11 research outputs found

    Self-Care Adherence Experience in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease that cause its patient need a long life maintenance. Diabetes Mellitus management in daily life is a complex activity and need an understanding about medicines, healthy diet, physical activities, and glycemic control. All those things is a personal responsibility of patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. The objective of this systematic review was to describe the self-care adherence experience in patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Method: 15 best articles were found using PECOT framework in some databases; EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, and Journal of Universitas Airlangga. Those articles have been chosen based on some criteria. Result: Self-care therapeutic regiment for patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 are physical activities, diet, self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG), and glycemic control. But most of respondents were disobey the therapy caused by various factors. Depression is one of the reason. Conclusion: Nursing intervention was needed to increase self-care adherence in patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

    Preparatory Intervention to Reduce Anxiety in Patient who will Undergo Endoscopy: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Endoscopy is a diagnosis method to examine gastrointestinal system disorder. Being worry about the procedure, environment, and result itself can cause an anxiety in patient. Patient’s ability to adapt with all the things in endoscopy is importantly required to support examination. Anxiety will cause bad effect in patient. Comprehensive nursing intervention has to be given to reduce that anxiety. The objective of this systematic review was to compare the preparatory interventions given to endoscopy patient. Method: Articles were found in some databases such as Scopus, Science Direct, and PUBMED. The framework were (1) Preparatory Intervention identification in literature, (2) Identify the most relevant articles based on title and abstract, (3) Get full text literatures, (4) Classify the preparatory interventions. Result: The preparatory interventions found were (1) Hypnosis, (2) Aromatherapy, (3) Psychologycal preparation (4) Health Education, preparatory education (6) Giving information using various media (7) Information and behavioral training. Conclusion: Hypnosis, Health Education, Psychological preparation, Aromatherapy, Information and behavioral training, effective communication were preparatory intervention which can reduce the anxiety level of patient who undergo endoscop

    Factors Related to Decubitus in Patient with Bed Rest and Physical Immobilization : A Systematic Review

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    Background: Decubitus is one of nosocomial infection that caused by a very long bedrest and physical immobilization. The prevalence of decubitus was still high in Indonesia. The objective of this systematic review was to identify factors that cause decubitus in patient with bedrest and physical immobilization. Method: 15 best articles were found using PECOT framework in some databases; EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, Pub Med, Wiley and Springer Link. Those articles have been chosen based on some criteria. Result: These are factors that cause decubitus ; Medical diagnosis, nutritional deficit, using mechanical ventilator, skin integrity, age, gender, immobilization, skin type, nurse’s workload, Length of Stay (LOS), fecal incontinence, environment humidity, albumin, hemoglobin, limfosit, triceps skinfold, blood pressure, sensory perception, friction, weight, mental status, vertebra trauma, diabetic history, and hypertension. Discussion: The most dominant factor was immobilization, skin integrity, friction, nutrition, age, and gende


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    Purun woven is a local cultural inheritance that must be preserved its local wisdom. Currently, there are many product derivatives from this craft, one of which is a tote bag that is useful for reducing plastic waste when going shopping to malls and markets. This tote bag made from the purun swamp plant that grows around swamp and peat land in South Kalimantan Province is better known as the purun basket. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) and local creative industries, especially in Banjarbaru City, which has started to innovate with this purun basket has made the purun basket more widely known to foreign countries, including doing ribbon embroidery techniques on the purun basket media. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize this form of ribbon embroidery innovation to the public so that it is more widely known. This service aims to introduce additional skills in ribbon embroidery techniques to the administrators of the Women's Organization Association (GOW) of Banjarbaru City, as well as to increase the enthusiasm of the purun craftsmen in Banjarbaru City. The hope is that these skills can increase income for audiences that come from the administrators of the Women's Organization Association (GOW) of Banjarbaru City in spare time. The results of this service were enthusiastically welcomed by the management, who are also residents of the City of Banjarbaru and a special award among craftsmen because their work is widely recognize

    Effectivity Of Pursed-Lips Breathing To Decrease Respiration Rate (RR) in Patient with COPD: A Systematic Review

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    Intoduction: COPD is one of disease that increase morbidity and mortality in the world. Pharmacology intervention only was not effective to overcome dyspnea as the most visible symptom of COPD. Pursed- Lips Breathing is a nonpharmacological therapy which is effective to help COPD patient to reduce dyspnea. The objective of this systematic review was to describe effectivity of Pursed-Lips Breathing to decrease Respiration Rate (RR) in patient with COPD. Method: 15 best articles were found using PECOT framework in some databases; EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, Pub Med, Wiley and Springer Link. Those articles have been chosen based on some criteria. Result: Pursed-Lips breathing that given for about 1 – 24 months was found effective to decrease Respiration Rate in patient with COPD. Discussion: Pursed-Lips breathing was highly recommended for patient with COPD to reduce dyspnea


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    Pendahuluan: Penularan penyakit, kegagalan pengobatan, dan resistensi obat merupakan masalah yang terjadi akibat ketidakpatuhan. Salah satu faktor penyebab ketidakpatuhan adalah masalah psikologis yang berkepanjangan dan kurangnya komitmen niat pasien untuk melakukan pengobatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh psikoedukasi audio visual berbasis implementation intention terhadap niat dan perilaku kepatuhan pengobatan pasien TB. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah quasy experiment dengan pre – post control group design. Tujuh puluh dua pasien TB dengan pengobatan kategori 1 fase intensif yang diperoleh dengan tehnik simple random sampling bagi menjadi 2 kelompok intervensi(n=36) dan kontrol (n=36) dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini. Variabel independen adalah psikoedukasi audiovisual berbasis implementation intention, variabel dependen adalah niat dan perilaku kepatuhan. Niat patuh minum obat dinilai dengan menggunakan kuesioner niat yang dimodifikasi dari penelitian Sari, perilaku kepatuhan minum obat dinilai menggunakan kuesioner Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8), perilaku kepatuhan pencegahan penularan dan nutrisi dinilai menggunakan kuesioner dari penelitian Sukartini. Tehnik analisis data dengan Wilcoxon sign rank test dan Mann Whitney test. Hasil: Setelah dilakukan intervensi psikoedukasi audio visual berbasis implementation intention didapatkan hasil bahwa ada peningkatan signifikan terhadap niat patuh minum obat (p=0.000), niat patuh pencegahan penularan (p=0,004), niat patuh konsumsi nutrisi (p=0,018), perilaku kepatuhan minum obat (p=0,012), perilaku kepatuhan pencegahan penularan (p=0,000), dan perilaku kepatuhan nutrisi (p=0,001). Kesimpulan: Psikoedukasi audio visual berbasis implementation intention adalah intervensi yang efektif untuk meningkatkan niat dan perilaku kepatuhan pasien TB dalam pengobatan


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    Background : The baby is the most susceptible age group to malnutrition. Because the baby have weak immunity.The Higher IMR in Indonesia is caused by various factors, one of them is nutrients status. Exclusive breastfeeding can decrease malnutrition. In addition, some research says difference of results the birth order affecting nutrition status of infants 0-6 months. This research aims to study the relationship between the birth order and exclusive breastfeeding with nutrition status of infants aged 0-6 months at Puskesmas Kalijudan Surabaya. Method : The method used observational analytic with cross sectional design. The sampling used simple random dampling. Variable free are birth order and exclusive breastfeeding, variables tied is status nutrition. Result: The results statistics by using Spearman, p (0, 44) > α (0, 05), then H0 be accepted, it means no relationship between birth order with nutrition status of infants aged 0-6 months. The results statistics by using Fisher Exact, p (0.001) < α (0, 05), then H0 is rejected, it means relationships between exclusive breastfeeding with nutrition status of infants 0-6 months. Conclusion : The study concluded that the nutrition status of infants aged 0-6 months is not associated with the birth order. However, there is relationships between malnutrition with exclusive breastfeeding

    Systematic Review: The Effect of Covid-19 on Anxiety in Pregnant Women

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    Abstract Pregnancy is a very vulnerable period in a woman's life. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect emotional instabilityThe anxiety caused will have an impact on the health of mothers and children such as the risk of preeclampsia, premature birth, low birth weight, and fetal growth restriction. This study aims to determine the existing literature on the impact of COVID-19 on anxiety in pregnant women. This study used a systematic literature review method. The population in this study were journals from the Pubmed, Science Direct, Sage, Emerald, and Proquest databases published between 2020 and 2021. Result of study was a total of 15 of the 675 articles met the inclusion criteria. This study found that 8 out of 15 articles experienced an increase in the prevalence of anxiety in pregnant women by more than half a percent (90.5%; 57.8%; 77%; 64.5%) and experienced an increase in anxiety prevalence by more than a quarter percent ( 43.9%; 46.3%; 25.6%; 37.5%. In addition, this study found differences in the anxiety of pregnant women between before COVID-19 and during COVID-19 Pandemics. Anxiety in pregnant women included gestational age, demographics, socioeconomic status, knowledge, social support, and physical activity. The COVID-19 pandemic could increase anxiety in pregnant women. Mental health of pregnant women should be one of the priorities in public health to improve the welfare of pregnant women. Policymakers and health planners need to consider mental health in pregnant women in designing procedures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic