56 research outputs found

    Mesoscale model of dislocation motion and crystal plasticity

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    A consistent, small scale description of plastic motion in a crystalline solid is presented based on a phase field description. By allowing for independent mass motion given by the phase field, and lattice distortion, the solid can remain in mechanical equilibrium on the timescale of plastic motion. Singular (incompatible) strains are determined by the phase field, to which smooth distortions are added to satisfy mechanical equilibrium. A numerical implementation of the model is presented, and used to study a benchmark problem: the motion of an edge dislocation dipole in a hexagonal lattice. The time dependence of the dipole separation agrees with classical elasticity without any adjustable parameters.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Rotation induced grain growth and stagnation in phase field crystal models

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    We consider the grain growth and stagnation in polycrystalline microstructures. From the phase field crystal modelling of the coarsening dynamics, we identify a transition from a grain-growth stagnation upon deep quenching below the melting temperature TmT_m to a continuous coarsening at shallower quenching near TmT_m. The grain evolution is mediated by local grain rotations. In the deep quenching regime, the grain assembly typically reaches a metastable state where the kinetic barrier for recrystallization across boundaries is too large and grain rotation with subsequent coalescence is infeasible. For quenching near TmT_m, we find that the grain growth depends on the average rate of grain rotation, and follows a power law behavior with time with a scaling exponent that depends on the quenching depth.Comment: (4 pages, 4 figures

    Intermittent dislocation density fluctuations in crystal plasticity from a phase-field crystal model

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    Plastic deformation mediated by collective dislocation dynamics is investigated in the two-dimensional phase-field crystal model of sheared single crystals. We find that intermittent fluctuations in the dislocation population number accompany bursts in the plastic strain-rate fluctuations. Dislocation number fluctuations exhibit a power-law spectral density 1/f21/f^2 at high frequencies ff. The probability distribution of number fluctuations becomes bimodal at low driving rates corresponding to a scenario where low density of defects alternate at irregular times with high population of defects. We propose a simple stochastic model of dislocation reaction kinetics that is able to capture these statistical properties of the dislocation density fluctuations as a function of shear rate

    Classical analogies for the force acting on an impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the hydrodynamic forces acting on a small impurity moving in a two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate at non-zero temperature. The condensate is modelled by the damped-Gross Pitaevskii (dGPE) equation and the impurity by a Gaussian repulsive potential coupled to the condensate. For weak coupling, we obtain analytical expressions for the forces acting on the impurity, and compare them with those computed through direct numerical simulations of the dGPE and with the corresponding expressions for classical forces. For non-steady flows, there is a time-dependent force dominated by inertial effects and which has a correspondence in the Maxey-Riley theory for particles in classical fluids. In the steady-state regime, the force is dominated by a self-induced drag. Unlike at zero temperature, where the drag force vanishes below a critical velocity, at low temperatures the impurity experiences a net drag even at small velocities, as a consequence of the energy dissipation through interactions of the condensate with the thermal cloud. This dissipative force due to thermal drag is similar to the classical Stokes' drag. There is still a critical velocity above which steady-state drag is dominated by acoustic excitations and behaves non-monotonically with impurity's speed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary movies available at: https://cloud.ifisc.uib-csic.es/nextcloud/index.php/s/AFzw6JxNW77DT6
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