12 research outputs found

    Microbial communities in dark oligotrophic volcanic ice cave ecosystems of Mt. Erebus, Antarctica.

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    The Earth's crust hosts a subsurface, dark, and oligotrophic biosphere that is poorly understood in terms of the energy supporting its biomass production and impact on food webs at the Earth's surface. Dark oligotrophic volcanic ecosystems (DOVEs) are good environments for investigations of life in the absence of sunlight as they are poor in organics, rich in chemical reactants and well known for chemical exchange with Earth's surface systems. Ice caves near the summit of Mt. Erebus (Antarctica) offer DOVEs in a polar alpine environment that is starved in organics and with oxygenated hydrothermal circulation in highly reducing host rock. We surveyed the microbial communities using PCR, cloning, sequencing and analysis of the small subunit (16S) ribosomal and Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase (RubisCO) genes in sediment samples from three different caves, two that are completely dark and one that receives snow-filtered sunlight seasonally. The microbial communities in all three caves are composed primarily of Bacteria and fungi; Archaea were not detected. The bacterial communities from these ice caves display low phylogenetic diversity, but with a remarkable diversity of RubisCO genes including new deeply branching Form I clades, implicating the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle as a pathway of CO2 fixation. The microbial communities in one of the dark caves, Warren Cave, which has a remarkably low phylogenetic diversity, were analyzed in more detail to gain a possible perspective on the energetic basis of the microbial ecosystem in the cave. Atmospheric carbon (CO2 and CO), including from volcanic emissions, likely supplies carbon and/or some of the energy requirements of chemoautotrophic microbial communities in Warren Cave and probably other Mt. Erebus ice caves. Our work casts a first glimpse at Mt. Erebus ice caves as natural laboratories for exploring carbon, energy and nutrient sources in the subsurface biosphere and the nutritional limits on life

    Extraction of DNA from acidic, hydrothermally modified volcanic soils

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    Acidic soils for microbial diversity studies were collected from Devil’s Kitchen, a fumarolic field on Mt Hood, USA. The very dense soils, which contain clay and other minerals, are derived from andesitic and dacitic rocks altered by volcanic heat and acidic, sulfur-rich hydrothermal steam. An initial attempt to extract biomass DNA using a mechanical-based cell lysis protocol was ineffective. However, by using various other protocols, DNA was successfully extracted, leading to the identification of several acidophilic Mt Hood extremophiles. The results emphasise the importance of testing different extraction procedures when dealing with apparently intractable samples.5 page(s

    The Fluorescent dyes TO-PRO-3 and TOTO-3 iodide allow detection of microbial cells in soil samples without interference from background fluorescence

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    Visualization of microorganisms in soils and sediments using fluorescent dyes is a common method in microbial ecology studies, but is often hampered by strong nonspecific background fluorescence that can mask genuine cellular signals. Te cyanine nucleic acid binding dyes TO-PRO-3 and TOTO-3 iodide enabled a clear detection of microbial cells in a mineral soil, while nonspecific background was greatly reduced compared with commonly used dyes. When used as counterstains for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), both cyanine dyes allowed identification of microbial cells despite strong background from nonspecifically bound probes. TO-PRO-3 and TOTO-3 are easy to use and represent superior alternatives for detecting microorganisms in soil environments.3 page(s

    A Culture-independent survey of the bacterial community in a radon hot spring

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    Paralana is an active, radon-containing hot spring situated in a region of South Australia's Flinders Ranges with a long history of hydrothermal activity. Our aim was to determine the bacterial composition of Paralana using a culture-independent, 16S rRNA-based technique. The presence of a diverse bacterial community was strongly suggested by the large number (~180) of different ribotypes obtained upon analysis of nine hot spring samples. DNA sequencing of Paralana 16S rRNA genes corroborated this observation, identifying representatives of seven confirmed and two candidate divisions of the domain Bacteria. These included Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria (both β and δ subdivisions), the Cytophaga–Flexibacter–Bacteroides group, Low G+C Gram-positives, Nitrospira, green non-sulfur bacteria, green sulfur bacteria, OP8, and OP12. No known ionizing radiation-resistant Bacteria were identified. Only one Paralana 16S rRNA sequence type (recombinant B5D) was homologous to a sequence previously identified from a radioactive environment.16 page(s

    The Microbial community of a radon hot spring

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    Paralana is an active, radon-containing hot spring situated in a region of South Australia's Flinders Ranges with a long history of hydrothermal activity. Gas bubbling into the pool is composed of radon (from the radioactive decay of radium), nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and trace helium and hydrogen. The microbial composition of mat and biofilm samples from Paralana was determined using culture-independent 16S rRNA techniques. We have previously demonstrated that the hot spring contains a diverse bacterial community. Here we summarise these findings and report on the emph{Archaea} identified in Paralana. Archaeal inhabitants include members of the Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota kingdoms.7 page(s

    Modern analogues and the early history of microbial life

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    Revealing the geological history of microbial life is very challenging. Microbes rarely are preserved with morphological fidelity, and even when they are, morphology is a poor guide to phylogeny and metabolism. Biological studies of environments considered analogous to those of paleobiological interest on the ancient Earth can inform interpretations and suggest new approaches. This paper reviews recent advances in our understanding of the biological diversity of two environments relevant to Archean paleobiology: those of extreme acidity and temperature (the Mt. Hood and White Island volcanoes), and high salinity (living stromatolites in Shark Bay). The combination of traditional microbial isolation with the use of modern molecular techniques has revealed that the microbial communities in these environments are much more diverse than originally thought. Through the extraction of whole microbial community DNA, enzymatic amplification of evolutionarily conserved genes, and cloning and sequencing of these genes, more specific and informed inferences concerning functional complexity in these extreme environments have now been made. Studies of the modern stromatolites have demonstrated that they have a very diverse range of micoorganisms, and contrary to previous interpretations, cyanobacteria are not the most abundant microbes present. In addition, many of the microorganisms are unique with no known close relatives, and these microorganisms may also possess novel physiologies vital to the integrity and persistence of stromatolites through space and time. Microbes in the volcanoes studied are present ubiquitously and include geochemically significant sulfur- and iron-cycling taxa. The findings from the studies reviewed here suggest that the Archean biota may have been functionally diverse and much more complex than has yet been revealed. The importance of studying modern analogues is stressed in that the biogeochemical processes occurring in these communities leave morphological, mineralogical, lipid and isotopic signals that could be sought in the rock record.9 page(s

    Supporting Biomedical Research Training for Historically Underrepresented Undergraduates Using Interprofessional, Nonformal Education Structures

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    Research experience provides critical training for new biomedical research scientists. Students from underrepresented populations studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are increasingly recruited into research pathways to diversify STEM fields. However, support structures outside of research settings designed to help these students navigate biomedical research pathways are not always available; nor are program support components outside the context of laboratory technical skills training and formal mentorship well understood. This study leveraged a multi-institutional research training program, Enhancing Cross-Disciplinary Infrastructure and Training at Oregon (EXITO), to explore how nine institutions designed a new curricular structure (Enrichment) to meet a common goal of enhancing undergraduate research training and student success. EXITO undergraduates participated in a comprehensive, 3-year research training program with the Enrichment component offered across nine sites: three universities and six community colleges, highly diverse in size, demographics, and location. Sites’ approaches to supporting students in the training program were studied over a 30-month period. All sites independently created their own nonformal curricular structures, implemented interprofessionally via facilitated peer groups. Site data describing design and implementation were thematically coded to identify essential programmatic components across sites, with student feedback used to triangulate findings. Enrichment offered students time to critically reflect on their interests, experiences, and identities in research; network with peers and professionals; and support negotiation of hidden and implicit curricula. Students reported the low-pressure setting and student-centered curriculum balanced the high demands associated with academics and research. Core curricular themes described Enrichment as fostering a sense of community among students, exposing students to career paths and skills, and supporting development of students’ professional identities. The non-formal, interprofessional curricula enabled students to model diverse biomedical identities and pathways for each other while informing institutional structures to improve diverse undergraduate students’ success in academia and research

    Oxidative Remobilization of Technetium Sequestered by Sulfide-Transformed Nano Zerovalent Iron

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    Our previous study showed that formation of TcS<sub>2</sub>-like phases is favored over TcO<sub>2</sub> under sulfidic conditions stimulated by nano zerovalent iron. This study further investigates the stability of Tc­(IV) sulfide upon reoxidation by solution chemistry, solid phase characterization, and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Tc dissolution data showed that Tc­(VII) reduced by sulfide-transformed nZVI has substantially slower reoxidation kinetics than Tc­(VII) reduced by nZVI only. The initial inhibition of Tc­(IV) dissolution at S/Fe = 0.112 is due to the redox buffer capacity of FeS, which is evidenced by the parallel trends in oxidation–reduction potentials (ORP) and Tc dissolution kinetics. The role of FeS in inhibiting Tc oxidation is further supported by the Mössbauer spectroscopy and micro X-ray diffraction data at S/Fe = 0.112, showing persistence of FeS after 24-h oxidation but complete oxidation after 120-h oxidation. X-ray absorption spectroscopy data for S/Fe = 0.011 showed significantly increasing percentages of TcS<sub>2</sub> in the solid phase after 24-h oxidation, indicating stronger resistance of TcS<sub>2</sub> to oxidation. At S/Fe = 0.112, the XAS results revealed significant transformation of Tc speciation from TcS<sub>2</sub> to TcO<sub>2</sub> after 120-h oxidation. Given that no apparent Tc dissolution occurred during this period, the speciation transformation might play a secondary role in hindering Tc oxidation. Collectively, the results indicate that sequestrating Tc as TcS<sub>2</sub> under stimulated sulfate reduction is a promising strategy to improve the long-term stability of reduced Tc in subsurface remediation