7 research outputs found

    Akutsjukhus, rätt vårdnivå? En studie av ej inlagda prio 3 patienter

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    Resultat från olika studier av ambulanstransporterade patienter visar ett allt större behov av att kunna selektera patienter utifrån behov av vårdinsats. I nuvarande sjukvårdsorganisation saknas information samt verktyg för att kunna göra denna selektering ur ett patientsäkerhetsperspektiv. Prio 3 är en av ambulanssjukvårdens larmkriterier vilket innebär att patienten misstänks vara akut sjuk men ej vara i behov av omedelbar akutsjukvård. Denna studie beskriver de patienter vilka transporterades in av ambulans som prio 3 uppdrag men som bedömdes inte ha behov av att kvarstanna för vård efter att ha träffat läkare eller annan sjukvårdspersonal på akutmottagning. För att kunna selektera patienter till annan vårdnivå, skulle man hitta dessa i prioriteringsgrupp 3 vad det gäller bedömning samt behandling på akutsjukhus?Studien baseras på en retrospektiv journalgranskning av ambulansjournalsystemet AmbuLink samt patientjournalsystemet MELIOR. Data som analyserats beskriver patienter ur olika aspekter utifrån uppgifter såsom ålder, kön, symptom, bedömning, behandling, tid på dygnet med flera.Resultatet ger en viss hänvisning om symptomdiagnoser vilka skulle kunna ge en fingervisning om olika patientgrupper som skulle kunna få den vård som krävs utan att behöva belasta akutsjukhusets resurser. Nivåer för sådan vård och behandling skulle kunna vara inom kommunsjukvård, primärvård samt framtida ambulanssjukvårdsorganisation. Studien visar även att stora delar av patienterna har behov av att kunna göra utvidgade bedömningar vilka endast kan ges på akutsjukhus. Men med bra bedömningsverktyg, utbildning samt befogenhet skulle ambulanspersonal kunna stå för stora delar av den initiala patientstyrningen

    Effect of Simulation on the Clinical Competence of Swedish Ambulance Nurses

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    ntroduction Simulation has become an established method for education and training of Emergency Medical Services personnel in different skills such as advanced airway techniques, also in evaluation and initial care of stroke patients and in pre - hospital trauma. Simula tion can be a useful method to improve learning. To our knowledge, there are only a few studies that relate simulation to the effect on clinical skills. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of simulation on the clinical competence in a pre - hospital trauma care course for ambulance nurses. Methods The study was performed using a before - after design. Seventeen ambulance nurse students who participated in a trauma care course were evaluated in two simulated trauma cases. All subjects had passed the initial theoretical part of the course. The pre - test was performed in the beginning of the following part of the course involving simulation and the post - test at the end of the course. The analysis was performed by assessment of performance, as seen on video - tapes from the pre - tests and the post - tests. A validated instrument was used to determine the level of student’ s clinical competence. Paired t - test was used to confirm differences between the pre - test and post - test results . Results There was a significant increase in the over - all results for the post - test, with a difference of 1.12 points (t=4.642, df=16, p= 0.001) Situation Awareness, Patient Assessment and Decision Making showed the most pronounced improvements. Conclusion The results imply t hat simulation in addition to traditional theoretical education improves the clinical competence of the students, in comparison to traditional education and training without any significant amount of simulation

    Effect of Simulation on the Clinical Competence of Swedish Ambulance Nurses

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    ntroduction Simulation has become an established method for education and training of Emergency Medical Services personnel in different skills such as advanced airway techniques, also in evaluation and initial care of stroke patients and in pre - hospital trauma. Simula tion can be a useful method to improve learning. To our knowledge, there are only a few studies that relate simulation to the effect on clinical skills. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of simulation on the clinical competence in a pre - hospital trauma care course for ambulance nurses. Methods The study was performed using a before - after design. Seventeen ambulance nurse students who participated in a trauma care course were evaluated in two simulated trauma cases. All subjects had passed the initial theoretical part of the course. The pre - test was performed in the beginning of the following part of the course involving simulation and the post - test at the end of the course. The analysis was performed by assessment of performance, as seen on video - tapes from the pre - tests and the post - tests. A validated instrument was used to determine the level of student’ s clinical competence. Paired t - test was used to confirm differences between the pre - test and post - test results . Results There was a significant increase in the over - all results for the post - test, with a difference of 1.12 points (t=4.642, df=16, p= 0.001) Situation Awareness, Patient Assessment and Decision Making showed the most pronounced improvements. Conclusion The results imply t hat simulation in addition to traditional theoretical education improves the clinical competence of the students, in comparison to traditional education and training without any significant amount of simulation

    Patient safety and patient assessment in pre-hospital care: a study protocol

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    Abstract Background: Patient safety issues in pre-hospital care are poorly investigated. The aim of the planned study is to survey patient safety problems in pre-hospital care in Sweden

    Patient safety and patient assessment in pre-hospital care: a study protocol

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    Background: Patient safety issues in pre-hospital care are poorly investigated. The aim of the planned study is to survey patient safety problems in pre-hospital care in Sweden. Methods/Design: The study is a retro-perspective structured medical record review based on the use of 11 screening criteria. Two instruments for structured medical record review are used: a trigger tool instrument designed for pre-hospital care and a newly development instrument designed to compare the pre-hospital assessment with the final hospital assessment. Three different ambulance organisations are participating in the study. Every month, one rater in each organisation randomly collects 30 medical records for review. With guidance from the review instrument, he/she independently reviews the record. Every month, the review team meet for a discussion of problematic reviews. The results will be analysed with descriptive statistics and logistic regression. Discussion: The findings will make an important contribution to knowledge about patient safety issues in prehospital care.Patientsäkerhet i ambulanssjukvår