238 research outputs found

    Spinor two-point functions and Peierls bracket in de Sitter space

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    This paper studies spinor two-point functions for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 fields in maximally symmetric spaces such as de Sitter spacetime, by using intrinsic geometric objects. The Feynman, positive- and negative-frequency Green functions are then obtained for these cases, from which we eventually display the supercommutator and the Peierls bracket under such a setting in two-component-spinor language.Comment: 22 pages, Latex. In the final version, the presentation has been improve

    Heterotic Flux Attractors

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    We find attractor equations describing moduli stabilization for heterotic compactifications with generic SU(3)-structure. Complex structure and K\"ahler moduli are treated on equal footing by using SU(3)xSU(3)-structure at intermediate steps. All independent vacuum data, including VEVs of the stabilized moduli, is encoded in a pair of generating functions that depend on fluxes alone. We work out an explicit example that illustrates our methods.Comment: 37 pages, references and clarifications adde

    Ricci-flat supertwistor spaces

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    We show that supertwistor spaces constructed as a Kahler quotient of a hyperkahler cone (HKC) with equal numbers of bosonic and fermionic coordinates are Ricci-flat, and hence, Calabi-Yau. We study deformations of the supertwistor space induced from deformations of the HKC. We also discuss general infinitesimal deformations that preserve Ricci-flatness.Comment: 13 pages, references and comments adde

    Gravitino Propagator in anti de Sitter space

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    We construct the gauge invariant part of the propagator for the massless gravitino in AdS(d+1) by coupling it to a conserved current. We also derive the propagator for the massive gravitino.Comment: 24 pages; LaTe

    Parameterization of oceanic whitecap fraction based on satellite observations

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    In this study, the utility of satellite-based white-cap fraction (W) data for the prediction of sea spray aerosol (SSA) emission rates is explored. More specifically, the study aims at evaluating how an account for natural variability of whitecaps in the W parameterization would affect SSA mass flux predictions when using a sea spray source function (SSSF) based on the discrete whitecap method. The starting point is a data set containing W data for 2006 together with matching wind speed U-10 and sea surface temperature (SST) T. Whitecap fraction W was estimated from observations of the ocean surface brightness temperature T-B by satellite-borne radiometers at two frequencies (10 and 37 GHz). A global-scale assessment of the data set yielded approximately quadratic correlation between W and U-10. A new global W(U-10) parameterization was developed and used to evaluate an intrinsic correlation between W and U-10 that could have been introduced while estimating W from T B. A regional-scale analysis over different seasons indicated significant differences of the coefficients of regional W(U-10) relationships. The effect of SST on W is explicitly accounted for in a new W(U-10, T) parameterization. The analysis of W values obtained with the new W(U-10) and W(U-10, T) parameterizations indicates that the influence of secondary factors on W is for the largest part embedded in the exponent of the wind speed dependence. In addition, the W(U-10, T) parameterization is able to partially model the spread (or variability) of the satellite-based W data. The satellite-based parameterization W(U-10, T) was applied in an SSSF to estimate the global SSA emission rate. The thus obtained SSA production rate for 2006 of 4.4 x 10(12) kg year(-1) is within previously reported estimates, however with distinctly different spatial distribution.Peer reviewe

    Natural Quintessence in String Theory

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    We introduce a natural model of quintessence in string theory where the light rolling scalar is radiatively stable and couples to Standard Model matter with weaker-than- Planckian strength. The model is embedded in an anisotropic type IIB compactification with two exponentially large extra dimensions and TeV-scale gravity. The bulk turns out to be nearly supersymmetric since the scale of the gravitino mass is of the order of the observed value of the cosmological constant. The quintessence field is a modulus parameterising the size of an internal four-cycle which naturally develops a potential of the order (gravitino mass)^4, leading to a small dark energy scale without tunings. The mass of the quintessence field is also radiatively stable since it is protected by supersymmetry in the bulk. Moreover, this light scalar couples to ordinary matter via its mixing with the volume mode. Due to the fact that the quintessence field is a flat direction at leading order, this mixing is very small, resulting in a suppressed coupling to Standard Model particles which avoids stringent fifth-force constraints. On the other hand, if dark matter is realised in terms of Kaluza-Klein states, unsuppressed couplings between dark energy and dark matter can emerge, leading to a scenario of coupled quintessence within string theory. We study the dynamics of quintessence in our set-up, showing that its main features make it compatible with observations.Comment: 26 page

    Supersymmetry and R-symmetry breaking in models with non-canonical Kahler potential

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    We analyze several aspects of R-symmetry and supersymmetry breaking in generalized O'Raifeartaigh models with non-canonical Kahler potential. Some conditions on the Kahler potential are derived in order for the non-supersymmetric vacua to be degenerate. We calculate the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) effective potential for general quiral non-linear sigma models and then study the 1-loop quantum corrections to the pseudo-moduli space. For R-symmetric models, the quadratic dependence of the CW potential with the ultraviolet cutoff scale disappears. We also show that the conditions for R-symmetry breaking are independent of this scale and remain unchanged with respect to those of canonical models. This is, R-symmetry can be broken when generic R-charge assignments to the fields are made, while it remains unbroken when only fields with R-charge 0 and 2 are present. We further show that these models can keep the runaway behavior of their canonical counterparts and also new runaway directions can be induced. Due to the runaway directions, the non-supersymmetric vacua is metastable.Comment: 19 pages, revised version with minor changes, references added, published in JHE

    Hypermoduli Stabilization, Flux Attractors, and Generating Functions

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    We study stabilization of hypermoduli with emphasis on the effects of generalized fluxes. We find a class of no-scale vacua described by ISD conditions even in the presence of geometric flux. The associated flux attractor equations can be integrated by a generating function with the property that the hypermoduli are determined by a simple extremization principle. We work out several orbifold examples where all vector moduli and many hypermoduli are stabilized, with VEVs given explicitly in terms of fluxes.Comment: 45 pages, no figures; Version submitted to JHE

    On NS5-brane instantons and volume stabilization

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    We study general aspects of NS5-brane instantons in relation to the stabilization of the volume modulus in Calabi-Yau compactifications of type II strings with fluxes, and their orientifold versions. These instantons correct the Kahler potential and generically yield significant contributions to the scalar potential at intermediate values of string coupling constant and volume. Under suitable conditions they yield uplifting terms that allow for meta--stable de Sitter vacua.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; statements about fields G^a made more precise, added some clarifications, typos correcte

    Five-brane Instantons vs Flux-induced Gauging of Isometries

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    In five-dimensional heterotic M-theory there is necessarily nonzero background flux, which leads to gauging of an isometry of the universal hypermultiplet moduli space. This isometry, however, is poised to be broken by M5-brane instanton effects. We show that, similarly to string theory, the background flux allows only brane instantons that preserve the above isometry. The zero-mode counting for the M5 instantons is related to the number of solutions of the Dirac equation on their worldvolume. We investigate that equation in the presence of generic background flux and also, in a particular case, with nonzero worldvolume flux.Comment: 27 pages; reference adde
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