103 research outputs found

    Neutral Solar Wind Detector (NSWD) for Solar Orbiter

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    The Neutral Solar Wind Detector (NSWD), to be flown on board Solar Orbiter, consists of a neutral atom sensor able to detect and characterize (in terms of velocity and direction) the energetic neutrals flowing together the ionised particles within the solar wind, between ∼0.05 keV/nuc and ∼5 keV/nuc. This may be a stand-alone instrument (indicated as high priority augmentation payload in the Solar Orbiter PDD), but it is also suitable for inclusion in the solar wind particle package SWA. The NSWD primary scientific objectives may be summarized as in the following: • observation of neutral solar wind flux; • velocity, density and temperature of the neutral solar wind; • comprehension of solar Ly-α corona, i.e. deduction of solar wind plasma velocity distributions anisotropy perpendicular and along the solar magnetic field lines from neutral solar wind observations; • study of the solar wind acceleration region via the detection of the neutral solar wind hydrogen atoms and investigation of the temporal and spatial details of the solar wind using the co-aligned movement of the Solar Orbiter spacecraft with respect to the solar rotation; • observation of the fast and slow neutral solar wind in different solar conditions, potentially including transitions regions and CMEs; • resolution of the "inner source" pick-up ion puzzle thought to originate from solar wind plasma - dust interaction in the solar atmosphere region within 0.2 AU

    Short-term observations of double-peaked Na emission from Mercury's exosphere

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    We report the analysis of short-term ground-based observations of the exospheric Na emission (D1 and D2 lines) from Mercury, which was characterized by two high-latitude peaks confined near the magnetospheric cusp footprints. During a series of scheduled observations from the Télescope Héliographique pour l'Etude du Magnétisme et des Instabilités Solaires (THEMIS) telescope, achieved by scanning the whole planet, we implemented a series of extra measurements by recording the Na emission from a narrow north-south strip only, centered above the two emission peaks. Our aim was to inspect the existence of short-term variations, which were never analyzed before from ground-based observations, and their possible correlation with interplanetary magnetic field variations. Though Mercury possesses a miniature magnetosphere, characterized by fast reconnection events that develop on a timescale of few minutes, ground-based observations show that the exospheric Na emission pattern can be globally stable for a prolonged period (some days) and also exhibits fluctuations in the time range of tens of minutes

    Loss rates of Europa's tenuous atmosphere

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    Loss processes in Europa's tenuous atmosphere are dominated by plasma-neutral interactions. Based on the updated data of the plasma conditions in the vicinity of Europa (Bagenal et al. 2015), we provide estimations of the atmosphere loss rates for the H2O, O2 and H2 populations. Due to the high variability of the plasma proprieties, we perform our investigation for three sample plasma environment cases identified by Bagenal et al. as hot/low density, cold/high density, and an intermediate case. The role of charge-exchange interactions between atmospheric neutrals and three different plasma populations, i.e. magnetospheric, pickup, and ionospheric ions, is examined in detail. Our assumptions related to the pickup and to the ionospheric populations are based on the model by Sittler et al. (2013). We find that O2-O2+ charge-exchange is the fastest loss process for the most abundant atmospheric species O2, though this loss process has been neglected in previous atmospheric models. Using both the revised O2 column density obtained from the EGEON model (Plainaki et al., 2013) and the current loss rate estimates, we find that the upper limit for the volume integrated loss rate due to O2-O2+ charge exchange is in the range (13-51)×1026 s-1, depending on the moon's orbital phase and illumination conditions. The results of the current study are relevant to the investigation of Europa's interaction with Jupiter's magnetospheric plasma

    Empirical Model of the Inner Magnetosphere H+ Pitch Angle Distributions

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    An empirical model is presented in order to describe the pitch angle distributions of H+ particles in inner magnetosphere. The data analysis is based on three-year observations made by the AMPTE/CCE/CHEM instrument in the energy range 1-300 keV and in the L-shell range 3-9, using the average proton fluxes with AE < 100 nT. The model consists of a multi-parametric functional form, that depends on pitch angle, energy, L-shell and a few independent factors. The factors are determined for every magnetic local time. This is the first model, able to accurately reproduce the average proton pitch angle distributions in the whole inner magnetosphere, revealing interesting statistical features. Many of these features have been already evidenced by previous studies and can be explained by processes theoretically interpreted. Furthermore, the model outlines some new features never analyzed before

    ELENA instrument science and testing: validation with particle beam

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    Understanding of particle emission processes from the Mercury surface is one of the major objectives of ELENAinstrument in the SERENA experiment on board of the BepiColombo mission. In particular the Ion-Sputteringprocess resulting from charged and energetic particles impacting on the surface can be investigated detectingthe low energetic neutral particles escaping from the planet. The possibility to identify the Ion-Sputtering signaltogether with back-scattered particles and neutrals generated by charge exchange is strictly linked with the newtechnology capability to measure low energetic neutral atoms. This goal can be addressed thanks to a new&oldapproach for the neutral atoms measurement: a well known Time of Flight system enhanced with a new kind ofStart section able to define the start time of the entrance in the ToF path without interacting with the particles anddirectly follow to the Stop detector. The Start section is a shutter composed by two membranes with nanometricslits realized in a large area (1cm2) and oscillating at several frequencies to open and close the entrance of ToFsection. This system is never used before in space mission.The IFSI-INAF Ion beam facility in Rome is devoted to the ELENA testing. The crucial point of the shutteringsystem interaction with particle beam is investigated. The first results demonstrate the good functionality of thiskind of system: capability of the shutter to Open and Close the entrance respect to an ion beam is tested with aMCP stop detector. In this poster we present the IFSI activity in the frame of ELENA science requirement togetherwith the experimental activity devoted to instrument verification

    Planetary space weather: scientific aspects and future perspectives

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    International audienceIn this paper, we review the scientific aspects of planetary space weather at different regions of our Solar System, performing a comparative planetology analysis that includes a direct reference to the circum-terrestrial case. Through an interdisciplinary analysis of existing results based both on observational data and theoretical models, we review the nature of the interactions between the environment of a Solar System body other than the Earth and the impinging plasma/radiation, and we offer some considerations related to the planning of future space observations. We highlight the importance of such comparative studies for data interpretations in the context of future space missions (e.g. ESA JUICE; ESA/JAXA BEPI COLOMBO). Moreover, we discuss how the study of planetary space weather can provide feedback for better understanding the traditional circum-terrestrial space weather. Finally, a strategy for future global investigations related to this thematic is proposed

    On the Scaling Properties of Magnetic-field Fluctuations through the Inner Heliosphere

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    Although the interplanetary magnetic-field variability has been extensively investigated in situ using data from several space missions, newly launched missions providing high-resolution measures and approaching the Sun offer the possibility to study the multiscale variability in the innermost solar system. Here, using Parker Solar Probe measurements, we investigate the scaling properties of solar wind magnetic-field fluctuations at different heliocentric distances. The results show a clear transition at distances close to say 0.4 au. Closer to the Sun fluctuations show a f-3/2 frequency power spectra and regular scaling properties, while for distances larger than 0.4 au fluctuations show a Kolmogorov spectrum f-5/3 and are characterized by anomalous scalings. The observed statistical properties of turbulence suggest that the solar wind magnetic fluctuations, in the late stage far from the Sun, show a multifractal behavior typical of turbulence and described by intermittency, while in the early stage, when leaving the solar corona, a breakdown of these properties is observed, thus showing a statistical monofractal global self-similarity. Physically, the breakdown observed close to the Sun should be due either to a turbulence with regular statistics or to the presence of intense stochastic fluctuations able to cancel out the correlations necessary for the presence of anomalous scaling

    Analytical model of Europa's O2 exosphere

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    The origin of the exosphere of Europa is its water ice surface. The existing exosphere models, assuming either a collisionless environment (simple Monte Carlo techniques) or a kinetic approach (Direct Monte Carlo Method) both predict that the major constituent of the exosphere is molecular oxygen. Specifically, O2 is generated at the surface through radiolysis and chemical interactions of the water dissociation products. The non-escaping O2 molecules circulate around the moon impacting the surface several times, due to their long lifetime and due to their non- sticking, suffering thermalization to the surface temperature after each impact. In fact, the HST observations of the O emission lines proved the presence of an asymmetric atomic Oxygen distribution, related to a thin asymmetric molecular Oxygen atmosphere. The existing Monte Carlo models are not easily applicable as input of simulations devoted to the study of the plasma interactions with the moon. On the other hand, the simple exponential density profiles cannot well depict the higher temperature/higher altitudes component originating by radiolysis. It would thus be important to have a suitable and user-friendly model able to describe the major exospheric characteristics to use as a tool. This study presents an analytical 3D model that is able to describe the molecular Oxygen exosphere by reproducing the two-component profiles and the asymmetries due to diverse configurations among Europa, Jupiter and the Sun. This model is obtained by a non-linear fit procedure of the EGEON Monte Carlo model (Plainaki et al. 2013) to a Chamberlain density profile. Different parameters of the model are able to describe various exosphere properties thus allowing a detailed investigation of the exospheric characteristics. As an example a discussion on the exospheric temperatures in different configurations and space regions is given

    The H2O and O2 exospheres of Ganymede: The result of a complex interaction between the jovian magnetospheric ions and the icy moon

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    The H2O and O2 exospheres of Jupiter's moon Ganymede are simulated through the application of a 3D Monte Carlo modeling technique that takes into consideration the combined effect on the exosphere generation of the main surface release processes (i.e. sputtering, sublimation and radiolysis) and the surface precipitation of the energetic ions of Jupiter's magnetosphere. In order to model the magnetospheric ion precipitation to Ganymede's surface, we used as an input the electric and magnetic fields from the global MHD model of Ganymede's magnetosphere (Jia, X., Walker, R.J., Kivelson, M.G., Khurana, K.K., Linker, J.A. [2009]. J. Geophys. Res. 114, A09209). The exospheric model described in this paper is based on EGEON, a single-particle Monte Carlo model already applied for a Galilean satellite (Plainaki, C., Milillo, A., Mura, A., Orsini, S., Cassidy, T. [2010]. Icarus 210, 385-395; Plainaki, C., Milillo, A., Mura, A., Orsini, S., Massetti, S., Cassidy, T. [2012]. Icarus 218 (2), 956-966; Plainaki, C., Milillo, A., Mura, A., Orsini, S., Saur [2013]. Planet. Space Sci. 88, 42-52); nevertheless, significant modifications have been implemented in the current work in order to include the effect on the exosphere generation of the ion precipitation geometry determined strongly by Ganymede's intrinsic magnetic field (Kivelson, M.G. et al. [1996]. Nature 384, 537-541). The current simulation refers to a specific configuration between Jupiter, Ganymede and the Sun in which the Galilean moon is located close to the center of Jupiter's Plasma Sheet (JPS) with its leading hemisphere illuminated. Our results are summarized as follows: (a) at small altitudes above the moon's subsolar point the main contribution to the neutral environment comes from sublimated H2O; (b) plasma precipitation occurs in a region related to the open-closed magnetic field lines boundary and its extent depends on the assumption used to mimic the plasma mirroring in Jupiter's magnetosphere; (c) the spatial distribution of the directly sputtered-H2O molecules exhibits a close correspondence with the plasma precipitation region and extends at high altitudes, being, therefore, well differentiated from the sublimated water; (d) the O2 exosphere comprises two different regions: the first one is an homogeneous, relatively dense, close to the surface thermal-O2 region (extending to some 100s of km above the surface) whereas the second one is less homogeneous and consists of more energetic O2 molecules sputtered directly from the surface after water-dissociation by ions has taken place; the spatial distribution of the energetic surface-released O2 molecules depends both on the impacting plasma properties and the moon's surface temperature distribution (that determine the actual efficiency of the radiolysis process)

    Exospheric Na distributions along the Mercury orbit with the THEMIS telescope

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    Abstract The Na exosphere of Mercury is characterized by the variability of the emission lines intensity and of its distribution in time scales from less than one hour to seasonal variations. While the faster variations, accounting for about 10–20% of fluctuations are probably linked to the planetary response to solar wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field variability, the seasonal variations (up to about 80%) should be explained by complex mechanisms involving different surface release processes, loss, source and migrations of the exospheric Na atoms. Eventually, a Na annual cycle can be identified. In the past, ground-based observations and equatorial density from MESSENGER data have been analyzed. In this study, for a more extensive investigation of the exospheric Na features, we have studied the local time and latitudinal distributions of the exospheric Na column density as a function of the True Anomaly Angle (TAA) of Mercury by means of the extended dataset of images, collected from 2009 to 2013, by the THEMIS solar telescope. Our results show that the THEMIS images, in agreement with previous results, registered a strong general increase in sodium abundance at aphelion and a dawn ward emission predominance with respect to dusk ward and subsolar region between 90° and 150° TAA. This behavior can be explained by desorption of a sodium surface reservoir consisting of sodium that is pushed anti-sunward and condenses preferentially in the coldest regions. Our analyses show s a predominance of subsolar line-of-sight column density along the rest of Mercury's orbit. An unexpected relationship between Northward or Southward peak emission and both TAA and local time is also shown by our analysis. This result seems to contradict previous results obtained from different data sets and it is not easily explained, thus it requires further investigations