19 research outputs found

    No shift to a deeper water uptake depth in response to summer drought of two lowland and sub-alpine C3-grasslands in Switzerland

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    Temperate C3-grasslands are of high agricultural and ecological importance in Central Europe. Plant growth and consequently grassland yields depend strongly on water supply during the growing season, which is projected to change in the future. We therefore investigated the effect of summer drought on the water uptake of an intensively managed lowland and an extensively managed sub-alpine grassland in Switzerland. Summer drought was simulated by using transparent shelters. Standing above- and belowground biomass was sampled during three growing seasons. Soil and plant xylem waters were analyzed for oxygen (and hydrogen) stable isotope ratios, and the depths of plant water uptake were estimated by two different approaches: (1) linear interpolation method and (2) Bayesian calibrated mixing model. Relative to the control, aboveground biomass was reduced under drought conditions. In contrast to our expectations, lowland grassland plants subjected to summer drought were more likely (43–68 %) to rely on water in the topsoil (0–10 cm), whereas control plants relied less on the topsoil (4–37 %) and shifted to deeper soil layers (20–35 cm) during the drought period (29–48 %). Sub-alpine grassland plants did not differ significantly in uptake depth between drought and control plots during the drought period. Both approaches yielded similar results and showed that the drought treatment in the two grasslands did not induce a shift to deeper uptake depths, but rather continued or shifted water uptake to even more shallower soil depths. These findings illustrate the importance of shallow soil depths for plant performance under drought conditions

    Severe drought rather than cropping system determines litter decomposition in arable systems

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    "Litter decomposition is a fundamental process in soil carbon dynamics and nutrient turnover. However, litter decomposition in arable systems remains poorly explored, and it is unclear whether different management practices, such as organic farming, conservation agriculture can mitigate drought effects on litter decomposition. Thus, we examined the effects of a severe experimental drought on litter decomposition in four cropping systems, i.e., organic vs. conventional farming, each with two levels of tillage (intensive vs. conservation tillage) in Switzerland. We incubated two types of standard litter (tea bags), i.e., high-quality green tea with a low C:N ratio and low-quality rooibos tea with a high C:N ratio. We assessed litter decomposition during the simulated drought and in the post-drought period during three years in three different crops, i.e., pea-barley, maize, and winter wheat. Subsequently, we assessed whether decomposition in the four cropping systems differed in its resistance and resilience to drought. Drought had a major impact on litter decomposition and suppressed decomposition to a similar extent in all cropping systems. Both drought resistance and resilience of decomposition were largely independent of cropping systems. Drought more strongly reduced decomposition of the high-quality litter compared to the low-quality litter during drought conditions regarding the absolute change in mass remaining (12.3% vs. 6.5 %, respectively). However, the decomposition of high-quality litter showed a higher resilience, i.e., high-quality approached undisturbed decomposition levels faster than low-quality litter after drought. Soil nitrate availability was also strongly reduced by drought (by 32–86 %), indicating the strong reduction in nutrient availability and, most likely, microbial activity due to water shortage. In summary, our study suggests that severe drought has a much stronger impact on decomposition than cropping system indicating that it might not be possible to maintain decomposition under drought by the cropping system approaches we studied. Nevertheless, management options that improve litter quality, such as the use of legume crops with high N concentrations, may help to enhance the resilience of litter decomposition in drought-stressed crop fields.

    Drought effects in Swiss grassland systems under changing climate

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    Drought Stress alters Solute Allocation in Broadleaf Dock (Rumex obtusifolius)

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    According to climate models, drier summers must be expected more frequently in Central Europe during the next decades, which may influence plant performance and competition in grassland. The overall source–sink relations in plants, especially allocation of solutes to above- and below-ground parts, may be affected by drought. To investigate solute export from a given leaf of broadleaf dock, a solution containing 57Co and 65Zn was introduced through a leaf flap. The export from this leaf was detected by analysing radionuclide contents in various plant parts. Less label was allocated to new leaves and more to roots under drought. The observed alterations of source–sink relations in broadleaf dock were reversible during a subsequent short period of rewatering. These findings suggest an increased resource allocation to roots under drought improving the functionality of the plants

    Reliability and quality of water isotope data collected with a lowbudget rain collector

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    RATIONALELow-budget rain collectors for water isotope analysis, such as the `ball-in-funnel type collector' (BiFC), are widely used in studies on stable water isotopes of rain. To date, however, an experimental quality assessment of such devices in relation to climatic factors does not exist. METHODSWe used Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometry (CRDS) to quantify the effects of evaporation on the O-18 values of reference water under controlled conditions as a function of the elapsed time between rainfall and collection for isotope analysis, the sample volume and the relative humidity (RH: 31% and 67%; 25 degrees C). The climate chamber conditions were chosen to reflect the warm and dry end of field conditions that favor evaporative enrichment (EE). We also tested the performance of the BiFC in the field, and compared our H-2/O-18 data obtained by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) with those from the Swiss National Network for the Observation of Isotopes in the Water Cycle (ISOT). RESULTSThe EE increased with time, with a 1 increase in the O-18 values after 10days (RH: 25%; 25 degrees C; 35mL (corresponding to a 5mm rain event); p <0.001). The sample volume strongly affected the EE (max. value +1.5 parts per thousand for 7mL samples (i.e., 1mm rain events) after 72h at 31% and 67% RH; p <0.001), whereas the relative humidity had no significant effect. Using the BiFC in the field, we obtained very tight relationships of the H-2/O-18 values (r(2) 0.95) for three sites along an elevational gradient, not significantly different from that of the next ISOT station. CONCLUSIONSSince the chosen experimental conditions were extreme compared with the field conditions, it was concluded that the BiFC is a highly reliable and inexpensive collector of rainwater for isotope analysis. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    How do subordinate and dominant species in semi-natural mountain grasslands relate to productivity and land-use change?

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    Changes in agricultural practices of semi-natural mountain grasslands are expected to modify plant community structure and shift dominance patterns. Using vegetation surveys of 11 sites in semi-natural grasslands of the Swiss Jura and Swiss and French Alps, we determined the relative contribution of dominant, subordinate and transient plant species in grazed and abandoned communities and observed their changes along a gradient of productivity and in response to abandonment of pasturing. The results confirm the humpbacked diversity–productivity relationship in semi-natural grassland, which is due to the increase of subordinate species number at intermediate productivity levels. Grazed communities, at the lower or higher end of the species diversity gradient, suffered higher species loss after grazing abandonment. Species loss after abandonment of pasturing was mainly due to a higher reduction in the number of subordinate species, as a consequence of the increasing proportion of dominant species. When plant biodiversity maintenance is the aim, our results have direct implications for the way grasslands should be managed. Indeed, while intensification and abandonment have been accelerated since few decades, our findings in this multi-site analysis confirm the importance of maintaining intermediate levels of pasturing to preserve biodiversity