3,943 research outputs found

    Skill Diffusion by Temporary Migration? Returns to Western European Working Experience in the EU Accession Countries

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    Temporary migration is of growing significance in Europe. Upon migration to a country with higher technological development that typically coincides with positive wage differentials, temporary migrants may upgrade their skills by learning on the job and subsequently import the newly acquired human capital to their source country, thus adding to international know-how diffusion and the catching up of the respective economy. This paper is the first to provide supportive evidence of this hypothesis in a cross-country East to West European perspective, using the 2003 Youth Eurobarometer dataset.Central and Eastern Europe, return migration, wage premium, skill diffusion

    The Effect of Work Migration on Domestic Labour Supply in Albania

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    Using information from the Albania Panel Survey 2002-2003, we study the determinants of labour market states (market work, home production, inactivity) of married women in Albania, looking in particular on the effect of husbands’ migrant work activity and the receipt of remittances. We further explore the determinants of joint labour market states of spouses considered in our sample, distinguishing the above three states and work migration abroad in the case of husbands, to account for the possibility that the migrant state of the husband may be endogenous with respect to the state of the wife. Our findings shot what wives of working migrant husbands are most likely to pursue home production, which may be due to weaker labour market attachment of the households sending working migrant men abroad. Our results do not support the view that wives receiving income from family members working abroad choose to consume more leisure as compared with wives lacking such income.work migration, labour supply, remittances, Albania

    Analysis of OCT4 expression in transgenic porcine embryos carrying an OCT4-RFP reporter construct

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    Tratamento Fisioterápico Das Desordens Temporomandibulares

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.Uma parcela da população procura os serviços odontológicos principalmente pela presença de dores, muitas dessas dores não são de origem dentária, e sim devido a desordens temporomandibulares, que vem aumentando sua importância pela maior ocorrência. As causas dessas desordens ainda não são bem definidas, mas os fatores contribuintes para elas são conhecidos e podem ser minimizados e até controlados. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a utilização da fisioterapia como um modo de tratamento das desordens temporomandibulares. Estabelecendo o diagnóstico de DTM e as características de cada modalidade fisioterápica. . A fisioterapia, por sua vez, atua nas DTMs com a sua função na necessidade de reabilitar o paciente como um “todo”, auxiliando no reconhecimento dos demais membros envolvidos e buscando restabelecer as funções ortopédicas e musculares debilitadas

    Effect of diets supplemented with different conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers on protein expression in C57/BL6 mice

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    The individual genetic variations, as a response to diet, have recently caught the attention of several researchers. In addition, there is also a trend to assume food containing beneficial substances, or to supplement food with specific compounds. Among these, there is the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been demonstrated to reduce fat mass and to increase lean mass, even though its mechanism of action is still not known. We investigated the effect of CLA isomers (CLA c9,t11 and CLA t10,c12) on the proteomic profile of liver, adipose tissue, and muscle of mouse, with the aim of verifying the presence of a modification in fat and lean mass, and to explore the mechanism of action

    Reviure en relació a l'altre: Fer de les classes un inici

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    Editorial: Nematicity in iron-based superconductors

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    Reviure en relació a l'altre: fer de les classes un inici

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    El text que us presentem té origen en una experiència viscuda per dues professores de Coeducació que, a la mateixa hora i en aules veines, es trobaven amb un grup de noies i nois. Les paraules que segueixen valen continuar reprenent el fil de les que ens dèiem en els minuts que precedien i seguien a les sessions de classe. Així és com les prenem per tal que iniciïn un assaig d'escriure els diàlegs que, primer casuals i després imprescindibles, manteníem amb lànim de compartir l'experiència de ser mestres, d'intercanviar receptes que a una o altra ens anaven bé per a encetar, aprofundir o revisar les possibilitats creadores que porta en sí el partir de la diferència sexual