54 research outputs found

    Very Low Affinity B Cells Form Germinal Centers, Become Memory B Cells, and Participate in Secondary Immune Responses When Higher Affinity Competition Is Reduced

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    To understand the relationship between the affinity of the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) and the immune response to antigen, two lines of immunoglobulin H chain transgenic (Tg) mice were created. H50Gμa and T1(V23)μa mice express μ H chain transgenes that associate with the λ1 L chains to bind the (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl hapten with association constants (Kas) of only 1.2 × 105 M−1 and 3 × 104 M−1, respectively. Both lines mounted substantial antibody-forming cell (AFC) and germinal center (GC) responses. H50Gμa Tg mice also generated memory B cells. T1(V23)μa B cells formed AFC and GCs, but were largely replaced in late GCs by antigen-specific cells that express endogenous BCRs. Thus, B lymphocytes carrying BCRs with affinities previously thought to be irrelevant in specific immune responses are in fact capable of complete T cell–dependent immune responses when relieved of substantial competition from other B cells. The failure to observe such B cells normally in late primary responses and in memory B cell populations is the result of competition, rather than an intrinsic inability of low affinity B cells

    New markers for murine memory B cells that define mutated and unmutated subsets

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    The study of murine memory B cells has been limited by small cell numbers and the lack of a definitive marker. We have addressed some of these difficulties with hapten-specific transgenic (Tg) mouse models that yield relatively large numbers of antigen-specific memory B cells upon immunization. Using these models, along with a 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) pulse-label strategy, we compared memory cells to their naive precursors in a comprehensive flow cytometric survey, thus revealing several new murine memory B cell markers. Most interestingly, memory cells were phenotypically heterogeneous. Particularly surprising was the finding of an unmutated memory B cell subset identified by the expression of CD80 and CD35. We confirmed these findings in an analogous V region knock-in mouse and/or in non-Tg mice. There also was anatomic heterogeneity, with BrdU+ memory cells residing not just in the marginal zone, as had been thought, but also in splenic follicles. These studies impact the current understanding of murine memory B cells by identifying new phenotypes and by challenging assumptions about the location and V region mutation status of memory cells. The apparent heterogeneity in the memory compartment implies either different origins and/or different functions, which we discuss

    Live imaging of stem cell and progeny behaviour in physiological hair-follicle regeneration

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    Tissue development and regeneration depend on cell-cell interactions and signals that target stem cells and their immediate progeny. However, the cellular behaviours that lead to a properly regenerated tissue are not well understood. Using a new, non-invasive, intravital two-photon imaging approach we study physiological hair-follicle regeneration over time in live mice. By these means we have monitored the behaviour of epithelial stem cells and their progeny during physiological hair regeneration and addressed how the mesenchyme influences their behaviour. Consistent with earlier studies, stem cells are quiescent during the initial stages of hair regeneration, whereas the progeny are more actively dividing. Moreover, stem cell progeny divisions are spatially organized within follicles. In addition to cell divisions, coordinated cell movements of the progeny allow the rapid expansion of the hair follicle. Finally, we show the requirement of the mesenchyme for hair regeneration through targeted cell ablation and long-term tracking of live hair follicles. Thus, we have established an in vivo approach that has led to the direct observation of cellular mechanisms of growth regulation within the hair follicle and that has enabled us to precisely investigate functional requirements of hair-follicle components during the process of physiological regeneration. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

    Control of TH17 cells occurs in the small intestine

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    Interleukin (IL)-17-producing T helper cells (TH17) are a recently identified CD4+ T cell subset distinct from T helper type 1 (TH1) and T helper type 2 (TH2) cells1. TH17 cells can drive antigen specific autoimmune diseases and are considered the main population of pathogenic T cells driving experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)2, the mouse model for multiple sclerosis. The factors that are needed for the generation of TH17 cells have been well-characterized3–6. However, where and how the immune system controls TH17 cells in vivo remains unclear.Here, by using a model of tolerance induced by CD3-specific antibody, a model of sepsis and influenza A viral infection (H1N1), we show that pro-inflammatory TH17 cells can be redirected to and controlled in the small intestine. TH17-specific IL-17A secretion induced expression of the chemokine CCL20 in the small intestine, facilitating the migration of these cells specifically to the small intestine via the CCR6/CCL20 axis. Moreover, we found that TH17 cells are controlled by two different mechanisms in the small intestine: first, they are eliminated via the intestinal lumen and simultaneously pro-inflammatory TH17 cells acquire a regulatory phenotype with in vitro and in vivo immune-suppressive properties (rTH17). These results identify mechanisms limiting TH17 cell pathogenicity and implicate the gastrointestinal tract as a site for control of TH17 cells

    Differential roles of migratory and resident DCs in T cell priming after mucosal or skin HSV-1 infection

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    Although mucosal surfaces represent the main portal of entry for pathogens, the mechanism of antigen presentation by dendritic cells (DCs) that patrol various mucosal tissues remains unclear. Instead, much effort has focused on the understanding of initiation of immune responses generated against antigens delivered by injection. We examined the contributions of migratory versus lymph node–resident DC populations in antigen presentation to CD4 and CD8 T cells after needle injection, epicutaneous infection, or vaginal mucosal herpes simplex virus (HSV) 1 infection. We show that upon needle injection, HSV-1 became lymph-borne and was rapidly presented by lymph node–resident DCs to CD4 and CD8 T cells. In contrast, after vaginal HSV-1 infection, antigens were largely presented by tissue-derived migrant DCs with delayed kinetics. In addition, migrant DCs made more frequent contact with HSV-specific T cells after vaginal infection compared with epicutaneous infection. Thus, both migrant and resident DCs play an important role in priming CD8 and CD4 T cell responses, and their relative importance depends on the mode of infection in vivo
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