485 research outputs found

    Effects of Peritraumatic Alcohol Intoxication on Intrusive Memories Following Exposure to an Analog Trauma

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    Intrusive memories and associated symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) represent a significant public health problem, often leading to persistent physical and psychological difficulties experienced by victims long after the traumatic event, contributing to healthcare costs and loss of productivity. Research examining etiological factors that contribute to PTSD is needed in order to expand basic knowledge and to inform the development of prevention and intervention strategies. Although acute alcohol intoxication has the potential to impact established risk factors for the development of intrusive memories (e.g., via stress response, cognitive processing), and trauma—particularly sexual assault—often occurs under the influence of alcohol, the influence of peritraumatic (i.e., at the time of assault) alcohol intoxication on post-assault trauma symptoms is not well understood. To address this issue, the current study utilized an experimental design, including lab-based alcohol administration (high dose of .72 g/kg, low dose of .36 g/kg, and a placebo beverage), a well-accepted analog trauma exposure paradigm (a film with distressing or “traumatic” content), and ecological momentary assessment of intrusive memories. Results from 98 community women (ages 21 to 30, without a personal history of victimization) revealed peritraumatic intoxication did impact the occurrence of intrusive memories. Specifically, a marginally significant indirect effect showed that alcohol myopia disrupted cognitive processing and formation of trauma memories, resulting in increased intrusive memories at high levels of intoxication. At the same time, those who consumed high or low doses of alcohol displayed a dampened stress response, which reduced intrusive memories. Findings highlight the influence of peritraumatic cognitive impairment and stress response on the development of intrusive memories. Though alcohol influenced these risk factors simultaneously and in opposite directions, overall, participants in the high dose condition reported more intrusive memories than those in the placebo and low dose conditions. These findings reflect the importance of prevention and intervention programs aimed at reducing alcohol-involved victimization. Adviser: David DiLill

    Ordinary and Extraordinary Hadrons

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    Resonances and enhancements in meson-meson scattering can be divided into two classes distinguished by their behavior as the number of colors N_c in QCD becomes large: The first are ordinary mesons that become stable as N_c goes to infinity. This class includes textbook q-bar q mesons as well as glueballs and hybrids. The second class, extraordinary mesons, are enhancements that disappear as N_c goes to infinity; they subside into the hadronic continuum. This class includes indistinct and controversial objects that have been classified as q-bar q-bar q q mesons or meson-meson molecules. Pelaez's study of the N_c dependence of unitarized chiral dynamics illustrates both classes: the p-wave pi-pi and K-pi resonances, the rho(770) and K*(892), behave as ordinary mesons; the s-wave pi-pi and K-pi enhancements, the sigma(600) and kappa(800), behave like extraordinary mesons. Ordinary mesons resemble Feshbach resonances while extraordinary mesons look more like effects due to potentials in meson-meson scattering channels. I build and explore toy models along these lines. Finally I discuss some related dynamical issues affecting the interpretation of extraordinary mesons.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, talk presented at the 2006 Yukawa International Seminar: New Frontiers in QCD, Kyoto University, November 2006. This talk is dedicated to the memory of R. H. Dalit

    A Prospective Study of Predictors and Consequences of Hooking Up for Sexual Minority Women

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    Hooking up, which refers to a sexual encounter (ranging from kissing to penetrative sex) between individuals who are not in a committed relationship, is an increasingly normative form of sexual exploration among emerging adults. Past research has focused on hookups within a heteronormative context, and some of this work has examined hookups as a way to cope with distress. Building on this work, we examined the role of hookups as a means for lesbian and bisexual women to cope with minority stress through increasing connection and engagement with the LGBTQ (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer or questioning) community. A nationally recruited sample of 520 lesbian and bisexual women ages 18 to 25 completed questionnaires regarding their hookup behaviors as part of a longitudinal study. Childhood sexual abuse, posttraumatic stress symptoms, alcohol use, minority stress, and involvement and connectedness with the LGBTQ community were also assessed. First, regression analyses were used to examine baseline predictors of hookup behaviors reported at a 12-month follow-up. Findings revealed that alcohol use was associated with a greater likelihood of any subsequent hookups, and individuals reporting more minority stress subsequently hooked up with more partners. Second, hookup behaviors at 12 months were examined as predictors of outcomes at a 24-month follow-up, after controlling for baseline variables. Findings revealed that hookup behaviors were associated with reduced minority stress as well as increased involvement with and connectedness to the LGBTQ community, suggesting hookups may serve a protective function. Overall, findings support the notion that for sexual minority women, hookups may operate as a means of coping and connection

    Depressive Symptoms following Recent Sexual Assault: The Role of Drug and Alcohol Use, Acute Stress, and Assault Characteristics

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    Sexual assault is a common traumatic experience that can have a wide-ranging impact on psychological functioning, including experience of depressive symptoms. While many studies have examined lifetime rates of depression among those with sexual assault history, less is known regarding risk factors for depressive symptoms following recent sexual assault. The study examined whether drug use history is uniquely related to depressive symptoms following recent assault. Method: N = 65 individuals (5.4% female; 73.8% white; M(SD)age = 28.89 (10.29)) who had recently experienced sexual assault (less than 60 days) and completed a SAMFE were interviewed via phone and completed questionnaires regarding depressive and acute/posttraumatic stress symptoms and substance use history. Demographic information as well as information related to the assault was also collected. Results: 68.7% of the sample reported clinically significant levels of depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 scores ≥ 12). In a linear mixed model, drug use was significantly related depressive symptoms (β = .19, p = .04), even controlling for acute/posttraumatic stress (β = .72, p .05). Conclusion: Results highlight the potential role of drug use in increasing risk for experiencing clinically significant depressive symptoms following recent assault

    Friends-Based Protective Strategies and Unwanted Sexual Experiences: A Daily Diary Examination of First Year College Women

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    Risk for unwanted sexual experiences can emerge in social contexts—the same contexts that early college women navigate with their friends. Though friends naturally engage in prevention strategies, less is known about how capable guardianship influences risk. Using multilevel structural equation modeling, the present study examined guardianship at the person and situation levels. First-year college women (N = 132) completed eight weekends of daily surveys. We examined whether guardianship (e.g., more friends present, greater proportion of female friends, no intoxicated friends) would reduce unwanted sexual experience risk and if this relation was mediated by friends-based strategy use. An alternative model was also tested with the same predictors, but with unwanted sexual experiences as the mediator and friends-based strategy use as the outcome. Over half (58%) of extended weekend nights with friends involved drinking or using drugs. Friends-based strategies were used on 29% of nights. Across models, being with one or more intoxicated friends was associated with friends-based strategy use and an unwanted sexual experience, but only at the situation level. Parents, educators, and policy makers can encourage college women to draw on their social networks to enhance safety. Interventions could incorporate more universal strategies for responding to risk in social contexts

    Is the Risk for Sexual Revictimization Cumulative? A Prospective Examination

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    Introduction: Sexual abuse during childhood is associated with risk for sexual assault as an adult, known as revictimization. Although multiple experiences of sexual assault in adulthood are also common, it is unclear how risk trajectories might continue to evolve in emerging adulthood, defined as ages 18 to 25. Clarifying risk trajectories is important to inform the development of targeted risk reduction interventions. To fill this gap, we examined cumulative risk for sexual assault in emerging adult women following multiple experiences of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and adulthood sexual assault (ASA). Methods: Women (n = 447; aged 18–25 years at enrollment) completed behaviorally specific assessments of unwanted sexual experiences at up to nine time points across 3 years. Logistic regression was used to predict any sexual assault during the 3-year period as a function of victimization history at baseline. A multilevel logistic regression analysis among ASA survivors was then used to determine whether each successive ASA increased risk for further victimization. Results: Extending prior research, findings revealed that the risk for sexual assault during the 3-year study was greater for women reporting more prior experiences of CSA and ASA. Unexpectedly, each ASA increased the risk for a subsequent ASA to a lesser extent among women with more experiences of CSA. Conclusions: Findings suggest that the risk for sexual revictimization can be cumulative, but that risk does not increase indefinitely. Future research should investigate the points at which survivors of multiple assaults may begin to experience a decreased risk for later assaults, as well as the factors associated with change in risk status (e.g., removal from violent environments or relationships, changes in institutional policies). Such research could inform intervention targets

    Size effects and depolarization field influence on the phase diagrams of cylindrical ferroelectric nanoparticles

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    Ferroelectric nanoparticles of different shape and their nanocomposites are actively studied in modern physics. Because of their applications in many fields of nanotechnology, the size effects and the possible disappearance of ferroelectricity at a critical particle volume attract a growing scientific interest. In this paper we study the size effects of the cylindrical nanoparticle phase diagrams allowing for effective surface tension and depolarization field influence. The Euler-Lagrange equations were solved by direct variational method. The approximate analytical expression for the paraelectric-ferroelectric transition temperature dependence on nanoparticle sizes, polarization gradient coefficient, extrapolation length, effective surface tension and electrostriction coefficient was derived. It was shown that the transition temperature could be higher than the one of the bulk material for nanorods and nanowires in contrast to nanodisks, where the decrease takes place. The critical sizes and volume of ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition are calculated. We proved that among all cylindrical shapes a nanobar reveals the minimal critical volume. We predicted the enhancement of ferroelectric properties in nanorods and nanowires. Obtained results explain the observed ferroelectricity enhancement in nanorods and could be very useful for elaboration of modern nanocomposites with perfect polar properties.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    The Chemical Compositions of Very Metal-Poor Stars HD 122563 and HD 140283; A View From the Infrared

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    From high resolution (R = 45,000), high signal-to-noise (S/N > 400) spectra gathered with the Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrograph (IGRINS) in the H and K photometric bands, we have derived elemental abundances of two bright, well-known metal-poor halo stars: the red giant HD 122563 and the subgiant HD 140283. Since these stars have metallicities approaching [Fe/H] = -3, their absorption features are generally very weak. Neutral-species lines of Mg, Si, S and Ca are detectable, as well as those of the light odd-Z elements Na and Al. The derived IR-based abundances agree with those obtained from optical-wavelength spectra. For Mg and Si the abundances from the infrared transitions are improvements to those derived from shorter wavelength data. Many useful OH and CO lines can be detected in the IGRINS HD 122563 spectrum, from which derived O and C abundances are consistent to those obtained from the traditional [O I] and CH features. IGRINS high resolutions H- and K-band spectroscopy offers promising ways to determine more reliable abundances for additional metal-poor stars whose optical features are either not detectable, or too weak, or are based on lines with analytical difficulties.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (28 pages, 4 tables, 6 figures

    Development of StressCheck: A telehealth motivational enhancement therapy to improve voluntary engagement for PTSD treatment among active-duty service members

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    Background: Rates of PTSD in active-duty military are high relative to the general population. Although efficacious treatments exist, they are underutilized. Many service members with PTSD do not present for treatment and, of those who do, many do not receive sufficient doses of the interventions to receive full benefits. Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) “check-ups”, are brief interventions designed to elicit treatment engagement for those who are not treatment-seeking. Methods: StressCheck is an MET for nontreatment seeking Army and Air Force personnel. StressCheck aims to improve PTSD and increase treatment engagement, especially around evidence-based interventions, as well as to decrease stigma about seeking mental health services and improve knowledge about treatment options. This paper describes the intervention components and process of treatment development. The paper also describes next steps in testing the effectiveness of the intervention. Conclusion: PTSD is associated with deleterious health, occupational, and psychological effects. If effective, this innovative intervention will bridge the gap between those who are not treatment seeking and existing services, thereby enhancing reach and impact of existing services

    An Event-Level Evaluation of Women’s Self-Medicated Drinking: The Role of Sexual Assault Severity, Affect, and Drinking Motives

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    Objective.—Women with sexual assault (SA) histories report heavier and more frequent drinking. Consistent with the motivational model of alcohol use, women with SA histories may consume alcohol to both down-regulate negative emotions and up-regulate positive ones. The present event-level study used a Bayesian multilevel moderated mediation approach to examine the extent to which women’s alcohol use and intoxication was influenced by coping and enhancement drinking motives to down-regulate or up-regulate affect, respectively. Method.—Women ages 21–30 were recruited from the community to participate in a larger study that included a 32-day daily diary assessment of affect, drinking motives, and alcohol use. Results.—We found consistent support for women’s tendencies to be motivated to drink to cope or enhance negative or positive affect, respectively, and those drinking motives were associated with indicators of increased drinking. Becoming intoxicated to down-regulate negative emotion was common and this pathway was particularly strong for women who reported more severe SA histories. Although women with more severe SA histories were generally more likely to drink more, they were not likely to do so as a way to enhance positive experiences. Conclusions.—Alcohol interventions that provide adaptive regulatory strategies are needed for women who experience increased negative or positive affect, with a particular focus on self-medication for young women with more severe SA histories
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