10 research outputs found

    Hasil Peer Review Artikel Berjudul Uji Karakteristik Limbah Cair Industri Batik Tulungagung: Penelitian Pendahuluan

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    Produksi batik di Indonesia telah tersebar di 20 provinsi di Indonesia. UNESCO bahkan mengukuhkan batik sebagai warisan budaya milik Indonesia. Industri batik menghasilkan karakteristik limbah yang berwarna pekat akibat tingginya konsentrasi kadar warna dari proses pencelupan warna pada pembuatan batik. Hal ini berakibat pada badan air sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah secara langsung. Komposisi zat warna yang digunakan dalam industri terdiri atas bahan kimia organikdan anorganik. Jenis zat warna yang digunakan dalam industri batik sebagai tempat pengambilan sampel adalah menggunakan naphtoldan indigosol. Limbah batik juga berpotensi mengandung senyawa logam berat yang berasal dari komposisi bahan pewarna. Semakin besar proses produksi berlangsung, maka kapasitas limbah yang dihasilkan semakin besar. Hal ini akan berdampak pada terganggunya keseimbangan pada lingkungan sekitar industri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik limbah cair batik di Tulungagung dengan mengukur kadar BOD, COD, DO, TSS, pH, kadar lemak, kadar zat warna dan kadar Cr6+. Pengujian kadar BOD diukur dengan menggunakan metode 5thday incubation, kadar COD diukur dengan menggunakan metode analisis Dichromate Oxidation, kadar DO diukur dengan metode analisis Dissolved Oxygen Before, kadar TSS diukur dengan metode analisis gravimetri, analisis lemak menggunakan metode Direct Acid Hydrolysis, analisis kadar warna menggunakan metode spectrofotometry dan analisis Cr6+ menggunakan metode analisisspektrofotometry. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik limbah cair pabrik batik di atas baku mutu yang telah ditentukan oleh Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 51/menlh/10/1995. Kadar BOD menunjukkan 376, 633 mg/L, kadar COD sebesar 568 mg/L, kadar DO sebesar 2, 374 mg/L, kadar TSS sebesar 1180 mg/L, pH sebesar 5,8; kadar lemak sebesar 0,240%, dan kadar Cr 6+sebesar 2,361 mg/L. Pengambilan cuplikan hanya dilakukan satu kali pada tiga titik lokasi pengambilan, sehingga hasil penelitian tidak bisa mewakili kondisi musim yang berlaku. Pengambilan cuplikan dilakukan pada musim kemarau. Hasil penelitian hanya berlaku untuk waktu dan kondisi saat pengambilan cuplikan di kecamatan Kauman, Tulungagun

    Hasil Peer Review Artikel Berjudul "Analisis Gaya Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Angkatan Pertama Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi"

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    The study program of Biology education in Unitri (University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi, Malang) is a new study program, which has been operated for 1 year. Biology education has a vision that is a pioneer of biological educators who are based on cultured scientific as well as a center for the development of biology learning formed on multicultural and populist. To become a biology educator in accordance with the vision, the students are expected to understand the behavior or learning style to avoid the stress of learning that affects the continuity of the lecture. Students of Unitri who are mostly from Eastern Indonesia tend to be more vulnerable from learning stress since they have to adapt to different environments. Therefore, a research about student learning style analysis and its influence to learning result is conducted. De Porter and Hernacki divide learning styles into three types: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Based on the results of the learning style questionnaire given to 47 new students of biology education, 17% of students have visual learning style, 34% is auditory, and 49% is kinesthetic. To determine the effect on learning outcomes, the eta correlation test with significance value of learning result (score from the midterm test of cell biology course) is 0.086 bigger than α (0.05) which means there is no significant relationship between learning style of area with the score from the midterm test of cell biology course. This insignificant relationship can be influenced because students are new students who have not realized and understood their learning style. Hence, that special treatment is needed such as the existence of teaching materials or learning media that accommodate the learning style in order tp obtain significant results on the learning outcomes

    Hasil Peer Review Artikel Berjudul "Studies of Bacillus subtilis NAP1 to degrade BOD, COD, TSS, and pH: The Iindigenous bacteria in Indonesia batik wastewater"

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    Batik is an industry that is quite popular in Indonesia. Batik has been declared as one of Indonesia's cultural heritage and is recognized by UNESCO. Batik production is recorded to always increase every year. Unfortunately, the batik industry in Indonesia is dominated by many small industries with limited fund management. This makes the environmental aspects and waste disposal neglected. Through this research, study and isolation were carried out to explore the potential of indigenous bacterial isolates that can biodegrade dyes in batik along with other physical parameters of waste. A sample that contained wastewater and sediment from batik industry are collected and cultured in 1000 ml Busnall Hass medium which olive oil-enriched and put at the shaker condition at 150 rpm until 6 days at 30°C. Identification of the isolates examined for their morphological, physiological and biochemistry test. Bacillus subtilis is one of the indigenous isolates from this research. This study aimed to determine the ability of B. subtilis to reduce BOD, COD, TSS, and pH in batik waste and present the results of the DNA analysis of B. subtilis. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the molecular identification of bacteria through analysis of the 16S rDNA gene fragment sequence, the bacteria that play a role in the degradation of dyes is Bacillus subtilis strain NAP1 with an average similarity level of 93%. B. subtilis NAP1. B. subtilis NAP1 isolate offers the potential for future bioremediation of batik wastewate

    Hasil Peer Review Artikel Berjudul "Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Indigen Pengurai Lemak pada Limbah Cair Batik Tulungagung"

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    The native bacteria have a wide life habitat and have an important role as agents in the bioremediation process of waste. Batik as one of the products of Indonesian character, has become a contributor of liquid waste that can reduce water quality. Besides being rich in dyes, batik waste is also rich in fat content. The fat content in batik waste comes from the processing (coating the fabric with a layer of wax) and washing is done repeatedly. Fat has properties that are not soluble in water and is an organic material, which if high concentrations can reduce water quality. This study aims to isolate, identify, and measure the ability of indigenous bacteria to reduce fat content in liquid waste in vitro. The method used is experimental research. Isolation and culture using Busnall Hass media enriched with 1% olive oil, then proceed with a series of biochemical tests for the purpose of characterizing indigenous bacterial isolates. The results showed that Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens have the potential to reduce the fat content of batik liquid wast


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    The native bacteria have a wide life habitat and have an important role as agents in the bioremediation process of waste. Batik as one of the products of Indonesian character, has become a contributor of liquid waste that can reduce water quality. Besides being rich in dyes, batik waste is also rich in fat content. The fat content in batik waste comes from the processing (coating the fabric with a layer of wax) and washing is done repeatedly. Fat has properties that are not soluble in water and is an organic material, which if high concentrations can reduce water quality. This study aims to isolate, identify, and measure the ability of indigenous bacteria to reduce fat content in liquid waste in vitro. The method used is experimental research. Isolation and culture using Busnall Hass media enriched with 1% olive oil, then proceed with a series of biochemical tests for the purpose of characterizing indigenous bacterial isolates. The results showed that Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens have the potential to reduce the fat content of batik liquid wast

    Hasil Cek Similarity Artikel Berjudul "Studies of Bacillus subtilis NAP1 to degrade BOD, COD, TSS, and pH: The iNdigenous bacteria in Indonesia Batik wastewater

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    Batik is an industry that is quite popular in Indonesia. Batik has been declared as one of Indonesia's cultural heritage and is recognized by UNESCO. Batik production is recorded to always increase every year. Unfortunately, the batik industry in Indonesia is dominated by many small industries with limited fund management. This makes the environmental aspects and waste disposal neglected. Through this research, study and isolation were carried out to explore the potential of indigenous bacterial isolates that can biodegrade dyes in batik along with other physical parameters of waste. A sample that contained wastewater and sediment from batik industry are collected and cultured in 1000 ml Busnall Hass medium which olive oil-enriched and put at the shaker condition at 150 rpm until 6 days at 30°C. Identification of the isolates examined for their morphological, physiological and biochemistry test. Bacillus subtilis is one of the indigenous isolates from this research. This study aimed to determine the ability of B. subtilis to reduce BOD, COD, TSS, and pH in batik waste and present the results of the DNA analysis of B. subtilis. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the molecular identification of bacteria through analysis of the 16S rDNA gene fragment sequence, the bacteria that play a role in the degradation of dyes is Bacillus subtilis strain NAP1 with an average similarity level of 93%. B. subtilis NAP1. B. subtilis NAP1 isolate offers the potential for future bioremediation of batik wastewater

    Buku berjudul "Bioremediasi Limbah Industri: Pemanfaatan mikroba dalam pengolahan limbah industri"

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    Pemecahan masalah lingkungan dengan pendekatan bioteknologi menjadi sebuah pilihan di masyarakat karena selain ramah lingkungan juga murah, mudah dan efisien. Bioremediasi adalah salah satu aplikasi bioteknologi terutama pada bidang mikrobiologi terapan dalam pemecahan pengolahan limbah. Walaupun mikroorganisme telah sejak lama dimanfaatkan sebagai alternatif dalam upaya pengolahan limbah organik maupun bahan kimia berbahaya, dan dalam beberapa dekade terakhir bioremediasi mulai digunakan secara masif khususnya dalam bidang industri, Hal ini seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi bioremediasi yang semakin maju sehingga menyebabkan metode ini menjadi semakin efektif dan terjangkau dalam upaya membersihkan tanah maupun air yang terkontaminasi berbagai senyawa yang membahayakan lingkungan. Bioremediasi juga menjadi salah satu bidang yang banyak dikembangkan dalam kegiatan penelitian akademis, pemerintahan, maupun industri. Hasilnya, perkembangan bioremediasi menjadi semakin pesat khususnya pada aspek efektivitas dan ekonominya. Dampak lain dari perkembangan bioremediasi adalah meningkatnya minat dalam mempelajari bidang ‘mikrobiologi lingkungan’ yaitu sebuah bidang multidisiplin yang merupakan interaksi sejumlah disiplin ilmu seperti fisiologi mikroba, ekologi, genetika molekuler, kimia organik, biokimia, geologi, hidrologi, dan teknik (enginering). Perkembangan bioremediasi menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para peneliti untuk tetap mengikuti perkembangan teknologi bioremediasi yang makin pesat khususnya pada aspek keberagaman lingkungan dan jenis kontaminan serta berbagai pendekatan dalam bioremediasi. Bidang ini memerlukan lebih banyak ilmuwan yang memahami implikasi penggunaan berbagai pendekatan bioremediasi serta dapat berkolaborasi secara multidisiplin untuk pengembangan teknik bioremediasi yang lebih efektif. Buku ini membahas mengenai prinsip dasar bioremediasi dalam berbagai kasus khususnya pada pencemaran air dan tanah. Berbagai contoh pengolahan limbah juga disertakan pada bagian akhir agar pembaca dapat memahami implementasi bioremediasi di lapangan serta dapat menganalisis kelebihan maupun kendala yang ditemui dalam berbagai contoh kasus tersebu

    Hasil Cek Plagiasi Buku berjudul "Bioremediasi Limbah Industri: Pemanfaatan Mikroba dalam Pengolahan Limbah Industri"

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    Pemecahan masalah lingkungan dengan pendekatan bioteknologi menjadi sebuah pilihan di masyarakat karena selain ramah lingkungan juga murah, mudah dan efisien. Bioremediasi adalah salah satu aplikasi bioteknologi terutama pada bidang mikrobiologi terapan dalam pemecahan pengolahan limbah. Walaupun mikroorganisme telah sejak lama dimanfaatkan sebagai alternatif dalam upaya pengolahan limbah organik maupun bahan kimia berbahaya, dan dalam beberapa dekade terakhir bioremediasi mulai digunakan secara masif khususnya dalam bidang industri, Hal ini seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi bioremediasi yang semakin maju sehingga menyebabkan metode ini menjadi semakin efektif dan terjangkau dalam upaya membersihkan tanah maupun air yang terkontaminasi berbagai senyawa yang membahayakan lingkungan. Bioremediasi juga menjadi salah satu bidang yang banyak dikembangkan dalam kegiatan penelitian akademis, pemerintahan, maupun industri. Hasilnya, perkembangan bioremediasi menjadi semakin pesat khususnya pada aspek efektivitas dan ekonominya. Dampak lain dari perkembangan bioremediasi adalah meningkatnya minat dalam mempelajari bidang ‘mikrobiologi lingkungan’ yaitu sebuah bidang multidisiplin yang merupakan interaksi sejumlah disiplin ilmu seperti fisiologi mikroba, ekologi, genetika molekuler, kimia organik, biokimia, geologi, hidrologi, dan teknik (enginering)