504 research outputs found

    Li-Fi Based Helping Stick

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    Li-Fi stands for Light Fidelity that is transmitting data through visible light. Li-Fi is a 5th Generation Communication system of Visible Light having a light-emitting diodes as a medium to high-speed communication as that in a Wi-Fi. In the days where internet has become a major demand, people are in a search for Wi-Fi hotspots. The main idea of the paper is to create internal navigation systems for the bigger areas to create automatic navigation for the visually impaired using Li-Fi technology, as visible light is present everywhere

    Mixed convection instability in a viscosity stratified flow in a vertical channel

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    The present study examines the linear instability characteristics of double-diffusive mixed convective flow in a vertical channel with viscosity stratification. The viscosity of the fluid is modelled as an exponential function of temperature and concentration, with an activation energy parameter determining its sensitivity to temperature variation. Three scenarios are considered: buoyancy force due to thermal diffusion only, buoyancy force due to temperature and solute acting in the same direction, and buoyancy force due to temperature and solute acting in opposite directions. A generalized eigenvalue problem is derived and solved numerically for linear stability analysis via the Chebyshev spectral collocation method. Results indicate that higher values of the activation energy parameter lead to increased flow stability. Additionally, when both buoyant forces act in opposite directions, the Schmidt number has both stabilizing and destabilizing effects across the range of activation energy parameters, similar to the case of pure thermal diffusion. Furthermore, the solutal-buoyancy-opposed base flow is found to be the most stable, while the solutal-buoyancy-assisted base flow is the least stable. As expected, an increase in Reynolds number is shown to decrease the critical Rayleigh number.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Physics of Fluid

    A New Simulation Metric to Determine Safe Environments and Controllers for Systems with Unknown Dynamics

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    We consider the problem of extracting safe environments and controllers for reach-avoid objectives for systems with known state and control spaces, but unknown dynamics. In a given environment, a common approach is to synthesize a controller from an abstraction or a model of the system (potentially learned from data). However, in many situations, the relationship between the dynamics of the model and the \textit{actual system} is not known; and hence it is difficult to provide safety guarantees for the system. In such cases, the Standard Simulation Metric (SSM), defined as the worst-case norm distance between the model and the system output trajectories, can be used to modify a reach-avoid specification for the system into a more stringent specification for the abstraction. Nevertheless, the obtained distance, and hence the modified specification, can be quite conservative. This limits the set of environments for which a safe controller can be obtained. We propose SPEC, a specification-centric simulation metric, which overcomes these limitations by computing the distance using only the trajectories that violate the specification for the system. We show that modifying a reach-avoid specification with SPEC allows us to synthesize a safe controller for a larger set of environments compared to SSM. We also propose a probabilistic method to compute SPEC for a general class of systems. Case studies using simulators for quadrotors and autonomous cars illustrate the advantages of the proposed metric for determining safe environment sets and controllers.Comment: 22nd ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (2019

    Integrating Association Mapping, Linkage Mapping, Fine Mapping with RNA Seq Conferring Seedling Vigor Improvement for Successful Crop Establishment in Deep Sown Direct-Seeded Rice

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    Background: Ongoing large-scale shift towards direct seeded rice (DSR) necessitates a convergence of breeding and genetic approaches for its sustenance and harnessing natural resources and environmental benefits. Improving seedling vigour remains key objective for breeders working with DSR. The present study aims to understand the genetic control of seedling vigour in deep sown DSR. Combined genome-wide association mapping, linkage mapping, fine mapping, RNA-sequencing to identify candidate genes and validation of putative candidate genes were performed in the present study. Results: Significant phenotypic variations were observed among genotypes in both F3:4:5 and BC2F2:3 populations. The mesocotyl length showed significant positive correlation with %germination, root and shoot length. The 881 kb region on chromosome 7 reported to be associated with mesocotyl elongation. RNA-seq data and RT-PCR results identified and validated seven potential candidate genes. The four promising introgression lines free from linkage drag and with longer mesocotyl length, longer root length, semi-dwarf plant height have been identified. Conclusion: The study will provide rice breeders (1) the pre breeding material in the form of anticipated DSR adapted introgression lines possessing useful traits and alleles improving germination under deep sown DSR field conditions (2) the base for the studies involving functional characterization of candidate genes. The development and utilization of improved introgression lines and molecular markers may play an important role in genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) during the pyramiding of valuable genes providing adaptation to rice under DSR. Our results offer a robust and reliable package that can contribute towards enhancing genetic gains in direct seeded rice breeding programs

    Reducing Superfluous Opioid Prescribing Practices After Brain Surgery: It Is Time to Talk About Drugs

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    BACKGROUND: Opioids are prescribed routinely after cranial surgery despite a paucity of evidence regarding the optimal quantity needed. Overprescribing may adversely contribute to opioid abuse, chronic use, and diversion. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a system-wide campaign to reduce opioid prescribing excess while maintaining adequate analgesia. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing a craniotomy for tumor resection with home disposition before and after a 2-mo educational intervention was completed. The educational initiative was composed of directed didactic seminars targeting senior staff, residents, and advanced practice providers. Opioid prescribing patterns were then assessed for patients discharged before and after the intervention period. RESULTS: A total of 203 patients were discharged home following a craniotomy for tumor resection during the study period: 98 who underwent surgery prior to the educational interventions compared to 105 patients treated post-intervention. Following a 2-mo educational period, the quantity of opioids prescribed decreased by 52% (median morphine milligram equivalent per day [interquartile range], 32.1 [16.1, 64.3] vs 15.4 [0, 32.9], P \u3c .001). Refill requests also decreased by 56% (17% vs 8%, P = .027) despite both groups having similar baseline characteristics. There was no increase in pain scores at outpatient follow-up (1.23 vs 0.85, P = .105). CONCLUSION: A dramatic reduction in opioids prescribed was achieved without affecting refill requests, patient satisfaction, or perceived analgesia. The use of targeted didactic education to safely improve opioid prescribing following intracranial surgery uniquely highlights the ability of simple, evidence-based interventions to impact clinical decision making, lessen potential patient harm, and address national public health concerns

    An improved parameter estimation and comparison for soft tissue constitutive models containing an exponential function

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    Motivated by the well-known result that stiffness of soft tissue is proportional to the stress, many of the constitutive laws for soft tissues contain an exponential function. In this work, we analyze properties of the exponential function and how it affects the estimation and comparison of elastic parameters for soft tissues. In particular, we find that as a consequence of the exponential function there are lines of high covariance in the elastic parameter space. As a result, one can have widely varying mechanical parameters defining the tissue stiffness but similar effective stress–strain responses. Drawing from elementary algebra, we propose simple changes in the norm and the parameter space, which significantly improve the convergence of parameter estimation and robustness in the presence of noise. More importantly, we demonstrate that these changes improve the conditioning of the problem and provide a more robust solution in the case of heterogeneous material by reducing the chances of getting trapped in a local minima. Based upon the new insight, we also propose a transformed parameter space which will allow for rational parameter comparison and avoid misleading conclusions regarding soft tissue mechanics

    Gene replacement of α-globin with β-globin restores hemoglobin balance in β-thalassemia-derived hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

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    β-Thalassemia pathology is due not only to loss of β-globin (HBB), but also to erythrotoxic accumulation and aggregation of the β-globin-binding partner, α-globin (HBA1/2). Here we describe a Cas9/AAV6-mediated genome editing strategy that can replace the entire HBA1 gene with a full-length HBB transgene in β-thalassemia-derived hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs), which is sufficient to normalize β-globin:α-globin messenger RNA and protein ratios and restore functional adult hemoglobin tetramers in patient-derived red blood cells. Edited HSPCs were capable of long-term and bilineage hematopoietic reconstitution in mice, establishing proof of concept for replacement of HBA1 with HBB as a novel therapeutic strategy for curing β-thalassemia

    A method for automatic segmentation and splitting of hyperspectral images of raspberry plants collected in field conditions

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    Abstract Hyperspectral imaging is a technology that can be used to monitor plant responses to stress. Hyperspectral images have a full spectrum for each pixel in the image, 400–2500 nm in this case, giving detailed information about the spectral reflectance of the plant. Although this technology has been used in laboratory-based controlled lighting conditions for early detection of plant disease, the transfer of such technology to imaging plants in field conditions presents a number of challenges. These include problems caused by varying light levels and difficulties of separating the target plant from its background. Here we present an automated method that has been developed to segment raspberry plants from the background using a selected spectral ratio combined with edge detection. Graph theory was used to minimise a cost function to detect the continuous boundary between uninteresting plants and the area of interest. The method includes automatic detection of a known reflectance tile which was kept constantly within the field of view for all image scans. A method to split images containing rows of multiple raspberry plants into individual plants was also developed. Validation was carried out by comparison of plant height and density measurements with manually scored values. A reasonable correlation was found between these manual scores and measurements taken from the images (r2 = 0.75 for plant height). These preliminary steps are an essential requirement before detailed spectral analysis of the plants can be achieved

    Linoleic Acid-Induced Ultra-Weak Photon Emission from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as a Tool for Monitoring of Lipid Peroxidation in the Cell Membranes

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    Reactive oxygen species formed as a response to various abiotic and biotic stresses cause an oxidative damage of cellular component such are lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Lipid peroxidation is considered as one of the major processes responsible for the oxidative damage of the polyunsaturated fatty acid in the cell membranes. Various methods such as a loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids, amount of the primary and the secondary products are used to monitor the level of lipid peroxidation. To investigate the use of ultra-weak photon emission as a non-invasive tool for monitoring of lipid peroxidation, the involvement of lipid peroxidation in ultra-weak photon emission was studied in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Lipid peroxidation initiated by addition of exogenous linoleic acid to the cells was monitored by ultra-weak photon emission measured with the employment of highly sensitive charged couple device camera and photomultiplier tube. It was found that the addition of linoleic acid to the cells significantly increased the ultra-weak photon emission that correlates with the accumulation of lipid peroxidation product as measured using thiobarbituric acid assay. Scavenging of hydroxyl radical by mannitol, inhibition of intrinsic lipoxygenase by catechol and removal of molecular oxygen considerably suppressed ultra-weak photon emission measured after the addition of linoleic acid. The photon emission dominated at the red region of the spectrum with emission maximum at 680 nm. These observations reveal that the oxidation of linoleic acid by hydroxyl radical and intrinsic lipoxygenase results in the ultra-weak photon emission. Electronically excited species such as excited triplet carbonyls are the likely candidates for the primary excited species formed during the lipid peroxidation, whereas chlorophylls are the final emitters of photons. We propose here that the ultra-weak photon emission can be used as a non-invasive tool for the detection of lipid peroxidation in the cell membranes
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