356 research outputs found

    Two-Stage LASSO ADMM Signal Detection Algorithm For Large Scale MIMO

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    This paper explores the benefit of using some of the machine learning techniques and Big data optimization tools in approximating maximum likelihood (ML) detection of Large Scale MIMO systems. First, large scale MIMO detection problem is formulated as a LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) optimization problem. Then, Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is considered in solving this problem. The choice of ADMM is motivated by its ability of solving convex optimization problems by breaking them into smaller sub-problems, each of which are then easier to handle. Further improvement is obtained using two stages of LASSO with interference cancellation from the first stage. The proposed algorithm is investigated at various modulation techniques with different number of antennas. It is also compared with widely used algorithms in this field. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm for both uncoded and coded cases.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Modification of the Charge ordering in Pr1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_{3} Nanoparticles

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    Transport and magnetic properties have been studied in two sets of sol-gel prepared Pr1/2_{1/2}Sr1/2_{1/2}MnO3_{3} nanoparticles having average particle size of 30 nm and 45 nm. Our measurements suggest that the formation of charge ordered state is largely affected due to lowering of particle size, but the ferromagnetic transition temperature (TCT_{C}) remains unaffected.Comment: Accepted in J. Appl. Phy

    Upaya Alih Teknologi Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil di Desa Klapagading Kecamatan Wangon

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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan kepada ibu rumah tangga dan remaja putri mengenai pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil. Pelaksanaan kegiatan secara keseluruhan berlangsung selama 8 (delapan) bulan. Rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan terdiri dari (1) orientasi lokasi, (2) persiapan bahan, alat, dan materi, (3) kegiatan pelatihan, (4) pengamatan hasil pelatihan, dan (5) evaluasi terhadap pelatihan. Berdasarkan pada hasil evaluasi dan pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ibu-ibu dan remaja putri di Desa Klapagading, Kecamatan Wangon sudah mulai menyadari dan mengerti pentingnya peranan pengembangan agroindustri khususnya minyak VCO sebagai sarana penunjang kesehatan dan menambah pendapatan keluarga. Selain itu peserta mengetahui peluang dan tantangan agroindustri VCO dengan benar dalam upaya meningkatkan ketrampilan dan pendapatan dari bidang pertanian. Di sisi lain mereka juga bertambah pengetahuannya tentang teknologi pembuatan VCO pada skala rumah tangga secara optimal

    Pengaruh Sterilan dan Waktu Perendaman pada Eksplan Daun Kencur ( Kaemferia Galanga L) untuk Meningkatkan Keberhasilan Kultur Kalus

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh senyawa kimia Bayclin (Natrium hipoklorid/NaClO) dan alkohol 70% terhadap penurunan kontaminasi eksplan daun kencur, mencari pengaruh waktu perendaman senyawa kimia sterilan terhadap pertumbuhan eksplan daun kencur serta mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara senyawa kimia sterilan dan waktu perendaman terhadap peroleh kultur kalus kencur yang bebas kontaminasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2009 sampai dengan bulan April 2010 di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancanmgan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 ulangan. Variabel pengamatan meliputi : Persentase kontaminasi, persentase eksplan yang tumbuh, waktu pertama kontaminasi muncul, dan sumber kontaminan (Bakteri/jamur). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penggunaan senyawa kimia bayclin (Natrium hipoklorid/NaClO) 20%dan alcohol 70% mampu mengurangi kontaminasi baik eksternal maupun internal yang disebabkan oleh jamur maupun bakteri. Waktu perendaman eksplan dalam senyawa kimia sterilan dengan lama waktu perendaman berkisar 5-10 menit mampu menurunkan kontaminasi antara 35-56 % dalam penelitian ini. Kombinasi penggunaan senyawa kimia bayclin 20% selama 10 menit dan alcohol 70% selama 10 menit mampu menurunkan kontaminasi pada eksplan berkisar 42%

    Ideal Legal Concept of Fidusia Guarantee Registration Obligations by Justice-Based Financing Companies

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    In lending and borrowing activities, there are legal products used by the community in the form of guaranteeing goods to obtain financing. This is where fiduciary security is present to meet legal needs in guaranteeing lending and borrowing activities. This study aims to (1) review and analyze the implementation of Fiduciary registration obligations by finance companies based on Law Number 42 year 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees (hereinafter referred to as UUJF), (2) review and analyze law enforcement in finance companies that do not register guarantees and formulate the ideal legal concept of justice-based fiduciary registration obligations. This study used research on normative law which includes legal principles, legal systematics, legal synchronization, and legal history. The findings in this study are first, the implementation of Fiduciary registration obligations by finance companies, are not obeyed or ignored by finance companies, because UUJF does not regulate legal sanctions. Second, law enforcement in finance companies that do not register guarantees is not optimal, synchronization and disharmony occur in the UUJF with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 130/PMK.010/2012, the provisions of UUJF have no forced efforts in terms of law enforcement of the obligations of finance companies to register fiduciary guarantees. Third, the ideal legal concept is the obligation to register fiduciary collateral based on justice through institutional reconstruction, structure and legal culture

    Stress and its associated factors among medical students in a public medical faculty, Malaysia

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    Background: Stress is common among university students. Levels of stress vary between the students of different courses in the university and many factors are associated with it. As compared to other professional courses, medical students are more prone to get depressed because medical education is known to be stressful and very demanding. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using a pretested, self-administered questionnaire involving all medical students in academic session 2013/2014. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts; socio-demographic information, family factors and personal factors; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Score 21 questionnaire (DASS 21) and Duke University Religion Index (DUREL). DUREL measures religiosity in 3 scales namely; organized religious activity (ORA), non-organized religious activity (NORA) and intrinsic religiosity (IR). The questionnaire was distributed to all medical students available in FMHS during the data collection period. Data collected were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 21. Result: Of 409 medical students, 329 (80.4%) responded. Most (50.5%) were aged 22 years and above, majority (62.3%) were female students. Respondents were mainly Malay (54.4%) and Muslims (56.8%). Stress prevalence in medical students were 19.8%. Stress prevalence was higher among students aged ≤ 21 years (22.1%), male (20.2%), Indian (24.0%) and Hindus (31.6%),among students with father of primary education level (21.4%), mother of tertiary education level (25%) and low income family (21.4%). Prevalence of stress among students in pre-clinical year (21.4%) and clinical year students (17.9%), p>0.05. Stress among students who did not undergo matriculation course and those who attended were 21.7% and 18.8%, respectively. Proportion of stress students who entered medical school not on their own choice and on their own choice were 24.3% and 18.5%, respectively, p>0.05. Medical students with poor ORA and NORA showed higher proportion of stress (20.2%, 20.6% respectively) however, students with good IR had higher proportion of stress compared to those with poor IR (20.0%, 19.5%, p>0.05). Conclusion: Stress is prevalent among almost one-fifth of medical students, especially those in their pre-clinical years of studies. Students’ involvement in religious activities could be beneficial to prevent stress. Further research is needed to assess the effect of medical training on stress and the effect of religiosity on stress coping

    Potential antimutagenic activity of berberine, a constituent of Mahonia aquifolium

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    BACKGROUND: As part of a study aimed at developing new pharmaceutical products from natural resources, the purpose of this research was twofold: (1) to fractionate crude extracts from the bark of Mahonia aquifolium and (2) to evaluate the strength of the antimutagenic activity of the separate components against one of the common direct-acting chemical mutagens. METHODS: The antimutagenic potency was evaluated against acridine orange (AO) by using Euglena gracilis as an eukaryotic test model, based on the ability of the test compound/fraction to prevent the mutagen-induced damage of chloroplast DNA. RESULTS: It was found that the antimutagenicity of the crude Mahonia extract resides in both bis-benzylisoquinoline (BBI) and protoberberine alkaloid fractions but only the protoberberine derivatives, jatrorrhizine and berberine, showed significant concentration-dependent inhibitory effect against the AO-induced chloroplast mutagenesis of E. gracilis. Especially berberine elicited, at a very low dose, remarkable suppression of the AO-induced mutagenicity, its antimutagenic potency being almost three orders of magnitude higher when compared to its close analogue, jatrorrhizine. Possible mechanisms of the antimutagenic action are discussed in terms of recent literature data. While the potent antimutagenic activity of the protoberberines most likely results from the inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I, the actual mechanism(s) for the BBI alkaloids is hard to be identified. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, the results indicate that berberine possesses promising antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic potential that is worth to be investigated further