319 research outputs found

    Partnerships with Purpose: The FEA and ASCA Joint Communication and Collaboration Guide

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    The Fraternity Executives Association and its members seek to form an open and collaborative partnership with host institutions and student conduct staff members to fairly and appropriately adjudicate organizational conduct issues. In support of this effort, the Association for Student Conduct Administration and the Fraternity Executives Association have partnered together to produce a guidance document that is intended to provide suggested protocol for both inter/national and campus conduct staff when working together to address an allegation of chapter misconduct. The presenters will review the components and suggested implementation of this guidance


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    Introdution. Limb-Body Wall Complex (LBWC) is a congenital defect which includes at least two of the following characteristics: abdominal and/or thoracic body wall defects, exencephaly or encephalocoele with or without craniofacial defects (56%) and spinal defects associated with marked vertebral or sacral defects (95%). Case Report. We present a case report of an infant with LBWC, borned by diamniotic twin pregnancy. A prenatal ultrasound reported an healthy fetus and a fetus with multiple malformations. At birth we found a big abdominal wall defect, absence of scrotal sac and testicles, asymmetric chest and no major deformities in craniofacial region. At 2 hours of life, we removed the amniotic sac, we put the stomach and the spleen in the abdominal cavity, which is virtual, and positioned a spring-loaded silo. At 15th day of life we had complete reduction of the intestinal loops and liver and we closed the wall defect with a prosthesis and a cryopreserved skin. The general conditions of the patient, very severe since birth, became progressively worse and he died in the 21st day of life. Discussion. Once the diagnosis is done the physician should offer the parents a therapeutic abortion, and above all, in case they want to carry the pregnancy to term, we need to prepare them to the severity of the malformation and the high probability of death

    Precisione nella determinazione della lunghezza di lavoro mediante localizzatori elettronici d’apice, radiologia digitale e prova visiva: presentazione di una nuova metodica sperimentale di indagine – uno studio ex-vivo. Exact determination of the working length by electronic apex locators, digital radiology, and visual test: presentation of a new experimental research strategy – an ex-vivo study.

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    Abstract Objectives: This study compared: 1) the accuracy of three different electronic apex locators (EALs) in detecting the apical foramen ex-vivo under clinical conditions; 2) the accuracy of digital radiography and EALs in determining the K-file position in the root canal; 3) the accuracy of two different radiographic planes; (4) the precision of #10, #15, and #20 K-files in electronic measurements; 5) the precision of EALs in relation to the dental anatomy classification (anterior, bicuspids, and molars). Materials and methods: The length of 101 extracted human teeth was measured with three different EALs (Endex, Propex II and Root ZX), with RVG and compared to the actual length. Experimental procedures were performed using an endodontic training kit (Pro-Train). Results: The statistical analysis showed that Endex and Propex II were more accurate than Root ZX in determining the working length (WL). The t-test showed no statistically significant difference of accuracy between the two radiographic planes examined. The t-test showed no significant difference between the three different K-file size measurements. EALs and RVG are less accurate in anterior teeth. Conclusions: To prevent overestimation of the root canal length using the EALs tested, 1 mm should be subtracted from the measurement on the ‘‘APEX’’ mark. Instrument sizes did not affect the accuracy of EALs. EALs showed to be more accurate in determining the WL than RVG. 2011 Societa` Italiana di Endodonzia. Published by Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved

    Cervical Lymphadenitis by Mycobacterium triplex in an Immunocompetent Child: Case Report and Review

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    Mycobacterium triplex was first described in 1996. This nontuberculous Mycobacterium causes a severe pulmonary disease in immunocompromised patients but it can involve also healthy patients. A literature search was made on the PubMed database and it produced only few cases of children with cervical lymphadenitis due to this Mycobacterium Triplex. We are describing a case of M. triplex cervical lymphadenitis in an immunocompetent child

    Herlyn–Werner–Wunderlich syndrome: An “early” onset case report and review of Literature

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    AbstractHerlyn–Werner–Wunderlich syndrome (HWWS) is a rare congenital mullerian anomaly consisting of uterus didelphys, hemivaginal septum, and unilateral renal agenesis [1,2]. Most authors reported cases of Herlyn–Werner–Wunderlich syndrome with prepuberal or postpuberal onset with cyclical abdominal pain and a vaginal mass (3–8). Only six cases are reported in Literature with early onset of this syndrome under 5 years (9–14). Our case is about 3 years old girl, with all the features of this syndrome who came to our attention for lower abdominal mass. The aim of this article is to share our experience and focus the attention on the importance of high level of suspicion of HWWS in neonatal period to early diagnosis and treatment. The possible early presentation of this syndrome should be suspected in all neonates (females) with renal agenesia confirmed postnatally or with prenatal diagnosis. It is common, in fact, an error of evaluation with planning of removal of mass, that can damage patients in term of chance for a successful reproductive outcome. For all these reasons, our team consider HWWS as differential diagnosis in newborn with prenatal ultrasonography of a cystic mass behind the urinary bladder in the absence of a kidney and plan a pelvic ultrasound (with aim to identify an uterus, normal or dydhelfus, and presence or absence of pelvic mass), an examination under anesthesia and cystoscopy and vaginoscopy, if it is necessary. A high level of suspicion, indeed, is the key to early diagnosis


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    Hyperplasia of thymic gland is a rare benign entity that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of anterior mediastinal masses in children and young adolescents. We report a case of a patient with a thymic mass, diagnosed occasionally for respiratory symptoms and treated by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. A previously healthy 10 years-old boy presented to our hospital for retrosternal pain and dyspnea with restriction to daily activities from four months. Diagnostic imaging was performed, including a chest x-ray and a magnetic resonance imaging, showing a large homogeneous anterosuperior mediastinal mass, more extended on the left side. The additional laboratory analysis, considered essential for differential diagnosis with myasthenia gravis and lymphoma, resulted negative. In view of these findings, our patient underwent to video assisted thoracoscopy with left-sided approach for a total resection of thymus and perithymic fat. The patient made an excellent recovery without postoperative complications and was discharged from the hospital four days later. Histopathological examination showed a normal thymic architecture like a true thymic hyperplasia. At follow up, chest x-ray was normal in absence of pleural and parenchimal alterations. Thoracoscopic thymectomy is a safe technique that allows to achieve the goal of early thymectomy with the advantages of less invasive procedure


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    The urachus is the remnant of the allantois, which usually becomes obliterated shortly after birth. Urachal remnants due to an incomplete obliteration of different portion of the urachus are rare, but they need to be treated surgically because of their potential for infectious complications and malignant degeneration. We present a case report with an unespected postoperative complication. M.E., a 10 years old boy, came to the Accident and Emergency Department for an acute abdominal pain, without other symptoms, twice in one year. The blood tests, urine sample and voiding cystourethrogram were normal. The ultrasound scan showed a thickened urachal duct. After antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy for two weeks, we performed laparoscopic surgery. In the second postoperative day the patient showed abdominal pain and hematuria. An ultrasound scan and a voiding cystourethrogram showed a leak from the dome of bladder. We performed an open surgery to close the defect on the bladder’s dome. The patient was discharged in 10th postoperative day. Now he is healthy. Clinically manifest persistent urachal anomalies are rare, but they carry a risk of recurrent infection and subsequent malignant degeneration. For these reasons the radical excision of the remnant is suggested. Today, due to the large laparoscopic experience, all the reports showed that this technique can be used safely, but we have to pay attention to all steps of the procedure. This case is a paradigmatic situation and it illustrates the importance of a meticulous technique during the excision of urachal remnant. Indeed even if laparoscopic excision could be safe and effective, it is not free of complication

    Robotic-assisted thoracoscopy thymectomy for juvenile myasthenia gravis

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    Abstract Introduction Juvenile myasthenia gravis (JMG) is a rare debilitating and potentially fatal autoimmune disease, with unclearify pathogenesis. Surgical immunomodulation with thymectomy has been repeatedly demonstrated to be a safe and effective treatment for JMG in both adult and pediatric patients. In the last few years, minimally invasive approach and above all robotic assisted thoracoscopy, replaced sternotomy which is widely used in adult patients. We report our experience in a case of robot-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy approach in a 12 years old boy for juvenile myasthenia gravis (JMG). Case report Procedure was performed with the Da Vinci surgical robot (Xi) using left-sided approach. Left lung was kept out from mechanic ventilation. A 8 mm port for the 3-D camera was introduced on the V intercostal space on the anterior axillary line. Others two 8mm thoracic ports were placed under vision after the induction of a low-pressure pneumothorax, respectively on the midaxillary line on the III intercostal space and on the parasternal space on the V intercostal space. Bulk resection of gland was made using Maryland grasper and Harmonic scalpel, starting at level of the left pericardiophrenic angle and continuing cranially. Thymus was unstick from the posterior face of the sternum until the right pleura releasing lower thymic horns. After that, controlateral right-side thymectomy was continued into the neck to include the upper horns and finally it was removed with an endocatch bag. Histopathological examination showed a benign thymic hyperplasia. There were no perioperative and postoperative complications. The discharge was on IV post-operative day. After thymectomy, patient reported an improvement in symptoms and stopped medical therapy with pyridostigmine. Conclusions VATS and Robotic thoracoscopic thymectomy have increasingly taken hold in recent years. The surgical treatment offered to patient an improvement in clinical status. Surgery by robotic assistance has demonstrable advantages, including three-dimensional visualization and articulating instruments. Left lateral approach provided excellent visualization of the thymic veins, anonymous vases and phrenic nerves. Three-dimensional visualization as well as articulating arms greatly facilitated the dissection compared with standard thoracoscopic technique. In Literature very few series of robotic approach for surgical treatment of JMG in children are reported, for these reasons further studies are needed
