8,472 research outputs found

    Economic Growth and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Italy, 1861-2003

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    This paper examines the relationship between economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions in Italy for the period 1861-2003. Using cointegration, rolling regression and error correction modeling techniques, we find that growth and carbon dioxide emissions are strongly interrelated, and elasticity of pollutant emissions with respect to income has been decreasing over time. For the period 1960-2003 EKC estimates provide evidence for the existence of a reasonable "turning point". However, given the heavy dependence of Italian economy upon fossil fuels, meeting the emissions targets in the accomplishing of the Kyoto Protocol is a very challenging task.Environmental Kuznets Curve; Carbon Dioxide Emissions; Time Series Analysis; Italian Economy

    The impact of naturalness on affective response to logo design: A cross-national study

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    Literature concerned with logo strategy suggests that the aesthetic appeal of brand logos significantly influences consumer responses. Yet, despite the fact that companies invest significant amounts of time and money promoting, updating and changing their logos, empirical studies of logo design issues are rare. In particular, there is little systematic research on the effect of logo design across different cultures. The main purpose of this research is to address the communalities and asymmetries between consumer responses to logo design across cultures. In particular, we focus on the influences of different types of natural designs on consumers’ affective responses in three different countries, Portugal, Spain and The Netherlands. Findings should provide relevant contributions for multinational companies since logos are critical brand identity sings and they tend to be used in an unaltered form in new markets

    Design, personality traits and consumer responses to brand logos

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    Despite the relevance of logos as communication cues, empirical studies of logo design issues in marketing journals are still scarce (Peterson et al., 2015). This study seeks to address this research gap by examining consumers’ responses to logo design, and specifically to the different types of natural designs, at a behavioral and psychological level. Additionally, we explore whether socio-demographic variables and consumer personality traits are sources of differences in such reactions

    Premalignant Oral Lesion Immunobiology: Immune Modulation and Vaccination

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    While studies have indicated that squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) is associated with immune suppression, these studies did not analyze the immune response at the dysplastic stage. This study utilized a mouse model of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO)-induced oral carcinogenesis to examine the alterations in immune phenotype at the premalignant and malignant stages of HNSCC. Cervical lymph nodes of HNSCC-bearing mice were found to contain a greater number of cells, including a greater number of conventional (Tconv) and regulatory (Treg) T cells, compared to lymph nodes of control and premalignant lesion-bearing mice. Premalignant lesion-bearing mouse lymph nodes consist of a greater percentage of Tconv cells expressing markers for activation, memory, and exhaustion compared to both control and HNSCC-bearing mice. Lymph nodes from both premalignant lesion-bearing and HNSCC-bearing mice include increased numbers of Th1, Tc1 and Th17 cells compared to control mice. The data show that while there is the expected increase in Tregs in lymph nodes when HNSCC is present, there is also an unexpected increase in immune populations usually associated with a beneficial anti-tumor response. In addition, the results demonstrate that the premalignant stage of HNSCC development is associated with a robust immune response involving an increase in inflammatory cells. The use of dendritic cell (DC) vaccines as treatment for malignancy is complicated by the immune evasion tactics often employed by carcinomas such as HNSCC. This study aims to determine if an immune response can be elicited by administering a DC vaccine during the premalignant stages of HNSCC, prior to development of immune escape. Bone marrow-derived DCs were pulsed with premalignant lesion lysate (DCpm) and administered to 4NQO-treated mice exhibiting premalignant lesions. Endoscopic examination revealed that DCpm vaccination and control vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with normal tongue epithelium lysate (DCnt) significantly decreased lesion burden. Analysis of lymph node cells revealed that while DCnt vaccination resulted in a rapid increase in total lymphocyte count, levels of activated Tconv cells, and Th1, Tel, Th17, Te17, and Th2 cells, DCpm vaccination results in a delayed, yet substantial, increase in these immune effector mechanisms. This suggests that dendritic cell vaccination may have a beneficial effect on clinical outcome regardless of type of antigenic stimulation, and DCs pulsed with premalignant lysate rather than normal tongue epithelium lysate result in a delayed immune effector response upon vaccination of premalignant lesion-bearing mice

    How Soviet communism changed the family

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    Communist ideology in the Soviet Union initially sought to weaken the family and strengthen the role of the state. But did it achieve this aim? Drawing on new research, Joan Costa-Font and Anna Nicińska find that in contrast to expectations, exposure to communism appears to have strengthened preferences for family support for both children and parents

    Production of Table Potatoes in Europe - A Multinational Gross Margin Analysis

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    This paper examines different cropping practices, cost structures and gross margins for conventional table potato cropping in 6 different regions within the European Union: Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia. Findings from this study show that potato cropping practices varies significantly between the various countries with major differences in yield and costs. Italy and Denmark are the two regions with highest gross margins due to high yields and revenues. Poland is by far the largest potato producing country among the 6 countries. However, the production is primarily based on small scale farming with low yields and economic revenues.Table potatoes, gross margins, cropping practices, cost structure, Crop Production/Industries,
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