84 research outputs found

    Resource and reputation in the management of universities

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    Granice jaźni, granice umysłu

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    Na dwa sposoby przejawia się w filozofii pojmowanie jaźni czy umysłu jako wykraczających poza zwyczajowo przyjmowane granice. Po pierwsze – jako uczucie jedności z wszelkim istnieniem, wszechświatem, przyrodą czy Bogiem, znane ludziom różnych czasów i kultur. Romain Rolland nazwał je „oceanicznym” i upatrywał w nim podstaw duchowości. Po drugie – jako szereg powstałych ostatnio koncepcji, które pojmują umysł bardzo obszernie, włączając doń elementy otoczenia (teoria umysłu rozszerzonego, koncepcja umysłu ucieleśnionego i usytuowanego, enaktywizm). Różnią się te dwa nurty podejściem, genezą i metodą. Uczucie oceaniczne jest bardzo osobiste, raczej odczute niż przemyślane, wpływające na sposób przeżywania własnego istnienia. Natomiast wspomniane koncepcje są zobiektywizowane, badają umysł z zewnątrz, uwzględniają racjonalne argumenty i świadectwa neuronaukowe. Mimo tych różnic te dwa nurty koncentrują się wokół podobnych spraw. Co ciekawe, stopniowa radykalizacja różnych koncepcji poszerzonego umysłu wydaje się przechodzić przez podobne stadia co stopniowe poszerzanie poczucia jaźni w pewnych typach praktyki medytacyjnej

    Universities, stakeholders and social mission : building cooperation through action research

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    Today's universities are confronted with questions about the increasing scale of corporatization and commercialization, as well as their decreasing activity in the field of the social mission, i.e. engagement in the real problems of ordinary people, local communities and society at large. As a remedy for this problem, this book proposes using action research as a means of shaping collaboration between universities and their stakeholders, taking into account related benefits, opportunities and challenges. In this context, we understand action research somewhat more broadly, as universities’ conducting useful research that becomes a domain of their social mission. The core message of this volume is the development of a cooperation process in which the university leaves its "ivory tower," builds relationships with its stakeholders and, as a result, engages more effectively in social life. In this book, readers will find an original perspective on action research, the application of which enables mutual benefits for universities and their stakeholders. It presents the authors’ original model of cooperation based on the AR approach and concrete examples of successful cooperation between universities and their stakeholders. Step by step, it illustrates how to initiate cooperation, conduct useful scientific research and together with stakeholders bring about changes in social life. This book will be of value to university managers, academics, students of social, management and economic sciences, as well as managers and specialists employed in organizations from various sectors that may be interested in cooperation with universities

    Universities, Stakeholders and Social Mission

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    Today's universities are confronted with questions about the increasing scale of corporatisation and commercialisation, as well as their decreasing activity in the field of the social mission, i.e., engagement in the real problems of ordinary people, local communities and society at large. As a remedy for this problem, this book proposes using action research as a means of shaping collaboration between universities and their stakeholders, taking into account related benefits, opportunities and challenges. In this context, we understand action research somewhat more broadly, as universities’ conducting useful research that becomes a domain of their social mission. The core message of this volume is the development of a cooperation process in which the university leaves its ""ivory tower,"" builds relationships with its stakeholders and, as a result, engages more effectively in social life. In this book, readers will find an original perspective on action research, the application of which enables mutual benefits for universities and their stakeholders. It presents the authors’ original model of cooperation based on the AR approach and concrete examples of successful cooperation between universities and their stakeholders. Step by step, it illustrates how to initiate cooperation, conduct useful scientific research and together with stakeholders bring about changes in social life. This book will be of value to university managers, academics, students of social, management and economic sciences, as well as managers and specialists employed in organisations from various sectors that may be interested in cooperation with universities

    ICOS gene polymorphisms in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the Polish population

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    There is strong evidence that altered immunological function entails an increased risk of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). The main mechanism of an anti-tumor response depends on T-cell activation. Unlike the constitutively expressed CD28, inducible costimulatory molecule (ICOS) is expressed on the T-cell surface after activation. ICOS enhances all the basic T-cell responses to a foreign antigen, namely proliferation, secretion of lymphokines, the upregulation of molecules that mediate cell-cell interaction, and effective help for antibody secretion by B cells. ICOS is essential for both efficient interaction between T and B cells and normal antibody responses to T cell-dependent antigens. It does not upregulate the production of interleukin-2, but superinduces the synthesis of interleukin-10. Our previous results indicated the ICOS gene has a role as a susceptibility locus to B-CLL. Therefore an extended study was undertaken to evaluate the association between four ICOS polymorphisms (which were recently described as functional ones) and susceptibility to B-CLL in the Polish population. A case-control study of 296 individuals, including 146 B-CLL patients, was conducted on four polymorphisms in the ICOS gene. Genotyping of the polymorphisms ICOS ISV1+173T>C (rs10932029), ICOSc.1624C>T (rs10932037), ICOSc.2373G>C (rs4675379), and ICOSc.602A>C (rs10183087) was carried out using allelic discrimination methods with the TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assay. There were no statistically significant differences in the allele, genotype, or haplotype distributions between B-CLL patients and healthy controls for any of the investigated polymorphic markers in the ICOS gene. However, we noted that patients carrying genotype ICOS ISV1+173T>C [TT], ICOSc.602A>C [AA], ICOSc.1624C>T [CC], and ICOSc.2373G>C [GG] have a decreased frequency of progression to a higher Rai stage during 60-month follow-up (21.35% vs. 40.8%, p = 0.013) compared to other individuals. This indicates that the investigated polymorphisms do not modulate the risk of B-CLL in the Polish population, but are associated with disease dynamics, in particular with the time to Rai stage progression. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 49–54

    Theoretical validity and reliability of Vespide Quality of Life Questionnaire in Polish adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy

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    Measurement of health-related quality of life is mostly used with advanced measurement tools, such as scales. The use of a certain scale in different cultural settings or in age groups other than those it was designed for needs conducting the adaptation process and assessment of psychometric properties of the adapted scale. This paper presents the results of theoretical validity and reliability analysis of the Polish adaptation of the VQLQ scale for adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy. The study sample consisted of 78 adolescents aged 14-19 years, who were treated with venom immunotherapy in Polish allergological centers in 2008 year. Theoretical validity of the scale was analyzed with exploratory factor analysis using the principal components method. Reliability analysis was assessed in terms of internal consistency with Cronbach's α coefficient and by testing Kline's criterion. The results showed satisfactory validity of the scale: factor analysis revealed a 3-factor structure of the scale - extracted factors were described as anxiety, caution and discomfort. All the scale items contributed to unique factors, except for one item concerning limitation in summer due to allergy, which was identified as a separate dimension of health-related quality of life of Polish adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy. All the extracted subscales were characterized by values of α coefficient equal or higher than 0.8, what is usually considered as a high-level reliability coefficient. The adapted scale is a valid and reliable tool measuring health-related quality of life in Polish adolescents treated with venom-specific immunotherapy

    Health-related quality of life in Polish adolescents with "Hymenoptera" venom allergy treated with venom immunotherapy

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    Introduction: Venom allergy, though rare, may seriously influence health-related quality of life (HRQoL). There is a paucity of research on HRQoL of adolescents and young adults with Hymenoptera venom allergy. The aim was to assess the level of HRQoL and to evaluate its independent predictors in Polish adolescents and young adults treated with venom immunotherapy. Material and methods: A multicenter cross-sectional study based on the Vespid Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (VQLQ) adapted for Polish adolescents was used. The study sample included 87 patients (14-21 years) studied at different stages of venom immunotherapy (VIT). Statistical analysis was done with multivariate linear regression. Results: Anxiety level was higher in patients with 4th grade of Mueller’s classification (anaphylactic shock) than in those with 3rd grade (B = 0.84, 95% CI = 0.07-1.61, p = 0.03). Caution increased along with an increase of anxiety of adolescents treated with VIT (B = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.39-0.68, p < 0.01). Level of limitations increased with increasing caution of adolescents (B = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.35-0.91, p < 0.01). Discomfort increased along with a rise of caution of patients (B = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.22-0.55, p < 0.01). Similarly, it increased with an increase of their feeling of limitations (B = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.23-0.51, p < 0.01). The level of discomfort in adolescents treated with VIT was lower in those who were treated with conventional protocol in comparison to those treated with rush or ultrarush ones (B = –0.47, 95% CI = –0.90 - –0.03, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Severity of anaphylactic reaction is an independent determinant of anxiety level in adolescents treated with VIT. The VIT protocol affects HRQoL of treated patients

    Variations in Suppressor Molecule CTLA-4 Gene Are Related to Susceptibility to Multiple Myeloma in a Polish Population

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    Various phenotype and functional T-cell abnormalities are observed in multiple myeloma (MM) patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between polymorphisms in the gene encoding cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), a negative regulator of the T-lymphocyte immune response and susceptibility to multiple myeloma in a Polish population. Two hundred MM patients and 380 healthy subjects were genotyped for the following polymorphisms: CTLA-4c.49A>G, CTLA-4g.319C>T, CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33), CT60 (CTLA-4g.*6230G>A), Jo31 (CTLA-4g.*10223G>T). Our study is the largest and most comprehensive evaluation to date of the association between genetic polymorphisms in the CTLA-4 molecule and multiple myeloma. It was found that CTLA-4c.49A>G[G], CT60[G], and Jo31[G] alleles were more frequently observed in MM patients than in controls (0.50 vs. 0.44, p = 0.03, 0.65 vs. 0.58, p = 0.04, and 0.63 vs. 0.57, p = 0.03, respectively). Moreover, the haplotype CTLA-4c.49A>G[G], CTLA-4g.319C>T[C], CTLA-4g.*642AT(8_33) [8], CT60[G], Jo31[G] including all susceptibility alleles increases the risk of MM about fourfold (OR: 3.79, 95%CI: 2.08–6.89, p = 0.00001). These findings indicate that genetic variations in the CTLA-4 gene play role in susceptibility to multiple myeloma and warrant further investigation through replication studies

    Validation of the Polish version of the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS)

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    Background. In 2008, the Movement Disorders Society (MDS) published a new Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) as the official benchmark scale for Parkinson’s Disease (PD). We have translated and validated the Polish version of the MDS-UPDRS, explored its dimensionality, and compared it to the original English one. Methods. The MDS-UPDRS was translated into Polish by a team of Polish investigators led by JS and GO. The back-translation was completed by colleagues fluent in both languages (Polish and English) who were not involved in the original translation, and was reviewed by members of the MDS Rating Scales Programme. Then the translated version of the MDS-UPDRS underwent cognitive pretesting, and the translation was modified based on the results. The final translation was approved as the Official Working Document of the MDS-UPDRS Polish version, and was tested on 355 Polish PD patients recruited at movement disorders centres all over Poland (at Katowice, Gdańsk, Łódź, Warsaw, Wrocław, and Kraków). Confirmatory and explanatory factor analyses were applied to determine whether the factor structure of the English version could be confirmed in the Polish version. Results. The Polish version of the MDS-UPDRS showed satisfactory clinimetric properties. The internal consistency of the Polish version was satisfactory. In the confirmatory factor analysis, all four parts had greater than 0.90 comparative fit index (CFI) compared to the original English MDS-UPDRS. Explanatory factor analysis suggested that the Polish version differed from the English version only within an acceptable range. Conclusions and clinical implications. The Polish version of the MDS-UPDRS meets the requirements to be designated as the Official Polish Version of the MDS-UPDRS, and is available on the MDS web page. We strongly recommend using the MDS-UPDRS instead of the UPDRS for research purposes and in everyday clinical practice.