9 research outputs found

    The diversity of the size of erythrocytes chub squalius cephalus

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    Przeprowadzone badania, mia艂y na celu sprawdzenie czy u kleni Squalius cephalus wyst臋puje zale偶no艣膰 rozmiar贸w erytrocyt贸w od rozmiar贸w cia艂a. Do badania zosta艂y wykorzystane klenie od艂owione w lipcu 2012 roku w dolnym odcinku rzeki San. Stwierdzono silny zwi膮zek mi臋dzy rozmiarami erytrocyt贸w i ich j膮der. Ponadto stwierdzono, i偶 rozmiary erytrocyt贸w zale偶膮 od wielko艣ci cia艂a osobnik贸w, co potwierdza hipotez臋, i偶 powi臋kszanie rozmiar贸w cia艂a podczas wzrostu osobniczego u tego gatunku odbywa si臋 przynajmniej cz臋艣ciowo poprzez zmian臋 wielko艣ci kom贸rek. Wyniki potwierdza prawdziwo艣膰 teorii allometrycznej wyja艣niaj膮cej spadek tempa metabolizmu z rozmiarami cia艂a zmianami wielko艣ci kom贸rek.The study, aimed at checking whether at chub squalius cephalus there is a relationship of erythrocyte size of body size. The study has been used chub caught in July 2012 in the lower section of the river San.It was found a strong relationship between the size of red blood cells and their nuclei. It was also found that the size of red blood cells depends on the body size of specimens, confirming the hypothesis that enlarging the size of an individual's body during the growth of this species is accomplished at least in part by changing the cell size. The results confirm the reality of allometric theory explaining the decrease in the rate of metabolism of body size changes in cell size

    "Study on the effect of oxysterol on biological membranes using Langumir monolayers"

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    Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o przeprowadzenie bada艅 dotycz膮cych wp艂ywu oksysteroli na oddzia艂ywania mi臋dzycz膮steczkowe z naturalnymi lipidami membranowymi, jak r贸wnie偶 na struktur臋 i w艂a艣ciwo艣ci modelowej b艂ony kom贸rkowej. Do bada艅 wybrano 7-ketocholesterol, kt贸ry jest jednym z podstawowych produkt贸w oksydacji cholesterolu i charakteryzuje si臋 wysok膮 toksyczno艣ci膮, oraz dwa lipidy wchodz膮ce w sk艂ad b艂on kom贸rek nerwowych: sfingomielin臋 oraz POPC. Niniejsza praca podzielona zosta艂a na trzy cz臋艣ci, z kt贸rych pierwsza obejmuje cz臋艣膰 literaturow膮, druga stanowi opis otrzymanych w eksperymentach wynik贸w, za艣 trzecia cz臋艣膰 zawiera wnioski.W pierwszej cz臋艣ci pracy znajduje si臋 przegl膮d literatury przedmiotu, obejmuj膮cy trzy podrozdzia艂y dotycz膮ce: (i) b艂on biologicznych, w tym ich historii, budowy i funkcji, (ii) oksysteroli i ich roli w procesie neurodegeneracji oraz (iii) podstaw techniki monowarstw Langmuira w uj臋ciu historycznym i wsp贸艂czesnym wraz z opisem termodynamicznym oddzia艂ywa艅 w filmach mieszanych, jak r贸wnie偶 ich wykorzystaniu do modelowania b艂on biologicznych. Cz臋艣膰 eksperymentaln膮 zapocz膮tkowa艂a prezentacja stosowanych zwi膮zk贸w i odczynnik贸w chemicznych, a tak偶e opis metodologii badawczej. Nast臋pnie przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych bada艅. W pierwszej kolejno艣ci zaprezentowano w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechaniczne monowarstw utworzonych przez cz膮steczki 7KC przy r贸偶nych warunkach eksperymentalnych oraz obrazy BAM powierzchni filmu (zestawione dla por贸wnania z cholesterolem). W dalszych podrozdzia艂ach zaprezentowano wyniki dla uk艂ad贸w dwusk艂adnikowych (7KC/POPC, 7KC/SM,) oraz uk艂adu tr贸jsk艂adnikowego modeluj膮cego b艂on臋 biologiczn膮 (7KC/POPC/SM (POPC:SM = 1:1)). Dla ka偶dego z badanych uk艂ad贸w okre艣lono charakter oddzia艂ywa艅 w szerokim zakresie u艂amk贸w molowych i ci艣nie艅 powierzchniowych (poprzez wyznaczenie parametr贸w A12(3) oraz 鈭咷exc).W ostatnim rozdziale wypunktowano wnioski, z kt贸rych najwa偶niejsze dotycz膮 okre艣lenia powinowactwa 7KC do POPC i SM oraz kondensuj膮cego dzia艂ania 7KC na modelow膮 b艂on臋 neuronu. Prac臋 ko艅czy bibliografia zawieraj膮ca 65 pozycji.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of oxysterol on intermolecular interactions with natural membrane lipids and to study their effect on the structure and properties of model cell membranes 7-ketocholesterol is one of the basic cholesterol oxidation products and is characterized by high toxicity. In addition, two lipids in the neuronal cell membranes: sphingomyelin and POPC, were used.This work is divided into three parts, the first of which covers the literature, the second is the description of the results obtained, and the third contains the conclusions.In the first part of the paper, we review literature on the subject, including three subsections on: (i) biological membranes, including their history, structure and function, (ii) oxystoles and their role in the neurodegeneration process, and (iii) Langmuira monolayers' Historical and contemporary as well as the description of thermodynamic interactions in mixed films as well as their use for modeling biological membranes.The experimental part started the presentation of applied compounds and chemical reagents as well as description of research methodology. The results of the research were then presented. Firstly, the mechanical properties of monolayers formed by 7KC molecules under various experimental conditions and BAM images of the film surface (presented for comparison with cholesterol) were presented. The results of two-component systems (7KC / POPC, 7KC / SM), and a biological ternary modeling system (7KC / POPC / SM (POPC: SM = 1: 1)) are presented in the following subsections. For each of the studied systems, the nature of the interaction was determined in a wide range of molar fractions and surface pressures (by determining parameters A12 (3) and 螖Gexc).In the last chapter, the conclusions were drawn, the most important of which is the determination of 7KC affinity for POPC and SM and the condensing effect of 7KC on the model neuronal membrane.The work ends with a 65-item bibliograph

    How the replacement of cholesterol by 25-hydroxycholesterol affects the interactions with sphingolipids : the Langmuir monolayer study complemented with theoretical calculations

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    In this paper, a representative of chain-oxidized sterols, 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OH), has been studied in Langmuir monolayers mixed with the sphingolipids sphingomyelin (SM) and ganglioside (GM(1)) to build lipid rafts. A classical Langmuir monolayer approach based on thermodynamic analysis of interactions was complemented with microscopic visualization of films (Brewster angle microscopy), surface-sensitive spectroscopy (polarization modulation鈥搃nfrared reflection鈥揳bsorption spectroscopy) and theoretical calculations (density functional theory modelling and molecular dynamics simulations). Strong interactions between 25-OH and both investigated sphingolipids enabled the formation of surface complexes. As known from previous studies, 25-OH in pure monolayers can be anchored to the water surface with a hydroxyl group at either C(3) or C(25). In this study, we investigated how the presence of additional strong interactions with sphingolipids modifies the surface arrangement of 25-OH. Results have shown that, in the 25-OH/GM(1) system, there are no preferences regarding the orientation of the 25-OH molecule in surface complexes and two types of complexes are formed. On the other hand, SM enforces one specific orientation of 25-OH: being anchored with the C(3)鈥揙H group to the water. The strength of interactions between the studied sphingolipids and 25-OH versus cholesterol is similar, which indicates that cholesterol may well be replaced by oxysterol in the lipid raft system. In this way, the composition of lipid rafts can be modified, changing their rheological properties and, as a consequence, influencing their proper functioning

    Oxysterols Versus Cholesterol in Model Neuronal Membrane. I. The Case of 7-Ketocholesterol. The Langmuir Monolayer Study

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    Oxysterols are products of cholesterol oxidation. They can be formed endogenously (in both enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions) as well as exogenously (delivered with food). Recent studies clearly demonstrate cytotoxic properties of these compounds, being mainly due to their incorporation into natural lipid bilayers. This process can influence mechanical and physicochemical properties of biomembrane鈥攎ainly by modifying the interactions between its components, which may result in the disruption of proper functioning of cell membrane and could lead to its degradation. Therefore, it can be assumed that oxysterols may affect the initiation of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer鈥檚 disease. However, the mode of action of these molecules at the molecular level is not fully known. To get a better understanding of the role of oxysterols in neurodegeneration, it is of great importance to examine mutual interactions between oxysterols and neuronal membrane components. One of the most promising techniques that can be used to analyze such interactions is the Langmuir monolayer technique. In this work, we have prepared an artificial neuronal membrane modeled as multicomponent Langmuir monolayer built up with cholesterol, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and sphingomyelin (SM). To examine whether there are any changes in the membrane properties under oxidative stress, in this paper we have investigated the impact of the representative ring-oxidized oxysterol: 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC). Our results show that replacing cholesterol with 7-KC increases the interaction between molecules in the model membrane.publishedVersionPeer reviewe