5 research outputs found
Penerapan Model Evaluasi Kirkpatrick Pada Program Pelatihan Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan pelatihan BIM
WIKA Intermediate Allplan Batch 8. Pedoman evaluasi yang digunakan mengacu
pada model evaluasi Kirkpatrick yang dibatasi hanya sampai level 1 dan 2.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian evaluasi dengan
pendekatan kuantitatif. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta yang
telah mengikuti rangkaian pelatihan BIM WIKA Intermediate Allplan Batch 8 dari
awal hingga selesai. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen
kuesioner dan tes. Data yang telah diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan
rumus pembobotan dari Kirkpatrick untuk mengetahui reaksi peserta terhadap
program pelatihan, serta peningkatan dan pencapaian hasil pembelajaran peserta
selama mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan.
Hasil evaluasi reaksi peserta terhadap penyelenggaraan Program Pelatihan
BIM WIKA Intermediate Allplan pada batch 8 secara keseluruhan mendapatkan
reaksi positif yang tinggi dari peserta pelatihan. Di mana tingkat kepuasan tertinggi
berada pada komponen materi pelatihan sebesar 89%, dan tingkat kepuasan
terendah berada pada komponen media pembelajaran sebesar 80%. Sedangkan pada
evaluasi pembelajaran diperoleh hasil bahwa hampir semua peserta pelatihan
mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan BIM, dan mampu mempraktikkan
pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama mengikuti pelatihan dengan mengerjakan tes
praktik dengan baik.
Kata Kunci: BIM, Evaluasi, Kirkpatrick
This study aims to evaluate the training activities of BIM WIKA
Intermediate Allplan Batch 8. The evaluation guide used refers to the Kirkpatrick
evaluation model which is limited to levels 1 and 2.
This study uses an evaluation research method with a quantitative
approach. Respondents in this study were all participants who had attended the
BIM WIKA Intermediate Allplan Batch 8 training series from start to finish. Data
was collected using a questionnaire and test instruments. The data that has been
obtained is then analyzed using a weighting formula from Kirkpatrick to determine
the participants' reactions to the training program, as well as the improvement and
achievement of participants' learning outcomes during the training activities.
The results of the evaluation of participants' reactions to the
implementation of the WIKA Intermediate Allplan BIM Training Program in batch
8 received a high positive reaction from the training participants. Where the highest
level of satisfaction is in the training material component of 89%, and the lowest
level of satisfaction is in the learning media component of 80%. Meanwhile, in the
learning evaluation, it was found that almost all of the training participants
experienced an increase in BIM knowledge, and were able to practice the
knowledge gained during the training by doing the practical test well.
Keywords: BIM, Evaluation, Kirkpatric
Model P-IKADKA sebagai Solusi Mengembangkan Modul Ajar Apresiasi Dongeng di Sekolah Dasar
This research was motivated by the unavailability of teaching modules that lead to appreciation learning and not using a special learning model for fairy tale appreciation. The aim of this research is to analyze the need for a fairy tale appreciation teaching module for Indonesian language subjects in class IV elementary school. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This research was conducted in the period 26 February - 1 March 2024 in two public elementary schools in Tasikmalaya City with research subjects namely two class IV educators and teaching module documents. The data collection techniques used were observation, document study and interviews. The data analysis technique used is the data analysis technique using the Miles and Huberman model in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the fairy tale appreciation learning process is still not implemented optimally in an appreciative manner, because educators still have not planned learning optimally. Educators still use teaching modules provided by the government, so the learning model used does not use a learning model specifically for learning literary appreciation. Thus, there is no teaching module available that leads to learning to appreciate fairy tales in it. The implication is that it is necessary to develop an Indonesian language teaching module with fairy tale appreciation material that leads to appreciation learning using a learning model that is appropriate to literary appreciation learning, namely the P-IKADKA model with the syntax of introduction, introduction, connection, appreciation, discussion, comprehension and affirmation
The low level of student motivation in studying the water cycle has resulted in reduced instructional effectiveness. This factor is attributed to the limited utilization of technology by teachers to enhance the appeal of the learning process, with teachers predominantly relying on textbooks as the primary instructional resource. The research aims to evaluate the validity and practicality of animated video media as a supplementary tool for understanding the subject matter and fostering learning motivation, specifically concerning the water cycle topic for 5th- grade elementary school students. Data were obtained through the ADDIE model phases (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research findings indicated that the material presented in the instructional videos exhibits a remarkably high level of suitability for delivery to students, with an average validation percentage of 100% by subject matter expert and 95,14% by media expert. Additionally, an evaluation of the practicality of this media revealed an average percentage of 89% from student feedback and 100% from teacher assessment. Consequently, it can be inferred that this animated video product is both valid and practical for utilization within the realm of educational instruction.Keywords: learning media, animated video, water cycle
Sintesis K2O/Fe3O4 dan Aplikasinya pada Trans-Esterifikasi Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari serta Uji Potensinya Sebagai Biodiesel
ABSTRAK Biji bunga matahari dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku industri makanan yang sering disebut kuaci dan penghasil minyak nabati. Pemanfaatan biji bunga matahari sebagai penghasil minyak nabati di Indonesia saat ini masih terbatas. Persentase minyak pada biji bunga matahari adalah 45-50%. Minyak biji bunga matahari dapat berpotensi sebagai biodiesel. Biodiesel merupakan bahan bakar alternatif untuk mesin diesel yang didapatkan dari sumber nabati yang dapat diperbaharui. Biodiesel disintesis melalui reaksi trans-esterifikasi dengan bantuan katalis basa. Katalis basa yang berpotensi adalah K2O/Fe3O4. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui cara mensintesis K2O/Fe3O4; (2) mengetahui karakteristik K2O/Fe3O4; (3) mengetahui cara trans-esterifikasi minyak biji bunga matahari menggunakan katalis K2O/Fe3O4; (4) mengetahui karakter dan potensi hasil trans-esterifikasi minyak biji bunga matahari dengan katalis K2O/Fe3O4 sebagai biodiesel; (5) mengetahui komponen hasil trans-esterifikasi minyak biji bunga matahari dengan katalis K2O/Fe3O4. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 7 tahap.Tahap 1: sintesis katalis K2O/Fe3O4. Tahap 2: karakterisasi katalis K2O/Fe3O4 menggunakan XRD. Tahap 3: preparasi sampel, meliputi: pengumpulan, pemisahan biji dari kulitnya dan penghalusan. Tahap 4: ekstraksi minyak biji bunga matahari secara maserasi. Tahap 5: karakterisasi minyak hasil ekstraksi, meliputi: wujud, warna, massa jenis, bilangan asam, bilangan penyabunan, viskositas dan bilangan iod. Tahap 6: sintesis metil ester melalui reaksi trans-esterifikasi dari minyak biji bunga matahari. Tahap 7: karakterisasi, identifikasi dan uji potensi metil ester hasil trans-esterifikasi sebagai biodiesel yang meliputi: wujud, warna, penentuan massa jenis, penentuan bilangan asam, penentuan bilangan penyabunan, viskositas, penentuan bilangan iod dan identifikasi dengan menggunakan GC-MS. Katalis K2O/Fe3O4 berhasil disintesis dengan menggunakan metode kopresipitasi dan impregnasi dengan karakter fisik berupa serbuk berwarna abu-abu gelap yang dapat ditarik oleh magnet. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan metode XRD katalis K2O/Fe3O4 memiliki kristalinitas lebih rendah dari Fe3O4. Metil ester asam lemak dari hasil trans-esterifikasi berwarna kuning muda, berwujud cair, larut dalam heksana, tidak larut dalam air dan etanol, memiliki massa jenis 0,8620 g.mL-1, viskositas 4,51 cSt, bilangan asam 0,179, bilangan penyabunan 245,112 dan bilangan iod 112,89. Berdasarkan karakter tersebut metil ester hasil sintesis sudah memenuhi standar biodiesel SNI tahun 2015.Komponen penyusun utama metil ester hasil trans-esterifikasi adalah metil heksadekanoat atau metil palmitat (10,64), metil 9,12 oktadekanoat atau metil linoleat (48,05%), metil 9 oktadekanoat atau metil oleat (35,20%) dan metil oktadekanoat atau metil stearat (6,12%)