209 research outputs found

    Endolimax nana and urticaria

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    Endolimax nana is a commensal protozoan of the colon. We report a case of chronic urticaria associated with E. nana in a 34-year-old Italian woman. The patient suffered from abdominal pain, diarrhoea and weight loss. The disease appeared after a trip to Vietnam. Laboratory examinations showed mild blood eosinophilia. Three coproparasitological examinations were positive for cysts of E. nana. The patient was successfully treated with two courses of metronidazole (2 g/day for 10 days each). No antihistamines were used. Three coproparasitological examinations, carried out at the end of the therapy, were negative. Follow up (six months) was negative. E. nana can be responsible for very rare cases of abdominal pain, diarrhoea, polyarthritis and urticaria

    Geositi nel paesaggio mediterraneo: confronto tra aree costiere maltesi e siciliane.

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    Le isole maltesi mostrano aspetti geologici, geomorfologici e ambientali comparabili con quelli siciliani che danno luogo alla presenza di elementi paesaggistici ad elevata potenzialit\ue0 turistica, ad oggi non sufficientemente valorizzati. Nell\u2019ambito di un progetto di ricerca internazionale volto alla realizzazione di reti ecologiche transfrontaliere Malta-Sicilia (RE.MA.SI.), sono stati condotti studi sulla valorizzazione, divulgazione e corretta fruizione del patrimonio geologico di alcuni territori di queste due isole. Vengono qui presentati i risultati preliminari che hanno portato all'identificazione e valorizzazione di geositi di interesse geomorfologico, le cui caratteristiche sono state analizzate qualitativamente e quantitativamente, tramite l\u2019applicazione di metodologie gi\ue0 sperimentate a livello internazionale e basate sulla stima del loro valore scientifico, addizionale e di fruibilit\ue0. Sono state analizzate principalmente forme di rilevante interesse scientifico, didattico e paesaggistico, quali morfotipi costieri, evidenze morfologiche di processi gravitativi e di erosione idrica e forme carsiche

    Biliary injuries after pancreatic surgery: Interventional radiology management

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    Bile duct injuries are among the most feared complications after pancreatic surgery. Most of these surgical complications are related to iatrogenic injuries and include bile leakage, biliary duct obstruction or stricture and infection. A wide range of Interventional Radiology treatment options are currently available. The options include percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD), percutaneous balloon dilatation and stenting, image-guided percutaneous abscess drainage. The purpose of this review is to describe the current evidence in this continuously evolving field

    Molecular mimicry in the post-COVID-19 signs and symptoms of neurovegetative disorders?

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    Many individuals who have severe forms of COVID-19 experience a suite of neurovegetative signs and symptoms (eg, tachycardia) after their recovery, suggesting that the imbalance of the sympathetic-parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system1 could continue for many weeks or months after respiratory symptoms stop. Moreover, a reduction of the parasympathetic tone could have a role in restricting the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, thus favouring hyperinflammation and cytokine storm in the most severe phases of the disease. As reported by Guglielmo Lucchese in The Lancet Microbe,2 SARS-CoV-2 can damage the nervous system via an indirect mechanism, resulting in a high prevalence of autoantibodies, mainly against unknown autoantigens in the brain, in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with neurological complications.2 The cause of low vagal tone and SARS-CoV-2 has not yet been investigated sufficiently and here we would like to share some original data supporting the putative role of molecular mimicry as the culprit of COVID-19 pathogenesis, including the post-COVID-19 neurovegetative syndrome.2, 3, 4, 5 Using methods that have been previously described,3 we looked specifically at the human proteins expressed in vagal nuclei and ganglia. As shown in the appendix (pp 1–2), we found that 22 of these proteins share peptides that could putatively generate a T-cell or B-cell driven autoimmune response. The location and function of these proteins are described in the appendix (pp 3–24). Fibres of the vagal nerve originate from four nuclei located in the medulla oblongata—ie, the dorsal motor nucleus, the nucleus ambiguus, the solitary nucleus, and, to a lesser extent, the spinal trigeminal nucleus. These fibres contribute to the somatic and visceral motricity, somatic and visceral sensibility, and the sense of taste. The visceral motor inputs originate specifically from the dorsal motor nucleus and nucleus ambiguus and are directed towards the heart, the airways, and the gastrointestinal system. Moreover, the vagal visceral innervation includes two sensory ganglia of the peripheral nervous system—the nodose ganglion and the jugular ganglion. In particular, peripheral fibres of the neurons of the nodose ganglion not only innervate the taste buds on the epiglottis, the chemoreceptors of the aortic bodies, and baroreceptors in the aortic arch, but they also provide sensory innervation to the circulatory, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. An impairment of the vagal innervation of the heart can lead to tachycardia at rest, which is often seen by clinicians during physical examination of patients who have recovered from a severe form of COVID-19.1 We found that the dorsal motor nucleus, nucleus ambiguus, nodose ganglion, and jugular ganglion can all host neurons presenting proteins with epitopes in common with SARS-CoV-2 proteins, and the peptide TGRLQSL is embedded in one immunoreactive linear epitope that has already been experimentally validated in the human host (Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource identification number 36724) to be able to generate an autoimmune response. We share our findings to prompt further studies assessing whether severe forms of COVID-19 could produce transitory or permanent damage in some vagal structure and whether this can, in turn, be responsible for the low vagal tone and the related clinical signs and symptoms

    Hookworm-related cutaneous larva migrans : our 201st patient

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    Exploring Deep Cervical Compartments in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology through Augmented Reality Vision: A Proof of Concept

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    Background: Virtual surgical planning allows surgeons to meticulously define surgical procedures by creating a digital replica of patients’ anatomy. This enables precise preoperative assessment, facilitating the selection of optimal surgical approaches and the customization of treatment plans. In neck surgery, virtual planning has been significantly underreported compared to craniofacial surgery, due to a multitude of factors, including the predominance of soft tissues, the unavailability of intraoperative navigation and the complexity of segmenting such areas. Augmented reality represents the most innovative approach to translate virtual planning for real patients, as it merges the digital world with the surgical field in real time. Surgeons can access patient-specific data directly within their field of view, through dedicated visors. In head and neck surgical oncology, augmented reality systems overlay critical anatomical information onto the surgeon’s visual field. This aids in locating and preserving vital structures, such as nerves and blood vessels, during complex procedures. In this paper, the authors examine a series of patients undergoing complex neck surgical oncology procedures with prior virtual surgical planning analysis. For each patient, the surgical plan was imported in Hololens headset to allow for intraoperative augmented reality visualization. The authors discuss the results of this preliminary investigation, tracing the conceptual framework for an increasing AR implementation in complex head and neck surgical oncology procedures

    Expression of telomeric repeat binding factor-1 in astroglial brain tumors

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    OBJECTIVE: In human somatic cells, telomeres shorten with successive cell divisions, resulting in progressive genomic instability, altered gene expression, and cell death. Recently, telomere-specific deoxyribonucleic acid-binding proteins, such as telomeric repeat binding factor-1 (TRF1), have been proposed as candidates for the role of molecules regulating telomerase activity, and they have been suggested to play key roles in the maintenance of telomere function. The present study was designed to assess TRF1 expression in human astroglial brain tumors and to speculate on the clinical implications of its expression. METHODS: Twenty flash-frozen surgical specimens obtained from adult patients who underwent craniotomy for microsurgical tumor resection, histologically verified as World Health Organization Grade II to IV astrocytomas, were used. Expression of TRF1 in astrocytomas of different grades was studied by means of both immunohistochemical and Western blotting analysis. The correlation between the extent of TRF1 expression and histological grading, performance status, and length of survival of patients underwent statistical analyses. RESULTS: TRF1 was expressed in all tumor samples. The level of its expression was variable, decreasing from low-grade through high-grade astrocytomas (P 0.0032). TRF1 expression correlated with the patient’s length of survival (P 0.001) and performance status (P 0.001) and proved to be an independent indicator of length of survival. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the loss of TRF1 expression capability, as a result of down-regulation of TRF1 expression in malignant gliomas cells, may play a role in the malignant progression of astroglial brain tumors

    A multi-scale regional landslide susceptibility assessment approach: the SUFRA_SICILIA (SUscettibilit\ue0 da FRAna in Sicilia) project

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    The SUFRA project is based on a three level susceptibility mapping. According to the availability of more detailed data, the three scale for susceptibility mapping are increased respect to the ones suggested by the TIER group to 1:100,000, 1:50,000 and 1:25,000/1:10,000. The mapping levels exploit climatic, soil use (CORINE2009) and seismic informative layers, differentiating in the details of the core data (geology and topography), in the quality and resolution of the landslide inventory and in the modelling approach (Tab. 1). SUFRA_100 is based on a heuristic approach which is applied by processing a geologic layer (produced by ARTA integrating pre-CARG 1:100,000 geologic maps); the DEM exploited are IGMI 250m and the mapping units are 1km side square cells. Models are validated with respect to the PAI LIPs (Landslide Identification Points) which are reclassified adopting a simplified scheme. Output cuts of SUFRA100 will be referred to administrative boundaries (provinces). SUFRA50 is based on statistical analysis of new CARG geologic maps and 20m (ITA2000) - 2m (ATA2007) DEM. The mapping units are 500m and 50m cells, hydrographic and hydro-morphometric units. The landslide inventory is the IFFI2012_LIPs (first level) which is the result of the conversion in IFFI format of the PAI archive, which will be supported by remote landslide mapping (exploiting the ATA2007 aerial photos), according to the IFFI first level approach. Validation of the models will be performed exploiting both random spatial partition and temporal partition methods. Output cuts of SUFRA50 will be based on physiographic (basin) and administrative (municipalities) boundaries. SUFRA10/25 is based on statistical analysis of new CARG geologic maps (remotely and field adapted) and 2m (ATA2007) DEM. The mapping units are the slope units (SLUs) which are derived by further partitioning the hydro-morphometric units so to obtain closed morphodynamic units. The landslide inventories is the IFFI2012 which is the results of a field supported (on focus) landslide remote systematic mapping, according to the IFFI full level approach. Examples of SUFRA_100, SUFRA_50 and SUFRA_10 are presented for some representative key sector of Sicily. First results attest for the feasibility and goodness of the proposed protocol. The SUFRA program aims at enabling the regional governmental administration to cope with landslide prevision, which is the required operational concept in land management and planning. PAI has been a great advance with respect to the \u201cpre-SARNO\u201d conditions, but it is very exposed to fail: it is a blind approach for new activations; it is critically dependent on the quality of the landslide inventories; it cannot project the susceptibility outside the landslide area

    Percutaneous Application of High Power Microwave Ablation With 150 W for the Treatment of Tumors in Lung, Liver, and Kidney: A Preliminary Experience

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and short-term effectiveness of a high-power (150 W) microwave ablation (MWA) device for tumor ablation in the lung, liver, and kidney. Methods: Between December 2021 and June 2022, patients underwent high-power MWA for liver, lung, and kidney tumors. A retrospective observational study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The MWA system utilized a 150-W, 2.45-GHz microwave generator (Emprint™ HP Ablation System, Medtronic). The study assessed technical success, safety, and effectiveness, considering pre- and post-treatment diameter and volume, lesion location, biopsy and/or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) usage, MWA ablation time, MWA power, and dose-area product (DAP). Results: From December 2021 to June 2022, 16 patients were enrolled for high-power MWA. Treated lesions included hepatocellular carcinoma (10), liver metastasis from colon cancer (1), liver metastasis from pancreatic cancer (1), squamous cell lung carcinoma (2), renal cell carcinoma (1), and renal oncocytoma (1). Technical success rate was 100%. One grade 1 complication (6.25%) was reported according to CIRSE classification. Overall effectiveness was 92.8%. Pre- and post-treatment mean diameters for liver lesions were 19.9 mm and 37.5 mm, respectively; for kidney lesions, 34 mm and 35 mm; for lung lesions, 29.5 mm and 31.5 mm. Pre- and post-treatment mean volumes for liver lesions were 3.4 ml and 24 ml, respectively; for kidney lesions, 8.2 ml and 20.5 ml; for lung lesions, 10.2 ml and 32.7 ml. The mean ablation time was 48 minutes for liver, 42.5 minutes for lung, and 42.5 minutes for renal ablation. The mean DAP for all procedures was 40.83 Gcm2. Conclusion: This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the new 150 W MWA device. Additionally, it shows reduced ablation times for large lesions
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