74 research outputs found

    Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas: Deconstrucción y reconstrucción identitaria femenina desde la marginación

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    Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas, a poet who should be read in the frame of the peculiarity of postwar Valencian literature, adds to her civic commitment a deep speculation about the role of women from their marginalization in the space of domesticity. The purpose of the present work is to conduct an analysis from the perspective of gender and to examine the existing interrelations at a symbolic and linguistic level between Un món rebel (1964) and Conjugació en primera persona (1969), in order to trace the evolution of the female identity process in both poem collections.Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas, poeta que se sitúa en la peculiaridad del panorama literario valenciano de la posguerra, suma al compromiso cívico una profunda indagación sobre el papel de la mujer en la marginación del espacio doméstico. Este artículo se propone realizar un análisis desde la perspectiva de género examinando las interrelaciones existentes a nivel simbólico ylingüístico entre Un món rebel (1964) y Conjugació en primera persona (1969), para revelar la evolución del proceso identitario femenino que se traza en ambos poemarios

    Alma desnuda. Proposta di traduzione di un'antologia poetica di Julia de Burgos

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    Il lavoro di tesi ha come obiettivo quello di presentare la traduzione di un'antologia poetica di Julia de Burgos (1914-1953), poetessa portoricana celebre nel contesto americano ma del tutto sconosciuta nel panorama letterario europeo. L’antologia che viene presentata consta di componimenti tratti dalle tre raccolte pubblicate dell'autrice; è preceduta da una serie di annotazioni storiche, che fanno luce sul contesto socio-culturale di riferimento, e da informazioni di carattere biografico. La selezione dei testi antologizzati non obbedisce a nessun criterio particolare se non a quello di mostrare il processo evolutivo della poetica della scrittrice. S’è scelto di aggiungere alla silloge un ventaglio di componimenti di natura politica che possa dare conto anche di quest’altra tematica affrontata dall’autrice

    «La aguja fría del deseo»: la tropología sensitiva de Margarita Ferreras

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    La poesía escrita por mujeres que se produjo desde las postrimerías del Modernismo hasta mediados de los cincuenta se distingue por un subjetivismo copioso y cierto erotismo que procura contradecir el arquetipo femenino de ascendencia romántica y desacreditar el matrimonio en cuanto institución represiva de las exigencias liberales de las mujeres. Propia del clima de emancipación femenina de los años treinta, la incorporación de referencias eróticas en las obras de las poetas del 27 viene a complementar el panorama de libertades que reivindicaban. Con todo, la mayoría de las poetas optan por estrategias estilísticas que insinúan, más o menos directamente, el elemento sensual, parapetándolo detrás de un sistema metafórico complejo, fundamentado en la ambigüedad genérica. Pocas son las que se decantan por un tratamiento franco e inmediato de los impulsos amorosos. Entre estas últimas destaca Margarita Ferreras, otra de las grandes olvidadas de las autoras que operaron en el primer tercio del siglo XX, quien alcanza en Pez en la tierra (1932), su única obra publicada, la cumbre de un erotismo pionero e infrecuente. El poemario, impreso por los Altolaguirre, consta de veintiocho composiciones que destacan por audacia, claridad expresiva y un realismo que puede tildarse de ardoroso. El presente estudio pretende proporcionar un análisis de las soluciones formales adoptadas por Ferreras para vehicular su concepto de erotismo y sensualidad. A través del análisis de algunas composiciones de Pez en la tierra, procuraremos explicar su peculiar uso de la tropología y el simbolismo de los elementos naturales, para luego explayarnos en los recursos metafóricos empleados para poetizar ese erotismo luminoso y atrevido

    «La aguja fría del deseo»: the sensitive tropology of Margarita Ferreras

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    La poesía escrita por mujeres que se produjo desde las postrimerías del Modernismo hasta mediados de los cincuenta se distingue por un subjetivismo copioso y cierto erotismo que procura contradecir el arquetipo femenino de ascendencia romántica y desacreditar el matrimonio en cuanto institución represiva de las exigencias liberales de las mujeres. Propia del clima de emancipación femenina de los años treinta, la incorporación de referencias eróticas en las obras de las poetas del 27 viene a complementar el panorama de libertades que reivindicaban. Con todo, la mayoría de las poetas optan por estrategias estilísticas que insinúan, más o menos directamente, el elemento sensual, parapetándolo detrás de un sistema metafórico complejo, fundamentado en la ambigüedad genérica. Pocas son las que se decantan por un tratamiento franco e inmediato de los impulsos amorosos. Entre estas últimas destaca Margarita Ferreras, otra de las grandes olvidadas de las autoras que operaron en el primer tercio del siglo XX, quien alcanza en Pez en la tierra (1932), su única obra publicada, la cumbre de un erotismo pionero e infrecuente. El poemario, impreso por los Altolaguirre, consta de veintiocho composiciones que destacan por audacia, claridad expresiva y un realismo que puede tildarse de ardoroso. El presente estudio pretende proporcionar un análisis de las soluciones formales adoptadas por Ferreras para vehicular su concepto de erotismo y sensualidad. A través del análisis de algunas composiciones de Pez en la tierra, procuraremos explicar su peculiar uso de la tropología y el simbolismo de los elementos naturales, para luego explayarnos en los recursos metafóricos empleados para poetizar ese erotismo luminoso y atrevido.The poetry written by women that was produced from the end of Modernism to the middle of 1950s is distinguished by copious subjectivism and a certain eroticism that seeks to contradict the feminine archetype of Romanticism and to discredit marriage as an institution that represses the liberal demands of women. The incorporation of erotic references in the poems of the women of the Generation of 27 not only is a characteristic of the climate of female emancipation of the 1930s, but also a complement to the panorama of freedoms that they claimed. However, most poets opt for stylistic strategies that hint, more or less directly, the sensual element, shielding it behind a complex metaphorical system, based on generic ambiguity. Few are those who opt for a frank and immediate treatment of love impulses. Among the latter, Margarita Ferreras, another of the great forgotten of the authors who operated in the first third of the 20th century, stands out, reaching in Pez en la tierra (1932) the summit of a pioneering and infrequent eroticism. The collection of poems, printed by the Altolaguirres, consists of 28 compositions that stand out for their audacity, expressive clarity and a realism that can be called ardent. This study aims to provide an analysis of the formal solutions adopted by the author to convey her concept of eroticism and sensuality. Through the analysis of some compositions of Pez en la tierra, we will try to explain its peculiar use of the tropology and the symbolism of natural elements, to then expand on the metaphorical resources used to poetize that luminous and daring eroticism that we have been talking about, which blind by its calcining power.Aportación realizada en el marco del Proyecto de I+D+I «Género, cuerpo e identidad en las poetas españolas de la primera mitad del siglo XX», dirigido por la Dra. Helena Establier y financiado por el Programa Estatal de Generación del Conocimiento (Ref. PID 2020-113343GB-100)

    Impact of Sex and Gender on Clinical Management of Patients with Advanced Chronic Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes

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    Gender differences in the epidemiology, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical features in chronic liver diseases that may be associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have been increasingly reported in recent years. This sexual dimorphism is due to a complex interaction between sex- and gender-related factors, including biological, hormonal, psychological and socio-cultural variables. However, the impact of sex and gender on the management of T2D subjects with liver disease is still unclear. In this regard, sex-related differences deserve careful consideration in pharmacology, aimed at improving drug safety and optimising medical therapy, both in men and women with T2D; moreover, low adherence to and persistence of long-term drug treatment is more common among women. A better understanding of sex- and gender-related differences in this field would provide an opportunity for a tailored diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the management of T2D subjects with chronic liver disease. In this narrative review, we summarized available data on sex- and gender-related differences in chronic liver disease, including metabolic, autoimmune, alcoholic and virus-related forms and their potential evolution towards cirrhosis and/or hepatocarcinoma in T2D subjects, to support their appropriate and personalized clinical management

    Modification of Interleukin-15 Serum Levels in Workers Exposed to Chemotherapeutic Agents

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    Cytostatic anticancer drugs are known as carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic risk factors for health care workers occupationally exposed. It has been demonstrated that the administration of interleukin-15 in rat models of colon carcinoma protects against chemotherapy-induced gastrointestinal toxicities. We found that occupational exposure to chemotherapeutic antiblastic agents in vivo modified circulating levels of interleukin-15 in 17 health care workers exposed to antineoplastic drugs in relation to their jobs and in as many healthy age- and sex-matched subjects. Health care workers displayed significantly higher circulating interleukin-15 levels compared to their age-matched controls. If this increase representing an anticancer response remains to be established, these findings strengthen the idea of a therapeutic use of interleukin-15 in the field of cancer

    Design, Synthesis, and in Vitro Evaluation of 4-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)piperazine-Based Compounds Targeting Tyrosinase

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    Melanin biosynthesis is enzymatically regulated by tyrosinase (TYR, EC, which is efficiently inhibited by natural and synthetic phenols, demonstrating potential therapeutic application for the treatment of several human diseases. Herein we report the inhibitory effects of a series of (4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)piperazin-1-yl)arylmethanone derivatives, that were designed, synthesised and assayed against TYR from Agaricus bisporus (AbTYR). The best inhibitory activity was predominantly found for compounds bearing selected hydrophobic ortho-substituents on the aroyl moiety (IC50 values in the range of 1.5–4.6 μM). They proved to be more potent than the reference compound kojic acid (IC50=17.8 μM) and displayed competitive mechanism of inhibition of diphenolase activity of AbTYR. Docking simulation predicted their binding mode into the catalytic cavities of AbTYR and the modelled human TYR. In addition, these compounds displayed antioxidant activity combined with no cytotoxicity in MTT tests. Notably, the best inhibitor affected tyrosinase activity in α-MSH-stimulated B16F10 cells, thus demonstrating anti-melanogenic activity