680 research outputs found

    Public Attitudes Towards Surveillance and Privacy in Croatia

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    This paper investigates public attitudes towards surveillance and privacy in Croatia. It segments the respondents based on their views on surveillance and privacy, and examines differences between them with regard to their demographic characteristics. The empirical analysis is based on data obtained from a public opinion survey. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach alpha calculation, chi-square test, and cluster analysis. The factor analysis showed six distinct factors: (1) perceived surveillance effectiveness, (2) concern about being surveilled, (3) trust in privacy protection procedures, (4) concern about CCTV privacy intrusion, (5) concern about personal data manipulation, and (6) a need for surveillance enforcement. K-means cluster analysis indicated the following three groups of citizens: pro-surveillance oriented citizens, citizens concerned about being surveilled, and citizens concerned about data and privacy protection. Significant differences between the groups were found in age and education, while no significant differences exist in gender, employment status, and household income. The findings of this study support the existence of different groups of citizens regarding their attitudes towards surveillance and privacy.surveillance, privacy concern, public opinion, segmentation, demographic characteristics, Croatia

    A Signaling Model of University Selection

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    We propose a signaling model of student enrollment dynamics based on probabilities of completion of studies, under different rationality assumptions. There are two types of students and two schools. School of graduation serves as a signal of student productivity to prospective employers. The benchmark case is when both students and employers are rational. We, then, relax rationality assumptions and show that, while intermediate dynamics becomes more complex, possible long run equilibria stay essentially the same. Importantly, comparative statics can be quite surprising and differ significantly from the full rationality case

    Mindfulness: Age and Gender Differences on a Bosnian Sample

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    The goal of this research was to examine age and gender differences in mindfulness on Bosnian general population. The study was conducted on a sample of 441 participants from the general population, from twelve cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a measure of mindfulness we used Five Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire. Results showed that older participants’ scores were higher than for younger participants for all aspects of mindfulness. There was found a statistically significant difference between the three age groups on the subscales of Acting with awareness F(2, 435) = 7.39, p < .01 and of Non-judging of inner experience F(2, 428) = 5.67, p < .01. We found statistically significant difference for the Acting with awareness between 20-32 age group (M = 28.57, SD = 5.66) and 33-49 age group (M = 31.01, SD = 5.00, t(292) = -3.91, p < .001), and between 20-32 age group and 50+ group (M = 30.14, SD = 5,86, t(290) = -2.32, p < .05). Also, there was a significant difference for the Non-judging between 20-32 age group (M = 24.77, SD = 5.80) and 33-49 age group (M = 26.65, SD = 5.09, t(288) = -2.94, p < .01), and between 20-32 age group and 50+ group (M = 26.49, SD = 4.90, t(287) = -2,71, p < .05). According to the t-test results, there was statistically significant gender difference between the subscales Observing (t(432) = -2.259, p < .05) and Acting with awareness (t(432) = 2.197, p < .05), women scored higher than men on the subscale Observing, while men exhibited higher scores on the subscale Acting with awareness. Results of this research showed that there were found significant age and gender differences for some aspects of mindfulness in the sample of Bosnian general population

    Savoir comment faire pour enseigner les savoir-faire

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    Une équipe de professeurs et professionnels du Collège Montmorency s’est concertée pour peaufiner une méthode permettant d’enseigner plus efficacement les savoir-faire pratiques dans les classes de sciences. En plus de renforcer le sentiment de responsabilité des étudiants face à l’apprentissage, celle-ci vise, entre autres, à leur assurer une plus grande maitrise de diverses connaissances et compétences procédurales. Une approche didactique, une marche à suivre comportant quatre étapes et des outils d’accompagnement, de vérification et de correction ont été développés pour favoriser la cohérence du travail des professeurs et des techniciens et pour leur permettre d’allouer plus de temps à l’enseignement pratique, essentiel dans leur discipline. Il faut lire cet article stimulant pour en savoir plus et se laisser inspirer

    Knowing how to teach know-how : imparting procedural knowledge

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    The Origin of Mercury

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    Mercury's unusually high mean density has always been attributed to special circumstances that occurred during the formation of the planet or shortly thereafter, and due to the planet's close proximity to the Sun. The nature of these special circumstances is still being debated and several scenarios, all proposed more than 20 years ago, have been suggested. In all scenarios, the high mean density is the result of severe fractionation occurring between silicates and iron. It is the origin of this fractionation that is at the centre of the debate: is it due to differences in condensation temperature and/or in material characteristics (e.g. density, strength)? Is it because of mantle evaporation due to the close proximity to the Sun? Or is it due to the blasting off of the mantle during a giant impact? In this paper we investigate, in some detail, the fractionation induced by a giant impact on a proto-Mercury having roughly chondritic elemental abundances. We have extended the previous work on this hypothesis in two significant directions. First, we have considerably increased the resolution of the simulation of the collision itself. Second, we have addressed the fate of the ejecta following the impact by computing the expected reaccretion timescale and comparing it to the removal timescale from gravitational interactions with other planets (essentially Venus) and the Poynting-Robertson effect. To compute the latter, we have determined the expected size distribution of the condensates formed during the cooling of the expanding vapor cloud generated by the impact. We find that, even though some ejected material will be reaccreted, the removal of the mantle of proto-Mercury following a giant impact can indeed lead to the required long-term fractionation between silicates and iron and therefore account for the anomalously high mean density of the planet. Detailed coupled dynamical-chemical modeling of this formation mechanism should be carried out in such a way as to allow explicit testing of the giant impact hypothesis by forthcoming space missions (e.g. MESSENGER and BepiColombo

    DĂ©marche de validation de la trousse Partenariat en Ă©ducation Ă  l'enfance

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «La recherche collégiale et son milieu : enracinement, déploiement et interdépendance», dans le cadre du 83e Congrès de l'Acfas, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR), Rimouski, le 27 mai 2015.Dans le domaine de l'éducation à l'enfance, plusieurs auteurs reconnaissent que les relations entre les parents et le personnel éducateur sont difficiles à établir et à maintenir. Or la qualité des soins aux jeunes enfants est souvent associée à la qualité de ces relations. La formation des futures éducatrices en vue du travail en partenariat serait une des causes des difficultés observées. Grâce à la contribution financière du programme de collaboration universités/collèges du ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec, du matériel pédagogique a été mis au point afin d'apporter des éléments de solution. Regroupé dans la trousse Partenariat, ce matériel diversifié (fiches d'activités, histoires de cas, documents vidéo, etc.) vise à favoriser le développement d'une pensée réflexive chez les futures éducatrices. Il a été élaboré à la suite d'une consultation auprès du personnel enseignant en Techniques d'éducation à l'enfance et s'inscrit dans le cadre conceptuel de l'approche centrée sur la famille. La trousse est en cours de validation dans 13 collèges et une université. Des enseignantes et enseignants l'expérimentent et leur point de vue est recueilli au moyen d'entrevues individuelles et d'un sondage en ligne. Cette communication par affiche sera l'occasion de présenter la démarche de validation ainsi que les résultats obtenus

    Analisis Key Success Factors Sebagai Alat Penunjang Dalam Peningkatan Profitabilitas Derawan Resort Di Pulau Derawan, Kalimantan Timur.

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    Dalam era persaiangan global, persaingan yang terjadi semakin ketat sehingga pengusaha dalam negeri tidak hanya menghadapi persaingan yang berasal dari dalam negeri saja tetapi juga yang berasal dari luar negeri. Permasalahan ini juga menimpa industri jasa terutama badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang perhotelan dan pariwisata, dimana dengan bertambahnya jumlah hotel maupun agen-agen pariwisata yang mengakibatkan semakin ketatnya persaingan yang terjadi. Sehingga menuntut badan usaha tersebut untuk mempunyai eksistensi yang tinggi dalam kelangsungan bisnisnya. Oleh karena itu badan usaha memerlukan adanya suatu faktor kunci untuk mencapai keberhasilan vang biasa disebut sebagai Key Success Factors. Dimana faktor tersebut yang memegang peranan penting baik secara internal maupun eksternal dalam menunjang kesuksesan pencapaian tujuan badan usaha yang berupa peningkatan profitabilitas. Pengukuran kinerja yang tepat adalah ukuran yang dapat memperkirakan kinerja dari Key Success Factors, dimana merupakan elemen dari kinerja yang dibutuhkan oleh badan usaha untuk meraih sukses. Pengukuran kinerja yang selama ini banyak digunakan untuk menilai kesuksesan suatu badan usaha adalah pengukuran kinerja secara finansial yang berupa pengukuran laba karena dirasa dengan pengukuran ini sangat mudah dan praktis, sedangkan untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap key success factors terabaikan karena banyak badan usaha merasa dengan melakukan hal tersebut akan memakan waktu yang cukup lama dan lebih rumit sehingga membutuhkan perhatian khusus. Padahal pengukuran kinerja dari finansial saja kurang memadai sehingga perlu ditunjang dengan identifikasi key success factors yang mana akan dianalisis untuk menunjang peningkatan profitabilitas sehingga kesuksesan badan usaha yang diinginkan dapat tercapai. Tiap-tiap Key Success Factors yang ada dalam suatu badan usaha dapat diukur kinerjanya baik dengan pengukuran secara finansial maupun secara non finansial, Key Success Factors tersebut dapat diawasi dan dikendalikan agar selalu relevan dengan situasi badan usaha pada saat ini sehingga Continuous improvement dapal dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertuiuan untuk mengidentifikasi key success factors dimana dari hasil analisisnya digunakan untuk menunjang peningkatan profitabilitas badan usaha sehingga pihak management dapat lebih memperhatikan faktor-faktor tersehut. Faktor dari Key Success Factors yang dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan probitabilitas Derawan Resort adalah kualitas pelayanan dan fasilitas penunjang yang lebih diperhatikan, bukan berarti faktor-faktor yang lainnya tidak di perhatikan. Karena konsumen yang berkunjung ke Derawan Resort lebih mementingkan kualitas pelayanan daripada-harga yang relatif murah. Buat mereka untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang baik dengan mengorbankan biaya yang tidak murah adalah hal yang wajar. Dari sebagian responden yang ada menginginkan kualitas yang baik daripada harga yang relatif murah. Untuk itu maka pihak management juga harus 1ebih memperhatikan faktor kualitas dari pelayanan yang di berikan kepada konsumen sehingga konsumen yang berkunjung dapat bertambah dan mereka juga dapat memberikan rekomendasi kepada teman atau keluarga yang lainnya, sehingga dapat mempermudah Derawan Resort dalam melakukan promosi dan selain itu juga di harapkan dengan adanya faktor tersebut maka Derawan Resort dapat bersaing dengan resort lainnya dalam persaingan yang semakin ketat ini

    Using molecular, isotopic, and spectroscopic analysis to assess natural organic matter sources and petroleum contaminants in water and sediment of the St. Lawrence Waterway (Quebec, Canada)

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    The St. Lawrence waterway is a dynamic aquatic system with inputs of organic matter (OM) originating from various terrestrial and marine sources, and a freshwater to saltwater gradient from the St. Lawrence River to the Gulf. The OM along this waterway is highly reworked in the water column, with a small fraction making its way into the sediments which acts as a long-term sink for organic matter. This waterway is also an important transportation route for numerous commodities, including petroleum and petroleum products. Our research involved the comprehensive mapping of the OM in the sediments and water column of the St. Lawrence River, Estuary, Gulf and the Saguenay Fjord. Water samples were collected along the River, Estuary, Gulf and Saguenay Fjord and parallel factor analysis was used to tease out various groups of fluorophores. In addition to the natural water samples collected along the St. Lawrence waterway, water samples containing UV irradiated petroleum products were included in the PARAFAC model to determine its efficiency at teasing out the components originating from natural OM from those linked to oil contamination. The PARAFAC analysis resulted in the identification of 6 components in our data set, with 4 components indicative of natural organic matter (3 terrestrial OM and one marine OM) and 2 representing oil components. With these findings, we were able to characterize groups of fluorophores along this transect and develop a ratio using 2 components (C4/C1) to differentiate oil contributions from natural OM in the water column. Similarly, surface sediments along the St. Lawrence Estuary, Gulf and Saguenay Fjord were collected and extracted to isolate the straight-chain n-alkanes to map the current abundances and sources of hydrocarbons in sediments of the Estuary and Gulf using molecular (diagnostic ratios) and isotopic fingerprinting (δ13C, δ2H). Variations in the carbon isotope signatures of odd-to-even straight chain alkanes allows for the differentiation of naturally occurring hydrocarbons from those of petroleum source, and the addition of hydrogen isotope signatures further increases our power of discrimination. Based on the diagnostic ratios alone, the OM sources were misrepresented and inaccurate when there was more than one input of OM. However, with the addition of the compound specific carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis, it was determined that n-alkanes were derived predominantly from natural sources. Additionally, we found that even numbered n-alkanes, which are less frequently analyzed due to their lower abundances in natural samples, would allow for the identification and tracking of petroleum-derived contaminants in sediments to a greater degree than molecular data alone. Analyzing both the possibility of oil contamination in the water column and sediments allows for the tracking of recent and long term impacts an oil spill would have along the St. Lawrence River, Estuary Gulf and Saguenay Fjord

    The Fourier-Galerkin Method for Band Structure Computations of 2D and 3D Photonic Crystals

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    In this dissertation we consider the band structure computation of 2D and 3D photonic crystals with the Fourier-Galerkin method. For the 2D Helmholtz equation we discuss the efficient implementation and the convergence. For the three-dimensional problem we use the so-called Harmonic Restarted Arnoldi method for solving the discrete eigenvalue problems without preconditioning
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