21 research outputs found

    On the Bialowieza Forest at the scientific conference “International Law – Theory and Practice” and the Congress of International Law Departments. Vilnius (Lithuania), May 9-12, 2018

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    Wioleta Hryniewicka-Filipkowska: [email protected] Drabarz: [email protected] Hryniewicka-Filipkowska - PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Public International Law of the Faculty of Law at the University in Bialystok, Poland.Anna Drabarz - PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Public International Law of the Faculty of Law at the University in Bialystok, Poland.Wioleta Hryniewicka-Filipkowska - University in BialystokAnna Drabarz - University in Bialystok21737

    Real estate function impact on its value exemplified by the city of Gdańsk

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    Spatial planning is connected with speculations in real estate market, which deepens the process of urban sprawl. Adequate land management supporting free market – both investment decision of businesses and location decisions of households – is necessary if amorphous city growth is to be prevented. A change, or even information about change in the local plan determines decisions in the real estate market. On the basis of the studies conducted it can be said that the factor causing the greatest value increment is the possibility of development. To assess the possible success of investment projects and the value of real estate it is important to identify the changes that have been occurring in the growth of urban areas and their suburban expansion; whether they follow a certain pattern and whether it is possible to foresee them. The article presents city growth stages and models as well as selected concepts of sustainable growth as a response to the adverse process of suburbanisation

    Real estate function impact on its value exemplified by the city of Gdańsk

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    Spatial planning is connected with speculations in real estate market, which deepens the process of urban sprawl. Adequate land management supporting  free market – both investment decision of businesses and location decisions of households – is necessary if amorphous city growth is to be prevented. A change, or even information about change in the local plan determines decisions in the real estate market. On the basis of the studies conducted it can be said that the factor causing the greatest value increment is the possibility of development. To assess the possible success of investment projects and the value of real estate it is important to identify the changes that have been occurring in the growth of urban areas and their suburban expansion; whether they follow a certain pattern and whether it is possible to foresee them. The article presents city growth stages and models as well as selected concepts of sustainable growth as a response to the adverse process of suburbanisation

    Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne – dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem

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    Monografia Partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne – dzieląc się wiedzą i doświadczeniem jest jednym z głosów w prowadzonej od lat dyskusji na temat możliwości wykorzystania potencjału PPP w Polsce. Pomimo oficjalnych zapewnień o popieraniu tego rozwiązania, formuła PPP nie stała się popularna, jej stosowanie rodzi bowiem wiele trudności i wymaga wyspecjalizowanej wiedzy. Publikacja ta jest skierowana do szerokiego kręgu odbiorców, zarówno profesjonalnie zajmujących się problematyką współpracy podmiotów publicznych i prywatnych, rozwoju infrastruktury, zarządzania miastem i rewitalizacji, jak i najważniejszych interesariuszy tych procesów oraz mechanizmów rynku – użytkowników i odbiorców. Pomimo upływu wielu lat od rozpoczęcia implementacji szeroko pojętego PPP w Polsce wydaje się, że dla niektórych podmiotów to wciąż nowa instytucja, natomiast dla tych, którzy mają już doświadczenie na tym polu, zmieniające się rozwiązania prawne, a także czynniki społeczne, gospodarcze i środowiskowe kreują nowe warunki, które wymagają dalszych badań i analiz. Wiedza teoretyczna oraz płynąca zarówno z pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych doświadczeń stanowi niezbędny element upowszechniania wykorzystania formuły PPP

    Organotin compounds in surface sediments of the Southern Baltic coastal zone: a study on the main factors for their accumulation and degradation

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    Abstract Sediment samples were collected in the Gulf of Gdańsk, and the Vistula and Szczecin Lagoons—all located in the coastal zone of the Southern Baltic Sea—just after the total ban on using harmful organotins in antifouling paints on ships came into force, to assess their butyltin and phenyltin contamination extent. Altogether, 26 sampling stations were chosen to account for different potential exposure to organotin pollution and environmental conditions: from shallow and well-oxygenated waters, shipping routes and river mouths, to deep and anoxic sites. Additionally, the organic carbon content, pigment content, and grain size of all the sediment samples were determined, and some parameters of the nearbottom water (oxygen content, salinity, temperature) were measured as well. Total concentrations of butyltin compounds ranged between 2 and 182 ng Sn g−1 d.w., whereas phenyltins were below the detection limit. Sediments from the Gulf of Gdańsk and Vistula Lagoon were found moderately contaminated with tributyltin, whereas those from the Szczecin Lagoon were ranked as highly contaminated. Butyltin degradation indices prove a recent tributyltin input into the sediments adjacent to sites used for dumping for dredged harbor materials and for anchorage in the Gulf of Gdańsk (where two big international ports are located), and into those collected in the Szczecin Lagoon. Essential factors affecting the degradation and distribution of organotins, based on significant correlations between butyltins and environmental variables, were found in the study area

    Internal and External Conditions of Revitalization in the Gdańsk-Letnica District

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    Celem artykułu jest przeprowadzenie analizy mocnych i słabych stron oraz szans i zagrożeń Letnicy, jako obszaru poddanego procesowi rewitalizacji. Analiza ma umożliwić określenie potencjału i problemów związanych z przedmiotowym obszarem. Umożliwi też wskazanie możliwości wybranej dzielnicy oraz ograniczeń jej rozwoju. Rewitalizacja jest przedsięwzięciem wielowymiarowym, rozłożonym w czasie, uzależnionym również od trudnych do przewidzenia czynników. Analiza uwarunkowań wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych powinna być systematyczna, towarzyszyć procesowi inwestycyjnemu na każdym jego etapie. Jej wyniki powinny wspierać działania w zakresie strategii, opracowań planistyczno-projektowych i realizacji rewitalizacji, tak by zakończyła się ona powodzeniem. Identyfikacja mocnych i słabych stron oraz szans i zagrożeń może zostać przeprowadzona za pomocą uniwersalnej metody SWOT. Zakres rodzajowy czynników, które mają wpływ na przedmiot analizy SWOT, jest bardzo szeroki. Są to czynniki wewnętrzne (uwarunkowania dotyczące bezpośrednio obszaru rewitalizacji) i zewnętrzne (ogólnomiejskie), a jednocześnie pozytywne i negatywne.The aim of the article is to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Letnica, the area of revitalization. The results of analysis should enable to define potency and problem of that area. Revitalization is process that has many aspects and depends on may circumstances which are often difficult to predict. Analysis of internal and external conditions should be a systematic and continuous process and run along the whole investment process. Result of such analysis such support actions connected with strategy and planning, so that the revitalization process finishes with success. Identification of strong and weak sides, opportunities and threats might be conducted with universal SWOT method. The SWOT aim is to define the present and prospective position of the object of the analysis and prediction of the performance strategy. The scope of the factors influencing SWOT is very broad. These are internal aspects (circumstances connected strictly with revitalized area) and external (related to city as a whole), on one hand; and positive and negative, on the other

    Stakeholder Analysis and Their Attitude towards PPP Success

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    The development of a wide range of infrastructure projects based on the idea of cooperation between the public and private sector, known as PPPs, contributes to fulfilling social and economic needs, rises the quality of life, and supports sustainable development. The expected results of these undertakings cannot be comparable; however, some PPPs are perceived as a success and some are not. The research is based on the stakeholder concept and the idea that different stakeholder groups present different attitudes to the success of PPPs and are motivated by different issues including economic, social, and environmental factors. Based on this assumption, a conceptual model of PPP stakeholders’ identification and classification according to the attributes of preferred benefits, related to dimensions of sustainable development and engagement, including time and scope perspective, has been derived and tested. This exploratory analysis improves and tests the benefit–engagement conceptual model of PPP stakeholders’ identification. This contributes to the theory and concepts of sustainable infrastructure investment and public–private partnership practice