94 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kadar Timbal Darah dan Munculnya Perilaku Antisosial Pengrajin Kuningan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh peningkatan kadar timbal (Pb) darah terhadap munculnya perilaku antisosial pada pengrajin kuningan. Disain penelitian observasional analitik dengan studi cross sectional. Sampel terdiri dari 55 orang pengrajin kuni ngan, dengan kriteria inklusi pria atau wanita, minimal 17 tahun, telah bekerja di industri kuningan minimal 2 tahun, pendidikan minimal pernah SD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi kontaminasi Pb di lingkungan kerja industri kuningan. Kadar Pb darah pengrajin yang melebihi nilai ambang batas40µg/dl mencapai 80%. Perilaku antisosial terukur masuk kategori sedang dan rendah. Terdapat hubungan linier antara kadar Pb darah dan perilaku antisosial dengan R2 0,353. Simpulan pajanan kronik Pb di lingku- ngan kerja industri kuningan menyebabkan peningkatan kadar Pb darah pengrajin dan berkontribusi memicu munculnya perilaku antisosial. This study aimed to examine the effect of increased Blood Lead Levels (BLL) results of the emergence of antisocial behavior in brass craftsmen. The research designs used the analytic observational with cross sectional study. The sample consisted of 55 brass craftsmen, male or female a minimum of 17 years old, has worked in the brass industry at least for 2 years, and at least has a degree in the elementary school level. The results showed that there has been a lead contamination in the environment of brass industry. BLL that exceed the threshold value (40 μg/dl) reached 80%. The antisocial behavior measured was in the category of medium and low. There was a linear relationship between BLL and antisocial behavior with R2 0.353. In conclusion, chronic lead exposure to the brass industry environment led to an increase to blood lead levels BLL in craftsmen contributed in the appearance of antisocial behavior

    Kadar Merkuri pada Rambut Masyarakat di Sekitar Penambangan Emas tanpa Ijin

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    Hair mercury concentration in community living sourrounding the illegal gold miningBackground: Higher mercury concentration in the hair surrounding of illegal gold mining communities occurred due to mercury exposed continuously in a long time. The purpose of this research was to identify the risk factors affecting the mercury concentration of the community hair living in the illegal gold mining activity.Methods: The study was a case control study. Subject were people living around the Mandor\u27s river consisting of 68 families (34 cases and 34 controls). Data collection was done through structured interviews, observation, depth interviews, and examination of the rate of mercury in the laboratory for hair samples. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and logistic regression.Results: There were significant relationship between length of stay when (p=0.003), house distance (p=0.002), employment(p=0.004), a water source (p=0.004), habit of bathing in river (p=0.015) and consumption of local fish (p=0.007) with mercury level in the hair. Variable local vegetable consumption and nutritional status do not have a significant influence on the rate of mercury in hair with (p=0.330) and (p=0.500). The risk for mercury level in the hair above the thresholds were the length of stay ≥15 years (OR=7.07; 95% CI=2.12-23.57) and consumption of local fish >3 times/weeks (OR=6.14; 95% CI=1.86-20.30), with a probability of 89.3%.Conclusion: Risk factors for the occurrence of mercury in the hair above the threshold is the length of stay ≥15 years andconsumption of local fish >3 times/weeks. Therefore it recommended to relocate house away from the river and decrease the consumption of Mandor\u27s river fish

    Berfikir Reflektif Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Berfikir reflektif dapat terjadi ketika siswa mengalami kebingungan, hambatan atau keraguan dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika yang dihadapinya. Pada dasarnya berpikir reflektif merupakan sebuah kemampuan siswa dalam menyeleksi pengetahuan yang telah dimiliki dan tersimpan dalam memorinya untuk menyelesaikan setiap masalah yang dihadapi untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya. Oleh karena itu untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam matematika siswa memerlukan kemampuan berfikir reflektif. Siswa yang berfikir reflektif lebih mungkin melakukan tugas-tugas seperti mengingat informasi yang terstruktur, membaca dengan memahami dan menginterpretasikan teks, memecahkan masalah dan membuat keputusa

    Efektvitas Topikal Salep Ekstrak Binahong(AnrederaCordifolia (Tenore) Steenis)terhadap Proses Penyembuhan Luka Ulkus Diabetik Pada Tikus Wistar (Rattus Novergicus)

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    . Gangrene is a complication caused by an infection or an inflammatory process in the advanced stages of wound caused by degenertive changes or less intensive treatmen is associated with diabetes melitus. If it does not receive proper care and treatment will be at risk in doing amputation. Binahong plant containing compound flavanoid, alkaloid, terpenoid, vitamin C, protein dan saponin. Objective: To examine the effectiveness topically ointment binahong extrct to the healing wound process in diabetic ulcer mice galur wistar (Rattus Novergicus)The kind of research this is true experimental design , to the research pretest - posttest control group design. The subject of study that is 27 the tail of a mouse galur wistar (Rattus Novergicus) given galur wistar that is divided into three groups that is control (NaCl 0,9%), ointmen binahong ekstract dose 40 percent and ointmen binahong ekstract dose 40 percent. Parameter for observation using Bates Jansen Wound Assesment Tools, the value of leukocytes and makrophages value.Results: on the Post Hock test showed betwen the control NaCl 0,9% and ointment binahong extrct dose 50% on day 7, 14 and 21 to have p = 0,000. Reviewed ointnment binahong extract dose 40% and ointnment binahong extract dose 50% have p=0,155 or significant. However, on day 21 had value insignificant. Although there was no difference on day 21, when seen from the average difference ointment binahong ekstract dose 50% that is 15,67 and ointment binahong ekstract dose 40% that is 17,11 that has meaning that ointment binahong ekstract dose 50% more effectively accelerte wound heling than ointment binahong ekstract dose 40%.Microscopic observatns showed the value of leukocytes and macrophages in the value binahong 50% less than in control NaCl 0,9% and ointment binahong extrct dose 40%.Conclusions : Treatment atointment binahong extrct dose 50% more effective in accelerting the healing of wound diabetic ulcer for 21days within comparison control NaCl 0,9% and ointment binahong extrct dose 40%

    Kadar Merkuri pada Rambut Masyarakat di Sekitar Penambangan Emas tanpa Ijin

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    Hair mercury concentration in community living sourrounding the illegal gold miningBackground: Higher mercury concentration in the hair surrounding of illegal gold mining communities occurred due to mercury exposed continuously in a long time. The purpose of this research was to identify the risk factors affecting the mercury concentration of the community hair living in the illegal gold mining activity.Methods: The study was a case control study. Subject were people living around the Mandor's river consisting of 68 families (34 cases and 34 controls). Data collection was done through structured interviews, observation, depth interviews, and examination of the rate of mercury in the laboratory for hair samples. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and logistic regression.Results: There were significant relationship between length of stay when (p=0.003), house distance (p=0.002), employment(p=0.004), a water source (p=0.004), habit of bathing in river (p=0.015) and consumption of local fish (p=0.007) with mercury level in the hair. Variable local vegetable consumption and nutritional status do not have a significant influence on the rate of mercury in hair with (p=0.330) and (p=0.500). The risk for mercury level in the hair above the thresholds were the length of stay ≥15 years (OR=7.07; 95% CI=2.12-23.57) and consumption of local fish >3 times/weeks (OR=6.14; 95% CI=1.86-20.30), with a probability of 89.3%.Conclusion: Risk factors for the occurrence of mercury in the hair above the threshold is the length of stay ≥15 years andconsumption of local fish >3 times/weeks. Therefore it recommended to relocate house away from the river and decrease the consumption of Mandor's river fish

    Kadar Zat Iodium Dari Garam Beriodium Selama Proses Pengemasan, Penyimpanan Dan Penanganan Di Rumah Tangga Di Wilayah Bogor

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui banyaknya kadar iodium (KI03) yang masih ada dalam garam beriodium selama pengemasan, penyimpanan dan penanganan di rumah tangga. Pada penelitian ini garam beriodium dikemas dengan menggunakan 4 macam jenis pengemas yaitu plastik Bening, plastik gelap, gelas Bening dan gelas merah gelap. Masing-masing garam dalam kemasan disimpan selama 0.2, 4.6 dan 8 minggu; dan kemudian diambil kadar iodiumnya (KI03). Selaln itu diteliti pula kadar iodium yang ada pada sayuran (wortel, bayam dan labu siam) selelah masing-masing sayuran tersebut dibubuhi garam beriodium dan kemudian dimasak secara dikukus, direbus dan ditumis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa garam beriodium yang dikemas dengan gelas yang berwarna merah gelap, selama penyimpanan kadariodium (KI03) yang masih ada paling banyak (39.43 ppm) dibanding ketiga jenis kemasan lainnya (antara 31.40 ppm dan 33.53 ppm). Dua minggu pertama peyimpanan merupakan periode berkurangnya kadar iodium (KI03) paling banyak yaitu antara 2.30 persen dan 14.40 persen. Semakin lama disimpan kadar iodium garam semakin rendah. Garam beriodium yang dibubuhkan pada sayuran yang dimasak dengan cara dikukus, kadar iodium yang masih ada paling banyak (antara 13.76 ppm dan 18.64 ppm) dibandingkan sayuran yang dimasak dengan kedua cara pemasakan lainnya (masih ada antara 7.86 ppm dan 12.04 ppm

    Faktor Determinan Risiko Kurang Energi Kronis (Kek) Pada Ibu Menyusui Di Indonesia

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    Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) is a indicator to screen the risk of chronic energy deficiency of lactating women. In developing countries, it is used to select lactating women for nutrition intervention. In Indonesia, there is a few studies to examine risk factors associated with chronic energy deficiency of lactating women (MUAC < 23.5 cm). Using data Riskesdas (Baseline Health Research) 2007, will determine breastfeeding pattern, mother activity and morbidity, demography factors and family energi consumption associated with the risk of chronic energy deficiency. The subject was lactating women who still breastfed the children under 2 years old. A total 22076 subject were used for the analysis using logistic regression analysis. The result showed that the prevalence the risk of chronic energy deficiency among lactating women in Indonesia was 34.6%. The risk of chronic energy deficiency lactating women to infant 0–5 months is associated between predominantly breasfeeding controlling by parity, and protein consumption < 80% AKG. The risk of chronic energy deficiency lactating women to children 6-23 months is associated between breastfeeding pattern controlling by parity, protein consumption < 80% RDA, heavy activity and ISPA. . [Penel Gizi Makan 2009, 32(2): 82-93

    Karakteristik Ibu Hamil Preeklampsia

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    Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di Indonesia masih tinggi. Salah satu penyebab AKI adalah Preeklampsia. Ada beberapa karakteristik ibu hamil yang berhubungan resiko terjadinya preeklampsia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakteristik ibu hamil dengan preeklampsia. Metode penelitian adalah descriptive analytic quantitative. Sample dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil preeklampsia di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Pekalongan 2016 sejumlah 32 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 68,8% ibu hamil preeklampsia berusia 20-35 tahun, 50% ibu preklampsia multigravida, 62,5% ibu berpendidkan sekolah dasar (SD), 46,8% memiliki gizi cukup, 87,5% ibu hamil trimester III dan 50% ibu hamil bekerja sebagai buruh tekstil.Kata kunci : karakteristik, ibu hamil, preeklampsiaCharacteristics of Preeclampsia Pregnant Women Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still high. One of the causes of MMR is Preeclampsia. There are several characteristics of pregnant women who are associated with the risk of preeclampsia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of pregnant women with preeclampsia. The research method is descriptive analytic quantitative. Sample in this research is pregnant mother of preeclampsia in working area of Health Office of Regency of Pekalongan 2016 number of 32 respondents. The results showed that 68.8% of pregnant women with preeclampsia aged 20-35 years, 50% multigravida preeclampsia mothers, 62.5% of primary school elementary mothers, 46.8% had sufficient nutrition, 87.5% of trimester pregnant women III and 50% of pregnant women work as textile laborers

    Faktor Risiko yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kejadian HIV/AIDS pada Laki-Laki Umur 25 - 44 Tahun di Kota Dili, Timor Leste

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    Background: The development of HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world has led to a global problem and it is one of public health problems in East Timor. The age group of 25-44 years old is sexually active and productive group who needs to get a good review.Methods: This research used a case-control study design reinforced with qualitative data. The number of respondents was 112 respondents, including 56 cases (males with HIV/AIDS) and56 controls (males who did not suffer from HIV/AIDS). The research instruments were:questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis used univariate, bivariate (chi-square test)and multivariate (logistic regression test).Results: The variables proven to affect the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in males were age (OR =3.937; 95% CI = 1.564-9.908; p = 0.004), and alcohol consumption habits (OR = 7.658; 95%CI = 2.641-22.205 ; p = 0.0001). condom use (OR = 3.308; 95% CI = 1.469-7.450; p = 0.006) and access to localization (OR = 3.000; 95% CI = 1.348-6.678; p = 0.011). The variables which were not proven to be risk factors for the prevalence of HIV/AIDS were the level of education, knowledge, attitudes, promiscuous habits, drug use status, condom use, and socio- cultura.Conclusion: The risk factors proven to affect the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in males are age and alcohol consumption habits, the use of condoms and access to illegal localization. They are risky behaviors for HIV/AIDS with the probability of 63.02%

    Indeks Massa Tubuh Ibu PRA Hamil Sebagai Faktor Risiko Pertambahan Berat Badan Ibu Hamil Di Kelurahan Kebon Kelapa Dan Ciwaringin, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor

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    Seribu hari pertama kehidupan sejak dalam kandungan sampai anak umur 2 tahun menentukan kualitas anak ketika dewasa. Pertambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil merupakan indikator status gizi ibu hamil yang paling baik dibandingkan ukuran fisik lainnya. Informasi faktor yang berpengaruh pada pertambahan berat badan selama kehamilan menjadi sangat penting bagi terjaminnya kualitas outcome kehamilan. Studi kohor prospektif pada ibu hamil telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2012 di kelurahan Kebon Kelapa dan Ciwaringin, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor. Sebanyak 201 ibu hamil, 94 diantaranya telah melahirkan dengan umur kehamilan > 37 minggu. Data yang dikumpulkan pada awal penelitian adalah data sosial ekonomi rumah tangga dan riwayat obstetri ibu. Data antropometri, konsumsi energi dan zat gizi, serta morbiditas dikumpulkan setiap bulan. Data status anemia ibu dikumpulkan sekali pada trimester kedua. Pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil 9,9 kg, lebih rendah dari anjuran IOM 2009 untuk ibu hamil dengan rerata IMT 23,4 kg/m2 dianjurkan pertambahan berat badannya 12,5 kg. Indeks Massa Tubuh ibu pra hamil merupakan faktor risiko paling berpengaruh pada pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil (RR=2,6), yang artinya ibu yang IMT pra hamil < 18,5 kg/m2 berisiko terjadinya pertambahan berat badan selama hamil < 9,9 kg dibanding ibu dengan IMT pra hamil ≥ 18,5 kg/m2. Defisit pertambahan berat badan terutama terjadi pada trimester kedua, dengan selisih pertambahan berat badan pada ibu dengan faktor risiko IMT pra hamil < 45 kg sebesar 2,1 kg dibandingkan ibu dengan IMT pra hamil ≥ 45 kg yaitu 1,2 kg. IMT ibu pra hamil merupakan faktor risiko yang paling berpengaruh pada pertambahan berat badan ibu hamil, dan defisit terbesar terjadi pada trimester kedua. Ibu hamil yang memulai kehamilan dengan IMT pra hamil < 18,5 kg/m2 perlu di monitor oleh petugas kesehatan setempat agar risiko terhadap outcome kehamilan dapat dicegah sedini mungkin. Intervensi yang tepat diperlukan sejak awal kehamilan dan bila ada keterbatasan dana dapat difokuskan mulai minggu ke dua belas
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