1,096 research outputs found

    Building Blocks for Adaptive Modular Sensing Systems

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    This thesis contributes towards the development of systems and strategies by which sensor and actuator components can be combined to produce flexible and robust sensor systems for a given application. A set of intelligent modular blocks (building blocks) have been created from which composite sensors (made up of multiple sensor and actuator components) can be rapidly reconfigured for the construction of Adaptive Modular Sensing Systems. The composite systems are expected to prove useful in several application domains including industrial control, inspection systems, mobile robotics, monitoring and data acquisition. The intelligent building blocks, referred to as transducer interface modules, contain embedded knowledge about their capabilities and how they can interact with other modules. These modules encapsulate a general purpose modular hardware architecture that provides an interface between the sensors, the actuators, and the communication medium. The geometry of each transducer interface module is a cube. A connector mechanism implemented on each face of the module enables physical connection of the modules. Each module provides a core functionality and can be connected to other modules to form more capable composite sensors. Once the modules are combined, the capabilities (e.g., range, resolution, sample rate, etc.) and functionality (e.g., temperature measurement) of the composite sensor is determined and communicated to other sensors in the enviornment. For maximum flexibility, a distributed software architecture is executed on the blocks to enable automatic acquisition of configuration-specific algorithms. This logical algorithm imparts a collective identity to the composite group, and processes data based on the capabilities and functionalities of the transducers present in the system. A knowledge representation scheme allows each module in the composite group to store and communicate its functionality and capabilities to other connected modules in the system


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    Hair plays an important role in making body externally beautiful. Healthy and good looking long hair makes a person mentally enthusiastic and healthy. But in modern era due to extremely busy schedule, pollution and unhealthy diet, hair fall i.e. “Khalitya” is increasing day by day, and the main victims who are facing this problem are youngsters. Susceptibility of hair fall is more in males than in females. In Ayurvedic approach, falling of hair is coined out as in term of ‘Khalitya’. The medical term of baldness is alopecia; any type of hair loss is called alopecia. The aim of this article is to elaborate & explore the aetiology, patho-physiology & overall Ayurvedic treatment of Khalitya i.e., Nasya, Virechana, Leech therapy, Rasayana, Abhyang, different type of Lepa & Yoga. For Khalitya, Nasya is one of the best choices of management for its prime role in maintaining hair growth & preventing Khalitya. As per Ayurveda, ‘Khalitya’ (hairs fall) is a sign of ageing process and Rasayana therapy is paramount for ageing disorder. Massage (Abhyang) greatly improves the blood circulation, thus increasing the health of the hair & also scalp. Yoga like Sarvangasan increase blood flow toward brain. So we hope to get excellent result of Ayurveda in Khalitya

    Adolescent gynae clinic - need of the day: a prospective study at a tertiary care centre

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    Background: To study common gynaecological problems in adolescent girls and to establish the need of adolescent clinic.Methods: A prospective study was conducted including 250 adolescent girls attending gynaecology OPD. Girls were evaluated by detailed history, thorough clinical examination and investigations such as haemogram, coagulation profile, hormonal assays, ultrasound examination of abdomen and pelvis, as and when indicated.Results: Majority of girls had complaints related to menstrual disorders i.e. 58.3%. Most common causes of menstrual abnormalities were dysfunctional uterine bleeding (42.85%) followed by polycystic ovarian syndrome (26.19%) and pelvic inflammatory disease (15.47%).Conclusions: Problems are specific to this age group, setting up of separate adolescent clinics is desirable of efficient management where they can be provided adequate privacy to discuss their problems openly

    Study to determine the distribution pattern of agglutinating antibodies to Salmonella enterica serotype: typhi, paratyphi A and paratyphi B antigens in normal healthy individuals and individuals with afebrile illness in pediatric population

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    Background: Enteric fever continues to be a major health problem in developing countries including India. The serological test, Widal test, is a well known test, used as an indirect test to detect the serological evidences of presence of Salmonella groups. The following study was undertaken to determine the baseline Widal titre (the titre of the antibodies to the O and the H antigens of S. typhi and to the H antigens of S. paratyphi A and B) in normal healthy individuals and individuals with afebrile illness in paediatric population coming to our hospital (both IPD and OPD). Materials & Methods: The Widal test was performed with serial serum dilutions: 1:20, 1:40, 1:80, 1:160 and 1:320 by using isotonic normal saline. 0.5ml of each of the antigen suspension was added to corresponding tubes, mixed well and incubated at 37C for 24 hours. The tubes were then examined visually for agglutination. A 50% agglutination is considered and recorded as the titre of antibodies present in the individual against Salmonella. Results: Positive agglutination in Widal test was observed to be lowest among under-fives as compared to older children (46% vs 62%), but the results were not significant (p=0.06). No significant association was observed between Positive agglutination in Widal test and gender (p=0.31). Conclusion: It is clear that Salmonella agglutinins are common among apparently healthy people and as endemicity of typhoid in an area may change over time, more studies should be carried out to determine Salmonella agglutinin titre in apparently healthy populations, so that a better judgment which is based on the prevailing agglutinin titres can be made. Keywords: Agglutination, Salmonellosis, Typhoid fever, Salmonella typhi, Paratyphi A,  Paratyphi


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    According to Ayurvedic literature, the potency and efficacy (Saviryata awadhi) of Ayurvedic classical preparations depend upon quality of each drug (having Rasa panchak), desh (region), Kal (time), Ritu (season), their preparation method and route of administration. But now a day, in modern science got after research these concepts molded and depend on chemical composition of each drug or preparation. Here we describe the claims of Vrahat dadimashtak choorna in various diseases especially in Gastro-intestinal ailments. As per Acharya Sharangdhar, Vrahat dadimashtak choorna is useful for the treatment of following disorders:-Atisaar (diarrhoea) Kshaya (phthisis), Gulma (abdominal tumor/abdominal lump), Grahani (sprue), Galagraha (pain in throat), Mandagni (Improper digestion), Peenus (rhinitis), Kas (cough). The all contents of Vrahat dadimashtak choorna have been evaluated according to the research done by various research scholars. The efficacy has been also tested according to the Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka described in Ayurvedic text. In this research paper we are try to establish the claims of old Ayurvedic text on the recent research parameters

    Isolated orbital myocysticercosis in a Muslim boy

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    Orbital cysticercosis is secondary to an infestation by Cysticercus cellulosae, the larval form of Taenia solium. We report a case of isolated orbital myocysticersosis in a four year old non pork eater boy who presented with sign and symptoms suggestive of mass lesion in superior orbit. He was managed with medical line of treatment and showed complete resolution of his symptoms. It becomes important to report this case because of unusual site of the cyst, young age of the patient and to highlight the importance of proper sanitary measures in preventing this disease

    Authentication System Using Text Passwords Along With Persuasive Cued Click Points

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    This paper presents an implementation of a two level authentication using a combination of text passwords and persuasive cued click points on three or five images. The most common method for authentication is textual passwords. Though textual passwords are easy to remember, they are vulnerable to eavesdropping, dictionary attacks, social engineering and shoulder surfing. Graphical passwords have been introduced as an alternative to textual passwords. But same as textual passwords, shoulder surfing attacks make most of the graphical schemes vulnerable. To address this problem, textual passwords can be combined with graphical schemes in what gives a two level security without the use of additional hardware. This paper also presents an evaluation of the text based passwords and graphical password schemes which have been tested previously but failed, including usability and security evaluations

    Pedagogical aspects of ecoGothic elements in Ruskin Bond’s novellas

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    This article examines the pedagogical aspect of the ecoGothic elements in Ruskin Bond’s fiction, particularly the three novellas chosen to be highlighted: Angry River (Flood), Dust on the Mountains (Deforestation in the Mountains) and Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright (Wildlife Conservation) . Even his poems such as “The Pool” and “Parts of Old Dehra” carry the same sombre tone. This article will be analysing these stories, mapping their Gothic tropes such as ‘Burkean Grief” and ‘sympathy for the devil”. In so doing, this article will be highlighting the pedagogical importance of Bond’s work utilising an ecoGothic perspective married to a postcolonial Gothic pedagogical approach. The aim is to initiate a discourse around the pedagogical benefits of reading Ruskin Bond’s novella from an ecoGothic perspective in order to inculcate an inter-disciplinary approach towards environment conservation. This article will mainly be using Gina Wisker for the postcolonial Gothic pedagogical framework and Thomas Nelson for his methodology of using education to combat ecological crises. The findings reveal that the conflict between humans and nature in Bond’s fictions connect to a stronger underlying theme in Indian EcoGothic fiction in relation to climate change

    Analysis of caesarean section using Robson’s ten group classification in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Caesarean section is the most common obstetric operation that saves lives of countless mother and babies. In the past few decades, caesarean section rates have been continuously increasing worldwide. WHO declared that there is no justification for any region to have a caesarean section rate higher than 10-15% and added that CS rates higher than 10% is not associated with reduction in newborn and maternal mortality rates. In 2015, WHO proposed Robson classification as a global standard of assessing, monitoring comparing and auditing the determinants of caesarean sections rates. Methods: This Retrospective study was done in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Heritage institute of medical Sciences, Varanasi. The study duration was from July 2021 to June 2022. Results: A total of 2039 cases underwent delivery during the study duration. The caesarean rate calculated was 46.3%. Group 5 (previous CS, single, cephalic, >37weeks) made the greatest contributor to total CS rate followed by Group 1 (nulliparous, single, cephalic, >37 weeks in spontaneous labor). 100% of women with abnormal lie (group 9) and 87.9% women with breech presentation underwent CS. Conclusions: The overall rate of Caesarean sections is on an increasing trend. Robson’s Group 5 and 1 were the major contributors to caesarean section in this study. RTGCS is a simple useful tool which is a starting point for meaningful analysis of CS both at facility level and across different facilities

    Maternal near miss: a surrogate indicator of obstetrics care

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    Background: A maternal near miss (MNM) is an event in which a pregnant woman is on the verge of dying but doesn't die. Despite the fact that most maternal deaths can be avoided, efforts to reduce maternal mortality have not always been successful. This study aimed to identify and analyze the frequency of maternal near-misses (MNMs) cases and causes of maternal near miss due to severe obstetric complications. Methods: A retrospective observational study was carried out at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Heritage Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi. The study duration was from January 2021-June 2022. Purposive sampling was used to collect the total of 2053 samples. Results: The study involved in total of 56 maternal near miss cases which includes total of ten maternal deaths. The majority of the respondents have more than 20 years of the age (82.1%) where near miss cases were higher in multiparous women (73.2%). First delays (delay in women seeking help) were almost a third in numbers to affect the maternal mortality and morbidity. Hypertension (32%). hemorrhage (20%) and anemia (14%) were the major leading cause of obstetrical complications. About 66% of the maternal near miss cases needed the interventional management that was ICU admission, mechanical ventilation (41.1%) and blood transfusion (32.1%). Conclusions: Pregnancy hypertension, postpartum hemorrhage, and severe anemia continue to be important determinants of maternal morbidity. First-referral unit facilities and training should be improved so that they can better respond to basic obstetric emergencies such as hypertension, anemia and hemorrhage
