39 research outputs found

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    "You donÂŽt have to love everything and everyone but respect everything and everyone, thats the most important thing" : Roma experiences of the school during the period 1970-2022

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    Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats var att redogöra för fem romers erfarenheter av utbildning under perioden 1970–2000-talet. För att uppfylla detta syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem romer som bor i Sverige och som har gĂ„tt i skola nĂ„gon gĂ„ng under perioden 1970–2000-talet. Dessa fem respondenter gav svar pĂ„ följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Vilka erfarenheter har romer av skolan, vilka erfarenheter har respondentens förĂ€ldrar av skolan och hur anser romer att allas rĂ€tt till en likvĂ€rdig utbildning bĂ€ttre kan omfatta alla? Respondenternas svar pĂ„ dessa frĂ„gestĂ€llningar analyserades utifrĂ„n Pierre Bourdieus begreppsteori, vilken inkluderar habitus, fĂ€lt, kapital och symboliskt vĂ„ld. DĂ€rigenom gavs en tydligare bild av romers erfarenheter av utbildning under perioden 1970–2000-talet.Sammanfattningsvis framkom att de respondenter som hade haft bra förebilder och som fĂ„tt stöd och hjĂ€lp frĂ„n skolan, hade klarat skolan bĂ€ttre och hade Ă€ven genomgĂ„tt en lĂ€ngre utbildning. De respondenter som saknade bra förebilder och som inte fick stöd och hjĂ€lp frĂ„n skolan och hemifrĂ„n, klarade dĂ€remot inte skolan lika bra, vilket resulterade i att de avslutade grundskolan tidigare Ă€n de andra barnen. Det fanns dels skolor som försökte hjĂ€lpa respondenterna och ge dem det stöd de behövde, dels fanns det skolor som ignorerade respondenternas önskan om stöd och hjĂ€lp i skolan. För att förhindra den strukturella diskrimineringen som pĂ„gick – och fortfarande pĂ„gĂ„r – i sĂ„vĂ€l skolan som i samhĂ€llet, behövs utbildning för bĂ„de elever och förĂ€ldrar. Uppsatsens slutsatser var följande: ingen vill sĂ€rskiljas och betraktas som annorlunda; alla behöver bli bekrĂ€ftade, inklusive romer; det behövs utbildning för bĂ„de barn och förĂ€ldrar för att förhindra strukturell diskriminering, och stöd och hjĂ€lp behöver ges till elever som inte fĂ„r det hemifrĂ„n. Begrepp: nationell minoritetsgrupp, romer, diskriminering, respekt, bemötande, utbildning och acceptans.Abstract The purpose of this paper was to account for Roma experiences of education during the period 1970–2000. Thus, a qualitative interview study was used with five Roma who live in Sweden and who have gone to school sometime during the period 1970–2000. These five respondents provided answers to the following questions: What experiences do Roma have of the school, what experiences did the parents have of the school and how can the education be more including and equal according to Romani people? The respondents answers to these questions were analyzed based on Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual theory, wich includes concepts such as habitus, field, capital and symbolic violence. This gave a clearer picture of Roma experiences of education in relation to the formal reforms. In summary, the respondents who had good role models, support and help from the school, managed school better and also had a longer education. On the contrary, those repsondents who lacked good role models, support and help from school and from home, did not cope as well, which resulted in them finishing primary school earlier than other children. There were schools that tried to help the respondents and give them the support they needed. However, there were also schools that ignored respondents’ desire for support and help at school. Finally, education for both students and parents was needed to prevent the structural discrimination that was present – and is still present – in both school and in society. The conclusion of this essay was as follows: no one wants to be distinguished as and considered different; everyone needs to be affirmed, including Roma; education was needed for both children and parents to prevent structural discrimination; and support and assistance was also needed for students who did not get it from home. Concepts; national minority group: Roma, discrimination, respect, treatment, education and acceptance

    "You donÂŽt have to love everything and everyone but respect everything and everyone, thats the most important thing" : Roma experiences of the school during the period 1970-2022

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    Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats var att redogöra för fem romers erfarenheter av utbildning under perioden 1970–2000-talet. För att uppfylla detta syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem romer som bor i Sverige och som har gĂ„tt i skola nĂ„gon gĂ„ng under perioden 1970–2000-talet. Dessa fem respondenter gav svar pĂ„ följande frĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Vilka erfarenheter har romer av skolan, vilka erfarenheter har respondentens förĂ€ldrar av skolan och hur anser romer att allas rĂ€tt till en likvĂ€rdig utbildning bĂ€ttre kan omfatta alla? Respondenternas svar pĂ„ dessa frĂ„gestĂ€llningar analyserades utifrĂ„n Pierre Bourdieus begreppsteori, vilken inkluderar habitus, fĂ€lt, kapital och symboliskt vĂ„ld. DĂ€rigenom gavs en tydligare bild av romers erfarenheter av utbildning under perioden 1970–2000-talet.Sammanfattningsvis framkom att de respondenter som hade haft bra förebilder och som fĂ„tt stöd och hjĂ€lp frĂ„n skolan, hade klarat skolan bĂ€ttre och hade Ă€ven genomgĂ„tt en lĂ€ngre utbildning. De respondenter som saknade bra förebilder och som inte fick stöd och hjĂ€lp frĂ„n skolan och hemifrĂ„n, klarade dĂ€remot inte skolan lika bra, vilket resulterade i att de avslutade grundskolan tidigare Ă€n de andra barnen. Det fanns dels skolor som försökte hjĂ€lpa respondenterna och ge dem det stöd de behövde, dels fanns det skolor som ignorerade respondenternas önskan om stöd och hjĂ€lp i skolan. För att förhindra den strukturella diskrimineringen som pĂ„gick – och fortfarande pĂ„gĂ„r – i sĂ„vĂ€l skolan som i samhĂ€llet, behövs utbildning för bĂ„de elever och förĂ€ldrar. Uppsatsens slutsatser var följande: ingen vill sĂ€rskiljas och betraktas som annorlunda; alla behöver bli bekrĂ€ftade, inklusive romer; det behövs utbildning för bĂ„de barn och förĂ€ldrar för att förhindra strukturell diskriminering, och stöd och hjĂ€lp behöver ges till elever som inte fĂ„r det hemifrĂ„n. Begrepp: nationell minoritetsgrupp, romer, diskriminering, respekt, bemötande, utbildning och acceptans.Abstract The purpose of this paper was to account for Roma experiences of education during the period 1970–2000. Thus, a qualitative interview study was used with five Roma who live in Sweden and who have gone to school sometime during the period 1970–2000. These five respondents provided answers to the following questions: What experiences do Roma have of the school, what experiences did the parents have of the school and how can the education be more including and equal according to Romani people? The respondents answers to these questions were analyzed based on Pierre Bourdieu’s conceptual theory, wich includes concepts such as habitus, field, capital and symbolic violence. This gave a clearer picture of Roma experiences of education in relation to the formal reforms. In summary, the respondents who had good role models, support and help from the school, managed school better and also had a longer education. On the contrary, those repsondents who lacked good role models, support and help from school and from home, did not cope as well, which resulted in them finishing primary school earlier than other children. There were schools that tried to help the respondents and give them the support they needed. However, there were also schools that ignored respondents’ desire for support and help at school. Finally, education for both students and parents was needed to prevent the structural discrimination that was present – and is still present – in both school and in society. The conclusion of this essay was as follows: no one wants to be distinguished as and considered different; everyone needs to be affirmed, including Roma; education was needed for both children and parents to prevent structural discrimination; and support and assistance was also needed for students who did not get it from home. Concepts; national minority group: Roma, discrimination, respect, treatment, education and acceptance

    Bosnians stories of war and genocide trauma : Interview study with Bosnians in Sweden about war and the genocide in Srebrenica

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    Denna uppsats undersöker hur bosnier i Sverige har hanterat krigs- och folkmordstrauma med fokus pĂ„ hĂ€ndelseutvecklingen i Bosnien-Hercegovina under 1990-talet. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i intervjuer med bosnier i Sverige, som överlevde kriget. Med hjĂ€lp av en analytisk modell av Suzanne Kaplan, analyseras hur överlevarna minns folkmordet och kriget. DĂ€rutöver hur det har pĂ„verkat dem och vilka strategier som anvĂ€nds för att bearbeta det förflutna.Det överlevarna minns starkast frĂ„n kriget i Bosnien 1992–1995 var krigsutbrottet, folkmordet i Srebrenica samt flykten under kriget. IfrĂ„n krigsutbrottet minns de sĂ€rskilt den rĂ€dsla som skapades av bomb- och granatattacker. En rĂ€dsla som aldrig försvinner utan finns fortfarande kvar 25 Ă„r senare. Under folkmordet i juli 1995 dog mĂ„nga pojkar och mĂ€n. Det var sĂ€rskilt svĂ„rt för anhöriga att inte kunna sĂ€ga farvĂ€l till sina slĂ€ktingar. Inte nog med det att mĂ„nga mĂ€n och pojkar dog i juli, utan ocksĂ„ att det tog oerhörd lĂ„ng tid att hitta kropparna. Än idag identifieras defekta skelett med hjĂ€lp av DNA-matchning, som sedan begravs av anhöriga i Potočari Genocide Memorial Center. En enorm besvikelse finns bland de överlevande, för att ingen ingrep för att stoppa folkmordet pĂ„ över 8000 mĂ€nniskor i Srebrenica 1995. PĂ„ olika sĂ€tt tog sig överlevare fram till tryggare platser sĂ„som; slĂ€ktingar i Turkiet, via buss till Polen dĂ€refter fĂ€rja till Sverige, smuggling till Tyskland och vissa bodde kvar i Bosnien-Hercegovina men flyttade till sĂ€krare omrĂ„den. Intervjustudien visar att kriget pĂ„verkade överlevarna pĂ„ olika vis bland annat i form av psykisk ohĂ€lsa i olika utstrĂ€ckning samt att förĂ€ldralösa Ă€r mer ansvarsfulla men ocksĂ„ mer sĂ„rbara,vilka Ă€r nĂ„gra faktorer som överlevarna pĂ„verkats av kriget. Dessutom pĂ„verkas överlevare den 11 juli som Ă€r minnesdagen för folkmordet i Srebrenica, vilket uppmĂ€rksammas i sĂ„vĂ€l Bosnien som internationellt. Det finns en variation nĂ€r det gĂ€ller hur överlevarna hanterar krigs- och folkmordstrauma, men gemensamt för alla Ă€r nĂ„gon form av upprĂ€ttelse, att ansvariga stĂ„r till svars. Det vanligaste sĂ€ttet att hantera krigs- och folkmordstrauma Ă€r att samtala om överlevarnas upplevelser antingen via professionell hjĂ€lp eller med vĂ€nner och slĂ€kt. En kortsiktig strategi för att orka leva överhuvudtaget Ă€r att förtrĂ€nga minnen. En mer lĂ„ngsiktig strategi Ă€r att acceptera deras krigs- och folkmordstrauma, vilket innebĂ€r att fokus ligger mer pĂ„ framtiden Ă€n det förflutna. Genom att utsĂ€tta sig för svĂ„ra situationer samt att hjĂ€lpa andra som har det svĂ„rt blir vardagen mer hanterbar. Begrepp: krigs- och folkmordstrauma, pĂ„verkansfaktorer, hanterbara strategierThis essay examines how Bosnians in Sweden have dealt with war and genocide trauma with a focus on the course of events in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the 1990ÂŽs. Based on interviews with Bosnians in Sweden who survived the war. With the help of an analytical model by Suzanne Kaplan, it is analysed how the survivors remember the genocide and the war. In addition, how it has affected them and what strategies are used to process the past.What the survivors especially remember from the war in Bosnia 1992–1995 were the outbreak of war, the genocide in Srebrenica and the flight during the war, what they remembered most is the fear created by bomb and grenade attacks. A fear that never disappears and still exists, 25 years later. During the genocide in July 1995 many boys and men died. It was especially difficult for relatives not to be able to say goodbye to their family members. Not only did many men and boys die in July, but it also took an incredibly long time to find the bodies. Even today, defective skeletons are identified using DNA matching, which was then buried by relatives in Potočari Genocide Memorial Center. There is a huge disappointment among the survivors, because no one intervened to stop the genocide of over 8000 people in Srebrenica in 1995. In various ways, survivors found refuge in: Turkey, by bus to Poland and then ferry to Sweden, by smuggling to Germany and some remained in Bosnia-Herzegovina but moved to safer areas.The interview study shows that the war affected the survivors in various ways, including in the form of mental illness to vulnerable, which are some factors that the survivors were affected by the war. In addition, survivors are affected on July 11, which is the day of the genocide in Srebrenica, which is celebrated in Bosnia as well as internationally. There is a variation in how survivors handle war and genocide trauma, but common to all is some form of redress, that those who are responsible to be held accountable. The most common way to deal with war and genocide trauma is to talk about the survivors experiences either through professional help or with friends and relatives. A short-term strategy for being able to live at all is to repress memories. A more long-term strategy is to accept their war and genocide trauma, which means that the focus is more on the future, than the past. By exposing yourself to difficult situations and helping others who are having a hard time, everyday life become more manageable. Concepts: war and genocide traumatization, affecting factors, manageable strategie

    In school, threats and violence are made aware : Interview study with high school staff

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    Syftet med denna uppsats var att redogöra för det förebyggande arbetet kring hot och vÄld men ocksÄ hantering av hot och vÄld i gymnasieskolan. DÀrmed anvÀndes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med rektorer, lÀrare samt en kurator som gav svar pÄ följande frÄgestÀllningar; hur förebyggdes hot och vÄld i gymnasieskolan, hur identifierades hot och vÄld i gymnasieskolan samt hur bemöttes hot och vÄld i gymnasieskolan. Personalens svar pÄ dessa frÄgestÀllningar analyserades utifrÄn Paulo Freires befrielseteori och dÀrmed gavs en tydligare bild av skolans situation gÀllande hot och vÄld. Medvetandegöra-(conscientização) innebar att handlingsplanerna kritiskt reflekterades över som uppdaterades Ärsvis samt granskning av elevenkÀter och medarbetarenkÀter. I arbetslaget samtalades och delades erfarenheter som var en del i att hot och vÄld medvetandegjordes. Förutom i arbetslaget delades olika erfarenheter genom förelÀsningar, litteratur och poddar, vilket ökade kunskapen om hot och vÄld. Eleverna diskuterade vÀrdegrunden, normer och de förtryckta samt förtryckarnas vÀrldsbild. DÀrtill fick elever kÀnnedom om den hjÀlp som fanns sÄsom kurator, socialtjÀnst och utvÀg om de hamnade i en vÄldsam eller hotfull situation. Det förebyggande arbetet kring hot och vÄld sammanfattades i följande strategier: skapandet av en trygg arbetsmiljö samt ökning av elevers och lÀrares kunskap. Dessutom behövdes bÄde teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper om hur elever och lÀrare skulle agera vid hotfulla och vÄldsamma situationer. Olika handlingsplaner tillÀmpades vid olika hotfulla och vÄldsamma situationer. Vid övning av inrymning förbereddes lÀrare och elever hur de skulle agera vid vÄldsamma och hotfulla situationer. Dessutom behövdes kÀnnedom om vilka aktörer som fanns inom skolan sÄsom elevhÀlsoteam, som oftast bestod av kurator, psykolog och skollÀkare. DÀrutöver bestod en krisgrupp av andra professioner sÄsom pastor, diakon, mentor, prÀst eller imam. I samhÀllet fanns det vid större katastrofer och olyckor stöd och rÄd frÄn socialtjÀnsten och POSOM-gruppen att tillgÄ. Begrepp: Hot och vÄld medvetandegjordes, i skola, i nÀra relationer, i hemmet, barn for illa, elevhÀlsoteam, Krisgrupp, SocialtjÀnsten, Polisen, POSOM-gruppen    The purpose of this essay was to account for the preventive work on threats and violence but also the management of threats and violence in high school. Thus, a qualitative interview study was used with principals, teachers and a counselorŽs who provided answers to the following questions; how threats and violence were prevented in high school, how threats and violence   were indentified in high school and how threats and violence in high school were adressed. The staffŽs answers to these questions were analyzed on the basis of Paulo FreireŽs liberation theory and thus gave a clearer picture of schoolŽs sitaution regarding threats and violence. Awareness-raising (conscientização) meant that the action plans were critically reflected on, which were updated annually, as well as a review of student surveys and employee surveys. The work team discussed and shared experinces that were part of raising awareness of threats and violence. In addition to the work team, different experiences were shared through lectures, litterature and podcasts, which increased knowledge about threats and violence. The students discussed the values, norms and the world of oppressed and the opressors. In addition, students become aware of the help that was available, such as a counselor, social services and a resort if they ended up in a violent or threatening situation.  The preventive work on threats and violence was summarized in the following strategies: the creation of safe working environment and an increase students and teachers knowledge. In addition, both theoretical and practical knowledge was needed about how students and teachers should act in threatening and violent situations. Different action plans were applied in different threatning and violent situations. When practicing accomodation, teachers and students were prepared to act in violent and threatening situations. In addition, knowledge was needed about which actors were present within the school, such as student health teams, which usually consisted of a counselors, psychologists and school doctor. In addition, a crisis group consisted of other professions such as pastor, deacon, mentor, priest or imam. In the event of major disasters and accidents, support and advice from the social services and the POSOM group were availible. Concepts: Threats and violence were made aware, in school, close relationships, at home, children got hurt, student health team, Crisis-group, Social services, Police, POSOM group

    Clinical and radiologic evaluation reveals high prevalence of abnormalities in young adults with dysphagia

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    The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the radiologic findings in young adults with dysphagia undergoing barium swallow and to compare these with the final clinical diagnosis. Clinical history, barium swallow, endoscopy (21 patients), manometry (18 patients), 24 h pH monitoring (4 patients), and outcome of treatments were studied and compared in 43 patients aged 14-30 years (mean 24 years). There were 26 men and 17 women. Duration of symptoms varied between 2 weeks and 22 years and included globus (n = 22), obstruction (n = 31), water brash (n = 6), classic reflux symptoms (n = 10), atypical reflux symptoms (n = 9), slow eating (n = 6), and vomiting (n = 11). The final diagnosis was achalasia (n = 2), arteria lusoria (n = 1), esophagitis (n = 1), esophageal dysfunction (n = 11), esophageal stricture (n = 5), gastroesophageal reflux disease (n = 8), and pharyngeal dysfunction (n = 2). Thirteen patients were assessed to be normal. The result of the barium swallow was in agreement with the final diagnosis in all but 3 patients who were assessed as normal, and the final diagnosis was esophagitis (n = 1), dysmotility (n = 1), and reflux disease (n = 1). Anatomic and functional abnormalities are common in young adults with dysphagia. Barium swallow reveals the explanation of the symptoms in 70% of such patients. Radiology therefore should be the method of choice for the investigation of dysphagic young adults