11 research outputs found

    Product placement as a way of promoting on an international scale based on a series of films about James Bond

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    This article presents the characteristics of product placement as global promotion. The reader may refer to the types of product placement, its regulatory framework and its short genesis and evolution. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted on a group of 123 respondents. The survey results indicate that product placement in James Bond films is noticeable by more than 90% of respondents. The respondents have positive opinions on the use of product placement to promote the products. This may encourage potential investors to make more use of film as a medium of product placement

    The potential of intellectual capital as a source of competitive advantage for banks using CART classification trees

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    Motivation: Most of the available analyzes on building banks’ competitiveness were based on typical financial ratios. The challenge for every modern bank is not just understanding the meaning of intellectual capital, but defining its elements and determining measures that enable its effective management, leading to the improvement and maintenance of a strong competitive position. Empirical research concerning the competitiveness of banks in Poland is increasingly focused not only on efficiency and financial indicators but more often on emphasizing the significance of the components describing the IC subsystems, which include: service quality, bank reputation, customer confidence in the financial service of a given bank and the attractiveness and comprehensiveness of its offer as significant determinants of the overall assessment of a given entity.Aim: The aim of the article is to systematize the definition of a bank’s intellectual capital and to indicate its role in building a bank’s long-term competitive position using multidimensional statistical analysis — classification tree (CART method).Results: The conducted analysis will allow to find rules (based on diagnostic indicators) classifying banks into separate groups (A, B, C). This will lead to the conclusion which indicators from the economic (EC) and intellectual (IC) capital layers have the greatest impact on the competitiveness of banks (2009–2020)

    A bank’s intellectual capital and its importance in building competitiveness on the example of Polish listed banks

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    Motivation: Contemporary banks operating in the knowledge-based economy are constantly looking for sources of improving their competitiveness and attractiveness compared to the banking sector. Therefore, the ability to flexibly respond to changes taking place in the market environment and use the resources and experience in a creative way becomes essential. Intellectual capital is a source of the bank’s intangible resources, such as knowledge, employee skills, service quality, social relations and image, and innovations. The present study focuses on the structure of intellectual capital, which has been long discussed for a long time and became a subject of numerous studies. The concept of division of the bank’s intellectual capital into three subsystems was herein presented: organizational capital (KORG), innovative capital (KINN) and institutional capital (KINS). These subsystems will be included in the creation of a synthetic measure defining the bank’s competitiveness. Aim: The objective of this study is to present a method enabling the assessment of the competitiveness of listed banks in Poland with the use of multidimensional statistical methods, taking into account diagnostic variables that determine the economic and intellectual capital of banks, including its subsystems. Results: The article systematizes the concept of the division of intellectual capital. Thanks to the aggregate measure of the bank’s competitiveness, the author presented a ranking of banks, indicating the leader among the 11 banks listed on the stock exchange in Poland in 2009–2019. The proposed multidimensional analysis of the bank considers its financial and intellectual resources, which means that stakeholders can evaluate the bank’s data and its long-term development strategies. The long-term leadership position may indicate the bank’s condition and its intensified activities in intellectual capital development, which may be important information for stakeholders

    Rola kapitału intelektualnego w budowaniu konkurencyjności banków w Polsce

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    W pracy podjęto się oceny wpływu zmian zachodzących we współczesnej gospodarce, związanych z rosnącą rolą kapitału intelektualnego, na konkurencyjność banków w Polsce. Konkurencyjność rozumiana jest jako budowanie długookresowej pozycji konkurencyjnej banku w oparciu o zgromadzony potencjał konkurencyjny, możliwości wykorzystywania zdolności do konkurowania w konkretnych warunkach otoczenia zewnętrznego oraz osiągania trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. Podmiotem badań są banki komercyjne, funkcjonujące w Polsce i notowane na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych (GPW) w Warszawie. Okres badawczy obejmuje lata 2009–2020

    Product placement as a way of promoting on an international scale based on a series of films about James Bond

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    This article presents the characteristics of product placement as global promotion. The reader may refer to the types of product placement, its regulatory framework and its short genesis and evolution. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted on a group of 123 respondents. The survey results indicate that product placement in James Bond films is noticeable by more than 90% of respondents. The respondents have positive opinions on the use of product placement to promote the products. This may encourage potential investors to make more use of film as a medium of product placement

    Product placement as a way of promoting on an international scale based on a series of films about James Bond

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    This article presents the characteristics of product placement as global promotion. The reader may refer to the types of product placement, its regulatory framework and its short genesis and evolution. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted on a group of 123 respondents. The survey results indicate that product placement in James Bond films is noticeable by more than 90% of respondents. The respondents have positive opinions on the use of product placement to promote the products. This may encourage potential investors to make more use of film as a medium of product placement

    Fintech as a Source of Financial Innovations on the Polish Financial Services Market

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    The paper presents the definition of innovation, advancement and development of the Fintech sector on the global scale, with particular emphasis put on Poland. Fintechs, i.e. IT companies that provide increasingly more modern solutions for customers active on the financial markets are not fully described in the literature on the subject. The aim of the paper was to present a comprehensive definition of Fintech, show the scale of this type of ventures around the world and in Poland, and analyze the forms and potential of the cooperation of Fintech companies with financial services entities, in particular with the banks. The article uses a critical analysis of the literature of mainly English-language studies from the last 5 years, indicating the state of financial innovations and their importance on the global scale. The author analyzed statistical data from PWC Global Fintech Report, CitiGPS reports, Capgemini reports and KPMG, which enabled her to present the value of global investments in Fintech. The performed cause and effect analysis indicates that investments in the Fintech sector are becoming more and more popular, that this market will be growing due to cooperation, among others, with the banks which want to meet the requirements of their customers using more advanced technologies

    Wpływ innowacyjności na poprawę konkurencyjności banków – analiza case studies

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    An analysis of the banking sector shows that innovation has become a key strategy for banks to strengthen their competitive position and the struggle to win customer base. Innovativeness is becoming more and more important and banks which do not adjust to this trend tend to lose their market share. Their numerous innovative activities and wide international recognition in that matter convinced the Author to focus on PKO BP, ING Bank, mBank, and Idea Bank to illustrate the research problem. The aim of the article is to show the impact of innovation on the competitiveness of banks. The article represents a broad discussion of the definition of the concept of competitiveness, the types of financial innovation, and an analysis of the indicators of efficiency of selected banks. It also links the relevant indicators of the introduced innovations.Analiza sektora bankowego wskazuje, że wprowadzanie innowacji stało się jedną z kluczowych strategii wzmacniania pozycji konkurencyjnej, w tym walki o pozyskanie grona nowych klientów. Innowacyjność w bankowości nabiera coraz większego znaczenia, a banki niestosujące się do panującego trendu znacząco obniżają swoją pozycję rynkową. Nasilone działania pod względem wprowadzania innowacji, które zostały docenione na forum międzynarodowym i krajowym licznymi nagrodami, skłoniły autorkę do zobrazowania problemu badawczego na przykładzie banków PKO BP, mBank, Idea Bank oraz ING Bank Śląski. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wpływu innowacyjności na konkurencyjność banków. Artykuł przedstawia szeroki przegląd definicyjny pojęcia „konkurencyjność”, przybliża specyfikę konkurencyjności w sektorze bankowym, rodzaje innowacji finansowych oraz analizę case studies wybranych banków, odnoszącą się do wskaźników efektywnościowych a także skutków wprowadzanych innowacji

    Intellectual capital and the competitiveness of banks in Poland

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    Współczesne banki działające w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy nieustannie poszukują źródeł poprawy swojej konkurencyjności i atrakcyjności w stosunku do sektora bankowego. Niezbędna staje się zatem umiejętność elastycznego reagowania na zmiany zachodzące w otoczeniu rynkowym oraz kreatywne wykorzystywanie posiadanych zasobów i doświadczeń. Współcześnie na rynku usług bankowych występuje zbliżona oferta produktowa, podobna funkcjonalność dostępnych kanałów dystrybucji, co powoduje zwrócenie uwagi zarządzających na tzw. miękkie czynniki przewagi konkurencyjnej. Kapitał intelektualny jest źródłem zasobów niematerialnych banku, takich jak wiedza, umiejętności pracowników, jakość obsługi, relacje i wizerunek społeczny oraz innowacje. W niniejszej monografii skupiono się na strukturze kapitału intelektualnego, a także jego wpływu na konkurencyjność banków. Przedstawiono koncepcję podziału kapitału intelektualnego banku na trzy podsystemy: kapitał organizacyjny (KORG), kapitał innowacyjny (KINN) oraz kapitał instytucjonalny (KINS). Autorka w monografii wykorzystała wielowymiarową analizę statyczną, w ramach której zbudowany został autorski miernik syntetyczny konkurencyjności banków. Obliczony został na podstawie 26 wskaźników diagnostycznych, związanych z oceną kapitału intelektualnego i ekonomicznego, które według autorki najbardziej wpływają na konkurencyjność. Dzięki temu stworzyła rankingi pod względem ich konkurencyjności, dla grupy 10 giełdowych banków komercyjnych w Polsce w latach 2009–2020.Contemporary banks operating in the knowledge-based economy are constantly looking for sources to improve their competitiveness and attractiveness in relation to the banking sector. Therefore, it becomes necessary to be able to react flexibly to changes in the market environment and to creatively use one's resources and experience. Nowadays, the banking services market has a similar product offer, similar functionality of the available distribution channels, which draws the managers' attention to the so-called soft factors of competitive advantage. Intellectual capital is the source of the bank's intangible resources, such as knowledge, employee skills, quality of service, relationships and social image as well as innovations. This monograph focuses on the structure of intellectual capital and its impact on the competitiveness of banks. The concept of dividing the bank's intellectual capital into three subsystems was presented: organizational capital (KORG), innovative capital (KINN) and institutional capital (KINS). In the monograph, the author used a multidimensional static analysis, as part of which a proprietary synthetic measure of the competitiveness of banks was built. It was calculated on the basis of 26 diagnostic indicators related to the assessment of intellectual and economic capital, which, according to the author, have the greatest impact on competitiveness. Thanks to this, she created rankings in terms of their competitiveness for a group of 10 listed commercial banks in Poland in 2009-2020