82 research outputs found

    Immunogenetics and HPLC analyses contribute to understanding the etiopathology of rheumatoid arthritis through studies on ancient human remains.

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    Genetic investigations on ancient human remains affected by rheumatological pathologies are a research field of particular interest for identifying origins and the etiopathology of diseases, especially those having an autoimmune background such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We wish to demonstrate how reliable studies concerning this topic require collaboration between multiple disciplines, usually starting from paleopathologic observations up to immunogenetic screening, even involving analytical chemistry. Here, we focused our investigation on the skeleton of Cardinal Carlo de'Medici (1595–1666) for whom RA and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) were postulated after paleopathologic examination. RA susceptibility is linked to specific HLA alleles belonging to DRB1*04 locus, such as DRB1*0401, while Cw*0602 and DRB1*07 predispose to PsA. Thus, we genotyped the Cardinal's remains to search for RA or PsA "risk genes". Ancient DNA is often subjected to hydrolysis followed by fragmentation. For this reason, all immunogenetic tests were preceded by an original RP-HPLC-FL method able to inform on the ancient DNA preservation and the extent of contamination, with the purpose of avoiding the risk of false positive results. After DNA isolation from a piece of bone from the Cardinal, PCR-SSP and reverse-SSO hybridization assays were applied to perform genomic HLA-typing. RP-HPLC-FL analysis revealed a good preservation of DNA without contamination by exogenous genomes. Molecular tests assigned to the Cardinal the genotype DRB1*0401/*1102 for HLA-DRB locus and Cw*04/*12 for HLA-C locus, data that support a genetic predisposition for RA but not for PsA. This multidisciplinary study has allowed us: (i) to ascertain that the remains undoubtledy belonged to the specific subject, Cardinal Carlo de'Medici; (ii) to sustain that the subject suffered from RA rather then that PsA, and (iii) to state that RA was already widespread in Europe at the Renaissance age, despite some authors claiming that the disease was introduced to the Old Continent from America after colonization during the 18th centur

    Recensioni: Ci chiamavano matti. Voci dal manicomio (1968-1977)

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    Dobbiamo essere grati a Silvia Ca- lamai e Marica Setaro, studiose dal rigore e acume rari, per aver sottratto alla dimenticanza l'inchiesta spiazzante che Anna Maria Bruzzone realizzò nei manicomi di Gorizia nel 1968 e di Arezzo nel 1977. Si deve alla tenacia e alla passione del- la loro ricerca il rinvenimento delle voci dei matti nella sua casa 'scrigno' e nell'archivio dell'Università di Tori- no e la scelta di proporne la ripubblicazione al Saggiatore (era uscito da Einaudi nel 1978) arricchita delle testimonianze inedite che l'autrice raccolse nel manicomio goriziano. Un volume di oltre 400 pagine riempito quasi integralmente delle voci di «schizofrenici, paranoici, deliranti, depressi, ebefrenici, psicotici, alcoli- sti, dementi» secondo la nomenclatura feroce che decideva il loro destino di internati

    Evidence for a quadruplex structure in the polymorphic hs1.2 enhancer of the immunoglobulin heavy chain 3’ regulatory regions and its conservation in mammals

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    Regulatory regions in the genome can act through a variety of mechanisms that range from the occurrence of histone modifications to the presence of protein-binding loci for self-annealing sequences. The final result is often the induction of a conformational change of the DNA double helix, which alters the accessibility of a region to transcription factors and consequently gene expression. A similar to 300 kb regulatory region on chromosome 14 at the 3' end (3'RR) of immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy-chain genes shows very peculiar features, conserved in mammals, including enhancers and transcription factor binding sites. In primates, the 3'RR is present in two copies, both having a central enhancer named hs1.2. We previously demonstrated the association between different hs1.2 alleles and Ig plasma levels in immunopathology. Here, we present the analysis of a putative G-quadruplex structure (tetraplex) consensus site embedded in a variable number tandem repeat (one to four copies) of hs1.2 that is a distinctive element among the enhancer alleles, and an investigation of its three-dimensional structure using bioinformatics and spectroscopic approaches. We suggest that both the role of the enhancer and the alternative effect of the hs1.2 alleles may be achieved through their peculiar three-dimensional-conformational rearrangement

    Gender Differences in Parental Leave Before and After the Introduction of a Paid Parental Leave Policy: A Sequence Analysis of Administrative Time-Keeping Records

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    Paid leave confers health benefits to new parents and their children, but the absence of a national paid family leave policy in the United States has left workers to navigate a patchwork of paid and unpaid parental leave benefits accessed through their employers. As public and private paid leave policies expand across the US, it is imperative to determine how these benefits impact leave taking behaviors among new parents. We use sequence and cluster analyses of administrative time-keeping records to detail parental leave-taking during the first 180 days after adding a child among employees of a large public-sector organization with a new paid parental leave policy. Results show that the additional paid leave benefits replaced some of the unpaid leave women were taking and also lengthened their total leave duration. For men, who were only taking paid leave, the additional benefits allowed them to save their sick leave but left total leave duration unaffected. This study highlights the complex ways paid leave policies impact leave-taking among new parents. As more state and municipal governments consider paid family leave policies, understanding the interplay between these policies and existing organizational structures is critical to maximize the benefits across the workplace and limit unintended consequences

    The genomic tool-kit of the truffle Tuber melanosporum programmed cell death

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    A survey of the truffle Tuber melanosporum genome has shown the presence of 67 programmed cell death (PCD)-related genes. The 67 genes are all expressed during fruit body (FB) development of T. melanosporum development; their expression has been detected by DNA microarrays and qPCR. A set of 14 PCD-related genes have been chosen, those with the highest identities to the homologs of other species, for a deeper investigation. That PCD occurs during T melanosporum development has been demonstrated by the TUNEL reaction and transmission electron microscopy. The findings of this work, in addition to the discovery of PCD-related genes in the T. melanosporum genome and their expression during the differentiation and development of the FB, would suggest that one of the PCD subroutines, maybe autophagy, is involved in the FB ripening, i.e., sporogenesis

    Early genotoxic damage through micronucleus test in exfoliated buccal cells and occupational dust exposure in construction workers: a cross-sectional study in L'Aquila, Italy.

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    Abstract Aim The city of L'Aquila (central Italy) was hit by a strong earthquake in 2009 that caused the collapse of several buildings, deaths and injured people. In the following years, a great number of building sites were activated, building workers resulted intensely exposed and represent a relevant target for research on environmental mutagenesis and epidemiological surveillance. Cells of buccal mucosa are considered an appropriate site for early detecting of cytogenetic damage, since it represents the first barrier in inhalation or ingestion and can metabolize carcinogenic agents into reactive chemicals. Our study is aimed 1) at comparing the early genotoxic damage as measured by the buccal mucosa micronucleus test in two subgroups of workers defined by different occupational exposure and 2) at evaluating possible confounding variables such as lifestyle factors. Methods and results A cross-sectional study was conducted in L'Aquila, on 24 outdoor workers (OWs) highly exposed on the construction sites and 26 indoor workers (IWs), all subjected to the compulsory occupational surveillance system, in the period 2017–2018. Buccal cells samples were collected and, based on the Micronucleus test, the exfoliated cells were classified in respect of nuclear changes observed. Moreover, a self-report questionnaire composed of 84 items, was administered to the workers. Results Significant differences were observed between Exp+ (OWs) and Exp− (IWs) in the number of the analyzed cells (expressed as mean value out of 1000 cells): respectively 954.46 vs 990.06 normal cells, (p Conclusion Despite some limitation, our findings clearly confirm the role of occupational exposure as a marker of cytogenetic damage associated with MNs number in construction workers. Moreover, smoking status appears as the only other investigated factor independently associated to the outcome. The statistical model, in addition, highlights possible moderation and confounding effects, such as interaction between smoking and occupational exposure and the unbalanced school education level in workers. Micronucleus test in exfoliated buccal cells would be considered a suitable method for studying the early genotoxic damage in the construction occupational setting as well as in evaluating the efficacy of preventive practices

    Genotoxicity Response of Fibroblast Cells and Human Epithelial Adenocarcinoma In Vitro Model Exposed to Bare and Ozone-Treated Silica Microparticles

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    Indoor air pollutants (IAP), which can pose a serious risk to human health, include biological pollutants, nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), volatile organic compounds (VOC), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), silica, metals, radon, and particulate matter (PM). The aim of our work is to conduct a multidisciplinary study of fine silica particles (<2.5 mu m) in the presence or absence of ozone (O-3), and evaluate their potential cytotoxicity using MTS, micronucleus, and the comet test in two cell lines. We analyzed A549 (human basal alveolar epithelial cell adenocarcinoma) and Hs27 (human normal fibroblasts) exposed to dynamic conditions by an IRC simulator under ozone flow (120 ppb) and in the presence of silica particles (40 mu g/h). The viability of A549 and Hs27 cells at 48 and 72 h of exposure to silica or silica/ozone decreases, except at 72 h in Hs27 treated with silica/ozone. The micronucleus and comet tests showed a significant increase in the number of micronuclei and the % of DNA in the queue, compared to the control, in both lines in all treatments, even if in different cell times/types. We found that silica alone or with more O-3 causes more pronounced genotoxic effects in A549 tumor cells than in normal Hs27 fibroblasts

    The shed P2X7 receptor is an index of adverse clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients

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    Introduction: The pathophysiology of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is incompletely known. A robust inflammatory response caused by viral replication is a main cause of the acute lung and multiorgan injury observed in critical patients. Inflammasomes are likely players in COVID-19 pathogenesis. The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R), a plasma membrane ATP-gated ion channel, is a main activator of the NLRP3 inflammasome, of the ensuing release of inflammatory cytokines and of cell death by pyroptosis. The P2X7R has been implicated in COVID-19-dependent hyperinflammation and in the associated multiorgan damage. Shed P2X7R (sP2X7R) and shed NLRP3 (sNLRP3) have been detected in plasma and other body fluids, especially during infection and inflammation. Methods: Blood samples from 96 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection with various degrees of disease severity were tested at the time of diagnosis at hospital admission. Standard haematological parameters and IL-6, IL-10, IL-1β, sP2X7R and sNLRP3 levels were measured, compared to reference values, statistically validated, and correlated to clinical outcome. Results: Most COVID-19 patients included in this study had lymphopenia, eosinopenia, neutrophilia, increased inflammatory and coagulation indexes, and augmented sNLRP3, IL-6 and IL-10 levels. Blood concentration of sP2X7R was also increased, and significantly positively correlated with lymphopenia, procalcitonin (PCT), IL-10, and alanine transaminase (ALT). Patients with increased sP2X7R levels at diagnosis also showed fever and respiratory symptoms, were more often transferred to Pneumology division, required mechanical ventilation, and had a higher likelihood to die during hospitalization. Conclusion: Blood sP2X7R was elevated in the early phases of COVID-19 and predicted an adverse clinical outcome. It is suggested that sP2X7R might be a useful marker of disease progression

    Synthesis of Passerini-3CR Polymers and Assembly into Cytocompatible Polymersomes

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH The versatility of the Passerini three component reaction (Passerini-3CR) is herein exploited for the synthesis of an amphiphilic diblock copolymer, which self-assembles into polymersomes. Carboxy-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether is reacted with AB-type bifunctional monomers and tert-butyl isocyanide in a single process via Passerini-3CR. The resultant diblock copolymer (P1) is obtained in good yield and molar mass dispersity and is well tolerated in model cell lines. The Passerini-3CR versatility and reproducibility are shown by the synthesis of P2, P3, and P4 copolymers. The ability of the Passerini P1 polymersomes to incorporate hydrophilic molecules is verified by loading doxorubicin hydrochloride in P1DOX polymersomes. The flexibility of the synthesis is further demonstrated by simple post-functionalization with a dye, Cyanine-5 (Cy5). The obtained P1-Cy5 polymersomes rapidly internalize in 2D cell monolayers and penetrate deep into 3D spheroids of MDA-MB-231 triple-negative breast cancer cells. P1-Cy5 polymersomes injected systemically in healthy mice are well tolerated and no visible adverse effects are seen under the conditions tested. These data demonstrate that new, biodegradable, biocompatible polymersomes having properties suitable for future use in drug delivery can be easily synthesized by the Passerini-3CR

    Describing Complexity in Palliative Home Care Through HexCom : A Cross-Sectional, Multicenter Study

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    Complexity has become a core issue in caring for patients with advanced disease and/or at the end-of-life. The Hexagon of Complexity (HexCom) is a complexity assessment model in the process of validation in health-care settings. Our objective is to use the instrument to describe differences in complexity across disease groups in specific home care for advanced disease and/or at the end-of-life patients, both in general and as relates to each domain and subdomain. Cross-sectional study of home care was conducted in Catalonia. The instrument includes 6 domains of needs (clinical, psychological/emotional, social/family, spiritual, ethical, and death-related), 4 domains of resources (intrapersonal, interpersonal, transpersonal, and practical), and 3 levels of complexity (High (H), Moderate (M), and Low (L)). Interdisciplinary home care teams assessed and agreed on the level of complexity for each patient. Forty-three teams participated (74.1% of those invited). A total of 832 patients were assessed, 61.4% of which were cancer patients. Moderate complexity was observed in 385 (47.0%) cases and high complexity in 347 (42.4%). The median complexity score was 51 for cancer patients and 23 for patients with dementia (p<0.001). We observed the highest level of complexity in the social/family domain. Patients/families most frequently used interpersonal resources (80.5%). This study sheds light on the high-intensity work of support teams, the importance of the social/family domain and planning the place of death, substantial differences in needs and resources across disease groups, and the importance of relationship wellbeing at the end-of-life