145 research outputs found

    BCL10 is rarely mutated in human prostate carcinoma, small-cell lung cancer, head and neck tumours, renal carcinoma and sarcomas

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    We have used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis to screen for mutations in the BCL 10 gene in 81 primary prostate carcinomas, 20 squamous cell cancers of the head and neck, 15 small-cell lung cancer cell lines, 24 renal carcinoma cell lines and 13 sarcoma cell lines. We failed to find evidence of somatically acquired mutations of the BCL10 gene suggesting that BCL 10 does not play a major role in the development of these malignancies

    A Rapid and Simple Procedure for the Establishment of Human Normal and Cancer Renal Primary Cell Cultures from Surgical Specimens

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    The kidney is a target organ for the toxicity of several xenobiotics and is also highly susceptible to the development of malignant tumors. In both cases, in vitro studies provide insight to cellular damage, and represent adequate models to study either the mechanisms underlying the toxic effects of several nephrotoxicants or therapeutic approaches in renal cancer. The development of efficient methods for the establishment of human normal and tumor renal cell models is hence crucial. In this study, a technically simple and rapid protocol for the isolation and culture of human proximal tubular epithelial cells and human renal tumor cells from surgical specimens is presented. Tumor and normal tissues were processed by using the same methodology, based on mechanical disaggregation of tissue followed by enzymatic digestion and cell purification by sequential sieving. The overall procedure takes roughly one hour. The resulting cell preparations have excellent viabilities and yield. Establishment of primary cultures from all specimens was achieved successfully. The origin of primary cultured cells was established through morphological evaluation. Normal cells purity was confirmed by immunofluorescent staining and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis for expression of specific markers

    Mise en evidence de l'action neurotrophique de l'hormone adrenocorticotrope (ACTH) et etude de ses mecanismes

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Les nombres ordinaux en anglais de la mécanique des sols

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    This article follows "Une analyse syntaxique des nombres cardinaux en anglais de la Mécanique des Sols" (cahiers de l'APLIUT n° 16). It is based on the same theory. The ordinal numbers we have considered belong to : - either the "Pedagogical Discourse" where they are "communication ordinal numbers", - or the "Scientific Discourse" where they refer to an already mentioned significant. They are "anaphoric" and are opposed to cardinal numbers which could be "deictic". Ordinal numbers are related to reference, cardinal numbers to designation. Ordinal numbers imply rank and ordering, two aspects which are chosen by the narrator.Cet article est la suite de "Une analyse syntaxique des nombres cardinaux en anglais de la Mécanique des Sois" (cahiers de l'APLIUT n° 17). La méthode d'analyse syntaxique est celle de Janine Gallais-Hamonno déjà présentée. L'étude montre que les ordinaux considérés appartiennent : - soit au DP ("Discours Pédagogique") : il s'agit d'ordinaux de "communication", - soit au DS ("Discours Scientifique") : ce sont des ordinaux "ana-phoriques" , qui font référence à un signifiant déjà exprimé ou connu. L'ordinal s'oppose au cardinal parce qu'il est anaphorique (le cardinal pouvait être déictique). L'ordinal s'apparente à la référence, le cardinal à la désignation. L'ordinal suppose un rang, un ordonnancement des arrangements dont seul le narrateur est responsable.Anglard Claude. Les nombres ordinaux en anglais de la mécanique des sols. In: Cahiers de l'APLIUT, volume 5, numéro 3, 1986. pp. 32-45

    Une analyse syntaxique des nombres cardinaux en anglais de la mécanique des sols

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    This study, based on the theory of Janine Gallais-Hamonno, enables us to distinguish two main typés of cardinal numbers. I - Quantifiers which are found in "the Scientific Discourse" and imply counting the different elements. They support examples and demonstrations and thus can be useful to the student approaching the scientific way of thinking. II -Qualifiers mostly found in the "culture" of a text, may have the following functions : - naming : the number as a label - identifying : " as a reference-point - qualifying or defining : " as a property/characteristic - localizing : "as coordinates for localization These numbers are particularly interesting for the specialist as points of reference in his or her speciality.Cette étude, fondée sur la méthode d'analyse syntaxique de Janine Gallais-Hamonno, permet de distinguer deux grands types de nombres cardinaux. I - Les quantificateurs, qui se rencontrent dans le niveau d'énonciation "Discours Scientifique". Ils expriment une opération de comptage des éléments, sont le support de l'exemple ou de la démonstration, et peuvent être utiles à l'étudiant pour actualiser sa démarche scientifique. II - Les qualificateurs, le plus souvent rencontrés dans le niveau "langue", peuvent avoir quatre fonctions différentes : - nommer : c'est le nombre label/étiquette - identifier : " le nombre identité/repère - qualifier, définir : "' le nombre propriétés caractéristiques - localiser : " le nombre coordonnées/localisation. Ces nombres intéressent directement le spécialiste en tant que points de référence dans la science considérée.Anglard Claude. Une analyse syntaxique des nombres cardinaux en anglais de la mécanique des sols. In: Cahiers de l'APLIUT, volume 4, numéro 4, 1985. pp. 36-50

    Rôle de la protéine phosphatase 1 dans les mécanismes d'action de la cocaïne et implication des modifications épigénétiques dans sa régulation

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    La consommation répétée de drogues induit une plasticité cérébrale, qui pourrait sous-tendre le développement de la dépendance. La protéine phosphatase de type 1 (PP1) étant un acteur majeur de ces processus, nous nous sommes intéressés à sa régulation par la cocaïne. Nous avons montré qu un traitement chronique par la cocaïne induit la répression du gène codant la sous-unitécatalytique b de PP1 (PP1Cb), via l hyperméthylation de sa région promotrice et le recrutement de la protéine de liaison à l ADN méthylé, Mecp2. Cette répression, observée dans les principales structures du système de récompense du Rat, pourrait favoriser l état phosphorylé des récepteurs NMDA et AMPA du glutamate et du facteur de transcription CREB, potentialisant ainsi les effets de la cocaïne. PP1 étant souvent considérée comme un régulateur négatif de la mémoire, sa répression pourrait également favoriser la mémorisation du contexte et des habitudes liés à la drogue. L expression de PP1Cb a ensuite été analysée en réponse à des injections passives ou volontaires de cocaïne dans un test de conditionnement opérant, l auto-administration intraveineuse. Étonnamment, une répression similaire de PP1Cb est observée quel que soit le mode d administration de la cocaïne. Son expression est par contre différente lorsque la cocaïne est remplacée par de la nourriture : elle est induite par le conditionnement opérant, sans être affectée par une distribution passive de nourriture. Le gène PP1Cb participe donc sans doute aux neuroadaptations différentielles induites par les drogues et les récompenses naturelles, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension des effets à long terme des drogues.Repeated intake of drugs of abuse is known to induce brain plasticity, which may underlie the development of drug addiction. Protein phosphatase type-1 (PP1) is one of the key proteins involved in brain plasticity mechanisms. We therefore studied its regulation in response to repeated cocaine intake by rats. The gene encoding the b catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1Cb) was found to be repressed by chronic cocaine treatment, through a mechanism involving DNA methylation of the PP1Cb 5 -end followed by the recruitment of the methyl binding protein Mecp2. This repression was observed in the major brain structures of the reward system and probably favors the phosphorylation state of NMDA and AMPA glutamatergic receptors and of CREB transcriptionfactor, thus further increasing cocaine effects. PP1 is also known as a negative regulator of memory formation. Its repression by cocaine may therefore potentiate the memorization of cocaine-related habits and context. PP1Cb expression was next compared in response to passive vs voluntary cocaine injections in an operant intravenous cocaine self-administration paradigm. Surprisingly, a similar repression of PP1Cb was found, independently on the cocaine administration mode. A completely different pattern of expression was observed when cocaine administration was replaced by food intake, as PP1Cb expression was increased during food operant self-administration, but not in response to passive food delivery. Taken together, our data suggest that PP1Cb participates to the differential neuroadaptations induced by drugs of abuse and natural rewards. They shed somenew light on the long-term mechanisms induced by drugs of abuse.STRASBOURG-Bib.electronique 063 (674829902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Céline : des repères pour situer l'auteur et ses écrits... / Véronique Anglard,...

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    Collection : Balises ; 19Contient une table des matièresAvec mode text

    Modulation of cytosolic protein kinase C activity by ferricyanide: priming event seems transmembrane redox signalling A study on transformed C3H/10T1/2 cells in culture

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    AbstractTransformed 3T3/10T1/2 cultured cells incubated with ferricyanide caused a decrease of 2 mM EDTA extractable cytosolic protein kinase C activity in 2 min, whereas 5 or 20 min ferricyanide treatment reverted the enzyme activity to that observed without ferricyanide. The ferricyanide effect in 2 min was abolished by amiloride and sustained by ouabain. Thus, deactivation-activation of cytosolic protein kinase C is attributed to an unknown signal generation during H+ accumulation coupled with the Na+/H+ exchange phase. In this mechanism the priming event concerns the transmembrane redox process shedding H+ into the cell interior while impermeant ferricyanide acts as a unique electron acceptor

    Alternative splicing and promoter usage generates an intracellular stromelysin 3 isoform directly translated as an active matrix metalloproteinase

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    International audienceHuman stromelysin 3 (ST3) is a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) that has been implicated in cancer progression and in various tissue remodeling processes. Unlike most MMPs, ST3 is characterized by a distinct substrate specificity and a specific regulation and is not directly involved in extracellular matrix degradation. In the present study, we have identified an additional ST3 gene promoter that is accessible to nuclear factors such as C/EBP and retinoic acid receptors. This human specific promoter is inducible and controls the expression of a novel ST3 transcript called the beta-ST3 that is expressed in cultured cells and in placenta. This transcript encodes a 40-kDa ST3 isoform that lacks both the signal peptide common to all secreted MMPs and the prodomain that normally maintains enzyme latency. Consistent with the lack of a signal peptide, the beta-ST3 was found to be intracellular. The relative amount of the extracellular alpha-ST3 isoform was about 20-fold higher than that of the intracellular ST3 isoforms, as estimated by Western blot analysis. Furthermore, recombinant beta-ST3 produced in Escherichia coli exhibits a proteolytic activity against alpha1-proteinase inhibitor, a substrate previously shown to be inactivated by the alpha-ST3. Therefore, although it was thought that all MMPs were synthesized as inactive zymogens and functioned extracellularly, this is the first MMP isoform reported that is generated by alternative promoter usage and directly translated as an active enzyme. Although the intracellular function of the beta-ST3 remains to be investigated, these data support the idea that the functions of MMPs are not restricted to the extracellular space
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