21 research outputs found

    Abuse of Authority: A Meaning Deconstruction

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    Introduction to The Problem: As part of the organization of the government duties and community services, the authority to make a decision is attributed to the government officials (inherent aan het bestuur), which has led many to become a suspect and a convict. On the other hand, it is believed that the government's policies are not subject to the law.Purpose/Objective Study: This study aims to determine to analyze abuse of authority according to a meaning deconstructionDesign/Methodology/Approach: The research applied normative juridical approach as the logical consequence of sui generis of law.Findings: Each network of a structure of meaning is always presented in the form of binary opposition. One of the elements is marginalized and abandoned. Similarly, in the field of law, the term "abuse of authority," which is often connected to the damage that occurs to the state's financial condition, is seen as an absolute part of the Criminal Law. Arbitrarily, it replaces the function of the State Administrative Law. The "financial loss," which is then known as corruption, is the result of 'abuse of authority,' originated from the State Administrative Law. Through Jacques Derrida's perspective, a marginalized binary opposition is made into being. It is not to dominate others, but to share the views. The disjuncture between the state administrative law and criminal law has caused an unresolved issue of corruption. Through Paul Scholten's perspective, in essence, the criminal law has abandoned the social fact that there is a strong correlation between the deeds in the state administrative law and those in the criminal law, which is in the theoretical domain of administrative criminal law. The abandonment is against the hulprecht principle related to the implementation of the law mentioned above. The research employed a normative juridical method based on secondary data using philosophical, conceptual, and legal approaches.Originality: This article discusses specifically abuse of authority, a meaning deconstruction in terms of criminal law and state administrative lawPaper Type: General Revie

    Disparitas Pidana Dalam Putusan Hakim Terhadap Tindak Pidana Psikotropika di Pengadilan Negeri Sleman

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    Penelitian tentang disparitas pidana dalam putusan hakim terhadap tindak pidana psikotropika di Pengadilan Negeri Sleman ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam praktik disparitas pidana dalam pengenaan sanksi pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana psikotropika memang terjadi. Penyebab terjadinya disparitas pidana terhadap tindak pidana psikotropika bersumber pada berbagai hal yakni: dari diri hakim, dari hukumnya sendiri, serta karakteristik kasus yang bersangkutan. Upaya meminimalisir disparitas pidana dapat dilakukan dengan mengefektifkan fungsi majelis hakim dengan menggunakan semua potensi yang ada pada diri hakim sendiri atau dapat dilakukan dengan mengadakan pelatihan yang diikuti oleh semua subsistem peradilan pidana agar memiliki persamaan visi dan misi terhadap peradilan pidana. Selain itu dapat digunakan suatu pendekatan dengan menciptakan pedoman pemberian pidana, meningkatkan peranan pengadilan banding, seleksi dan latihan para hakim, khususnya di Pengadilan Negeri untuk konsistensi kebijakan pemidanaan


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    ABSTRAK Bhinneka Tunggal Ika menjadi cerminan bagi bangsa Indonesia bahwa bentuk budaya yang berdedikasi. Selain dari nilai agama yang ditanamkan dalam diri setiap manusia, nilai budaya yang berkembang dalam masyarakat dipercaya mampu membatasi moral dan tingkah laku sosial seseorang. Kehidupan sosial masyarakat menyebabkan adanya pergesekan kepentingan individu yang satu dengan yang lain. Benturan permasalahan yang ada dalam sebuah kehidupan adat, akan lebih banyak diselesaikan menggunakan hukum adat setempat tidak terkecuali hukum pidana adat. Penyelesaian masalah hukum adat termasuk pidana adat di setiap daerah mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri dan mengandung pengaruh besar terhadap kedamaian dalam memperoleh nilai keadilan pada masyarakat setempat. Pada suku Sasak Sade Lombok, hukum pidana adat masih digunakan oleh masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan tindak pidana, salah satunya pencurian. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yaitu : bagaimana proses penyelesaian tindak pidana pencurian menurut hukum pidana adat suku Sasak dan apa sanksi yang dijatuhkan terhadap pelaku pencurian menurut hukum pidana adat suku Sasak. Hukum adat mempunyai relevansi dengan hukum pidana adat karena hukum adat dapat berperan sebagai sumber hukum tidak tertulis yang dirasakan lebih memperhatikan nilai keadilan yang hidup dalam nurani masyarakat hukum adat, sehingga tercipta keseimbangan dalam penerapan hukum adat. Penerapan sanksi pidana adat disesuaikan dengan nilai-nilai yang hidup dalam masyarakat adat. Kata Kunci: Sanksi Pidana Adat, Pencurian, Suku Sasa

    Factors Causing the Increase of Suicide in Gunungkidul Regency

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    This study aims to find the factors causing the increase of suicide in Gunungkidul Regency (case study in Wonosari Subdistrict and Semanu sub-district) and find out the efforts made by the police or local authorities in dealing with the problem of increasing suicides. The research applied sociological juridical methods using empirical normative approach. The data were obtained through written sources and interviews and were then analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. This research is an illustration of the increased mortality rate in Gunungkidul Regency in an unusual way, namely suicide. Prevention and attention from the government and local authorities regarding suicides is highly expected by the community. Optimization of the efforts is necessary to decrease or eliminate the number of death rates due to suicide


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    Pembuatan apotek hidup di lingkungan pemukiman padat perkotaan sudah jarang ditemui dan perlu untuk digalakkan kembali, saslah satunya di Kelurahan Tahunan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Hal ini didasarkan pada kebutuhan warga setempat dan masih adanya lahan kosong yang dapat dimanfaatkan. Pembuatan apotek hidup di lingkungan pemukiman padat Kelurahan Tahunan ini sebagai salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan lahan yang tersedia sebagai bentuk program aktivitas warga dan dapat memperbaiki tingkat ekonomi. Sebelum ke tahap pembuatan apotek hidup, kami juga sudah melakukan sosialisasi mengenai apotek hidup kepada warga. Metode pelaksanaan program KKN meliputi : pendidikan masyarakat, dan praktik langsung. Dampak dari kegiatan KKN ini adalah : 1) tercipta kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya Apotek Hidup, 2) sosialisasi dan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat dalam mengolah lahan kosong untuk menjadi Apotek Hidup, 3) tahap pembuatan Apotek Hidup oleh mahasiswa bersama-sama dengan masyarakat, 4) lingkungan dapat menjadi lebih hijau, segar dan asri


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    Abstrak Perkembangan zaman yang semakin meluas ke segala aspek tidak bisa dipungkiri dapat mengubah daya pikir dan upaya manusia untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dianggapnya benar atau dengan menghalalkan segala cara. Penurunan nilai moral di dalam diri seseorang mengakibatkan hapusnya rasa kemanusiaan yang seharusnya dapat diukur menggunakan hati nurani menjadi tidak bisa membedakan perbuatan yang baik dan buruk. Salah satu hal yang harus dan penting untuk diwaspadai adalah perilaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak merupakan cerminan dari salahnya pergaulan seseorang yang mengakibatkan kepribadiannya menjadi berbeda dengan orang kebanyakan. Padahal anak merupakan harta yang paling berharga bagi orang tuanya masing-masing dan akan menjadi penerus bangsa yang nantinya dapat berguna untuk pembangunan masa depan Indonesia. Pelaku kekerasan seksual terhadap anak menjadi ancaman yang menakutkan bagi anak-anak, terlebih jika pelaku menderita pedophilia di mana ia pasti akan merasa tidak pernah puas untuk meluapkan keinginan seksualitasnya dengan cara yang salah dan melawan hukum. Seseorang yang dinyatakan benar-benar mengalami pedophilia (ada gangguan mental) atau hanya sakit sosial sementara, perlu dinyatakan secara tegas dalam peraturan perlindungan anak demi kepastian dan keadilan hukum. Hal ini terkait dengan kemampuan pelaku bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya dan perlindungan hukum bagi anak sebagai korban kekerasan seksual dari pelaku pedophilia yang dapat dianggap mengalami gangguan jiwa. Kata Kunci: Anak, Kekerasan Seksual, Pedophili

    Criminalization Based on the Principle of Human Rights Limitation

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    Introduction to The Problem:  The use of criminal law to limit the freedom of citizens’ civil rights must be done with caution since it intimately links to the infringement of such rights.Purpose/Objective Study: The present study aims to explore the criteria of criminalization based on the principle of limitations of human rights.Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employed doctrinal legal research using both conceptual and statutory approachesFindings: In the policy formation of illegal acts, the legislator frequently formulates rights constraints. The criminalization criteria specified in the human rights limitation can be used to apply this restriction. Restriction-containing offenses determined by the legislature must be by law, legitimate aim, and necessity in a democratic society. A consistent model of criteria for democratic society demands does not exist. This last criterion is linked to both the proportionality principle in human rights and the concept of criminal law as a last resort.Paper Type: Research Articl

    Inventor’s Legal Liability upon the Invention of Artificial Intelligence in Indonesia

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    The pace of technological development can no longer be restrained until the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), which later turns out to negatively impact its application. AI is a computer system program created by humans. On the one hand, the invention of AI makes human work easier. On the other hand, it is also noticeable that there are several criminal cases "performed" by AI. The objective of this research is to find out the inventor's responsibility upon the patent/invention in the form of artificial intelligence (AI). This research is qualitative research with doctrinal approach. The data used include secondary data consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The method of data collection is done through document study. The research concludes that the inventor of an invention of artificial intelligence can be charged with legal responsibility by applying the limits of liability both in civil and penal sanction. Further studies are needed to answer the question of how far this responsibility can be carried out

    The implementation and effectiveness of Indonesian Supreme Court Rule No. 3 of 2017 on women victims of the sexual violence in Yogyakarta

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    PERMA (Supreme Court Rule) No. 3 of 2017 issued by the Supreme Court regulates the attitude guidelines for judges in adjudicating women's cases in conflict with the law, both criminal and civil cases involving women as victims, witnesses, or parties. These regulations can be used as a legal basis by judges in adjudicating cases of women in conflict with the law due to criminal acts of sexual violence. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing PERMA No. 3 of 2017 concerning guidelines for adjudicating cases of women in conflict with the law as a result of victims of sexual violence at the Yogyakarta District Court. The method used in this research is empirical normative, which focuses on collecting information obtained from judges at the Yogyakarta District Court regarding the effectiveness of PERMA No. 3 of 2017 against women as a result of victims of sexual violence. The approach methods that the author uses in this research include the conceptual approach, the statutory approach, and the case approach. The data collection method is through interviews and documentation of judges, and the data analysis used is descriptive-qualitative. This research concludes that PERMA No. 3 of 2017 has been quite effective in accordance with the theory of legal effectiveness, which uses several a quo decisions as samples to determine whether PERMA No. 3 of 2017 has been applied and implemented in the Yogyakarta District Court for women victims of sexual violence

    Criminalization Based on the Principle of Human Rights Limitation

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    The use of criminal law to limit the freedom of citizens’ civil rights must be done with caution since it intimately links to the infringement of such rights. The present study aims to explore the criteria of criminalization based on the principle of limitations of human rights. This study employed doctrinal legal research using both conceptual and statutory approaches. In the policy formation of illegal acts, the legislator frequently formulates rights constraints. The criminalization criteria specified in the human rights limitation can be used to apply this restriction. Restriction-containing offenses determined by the legislature must be by law, legitimate aim, and necessity in a democratic society. A consistent model of criteria for democratic society demands does not exist. This last criterion is linked to both the proportionality principle in human rights and the concept of criminal law as a last resort. Keywords: Criminalization; Human rights; Limitation; Proportionalit