7%, p < 0,05). Długi czas utrzymywania takiego lakieru na paznokciach (średnio 10 dni) mógł być przyczyną mniejszej skuteczności dezynfekcji rąk (p < 0,001). W badaniu techniką zanurzenia palca w bulionie tryptonowo-sojowym oraz techniką wymazu spod płytki paznokciowej największy odsetek drobnoustrojów patogennych wyhodowano z płytki paznokciowej pokrytej lub przedłużonej żelem, a następnie pomalowanej lakierem hybrydowym 14,8% (p < 0,05). Wnioski: Ryzyko wyhodowania po dezynfekcji rąk drobnoustroju patogennego z paznokci pomalowanych odżywką lub lakierem hybrydowym było podobne jak w przypadku paznokci naturalnych. Utrzymywanie zwykłego lakieru na paznokciach przez długi czas zwiększa ryzyko nieskuteczności dezynfekcji dłoni. Ryzyko to powiększa także modelowanie i/lub przedłużanie płytki paznokciowej żelem utwardzanym światłem LED/UV, a następnie malowanie jej lakierem hybrydowym.Background: Keeping short, unpainted nails is a significant element of effective hand disinfection among nurses. The aim of the study was to examine the qualitative microbiological purity of painted nails after hand disinfection, taking into account the type of the nail varnish. Material and Methods: Materials were collected from 188 nurses. The results were compiled according to the type of the nail varnish applied on the nail plate. The control group consisted of 24 nurses with natural nails. An indicator of the effectiveness of hand disinfection was the number and type of bacteria grown from the materials collected from the participants’ hands – from the nail plate, from under the nail plate and from the skin around the nail plate. Results: In the case of the nail plate swab method, the highest percentage of pathogenic microorganisms grew on the nails covered with a regular varnish (21.7%, p < 0.05). A long-lasting (10 days on average) regular nail varnish was likely to result in ineffective hand disinfection (p < 0.001). In the test involving dipping the finger in tryptic soy broth combined with the technique of collecting swabs from under the nail plate, the highest percentage of pathogenic microorganisms was grown from the nail plate coated/extended with gel and then painted with a 14.8% hybrid varnish (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The risk of growing a pathogenic microorganism after hand disinfection due to nails coated with a conditioner or a hybrid varnish was similar to that of natural nails. A long-lasting regular nail varnish increases the risk of ineffective hand disinfection. Modeling and/or extending the nail plate with a LED/UV light curing gel, and then painting it with a hybrid varnish, also increases the risk of ineffective hand disinfection

    It’s not just about how long you play. Indirect gaming involvement and genre preferences in predicting gaming disorder risk: evidence from preregistered studies

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    IntroductionThe strength of the association between gaming involvement and gaming disorder is weak to moderate. Gamers cannot be directly involved in gaming all the time, but how much they are involved in activities indirectly related to gaming during gaming-free time may play an important role. Also, specific game genres may matter. The present investigation focuses on the role of indirect gaming involvement and genres in gaming disorder risk prediction.MethodsTwo pre-registered studies were conducted. Study 1 (N = 205) was conducted online, whereas Study 2 (N = 250) was conducted in a lab. In both cases, participants reported their direct and indirect involvement in gaming (DGI and IGI, respectively) and completed a screening tool that estimates the risk of gaming disorder (Gaming Disorder Test).ResultsBoth IGI and DGI were weakly to moderately correlated with gaming disorder (GD) and moderately with each other. The correlations between DGI and GD were similar to those obtained in related studies; the correlation between IGI and GD has not been previously reported. Hierarchical regression that took IGI together with DGI into account showed an increase in the percentage of explained variance, but only in Study 1. Contrary to expectations, IGI did not interact with DGI. As is consistent with previous research, some game genres were found to be more closely related to GD than others: in both studies, this was an RPG; in Study 1, this was also an MMORPG; in Study 2, driving and shooting games also predicted GD risk.DiscussionOverall, the results clearly indicate that not only gaming time plays a role in GD risk assessment: IGI can also predict it and in some cases may allow for more accurate predictions. Gaming genres once again proved to play a role, but these and similar results should be treated with caution due to the partial lack of repeatability

    Compliance with gestational weight gain recommendations in a cross-sectional study of term pregnancies — how far reality falls from the standard?

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    Objectives: During pregnancy, two aspects are critical in the context of adverse perinatal outcomes (APO): preconception obesity and gestational weight gain. This study aimed to assess compliance with the 2009 IOM guidelines, compare GWG with and without correcting for gestation duration, and observe the relationship between pre-pregnancy BMI and GWG and neonatal birth weight. Material and methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted from 2015-2018 at the St. Sophia's Specialist Hospital in Warsaw, Poland. Self-reported pre-pregnancy and predelivery weight were collected. Results: The presented data set amounts to 7820 records. Analysis of weight gain compliance with IOM recommendations showed that only 41–44% (depending on the calculation method) of women had weight gain in accordance with IOM guidelines (22–23% — below; 33–37% — above). Overweight and obese women with diabetes are more likely to comply with IOM than women without diabetes. In contrast, women with normal-weight and underweight with diabetes are less likely to achieve IOM weight gain in pregnancy than women without diabetes. Women who have GWG below recommendations significantly more often gave birth to SGA neonates, and women who exceeded GWG standards significantly more often gave birth to LGA neonates. Conclusions: Less than half of women had GWG within the recommended norms. Statistically significant differences were found in methods of calculation of GWG, but it was not found clinically significant. Correction for pregnancy duration when calculating GWG reclassifies two percent of patients. We underestimate the risk of crossing the line between overweight and obesity during pregnancy