24 research outputs found
Understanding livelihoods dependent on inland fisheries in Bangladesh and Southeast Asia: Vietnam summary report
This is one of the four countries reports which provides an assessment of the livelihoods strategies of the poor people dependent on inland fisheries in Vietnam. The project aimed to characterise the poor, identify their dependence upon aquatic resources, the nature and status of those resources, and their vulnerabilities in relation to loss or mismanagement. Constraints and possible research priorities have been identified through consultations with poor fishers and other aquatic resource users, and with other organizations. Fisheries resource status has been summarized. The national studies have (i) reviewed the existing literature and conducted stakeholder discussions resulting in a country status report, and (ii) conducted Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRAs) with fisheries stakeholders to fill information gaps and obtain opinions resulting in a country PRA report. This country summary report is prepared on the basis of those two reports.Inland fisheries, Wetlands, Livelihoods
Institutions for Agricultural Mitigation: Potential and Challenges in Four Countries
The agriculture sector has great potential to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through changes in agricultural management and land use. However, the technical potential for agricultural mitigation has yet to translate into actual emission reductions due to considerable constraints to the generation of emission offsets through agricultural projects. These constraints include national and subnational policies and institutional structures as well as institutional and resource constraints at the local level, such as lack of knowledge, organizational capacity, and start-up finance. This paper explores the institutional barriers to agricultural mitigation in four developing countries: Ghana, Morocco, Mozambique, and Vietnam. The findings show that the institutional environment greatly influences the capacity to engage in agricultural mitigation activities. In particular, the centrally planned system in Vietnam provides little space for local, community-based organizations to act collectively around issues of mutual interest, making it difficult to engage numerous smallholders in agricultural mitigation projects. At the same time, government-led mitigation projects may be more feasible in Vietnam compared to the African case studies, where the governments lack well-defined and coordinated strategies and regulations to support mitigation. Governance of contractual obligations is also a challenge to agricultural mitigation. While several organizations in the case study countries have relevant experience for organizing smallholder farmers, most of these organizations lack technical expertise in carbon markets, have limited knowledge of strategies for agricultural mitigation, and lack resources needed for start-up and implementation of mitigation projects
Track D Social Science, Human Rights and Political Science
Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138414/1/jia218442.pd
Log-normal, log-gamma and log-negative inverted gamma scenarios in multifractal products of stochastic processes
This paper presents the log-normal, log-gamma and log-negative inverted gamma scenarios in limit theorems for multifractal products of stochastic processes with long-range dependence.
Advanced parallel classifier model for dynamic stability diagnosis in power system
Data for dynamic stable state in power system are very large. This leads to making difficult for a single classifier to learn boundaries of classes. This paper proposes a procedure to build Advanced Parallel Classifier Model (APCM) for dynamic stability diagnosis in power system with the aim of improving diagnosis accuracy. To build APCM, the Sequential Forward Floating Search is applied to select feature subset, and the Hybrid K-means is applied to choose data reduction and partition subsets. To find feature subset and sub-dataset, K-nearest neighbour classifier is employed to evaluate the classification accuracy. Then, the APCM is built by three kinds of classifiers as follow: the Multi-layer Perceptron Network, the Generalize Regression Neural Network, and the Support Vector Machines. The study is implemented on IEEE 39-bus power system network. The simulation results showed that the proposed the APCM can achieve classification accuracy higher than that of the single classifier. Keywords: Parallel classifier, Data clustering, Neural networks, Support vector machines, Dynamic stability diagnosis, Power system stabilit
Statistical Inference Using Higher-Order Information
This paper presents a class of minimum contrast estimators for stochastic processes with possible long-range dependence based on the information on higher-order spectral densities. The results on consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators are provided
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Female Labor Force Participation in Iran
While female labor force participation (LFP) in Iran is among the lowest in the world, there is hardly any study on the COVID-19 pandemic effects on the country's female LFP. We find that female LFP decreased during the pandemic years by around 1 percentage point in 2021 and 2022. When controlling for excess mortality rates, the declines could increase to between 3.9 and 8.7 percentage points, with the larger impacts occurring in late 2021 and early 2022. Compared to modest, pre-pandemic female LFP rates, these figures translate into 5 percent and 18-40 percent decreases, respectively. Heterogeneity exists, with more educated individuals being more likely to work. Compared to married individuals, divorcees were more likely to work while those that were divorced or never married were less likely to work. Our results offer relevant inputs for labor policy, particularly those aimed at reducing gender inequalities
The Impacts of Climate Change and Air Pollution on Children's Education Outcomes: Evidence from Vietnam
Very few studies have examined the impacts of both climate change and air pollution on student education outcomes, particularly in a developing country setting. Analyzing a rich database consisting of household and school surveys, test scores, and temperature and air pollution data over the past decade for Viet Nam, we find that a 1 µg/m3 increase in PM2.5 concentration in the month preceding exams leads to 0.015 and 0.010 standard deviation decreases in math and reading scores, respectively. We also find some indicative evidence of stronger impacts of air pollution for younger, primary school students who reside in urban areas and in districts with higher temperatures. While we find some mixed effects of temperature, we do not find significant effects on students' test scores for temperature extremes and air pollution over the past 12 months. Our findings offer policy-relevant inputs for the country's ongoing efforts to fight air pollution
Прямий синтез графену з переробленого сердечника акумулятора методом ексфоліації плазми низької густини та його застосування для видалення метиленового синього та родаміну В з водних розчинів
Ми представляємо новий метод ексфоліації плазми низької густини для отримання графенових шарів із переробленого сердечника акумулятора при кімнатній температурі. Це швидкий, простий та ефективний метод виробництва графенових шарів з використанням електродних пар з джерелами постійного струму високої напруги, занурених у розчин. Підготовлені зразки характеризувались різними методами, такими як скануюча електронна мікроскопія (SEM), атомно-силова мікроскопія (AFM), комбінаційне розсіювання та оптична випромінювальна спектроскопія (OES). Отримані результати показали, що графен має середній діаметр 1,5 мкм і товщину близько 3 нм у випадку 7-10 шарів. Виготовлений графен використовували як ефективний адсорбент для видалення метиленового синього (MB) та родаміну B (RhB) з водних розчинів. Як результат, ефективність адсорбції MB та RhB була визначена відповідно 91 % та 87 %. Це привабливий метод для заміни методу синтезу графена, про який повідомлялося раніше.We present a novel method of the solution plasma exfoliated techniques for the production of graphene
sheets from recycled battery core at room temperature. This is a fast, simple and efficient method to produce graphene sheets using electrode pairs with DC high voltage power sources which were immersed in a
solution. The as-prepared samples were characterized by various techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman scattering, and optical emission spectroscopy
(OES). The obtained results showed that graphene has an average diameter of 1.5 µm and a thickness of
about 3 nm in respect of 7 to 10 layers. The prepared graphene was used as an effective adsorbent for the
removal of methylene blue (MB) and Rhodamine B (RhB) from aqueous solutions. As a result, the adsorption efficiency of MB and RhB was determined to be 91% and 87 %, respectively. This is an attractive
method to replace the previously reported graphene synthesis method
Rapid Economic Growth but Rising Poverty Segregation: Will Vietnam Meet the SDGs for Equitable Development?
Vietnam is widely regarded as a success story for its impressive economic growth and poverty reduction in the last few decades. Yet, recent evidence indicates that the country's economic growth has not been uniform. Compiling and analyzing new extensive province-level data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSSs) for every alternate year between 2002 and 2020 and other data sources, we find within-province inequality to be much larger than between-province inequality. Furthermore, this inequality gap is rising over time. Despite the country's fast poverty reduction, the poor were increasingly segregated in certain provinces. We find beneficial impact of economic growth on poverty reduction, but this can depend on inequality levels. We also find greater inequality to have negative impact on economic growth and poverty reduction. Our results suggest that policy makers in Vietnam should focus on reducing spatial disparities and income inequality in order to attain sustainable economic development