1,025 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Tracking Applications: A Human-Centric Analysis

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    The year 2020 will always be remembered with the imprints left by COVID-19 on our lives. While the pandemic has had many undesirable effects for the whole world, one of its biggest side effects has been the fast digital transformation that has taken place, which was already in progress with the Industry 4.0 era. The readily available technology and wireless communications infrastructures paved the way for a myriad of digital technologies for the containment of the disease using mobile contact tracing applications developed by health authority organizations in many countries. The mounting privacy concerns especially with Bluetooth-enabled proximity tracing and centralized tracking technologies used by these applications have given rise to the development of new privacy-preserving contact tracing protocols. Although these new protocols have alleviated the privacy concerns of citizens to a certain extent, widespread adoption is still far from being the reality. In this paper, we analyze existing contact tracing technologies from a human-centric standpoint by focusing on their privacy implications. We present our comprehensive dataset consisting of the contact tracing application usage information in 94 countries and provide results of a multinational survey we have conducted on the sentiments of people regarding contact tracing applications. The survey results demonstrate that privacy concerns are still the leading deterrent for people when deciding whether to use these applications. Nevertheless, it is a globally accepted argument that the most effective and fastest method for contact tracking will be digital technologies free from human errors and manual procedures. Accordingly, it is concluded that a policy of developing decentralized tracking solutions based entirely on user privacy should be followed, in which independent trusted third parties assume the role of authority in the system architecture, if absolutely necessary, in order to effectively combat the pandemic worldwide. An important feature of the systems to be developed to pave the way for widespread use is to provide the users the right to be forgotten

    Construction of Chicken Drinking Water Sterilization Device Using Ultraviolet Light Based on ATMega8535 Microcontroller

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    This research aimed to design of a chicken drinking water sterilization device using ultraviolet light-based microcontroller ATMega8535. After constructing the device, the test that is carried out were running the system according to the procedure, observing the performance of the system that begins with setting the sterilization timer at the minimum position, and recording the results. After the power supply was activated, the potentiometer of timer set to a minimum. The pump was on for 1 minute, then the UV lamp was also active and the process continues to repeat. Potentiometer was set to increase by 50% timer in 5 minutes position, and raised again to 100% at 10 minute position. The control process of this system is carried out by an ATMega8535 microcontroller that regulates the process of draining water from the container to the pipe, the length of time it takes to activate the ultraviolet lamp and the length of time it takes to activate the pump. This device was designed to demolish germs and bacteria in the water. The test resulted in a 100% reduction in bacteria in ultraviolet-illuminated water

    Isolation and Analysis of Chemical Components of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Tuber Essential Oil As Well As Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity Tests

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    The essential oil from garlic tubers (Allium sativum L) was isolated by hydrodistillation method using the Stahl apparatus. Garlic tubers were distilled for 4 to 5 hours to produce as much oil as 0.05% (w/ w). The chemical components of essential oil of garlic tubers were analyzed using GC-MS spectroscopy. The GC-MS results showed that there were 11 components with 5 main components, namely diallyl disulfide (44.98%), 1,3-diallyl tri sulfane (13.63%), allyl sulfide (13.06%), methyl allyl disulfide (11.87%), and methyl allyl trisulfide (4.84%). The antibacterial activity of essential oil of garlic tubers with diffusion method to use concentration variation of 5%, 10%, and 15% have strong antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and have a medium to strong antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria like Escherichia coli. The antioxidant activity of the essential oil of garlic tubers with DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil) showed an IC50 value was 22.863 mg/L and a very strong antioxidant group


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    Homes for human beings have the meaning of a place to unwind, rest after tiring to perform daily obligations, as a place to mingle with the family, as a place to protect themselves from danger, as a symbol of social status, a place of wealth. In relation to that, the law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009 on the Health program states that the highest degree of public health is achieved through the implementation of health development entitled to residence and to have a good and healthy environment. This research is a descriptive research to describe the Condition of Housing Sanitation in Juhar Tarigan village of Juhar Subdistrict Karo District in 2016 where the method of sampling is simple random sampling. For the determination of sample representation of population determined by the sample of 70 KK. The result of this research shows that the most dominant home construction is no house fence as much as 96%, no gate fence as much as 96%, home page is gross as much as 64,3%, less regular plant as much as 35,7%, construction of house building not fulfilled the requirement of 47.1%, the window area fulfills the requirement of 42.9%, the cleanliness of many spider webs as much as 34.3%, the ventilation in the house is about 30%, the number of flies is 3-5 flying by 50% , the number of cockroaches 3 was 67.2%, the number of mosquitoes less than 5 was 67.2%, the number of mice occasional rats was 51.4%, 68.6% was plastered, 57.6% , 1% and kitchen smoke holes as much as 65.7%. The most dominant environment and facilities are the RT wastewater drainage channeled into open riol as much as 61.4%, the garbage collection system is collected and burned by 51.4% the drinking water supply system exists drinking water from outside as much as 51.5%, toilet types are goose neck latrine as much as 64.3% and there is also no toilet as much as 30%. The result of the research concluded that the state of sanitation of housing still lack of health requirement. In this study it is suggested that the community should pay attention to the construction of their houses and their environmentally friendly facilities and facilities so that their home is healthy and will not cause illness if they are aware of the importance of a healthy home  Keywords: sanitation, home, construction, facilities and prasana, environmen

    Synthesis Of 4-Alil-6- (Hydroxymethyl) -2-Methody Phenol Compounds from Eugenol Through Mannich Reaction Followed Methylation with Methyl Iodide and Subtitution Using NaOH

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    Eugenol derivative compound 4-allyl-6-hydroxymethyl-2-methoxy phenol was synthesized through Mannich reaction, methylation, dan nucleophilic substitution. Mannich reaction was carried out by reacting eugenol, formaldehyde 37%, and dimethylamine 40 % in reflux condition with n-heptane solvent at temperature 98o-100oC for 10 hours produced 4-allyl-6-(dimethylamino)methyl-2-methoxy phenol with yield of 83 %. The formation of dimethylaminomethyl group supported by C-N stretching vibration at 1246,16 cm-1 and ion molecule peak at 221 in GC-MS analysis. Methylation of 4-allyl-6-(dimethylamino)methyl-2-methoxy phenol was carried out with methyl iodide in ethanol solvent produced 6-((N-iodo-N-methyl-N-methyl-N-methylamino) methyl)-4-allyl-2-methoxy phenol in solid form, which then purified by recrystallization with 78,15 % yield. 4-allyl-6-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methoxy phenol was synthesized by nucleophilic substitution reaction of 6-((N-iodo-N-methyl-N-methyl-N-methylamino)methyl)-4-allyl-2-methoxy phenol with sodium hydroxide in reflux condition then purified by coloum chromatography gave liquid compound with yield of 65,05%. The formation of hydroxymethyl group supported by OH vibration at 3433,9 cm-1 and ion molecule peak at 194 in GC-MS analysis show the relative molecular mass of synthesized product

    Pengendali Intensitas Traffic Light Menggunakan Metode Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic Control

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    Kendala kemacetan lalu lintas sudah menjadi masalah yang sering terjadi di Indonesia khususnya di Kota Medan. Salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk menguranginya dengan cara membuat suatu sistem pengontrolan lampu lalu-lintas yang efisien. Sistem ini menggunakan metode Tsukamoto Fuzzy Logic Control. Fuzzy Logic lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sistem yang sangat kompleks. Hal ini yang membuatnya digunakan daripada solusi sistem yang sangat kompleks. Alat bantu program yang penulis gunakan untuk membuat sistem keputusan dan simulasi yaitu Twido Suite dan Java NetBeans. Kata Kunci : Fuzzy Logic, Twido Suite, Java NetBean

    Hubungan Pengalaman Menulis Di Majalah Dinding Dengan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi Oleh Siswa Kelas X SMA Taman Siswa Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2012/2013

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    This study aimed to describe the level of mastery of diction, illustrating the ability to write essays arguing and explaining relationships diction mastery of the ability to write essays siswa.Penelitian argument was held in SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi. Sample as many as 40 students, which is taken Random Sampling (Random) from 9 class X, and was elected class X-1 as an object of research.Before testing the hypothesis, first performed followed by descriptive data and test requirements analysis, test for normality and linearity test. To test the hypothesis used formula product moment correlation significance level of 5%. From the description of the data obtained diction skills class X SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi learning year 2012/2013, quite well with the average value of 75.625 and a standard deviation of 7.18 and an argument essay writing skills of students is also quite good with an average value of 71.625 and a standard deviation of 7.02. The correlation coefficient menunjukkanrhitung> rtabel or 0.663> 0.312 so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between mastery of diction on the ability to write an argument essay in class X SMA Negeri 1 Berastagi Learning Year 2012/2013. Linearity test results indicate that the relationship between Mastery Ability Test Diction for Writing Argumentation Writing ability is linear regression equation: Y = 22.624 + 0.648 X and Fhitung = 0.715> F table = 2.30. Thus the higher ability students mastery of diction, the higher the student's ability to write an argument essay. keyword, mastery of diction is associated with writing arguments


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    Dams of breast milk in the mother's breast develop fever, pain, and inflammation. If not treated immediately, mastitis may occur. Mastitis in the mother's breast to the baby is not well nourished. The aim of this study was to minimize pain in the mother's breast against breast milk dams by using cabbage leaves in the Maternity Clinic of Besnawati Br. Sembiring and it is hoped that the mother will be able to face the postpartum period and the breastfeeding process well. This type of research is analytic with cross sectional study approach, namely by measuring several variables at once. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative and quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis using the Chi-square statistical test. Types of data analysis were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) program computer, with a total sample of 30 people. Researchers are interested in finding a method that is more comfortable, can be done independently, and does not hurt the mother in overcoming breast engorgement, namely cabbage leaves, which have been shown to reduce swelling (ASI dam) in areas of the body that experience swelling, so it can be concluded that cabbage leaves can minimize pain in the mother's breast against breast milk dams by using cabbage leaves at the Maternity Clinic Besnawati Br. Sembiring and it is hoped that the mother will be able to face the postpartum period and the breastfeeding process well

    Penguatan Kelembagaan Pimpinan Ranting Aisyiyah melalui Inisiasi Prosedur Litigasi dan Non Litigasi Penanganan Kasus Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan

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    This volunteer effort intends to help the Aisyiyah Branch Leader of the Jember Regency deal with instances of abuse against women. To address cases of abuse against women, both non-litigation and litigation strategies are used. The overall number of participants in all the action was 50 (fifty). Three (3) steps make up the execution of this community service: preparation, performance, and evaluation. There were two activities before the event: (1) Through the distribution of questionnaires, the community service activities confirmed to the Aisyiyah Branch Manager the types of violent cases that had happened and the breadth of the handling efforts that had been made in the working area of the Aisyiyah Sumbersari Branch Manager, Jember Regency. (2) The service project delivery includes data processing from the distributed surveys. (3) The activity's organizer must create the materials necessary by the Aisyiyah Branch Managers in the office of the Aisyiyah Sumbersari Branch Manager, Jember Regency, based on the data acquired regarding the various types of violence. The primary topic of the literature is litigation, or the processes used to adjudicate cases of victimized violence in court system. While the purpose of non-litigation is to help by using alternate techniques without going through legitimate methods. According to the evaluation of the activities, the Aisyiyah Branch Leaders in the Jember Regency-managed Aisyiyah Sumbersari Branch are better able to handle situations of violence against women
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