33 research outputs found

    Potential of Pyrolysis for valuable products obtaining from wheat straw lignin produced by CIMV technology

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    Two configurations of fast pyrolysis realized in flowing (inert gas flow) and ablative-type reactors were used for phenolic fraction obtaining. The maximum yield of phenolic compounds was achieved at 450 degrees of Celsius in the case of ablative reactor usage (7,6%). Application of catalysts (Na+ and K+) allowed to increase the yield of phenolic compounds up to 8,5%

    Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Waste Biomass after Harvesting as a Source of Valuable Biologically Active Compounds with Nutraceutical and Antibacterial Potential

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    Funding Information: Funding: This research was funded by ERDF project nr. Nr. ā€œBiorefinery processing of sea buckthorn non-fruit biomass using innovative techniques and comprehensive analytical investigation, for obtaining prospective for Latvian bioeconomy high value-added products, including serotoninā€. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.For sustainable sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) berry production, the task at hand is to find an application for the large amount of biomass waste arising at harvesting. Sea buckthorn (SBT) vegetation is currently poorly studied. The purpose of this research was to assess the composition and potential of SBT twigs as a source of valuable biologically active substances. Water and 50% EtOH extracts of twigs of three Latvian SBT cultivars with a high berry yield and quality, popular for cultivation in many countries (H. rhamnoides ā€˜Maria Bruvele', ā€˜Tatiana', ā€˜Botanicheskaya Lubitelskaya'), were investigated for the first time. The phytochemical composition (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis) and biological activity of the obtained hydrophilic extracts were determined. The highest yield of polyphenolic compounds and serotonin was observed for ā€˜Maria Bruvele'. Hydrophilic extracts were investigated for radical scavenging activity (DPPH' test), antibacterial/antifungal activity against five pathogenic bacteria/yeast, cytotoxicity, and the enzymatic activity of alpha-amylase (via in vitro testing), which is extremely important for the treatment of people with underweight, wasting, and malabsorption. The results showed a high potential of sea buckthorn biomass as a source of valuable biologically active compounds for the creation of preparations for the food industry, nutraceuticals, and cosmetics.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Theatre Direction of Vladislavs NastavŔevs in the Context of Postdramatic Theatre

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    MaÄ£istra darbs ā€žVladislava NastavÅ”eva režija postdramatiskā teātra kontekstāā€ veltÄ«ts režisora Vladislava NastavÅ”eva mākslinieciskās prakses izpētei, skatot to vācu teātra teorētiÄ·a Hansa TÄ«sa Lēmana (Hans-Thies Lehmann) izvirzÄ«tās postdramatiskā teātra teorijas koordinātēs, kā arÄ« divas nodaļas darbā veltot režisora darbÄ«bas vērtējumam Antonēna Arto attÄ«stÄ«to NežēlÄ«bas teātra ideju un zilo jeb queer teorijas kontekstā. Kā analÄ«zes objekts darbā izmantotas V. NastavÅ”eva Latvijā un ārpus tās tapuŔās izrādes, kā arÄ« paÅ”a režisora publiski paustie mākslinieciskie uzstādÄ«jumi un mērÄ·i, kas aplÅ«koti viņa režijas prakses un jau nosaukto teorētisko diskursu gaismā. Postdramatiskajā teātrÄ«, NežēlÄ«bas teātrÄ« un zilo teorijā aktuālo aspektu izpausmes V. NastavÅ”eva režijā analizētas, pētot telpas funkcijas, teātra paÅ”refleksijas motÄ«vus, teksta un vizuālās dramaturÄ£ijas attiecÄ«bas, Ä·ermeņa un telpas mijiedarbÄ«bas stratēģijas, izrāžu skaniskā lÄ«meņa nozÄ«mi, kā arÄ« aktiera funkcijas un skatÄ«tāja lomu.Master thesis ā€žTheatre Direction of Vladislavs NastavÅ”evs in the Context of Postdramatic Theatreā€ is dedicated to the research of theatre directorsā€™ Vladislavs NastavÅ”evs artistic practices in the context of postdramatic theater theory which is defined by German theater theorist Hans-Thies Lehmann. Also two chapters in the work are devoted to the analysis of directorā€™s artistic practises in the context of Queer theory and Antoninsā€™ Artaud Theater of Cruelty. The objects of analysis are V. NastavÅ”evsā€™ performances made both in Latvia and in foreign countries, as well as directorsā€™ publicly made statements about his artistic methods and goals, which are considered in the context of his directing practices and theoretical discourses mentioned above. Manifestation of different Postdramatic theater, Theater of Cruelty and Queer theory aspects in the artistic practises of V. NastavÅ”evs has been analyzed by examining the functions of space and time, theater self-reflexitivity, relationships between text and visual narrative, reciprocity between actorsā€™ body and theatre space, importance of sonic level in the performance, as well as actorsā€™ functions and the role of spectator

    Dystopia Motifs in Margaritaā€™s Perveņeckaā€™s Novel ā€Gaetāno Krematossā€

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    Bakalaura darbā pētÄ«tas literārās distopijas žanra teorētiskās nostādnes un tam raksturÄ«go motÄ«vu (identitātes zuduma, pārspÄ«lētas industrializācijas vai ekoloÄ£iskas katastrofas rezultātā iznÄ«cinātas dabas, tehnoloÄ£iju dominances pār cilvēcisko u.c.) realizācija Margaritas Perveņeckas romānā ā€žGaetāno Krematossā€. Darba mērÄ·is ir noskaidrot, kādi distopijas motÄ«vi izmantoti romānā radÄ«tās mākslinieciskās fantāzijas pasaules uzbÅ«vē un kā tie realizējas romāna žanram raksturÄ«gajā poētikā, par pētÄ«juma hipotēzi izvirzot pieņēmumu, ka romānā ā€žGaetāno Krematossā€ tēlota postmoderna distopija ar kritiskās distopijas iezÄ«mēm. PētÄ«juma rezultātā romānā fiksētas vairākas postmodernisma literatÅ«rai un kritiskajai distopijai raksturÄ«gas iezÄ«mes, kā arÄ« konstatēta eshatoloÄ£iskā un kosmogoniskā mÄ«ta klātbÅ«tne vēstÄ«juma uzbÅ«vē. Atslēgvārdi: literārā distopija, utopija, kritiskā distopija, postmodernisms, salÄ«dzinoŔā literatÅ«rpētniecÄ«bas metode, eshatoloÄ£iskais mÄ«ts, kosmogoniskais mÄ«ts.This bachelorā€™s degree work uncover the theoretical approaches of dystopian genre and the implementation of its characteristic motifs (identity loss, destructed nature, dominance of technology over the human, etc.) in Margaritas Perveņeckas novel "Gaetāno Krematoss". The aim of the study is to find out what dystopian motifs are used in the artistic structure of the fantasy world created in the novel and how they unfold in the poetics typical to the novel genre. Study is based on an assumption that the novel "Gaetano Krematoss" is a postmodern dystopia which contains some features of critical dystopia. Study results showed that there are several characteristics of postmodern literature and critical dystopia and also motifs of eschatological and cosmogonic myths present in the narrative structure of the novel. Keywords: literary dystopia, critical dystopia, utopia, postmodernism, comparative literature, cosmogonic myth, eschatological myth

    Simulation-Based Analysis of the Goldmine System Operation

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    The research demonstrates the efficiency of the simulation technique application for the analysis of goldmine system operation with a particular focus on truck-shovel system. The research has been carried out within the modelling competition ā€œIIE/Rockwell Student Simulation Competitionā€ arranged by an international organization IIE (Industrial Engineering). The information on the goldmine system structure and operation has been provided by the competition organizers, thus allowing the authors of the article to analyse the system operation based on real data and to propose recommendations and solutions for increasing goldmine efficiency through the optimization of technical resources used. A simulation model of the goldmine system is developed by means of Arena simulation environment

    Simulation-Based Analysis of the Goldmine System Operation

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    The research demonstrates the efficiency of the simulation technique application for the analysis of goldmine system operation with a particular focus on truck-shovel system. The research has been carried out within the modelling competition ā€œIIE/Rockwell Student Simulation Competitionā€ arranged by an international organization IIE (Industrial Engineering). The information on the goldmine system structure and operation has been provided by the competition organizers, thus allowing the authors of the article to analyse the system operation based on real data and to propose recommendations and solutions for increasing goldmine efficiency through the optimization of technical resources used. A simulation model of the goldmine system is developed by means of Arena simulation environment

    Comparison of Growth and Physiological Effects of Soil Moisture Regime on <i>Plantago maritima</i> Plants from Geographically Isolated Sites on the Eastern Coast of the Baltic Sea

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the morphological and physiological responses of P. maritima plants from five geographically isolated sites growing in habitats with different conditions to different substrate moisture levels in controlled conditions. Plants were produced from seed and cultivated in a greenhouse at four relatively constant soil moisture regimes: at 25, 50, and 75% soil water content and in soil flooded 3 cm above the surface (80% F). The two morphological traits that varied most strikingly among P. maritima accessions were the number of flower stalks and the number of leaves. Only plants from two accessions uniformly produced generative structures, and allocation to flowering was suppressed by both low moisture and flooding. Optimum shoot biomass accumulation for all accessions was at 50 and 75% soil moisture. The Performance Index Total was the most sensitive among the measured photosynthesis-related parameters, and it tended to decrease with an increase in soil water content for all P. maritima accessions. The initial hypothesisā€”that plants from relatively dry habitats will have a higher tolerance against low soil water levels, but plants from relatively wet habitats will have a higher tolerance against waterlogged or flooded soilā€”was not proven. The existence of three ecotypes of P. maritima within the five accessions from geographically isolated subpopulations on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea at the level of morphological responses to soil water content can be proposed. P. maritima plants can be characterized as extremely tolerant to soil waterlogging and highly tolerant to soil flooding and low soil water content

    Structural Properties of Siliceous Lignins Made Them Useful for Soil Quality Management

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    Technical lignins were modified in order to improve their lipophillic properties, to develop porosity and to increase the matrix surface affinity towards selected contaminants. With this aim, the incorporation of Si-contaning building blocks into lignin matrix was accomplished using mild sol-gel process. The siliceous lignin-based products obtained (Si-lignins) were characterized by elemental and functional analysis, spectroscopic techniques (29Si- and 13C solid state NMR, FTIR and XPS), nitrogen gas, normal paraffins and water vapors adsorption/desorption isotherms. Sorption tests with potential contaminants (copper and manganese ions, and 2,4-pesticide) and a set of biological tests were performed to characterize the targeted properties of Si-lignins

    Products of Fast Pyrolysis of Wood, Their Properties and Applicability

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    Bio-oils of different hardwood species were obtained in a 2-stage ablative pyrolysis reactor. The GC/MS analysis of the bio-oils has shown a different content of products of degradation of carbohydrates and lignin depending on the wood species. Bio-oils were dispersed in water and separated to soluble (Py-C) and insoluble (Py-L) fractions. The fractions were characterised by the Py-GC/MS method. It is shown that the Py-C fraction contains, besides products of carbohydrate origin, phenolic products, which are represented mainly by syringyl derivatives. The antioxidant properties of Py-L and Py-C isolated from bio-oil of different wood species were characterised using three assays such as ABTSā—+/ DPPHā—/superoxide radical scavenging