76 research outputs found

    Konzeptualisierung der Emotionen auf der Mikrotextebene (am Beispiel von Sprichwörtern mit der Komponente Zorn)

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    In this paper I would like to present the emotionality and emotions in German proverbs on the example of proverbs with the component anger. I am focused not on theoretical considerations about the proverb but on the analysis of the collected language material. The component anger is one of the highly productive proverbial components, it has been found in over four hundred units. It should be noted that most of the proverbs feature the negative effects of this emotion. The analysis of the material allowed for the extraction of nine main groups which show how anger is perceived and described in German proverbs. For example: anger blinds people, makes them lose self-control and brings about serious consequences. Although currently proverbs are often negatively labelled as simple wisdom of ordinary people, I think that they have not entirely lost their social and educational content

    Rechtsextremismus – Seine Bezüge auf die germanische Kultur und die nordisch-germanische Mythologie

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    In the review article is the book by Georg Schuppener disscused under the title “The shadows of the ancestors. The reception of Germanic culture on the German-speaking far right”. This is the next book by the author, in which on the one hand he touches on topics related to the language of German far right, on the other hand he points out the different references, e.g. to Germanic history, culture or mythology, which right-wing extremists use to form their identity, tradition and to legitimize and underpin their beliefs and activities. As an introduction, the author explains the current state of research and what he believes to be the research deficits, as well as the concept and organizational forms of the far right. Georg Schuppener takes the diverse material for his research from social media, websites of right-wing extremist groups and their forums, and also analyzes song lyrics of the far-right bands. However, the author goes further in his research and examines the websites of the Internet shops that offer the far-right propaganda publications, clothing and music. Based on the corpus, he explains how and for what purposes various references to Germanic culture and Norse-Germanic mythology are realized by the far-right scene. He analyzes the wide range of T-shirts, jewellery, everyday objects or stickers that are used as carriers of symbolism related to Germanic cultural history or that convey messages of violence

    Zum semantischen Feld \u27Defäkation\u27 im Deutschen und Polnischen. Eine vergleichende Studie // On the Semantic Field \u27Defecation\u27 in German and Polish. A Comparative Study

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    Im Beitrag wird ein Versuch unternommen, das semantische Feld \u27Defäkation\u27 im Deutschen und im Polnischen zu präsentieren. Unser Interesse gilt sowohl der standardsprachlichen und fachsprachlichen als auch der umgangssprachlichen Verbalisierung dieser Thematik. Ausgegangen wird von der Bedeutung der Lexeme \u27Scheiße\u27/\u27gówno\u27; es werden auch Lexeme \u27scheißen\u27/\u27srać\u27 berücksichtigt, die einen wichtigen Bestandteil des gesamten Lexemverbandes bilden. In unserer Analyse wollen wir uns vor allem auf die Frage konzentrieren, welchen Einfluss der umgangssprachliche und expressive Gebrauch der genannten Lexeme auf die Erweiterung der Bedeutung hat. // This article attempts to portray the sematic field \u27defecation\u27 in German and Polish. It examines verbalizations of this topic both in the standard and technical languages as well as in spoken language. The analysis starts with the meaning of lexemes Scheiße/gówno, but also takes into account lexemes \u27scheißen/srać\u27, which constitute an important part of the semantic field. The analysis focuses on the question of up to which extent spoken language influences the broadening of meaning of the lexems in question

    Sprawozdanie z 25. Europejskiego Forum Rezydentów Psychiatrii

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    Sprawozdanie z 25. Europejskiego Kongresu Psychiatrycznego

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    Cerebral metastases of lung cancer mimicking multiple ischaemic lesions : a case report and review of literature

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    Background: Restricted diffusion that is found on magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) typically indicates acute ischaemic stroke. However, restricted diffusion can also occur in other diseases, like metastatic brain tumours, which we describe in this case report. Case Report: A 57-year-old male, with a diagnosis of small-cell cancer of the right lung (microcellular anaplastic carcinoma), was admitted with focal neurological symptoms. Initial brain MRI revealed multiple, disseminated lesions that were hyperintense on T2-weighted images and did not enhance after contrast administration; notably, some lesions manifested restricted diffusion on DWI images. Based on these findings, disseminated ischaemic lesions were diagnosed. On follow-up MRI that was performed after 2 weeks, we observed enlargement of the lesions; there were multiple, disseminated, sharply outlined, contrast-enhancing, oval foci with persistent restriction of diffusion. We diagnosed the lesions as disseminated brain metastases due to lung cancer. To our knowledge, this is the first description of a patient with brain metastases that were characterised by restricted diffusion and no contrast enhancement. Conclusions: Multiple, disseminated brain lesions, that are characterised by restricted diffusion on DWI, typically indicate acute or hyperacute ischemic infarcts; however, they can also be due to hypercellular metastases, even if no contrast enhancement is observed. This latter possibility should be considered particularly in patients with cancer

    Konferencja „Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta — rzecznikiem polskiej psychiatrii” z punktu widzenia młodych psychiatrów

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    W ostatnich latach potrzeba dyskusji na temat zdrowia psychicznego i jego ochrony na arenie globalnej zwróciła uwagę na ciągle istniejące bariery w dostępie do opieki medycznej wynikające z silnej stygmatyzacji zaburzeń psychicznych i braku otwartego dialogu interdyscyplinarnego. Pomimo rosnącego zainteresowania mediów i wprowadzenia zagadnień zdrowia psychicznego do publicznej debaty, również w Polsce, nadal pokutuje obraz w którym po jednej stronie barykady stoją pacjenci, a po drugiej lekarze, terapeuci, sędziowie i społeczeństwo, które musi być przed pacjentami chronione. Brakuje miejsca, gdzie wszystkie środowiska zaangażowane w tworzenie i funkcjonowanie systemu ochrony zdrowia psychicznego, w tym sami pacjenci i ich rodziny, będą miały okazję wymienić się doświadczeniami i zidentyfikować palące problemy. Bez takiej przestrzeni, w której zgłaszane wątpliwości i konstruktywna krytyka będą stanowiły pierwszy krok do poszukiwania najlepszych rozwiązań, a nie kozła ofiarnego, wszelkie wdrażane zmiany wydają się niekompletne

    The Phase Transformations Induced by High-Pressure Torsion in Ti–Nb-Based Alloys

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    The study of the fundamentals of the α → ω and β → ω phase transformations induced by high-pressure torsion (HPT) in Ti–Nb-based alloys is presented in the current work. Prior to HPT, three alloys with 5, 10, and 20 wt% of Nb were annealed in the temperature range of 700–540°C in order to obtain the (α + β)-phase state with a different amount of the β-phase. The samples were annealed for a long time in order to reach equilibrium Nb content in the α-solid solution. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction techniques were used for the characterization of the microstructure evolution and phase transformations. HPT results in a strong grain refinement of the microstructure, a partial transformation of the α-phase into the ω-phase, and a complete β → ω phase transformation. Two kinds of the ω-phase with different chemical compositions were observed after HPT. The first one was formed from the β-phase, enriched in Nb, and the second one from the almost Nb-pure α-phase. It was found that the α → ω phase transformation depends on the Nb content in the initial α-Ti phase. The less the amount of Nb in the α-phase, the more the amount of the α-phase is transformed into the ω-phase

    Distribution of Trichinella spiralis, Trichinella britovi, and Trichinella pseudospiralis in the Diaphragms and T. spiralis and T. britovi in the Tongues of Experimentally Infected Pigs

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    There is little or even no data in the global literature on the distribution of different species of Trichinella in the individual parts of the diaphragms and tongues in infected pigs. This is of particular importance from the food safety point of view and for the conduct of routine testing of pig carcasses for Trichinella as well as epidemiological surveys. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the distribution of Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis), Trichinella britovi (T. britovi), and Trichinella pseudospiralis (T. pseudospiralis) ML in various parts of the diaphragm (the pillars, costal, and sternal part) and the distribution of encapsulated species of Trichinella (T. spiralis and T. britovi) in various parts of the tongues (the tip, body, and root) of experimentally infected pigs. The diaphragm pillars were the most heavily parasitized part of the diaphragm both in groups of pigs infected with particular species of Trichinella and in groups of pigs presenting different levels of infection; however, statistical differences were observed only in the group of pigs with moderate (21–35 larvae per gram-lpg) or moderately high (35–55 lpg) intensity of Trichinella spp. infection in the entire diaphragm. In all groups of pigs, regardless of the infecting Trichinella species or infection level, larvae showed a homogeneous distribution on both sides of the diaphragm and excluding those of T. pseudospiralis, also in all three parts of the tongue. Histological examination showed features of a differential inflammatory response around larvae of the different Trichinella species. This study confirmed that for mandatory examination of pig carcasses using a pooled-sample digestion assay in which each pig is intended to be represented by a 1 gram sample taken from the diaphragm pillars, if that tissue is not available, the mass of the sample taken from the remaining diaphragm parts (costal or sternal) should be at least double that from the pillars. Histological findings confirmed that the inflammatory pattern of pig muscles varies depending on the Trichinella species triggering the infection and is less intense in the case of infections with T. pseudospiralis than in infections with encapsulated species of Trichinella (T. spiralis and T. britovi)

    Metastatic pulmonary calcification as a rare complication of end-stage renal disease with coexistence of pulmonary metastases from renal cell carcinoma : case report and literature review

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    Purpose: We present a case of metastatic pulmonary calcification (MCP) in an asymptomatic patient with chronic kidney disease after renal transplantation and nephrectomy due to renal cancer. Chest computed tomography (CT) revealed bilateral, diffuse, centrilobular ground-glass opacities and heterogeneous, high-density areas distributed throughout the lungs, predominantly in the upper and middle lobes. Unusually, in our patient the metastatic calcification coexisted with pulmonary metastases from renal cell carcinoma associated with end-stage renal disease. To our knowledge, such coexistence has not been previously described. Case report: CT, particularly high-resolution chest computed tomography (HRCT), plays an important role in detection and follow-up of MPC findings, which include ground-glass opacities and partially calcified nodules or consolidations, predominantly in the upper lung zones. Correct diagnosis is important because misdiagnosis may lead to improper or unnecessary treatment and/or procedures. Conclusions: MPC is a rare condition that results from calcium deposition in the normal pulmonary parenchyma. MPC commonly occurs in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease due to abnormalities in calcium and phosphate metabolism. It is worth pointing out that despite the fact that the condition is called metastatic, it is a relatively benign lung disease with a generally good long-term prognosis