425 research outputs found

    Modellierung des fachlichen und fachdidaktischen Wissens von Lehrkräften im Rechnungswesen – Überlegungen zur Konstruktion eines Testinstruments

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    Die Kompetenzmessung im Hochschulbereich stellt bislang ein weitgehend vernachlässigtes Forschungsgebiet des Bildungssektors dar. Eine umfassende Analyse des internationalen Forschungsstandes im Bereich der Modellierung und Erfassung von Kompetenzen zeigt insbesondere für Europa ein Forschungsdefizit im Hochschulsektor auf. Daher wurde 2010 vom BMBF das Forschungsprogramm „Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzerfassung im Hochschulsektor” (KoKoHs) initiiert, welches die Ziele verfolgt, die Leistungsfähigkeit des tertiären Bildungssystems in Deutschland zu erhalten und Grundlagen für eine Evaluation der Kompetenzentwicklung sowie des Kompetenzerwerbs an Hochschulen zu schaffen. [...] Da bislang kein standardisiertes Testinstrument existiert, welches sowohl das fachliche als auch das fachdidaktische Wissen von Lehrkräften im Rechnungswesen erfasst, wird im KoMeWP [Kompetenzmessung im wirtschaftspädagogischen Studium]-Projekt ein Paper-Pencil-Test konstruiert. Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Beitrags werden die Vorarbeiten zur Konstruktion des Testinstruments beschrieben und richtungsweisende Entscheidungen begründet. In einem ersten Schritt stellt sich die Frage, wie das professionelle Wissen theoretisch zu konzeptionieren ist (Kapitel 2). Außerdem gilt es zu klären, welche Rechnungsweseninhalte in den Testitems Beachtung finden sollen. Erforderlich ist in dieser Hinsicht eine Analyse des Inhaltsbereichs des (externen) Rechnungswesens (Kapitel 3). Abschließend werden die Vorarbeiten in einem Rahmenmodell für die Itemkonstruktion zusammengeführt (Kapitel 4). (DIPF/Orig.

    A Retrospective Observational Single-Centre Study on the Burden of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)

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    Background: German data on economic consequences of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) are limited. Patients and Methods: A retrospective, observational study based on chart review of adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of ITP was conducted at a German university hospital. Costs are presented from the hospital perspective. Results: Of 50 eligible patients, 45 could be classified by disease duration: 19 patients = 3 to = 12 months (38%, chronic ITP). Complications included 85 bleeding events in 43 patients, including 3 intracranial haemorrhages. Documented were 955 outpatient visits in 43 patients (86%) and 92 inpatient hospital admissions in 45 patients (90%). Of the 46 patients (92%) treated, all received corticosteroids, 25 (50%) intravenous immunoglobulin, and 7 (14%) further therapies. 12 patients (24%) underwent splenectomy. Average total direct medical costs (mean (standard deviation)) were (sic) 17,091 ((sic) 18,859) per patient, (sic) 12,749 ((sic) 11,663) in 17 newly diagnosed ITP patients with a 0.88-month (0.65 months) average disease duration, and (sic) 29,868 ((sic) 29,397) in 13 chronic ITP patients with a 33.5-month (16.8 months) average disease duration. Inpatient stays were the main cost drivers. Conclusion: These data concerning current healthcare provision for ITP patients in Germany indicate considerable resource consumption and the need for more effective treatment options in individual patients

    Everything at a glance: BAföG - Student Housing - Student Dining Counseling - Social Affairs Culture - International Affairs

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    Das Studentenwerk Dresden unterstützt die Studierenden als Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts mit seinen umfangreichen Service-Angeboten ca. 40.000 Studierende von sieben Hochschulen und einer Berufsakademie an den Standorten Dresden, Tharandt, Zittau und Görlitz

    Age, Motivation, and Emotion Regulation Skills Predict Treatment Outcome in an Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for COVID-19 Related Psychological Distress.

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    Introduction First evidence suggests that internet-based self-help interventions effectively reduce COVID-19 related psychological distress. However, it is yet unclear which participant characteristics are associated with better treatment outcomes. Therefore, we conducted secondary analyses on data from a randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy of a 3-week internet-based self-help intervention for COVID-19 related psychological distress. In this exploratory analysis, we examined several predictors ranging from sociodemographic variables to psychological distress, resource-related, and treatment-related variables. This includes, for example, age, motivation, and emotion regulation skills. Treatment outcomes were defined as post-treatment depressive symptoms and post-treatment resilience. Methods In a total of 107 participants with at least mild depressive symptoms, possible predictor variables and treatment outcomes were assessed using self-report measures. For example, emotion regulation skills were assessed by the Self-report measure for the assessment of emotion regulation skills. In a first step, we performed a separate linear regression analysis for each potential predictor. In a second step, predictors meeting a significant threshold of p < 0.05 were entered in linear multiple regression models. Baseline scores of the respective outcome measure were controlled for. Results The mean age of the participants was 40.36 years (SD = 14.59, range = 18-81 years) with the majority being female (n = 87, 81.3%). Younger age predicted lower post-treatment depressive symptoms. Additionally, higher motivation to use the intervention and better pre-treatment emotion regulation skills predicted higher post-treatment resilience. Conclusion The current study provides preliminary evidence regarding the relationship between participant characteristics and treatment outcome in internet-based self-help interventions for COVID-19 related distress. Our results suggest that under the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 such interventions might be particularly beneficial for young adults regarding depressive symptoms. Moreover, focusing on participants' existing strengths might be a promising approach to promote resilience through internet-based self-help interventions. However, since this was an exploratory analysis in an uncontrolled setting, further studies are needed to draw firm conclusions about the relationship of participant characteristics and treatment outcome in internet-based self-help interventions for COVID-19 related psychological distress

    Alcohol use disorder and disability insurance in Switzerland: the attitudes and views of lawyers, insurance medical experts, and addiction-specialist therapists.

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    BACKGROUND According to a landmark decision by the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, people with a substance use disorder (SUD) are now eligible for disability benefits if their disorder impairs their ability to work. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is one of the most common SUDs in Switzerland and is associated with high societal and economic costs. This study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of the views of professional stakeholder groups regarding AUD and their opinions on the new legal precedent. METHODS Swiss social insurance lawyers, insurance medical experts, and addiction-specialist therapists (N = 79) answered an online questionnaire. Due to violations of the assumption of normality, non-parametric tests are reported in most cases. RESULTS Therapists held significantly higher regard for patients with AUD than both lawyers and insurance medical experts. All three groups strongly supported a disease view of AUD but agreed significantly less that it was a disease like cancer, suggesting that AUDs might be seen as at least partially self-inflicted. Overall, moralist views of AUD received considerably less support than the disease view, with lawyers agreeing with moralist views more than therapists. All groups were well-informed and largely supportive about the new legal precedent. When asked about stipulating participation in medical treatment to mitigate damages associated with a claim, attending therapy was supported the most amongst the groups (80% of participants felt this was somewhat or fully appropriate), followed by a reduction in drinking quantity (58%), and abstinence (18%). In all three groups, we identified associations between certain views and opinions on AUD and support for the new legal precedent. CONCLUSIONS Whilst there were differences between the stakeholder groups in their regard for and views of AUD, all three adopted a clear harm-reduction approach with respect to measures to mitigate damages associated with the insurance disability claim. A possible connection of this stance with the Swiss national drug policy in recent years is discussed together with limitations of the study and practical implications of the findings

    Tissue Sodium Content and Arterial Hypertension in Obese Adolescents

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    Early-onset obesity is known to culminate in type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension and subsequent cardiovascular disease. The role of sodium (Na+) homeostasis in this process is incompletely understood, yet correlations between Na+ accumulation and hypertension have been observed in adults. We aimed to investigate these associations in adolescents. A cohort of 32 adolescents (13-17 years), comprising 20 obese patients, of whom 11 were hypertensive, as well as 12 age-matched controls, underwent 23Na-MRI of the left lower leg with a standard clinical 3T scanner. Median triceps surae muscle Na+ content in hypertensive obese (11.95 mmol/L [interquartile range 11.62-13.66]) was significantly lower than in normotensive obese (13.63 mmol/L [12.97-17.64]; p = 0.043) or controls (15.37 mmol/L [14.12-16.08]; p = 0.012). No significant differences were found between normotensive obese and controls. Skin Na+ content in hypertensive obese (13.33 mmol/L [11.53-14.22] did not differ to normotensive obese (14.12 mmol/L [13.15-15.83]) or controls (11.48 mmol/L [10.48-12.80]), whereas normotensive obese had higher values compared to controls (p = 0.004). Arterial hypertension in obese adolescents is associated with low muscle Na+ content. These findings suggest an early dysregulation of Na+ homeostasis in cardiometabolic disease. Further research is needed to determine whether this association is causal and how it evolves in the transition to adulthood

    Alles auf einen Blick: BAföG, Wohnen, Mensa, Beratung, Soziales, Kultur, Internationales

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    Das Studentenwerk Dresden unterstützt die Studierenden als Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts mit seinen umfangreichen Service-Angeboten ca. 40.000 Studierende von sieben Hochschulen und einer Berufsakademie an den Standorten Dresden, Tharandt, Zittau und Görlitz

    Data archive of: It's more than just conflict: The functional role of congruency in the sequential control adaptation

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    According to the conflict monitoring theory (CMT), one of the most prominent theories of cognitive control, the exertion of cognitive control is triggered by the detection of conflicting response tendencies in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Recent research has challenged this emphasis of response conflicts and has debated whether in addition to shielding after incongruent trials the relaxation after congruent trials also contributes to the sequential adaptation of control. To investigate the functionality of facilitative congruent trials in sequential adaptation of control, we conducted two experiments using a visual (Experiment 1) and an auditory (Experiment 2, preregistered) Simon task with stimuli presented laterally to the left or right (creating response congruent and incongruent trials) or without any particular spatial information (creating neutral trials). Both experiments showed converging results: in the error and reaction time data, the Simon effect was smaller following incongruent trials, larger following congruent trials, and the Simon effect following neutral trials was in-between. Results thus suggest that sequential control adaptations can originate from two processes: Increased shielding in response to incongruent trials and relaxation in response to congruent trials. Argumentation for a functional role of congruent and incongruent trials in the sequential adaptation of control suggest a more general theory of fluency monitoring instead of mere conflict monitoring. In addition, such extensions of the CMT provide theoretical explanations of how control is ever relaxed in response conflict tasks after being enhanced by conflict in the first place. Last but not least, the results may also be taken as a further hint that congruent stimuli may provide a positive affective signal for control relaxation just it has already been shown for incongruent stimuli as aversive signals for the up-regulation of control (shielding)

    Potreba za psihosocijalnom rehabilitacijom oboljelih od raka

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    In addition to the healing and alleviation of primary somatic cancer symptoms, the comprehensive psycho oncological treatment of cancer patients is an important and fundamental component of oncological rehabilitation in Germany. Rehabilitation treatment encompasses medical, physiotherapeutic, psychological, and creative therapeutic methods, as well as psycho-educational interventions within the framework of an individualized therapy plan. Psycho-oncological interventions within rehabilitation are governed less by individual therapeutic schools of thought, and more by a supportive, patient-centered approach that integrates various psychotherapeutic methods. Adapted methods and techniques from various psychotherapeutic approaches (behavioral therapy, psychoanalytical psychotherapies, systemic family therapy, or hypnotherapy) are currently used in the treatment of cancer patients. A total of N=116 patients of the Paracelsus Clinic am See in Bad Gandersheim were able to be included in the study. In summary, this study shows that about two thirds of the patients admitted to the oncological rehabilitation clinic exhibit middle to high degrees of distress in the areas of anxiety and/or depression. Moreover, it appears to be particularly important to assess not only the mental distress of cancer patients but also their degree of information with regard to psycho-oncological treatment when performing screening for psycho-oncological treatment outside of the rehabilitation clinic setting. Here it is particularly important to accommodate for a differing need for differing forms of treatment (need for counseling, care, or treatment).Sveobuhvatno psiho-onkološko liječenje bolesnika s rakom važan je prilog u liječenju i ublažavanju primarnih somatskih simptoma te temeljna komponenta onkološke rehabilitacije u Saveznoj Republici Njemačkoj. Ova vrsta rehabilitacije obuhvaća medicinske, fizioterapijske, psihološke te kreativno terapijske pristupe, ali i psihoedukacijske intervencije u okviru individualiziranih terapijskih programa. Psiho-onkološki rehabilitacijski postupci manje su određeni kognitivnim psihoterapijskim metodma, a više potpornim, pacijentu usmjerenim pristupima koji obuhvaćaju različite psihoterapijske tehnike. Prilagođene metode i tehnike iz različitih psihoterapijskih pristupa (bihevioralna terapija, psihoanalitička psihoterapija, sistemska obiteljska terapija ili hipnoterapija) predstavljaju suvremeni koncept u liječenju onkoloških bolesnika. Ova studija provedena je na uzorku od 116 pacijenata Paracelsus Clinic am See u Bad Gandersheimu. Rezultati studije pokazali su da dvije trećine pacijenata uključenih u onkološku rehabilitaciju pokazuje srednji do visok stupanj poremećaja u području anksioznosti i/ili depresije. Osim toga, osobito je važno da se u uvjetima definiranja psiho-onkološkog liječenja u izvankliničkim uvjetima ne procjenjuje samo vrsta i stupanj psihičkog poremećaja, već također i razina informiranosti o psiho-onkološkom liječenju. U tom smislu posebno je važno različite oblike liječenja prilagoditi različitim osobnim potrebamabolesnika (npr. potreba za savjetovanjem, njegom, liječenjem)