5 research outputs found

    The Effect of Non-Performing Loans (NPL) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Profitability (ROA) at PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA), TBK

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    The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze whether there is an influence between Non Performing Loans and Capital Adequacy Ratio both partially and simultaneously on the Profitability (ROA) of PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk. The approach taken in this research is associative and quantitative. The population of this study was all subjects at PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA), Tbk for 44 years, namely 1974-2018 with a total sample of 9 years, namely 2010-2018. The sampling method is a purposive sampling method. While the data analysis technique uses classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, hypothesis testing (t-test and F test) and the coefficient of determination. The results of this study prove that Non-performing Loans do not affect the Return On Assets. However, Capital Adequacy Ratio has a significant effect on Return On Asset. While simultaneously this study proves that Non-Performing Loans and Capital Adequacy Ratio affect the Return On Assets at PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk

    Eksperimen Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Strategi Teams Games Tournament (Tgt) Dan Think Pair Share (Tps) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Kemandirian Siswa Kelas Viii Smp MUHAMMADIYAH 10SURAKARTA TAHUN 2015/ 2016 SEMESTER GENAP

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    The research purposed to know: (1) which are the best effect of Think Pair Share and Teams Games Tournamentlearning strategy toward mathematics learning outcomes, (2) the collective effect ofindependencetoward mathematics learning outcomes, (3) the collective effect betweenlearning strategy of Think Pair Share and Teams Games Tournament and independencetoward mathematics learning outcomes. The type of the research is a quasiexperimental research.Population of the research is all of the 8th grades students of Junior High School in Muhammadiyah10Surakarta in 2015/2016academic years. There are students of class VIIIC and VIIIB. The technique of sampling is random sampling. Techniques of collecting data are test, questionnaire, and documentation. Technique of data analysis used analysis of variance two different cells. Thresult of this result of this researchshow that: (1)theeffect of Think Pair Share and Teams Games Tournamentlearning strategy toward mathematics learning outcomesi.e FA = 7.517 > Ftabel = 4.038, (2) ) the collective effect ofindependencetoward mathematics learning outcomes, i.e FB = 3.975 > Ftabel = 2.794, (3) there is no collective effect betweenlearning strategy of Think Pair Share and Teams Games Tournament and independencetoward mathematics learning outcomes i.e FAB = 0.528 < Ftabel = 2.794

    Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam Melalui Media Gender Typed Play

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    The internalization of Islamic values must be done from the beginning, so that students understand and do not misunderstand gender equality in today's unstoppable flow of information. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of gendered media that are socialized through classroom learning. This type of research is quantitative research. The sample of this research is 28 students. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. The results of incorporating Islamic educational values through gender learning media in fourth grade students were successful, building on the problems that arose after researchers tried to introduce them into learning media by linking Islamic values. Students can recognize true Islamic values, especially those that are in accordance with gender roles that are in accordance with Islamic values. Students can recognize the significance of amanah content in learnin


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    Negara Indonesial ialah Negara hukum, yang dimana didallalmnyal terdalpalt banyak peraturan yang bersifat memaksa dan memiliki sanksi tegas apabila dilangga, dan Negara Indonesial yalng secalral geogralfis berbentuk kepulauan yang berarti bahwa memiliki banyak pintu masuk bagi warga negara asing yang masuk ke Indonesia baik itu melalui jalur darat, perairan dan udara. Banyaknya orang asing ataupun warga negara asing yang masuk ke Indonesia diperlukan pengawasan dan pemantauan terhadap orang asing tersebut, bukan hanya diawasi ketika mereka masuk ke Indonesia saja, melainkan juga disaat orang asing tersebut berada di wilayah Indonesia, dengan demikian peran keimigrasian dalam bidang pengawasan orang asing memegang peranan yang sangat penting untuk mengantisipasi kejahatan dan perbuatan yang tidak baik dan dapat mengganggu kenyaman di lingkungan sekitar yang dilakukan oleh orang asing tersebut. Dalam riset hukum ini memakai cara metode empiris, dan melakukan riset di kantor Keimigrasian Kelas II B Kota Tanjungbalai, dan dalam riset hukum ini juga menggunakan bahan hukum primer yaitu: peraturan perundang-undangan, bahan hukum sekunder yaitu: buku-buku hukum, dan juga bahan hukum tersier yaitu: makalah non hukum. Warga negara asing atau orang alsing yang melakukan tindak pidana keimigrasian akan dikenakan sanksi, dalam hal ini bidang pada kantor keimigrasian yang menanganinya adalah bidang intelijen dan penindakan keimigrasian guna untuk melakukan proses lebih lanjut, dan proses hukum yang akan dilakukan oleh pihak keimigraisan jika orang asing tersebut melakukan pelanggaran atau tindak pidana keimigrasian adalah melakukan: pendeteksian, penyelidikan, penindakan, karantina imigrasi dan rumah tahanan atau deportasi. Adapun hambatannya yaitu, luas wilayah kerja, banyak jalur masuk illegal, keterbatasan bahasa oleh orang alsing yang tertangap, kurangnya transportasi, dan kurangnya informasi dari masyarakat sekitar tempat orang asing tinggal.Kata Kunci : Peran, keimigrasian, Tindak Pidana, Keimigrasian