21 research outputs found

    Handicrafts heritage of Gaddi tribe of Himachal Pradesh

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    62-66The tribal people of Himachal Pradesh are living close to forests and facing unfavorable climatic conditions. Gaddi, the semi-agricultural tribe of Bharmaur area of Chamba district is identifiable due to their typical dress comprising topi, chola and dora. They sport a hukah (smoking pipe) in their hand and khalri containing cereals and other essential articles on their back. Due to tough topography and harsh climate, these people have developed their unique handicrafts, which is still manufactured as well as used by them. In the paper, an effort has been made to document the costumes, ornaments and various woven and other handicraft products used by the Gaddi tribe of Himachal Pradesh

    Traditional recipes of district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh

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    282-288Himachal Pradesh, a hilly state, has lot of variation in recipes prepared by local people. The communication deals with traditional recipes of district Kangra as per seasonal availability of plant material. Although food habits of local people have changed these days, still they relish the local preparations. Participatory Rural Appraisal techniques were used for documentation of required information. The plant material used by the people for recipes included its leaves, flowers, stem, fruits and root. The period of availability of raw material ranged from 1-3 months approximately. Various traditional recipes prepared especially from leaves of plants, viz. Colocasia, fig, basil, pigweed, buck wheat, and water cress are very good source of calcium, phosphorous and iron. These recipes are loosing its sheen in the fast-food culture. So, there is a need to conserve our traditional food recipes as the plant material used for these is completely organic thus nutritious and healthy /safe to eat

    Fine needle aspiration of Histiocytic sarcoma

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    Histiocytic sarcoma is derived from histiocytes and is among the rarest of the tumors affecting the lymphoid tissue. We report a case of a histiocytic sarcoma arising from the lymph node in a 35-year-old male who came for a fine needle aspiration cytology and a subsequent biopsy was conducted and the tissue subjected to hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemistry staining

    Coexistence of adenocarcinoma colon with pseudomembraneous colitis

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    We report a 62 year old man who had coexistence of pseudomembraneous colitis and adenocarcinoma sigmoid colon in the absence of any antibiotic therapy. This is the first report of coexistence of both these conditions in the same patient

    PATTERNS OF ORBITOFACIAL AND ORBITAL GROWTH AT PRENATAL STAGE DERIVED FROM FETAL AUTOPSY STUDIES. Patrones de crecimiento órbito-facial y orbital en la etapa prenatal derivados de los estudios de autopsias fetales

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    Objetivo: Las mediciones orbitofaciales y orbitales del feto pueden ser útiles para el diagnóstico precoz prenatal de malformaciones craneofaciales. La mayoría de los estudios anteriores se basan en la ecografía y sólo hay unos cuantos estudios basados en autopsias fetales. El Análisis detallado de los distintos parámetros puede proporcionar una base de datos útil para una rápida referencia. Métodos: En cincuenta fetos normales de edades gestacionales diferentes, se midieron los siguientes parámetros: las distancias cantales externa e interna, la longitud de la hendidura palpebral, la longitud oropalpebral, la profundidad y la anchura de la órbita y la distancia interorbital. Resultados: El análisis estadístico reveló una correlación positiva significativa de todos estos parámetros con la edad gestacional y con el diámetro biparietal. Los patrones de crecimiento de los pará-metros orbitales y orbitofacial también demostraron una correlación significativa entre sí. Conclusión: Nuestros resultados muestran que el aumento de las partes laterales de la cara y de la longitud facial vertical se produce a un ritmo más rápido en comparación con la parte media de la cara. Las desviaciones de los datos normativos generados para los parámetros orbitales y orbitofacial ayudarán en la detección precoz de síndromes genéticos específicos. Objective: Fetal orbitofacial and orbital measurements may be helpful in early prenatal diagnosis of craniofacial malformation. Most of the earlier studies are ultrasound based and there are only a few studies based on fetal autopsies. Comprehensive analysis of various parameters can provide useful database for easy reference. Methods: In fifty normal fetuses of different gestational ages, the following parameters were measured: outer and inner canthal distances, palpebral fissure length, oropalpebral length, depth and width of orbit and inter orbital distance. Results: Statistical analysis revealed significant positive correlation of all these parameters with gestational age and biparietal diameter. The growth patterns of the orbitofacial and orbital measurements also demonstrated significant correlation between these parameters. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that the lateral parts of the face and the vertical facial length grow at a faster rate than the median part of the face. Deviations from the normative data generated for the orbitofacial and orbital parameters will help in early detection of specific genetic syndromes.   

    Multiple ruptured aneurysm of left sinus of valsalva: A rare entity

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    Aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva is a rare congenital cardiac defect that can present with myriad signs and symptoms ranging from trivial to catastrophic events like cardiogenic shock and death. As clinical examination is not entirely reliable and the patient can sometimes be so ill as to preclude cardiac catheterization, echocardiography has become the definitive investigative tool not only to define and diagnose the lesion but also to quantify its severity. The following is a case report of multiple aneurysms of the left aortic sinus of Valsalva rupturing into the left ventricle. Diagnosis is made on multi plane transesophageal echocardiography and color Doppler regarding precise identification of structural anomalies and shunt locations for perioperative assessment and definitive treatment is surgical repair