62 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perputaran piutang dan perputaran persediaan terhadap return on assets pada perusahaan manufaktur sub sektor pulp & kertas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik dokumentasi berupa laporan keuangan. Prosedur penarikan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode yang digunakan yaitu uji asumsi klasik dan uji statistik menggunakan SPSS versi 22. Indikator yang digunakan yaitu perputaran piutang dan perputaran persediaan sebagai variabel bebas dan return on assets sebagai variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial perputaran piutang tidak berpengaruh terhadap return on assets, perputaran persediaan secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap return on assets. Secara simultan perputaran piutang dan perputaran persediaan berpengaruh terhadap return on assets

    Pengaruh Latihan Close Kinetic Chain Dengan Static Quadriceps Terhadap Peningkatan Aktifitas Fungsional Pada Penderita Osteoarthritis

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    kronis, yang mengakibatkan keterbatasan gerak, penurunan kekuatan otot secara general, keseimbangan, dan keterbatasan dalam melakukan aktivitas keseharian. Peningkatkan aktivitas fungsional pada penderita OA dalam penelitian ini menggunakan close kinetic chain atau gerakan di satu sendi secara bersamaan menghasilkan gerakan pada sendi lainnya dari ekstremitas tersebut dan Static Quadriceps Exercise adalah memperlancar sirkulasi darah, mencegah kontraktur, meningkatkan kekuatan otot atau power muscle, rileksasi otot, stabilisasi sendi lutut. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan Close kinetic chain dengan Static quadriceps dalam meningkatkan aktifitas fungsional pada penderita OA lutut. Metode penelitian : Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah komparatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan Quasi Eksperimental dan desain Two groups pre and post test two groups desain. Penelitian dilakukan di Panti Wreda Dharma Bhakti Surakarta, sampel berjumlah 12 orang diambil melalui metode Purposive sampling. Kedua kelompok sampel tersebut diukur aktivitas fungsional menggunakan kuisioner disabilitas WOMAC kemudian dianalisa dengan uji statistik. Hasil : Uji normalitas Shapiro-Wilk untuk aktivitas fungsional dengan hasil p > 0,005 yang berarti distribusi data normal,maka di uji Analisis data menggunakan Paired Sampel t test. Dari hasil uji tersebut menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara close kinetic chain dan Static Quadriceps Exercise dengan peningkatan aktivitas fungsional dengan nilai p<0,05. Pada uji beda pengaruh mendapatkan hasil bahwa close kinetic chain lebih berpengaruh terhadap penigkatan aktivitas fungsional. Diharapkan akan adanya penelitian selanjutnya dengan menambah jumlah variabel guna memperluas penelitian ini. Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan pengaruh latihan Close kinetic chain dengan Static quadriceps dalam meningkatkan aktifitas fungsional pada penderita OA lutut

    Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Precentral Corticospinal System Asymmetry and Handedness: A Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

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    Most humans are right handed, and most humans exhibit left-right asymmetries of the precentral corticospinal system. Recent studies indicate that chimpanzees also show a population-level right-handed bias, although it is less strong than in humans.We used in vivo diffusion-weighted and T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study the relationship between the corticospinal tract (CST) and handedness in 36 adult female chimpanzees. Chimpanzees exhibited a hemispheric bias in fractional anisotropy (FA, left>right) and mean diffusivity (MD, right>left) of the CST, and the left CST was centered more posteriorly than the right. Handedness correlated with central sulcus depth, but not with FA or MD.These anatomical results are qualitatively similar to those reported in humans, despite the differences in handedness. The existence of a left>right FA, right>left MD bias in the corticospinal tract that does not correlate with handedness, a result also reported in some human studies, suggests that at least some of the structural asymmetries of the corticospinal system are not exclusively related to laterality of hand preference

    Executive Function in Very Preterm Children at Early School Age

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    We examined whether very preterm (≤30 weeks gestation) children at early school age have impairments in executive function (EF) independent of IQ and processing speed, and whether demographic and neonatal risk factors were associated with EF impairments. A consecutive sample of 50 children (27 boys and 23 girls) born very preterm (mean age = 5.9 years, SD = 0.4, mean gestational age = 28.0 weeks, SD = 1.4) was compared to a sample of 50 age-matched full-term controls (23 girls and 27 boys, mean age = 6.0 years, SD = 0.6) with respect to performance on a comprehensive EF battery, assessing the domains of inhibition, working memory, switching, verbal fluency, and concept generation. The very preterm group demonstrated poor performance compared to the controls on all EF domains, even after partialing out the effects of IQ. Processing speed was marginally related to EF. Analyses with demographic and neonatal risk factors showed maternal education and gestational age to be related to EF. This study adds to the emerging body of literature showing that very preterm birth is associated with EF impairments

    Executive function and IQ predict mathematical and attention problems in very preterm children

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    Objective of this study was to examine the impact of executive function (EF) on mathematical and attention problems in very preterm (gestational age ≤ 30 weeks) children. Participants were 200 very preterm (mean age 8.2 ± 2.5 years) and 230 term children (mean age 8.3 ± 2.3 years) without severe disabilities, born between 1996 and 2004. EFs assessed included verbal fluency, verbal working memory, visuospatial span, planning, and impulse control. Mathematics was assessed with the Dutch Pupil Monitoring System and parents and teachers rated attention problems using standardized behavior questionnaires. The impact of EF was calculated over and above processi

    White and grey matter development in utero assessed using motion-corrected diffusion tensor imaging and its comparison to ex utero measures

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    Fetal brain diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) offers quantitative analysis of the developing brain. The objective was to 1) quantify DTI measures across gestation in a cohort of fetuses without brain abnormalities using full retrospective correction for fetal head motion 2) compare results obtained in utero to those in preterm infants. Motion-corrected DTI analysis was performed on data sets obtained at 1.5T from 32 fetuses scanned between 21.29 and 37.57 (median 31.86) weeks. Results were compared to 32 preterm infants scanned at 3T between 27.43 and 37.14 (median 33.07) weeks. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) were quantified by region of interest measurements and tractography was performed. Fetal DTI was successful in 84% of fetuses for whom there was sufficient data for DTI estimation, and at least one tract could be obtained in 25 cases. Fetal FA values increased and ADC values decreased with age at scan (PLIC FA: p = 0.001; R  = 0.469; slope = 0.011; splenium FA: p < 0.001; R  = 0.597; slope = 0.019; thalamus ADC: p = 0.001; R  = 0.420; slope = - 0.023); similar trends were found in preterm infants. This study demonstrates that stable DTI is feasible on fetuses and provides evidence for normative values of diffusion properties that are consistent with aged matched preterm infants

    Developmental malformation of the corpus callosum: a review of typical callosal development and examples of developmental disorders with callosal involvement

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    This review provides an overview of the involvement of the corpus callosum (CC) in a variety of developmental disorders that are currently defined exclusively by genetics, developmental insult, and/or behavior. I begin with a general review of CC development, connectivity, and function, followed by discussion of the research methods typically utilized to study the callosum. The bulk of the review concentrates on specific developmental disorders, beginning with agenesis of the corpus callosum (AgCC)—the only condition diagnosed exclusively by callosal anatomy. This is followed by a review of several genetic disorders that commonly result in social impairments and/or psychopathology similar to AgCC (neurofibromatosis-1, Turner syndrome, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Williams yndrome, and fragile X) and two forms of prenatal injury (premature birth, fetal alcohol syndrome) known to impact callosal development. Finally, I examine callosal involvement in several common developmental disorders defined exclusively by behavioral patterns (developmental language delay, dyslexia, attention-deficit hyperactive disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and Tourette syndrome)

    Testing the sensitivity of Tract-Based Spatial Statistics to simulated treatment effects in preterm neonates

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    Early neuroimaging may provide a surrogate marker for brain development and outcome after preterm birth. Tract-Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS) is an advanced Diffusion Tensor Image (DTI) analysis technique that is sensitive to the effects of prematurity and may provide a quantitative marker for neuroprotection following perinatal brain injury or preterm birth. Here, we test the sensitivity of TBSS to detect diffuse microstructural differences in the developing white matter of preterm infants at term-equivalent age by modelling a 'treatment' effect as a global increase in fractional anisotropy (FA). As proof of concept we compare these simulations to a real effect of increasing age at scan. 3-Tesla, 15-direction diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was acquired from 90 preterm infants at term-equivalent age. Datasets were randomly assigned to 'treated' or 'untreated' groups of increasing size and voxel-wise increases in FA were used to simulate global treatment effects of increasing magnitude in all 'treated' maps. 'Treated' and 'untreated' FA maps were compared using TBSS. Predictions from simulated data were then compared to exemplar TBSS group comparisons based on increasing postmenstrual age at scan. TBSS proved sensitive to global differences in FA within a clinically relevant range, even in relatively small group sizes, and simulated data were shown to predict well a true biological effect of increasing age on white matter development. These data confirm that TBSS is a sensitive tool for detecting global group-wise differences in FA in this population

    GABAergic regulation of cerebellar NG2 cell development is altered in perinatal white matter injury.

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    Diffuse white matter injury (DWMI), a leading cause of neurodevelopmental disabilities in preterm infants, is characterized by reduced oligodendrocyte formation. NG2-expressing oligodendrocyte precursor cells (NG2 cells) are exposed to various extrinsic regulatory signals, including the neurotransmitter GABA. We investigated GABAergic signaling to cerebellar white matter NG2 cells in a mouse model of DWMI (chronic neonatal hypoxia). We found that hypoxia caused a loss of GABAA receptor-mediated synaptic input to NG2 cells, extensive proliferation of these cells and delayed oligodendrocyte maturation, leading to dysmyelination. Treatment of control mice with a GABAA receptor antagonist or deletion of the chloride-accumulating transporter NKCC1 mimicked the effects of hypoxia. Conversely, blockade of GABA catabolism or GABA uptake reduced NG2 cell numbers and increased the formation of mature oligodendrocytes both in control and hypoxic mice. Our results indicate that GABAergic signaling regulates NG2 cell differentiation and proliferation in vivo, and suggest that its perturbation is a key factor in DWMI