102 research outputs found

    Ethnobotany Study of Seaweed Diversity and Its Utilization in Warambadi, Panguhalodo Areas of East Sumba District

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    This paper reports the ethnobotany study of seaweed diversity in Warambadi –Panguhalodo areas of East Sumba District, the island of Sumba. The study recorded19 genera of 54 species of seaweed, which were utilized as food or edible seaweed.The group consisted of 17 species of green algae, 17 species of red algae, and 20species of brown algae. The study also reported that 18 genera of 38 species weretraditionally utilized for medicinal purposes as herbal medicine. The herbal speciesconsisted of 7 species of green algae, 13 species of red algae, and 18 species ofbrown algae.Seaweed is traditionally consumed as food in various forms: raw as salad and vegetable,as pickle with sauce of allspice or with vinegar, as relish or sweetened jellies and alsocooked for vegetable soup. As herbal medicine seaweed is usually used for traditionalcosmetics, as antipyretic and antiseptic, as vermifuges, and treatments for cough andasthma, hemorrhoid, nosebleed and boils, goiter and scrofula, stomach ailments andurinary diseases.Indigenous knowledge on seaweed still exist and are continually employed bypeople living in particular areas such as the Sumba and Sabu ethnic groups. Yet,the knowledge is gradually decreasing due to localities, socio-economic change andcultural development

    Diversity of Antibacterial Compounds From Eucheuma Serra, Halimeda Opuntia, and Hydroclathrus Clathratus

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    Fourteen compounds were isolated from acetone extracts of three species of seaweeds (Eucheuma serra, a red seaweed, Halimeda opuntia, a green seaweed, and Hydroclathrus clathratus, a brown seaweed) using bioautographic TLC methods and identified using GC-MS. From Eucheuma serra were isolated 8 compounds (3 fatty acids, 3 steroids, and 2 aldehyds). Only two compounds of fatty acid camefrom Halimeda opuntia, whereas Hydroclathrus clathratus produced 6 compounds (4 fatty acids, one compound each of steroid and ether). All isolated single compoundswere tested for their antibacterial activities by the agar diffusion method against the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Streptococcusfaecalis, and the Gram-negative bacteria Echerichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium. All 14 compounds showed activity against Gram-positivebacteria, especially Bacillus subtilis, and only 2 compounds showed activity against Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. Nine compounds showed activity against Staphylococcus aureus, and 4 compounds showed activity against Streptococcusfaecalis. All compounds were not active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa andSalmonella typhimurium bacteria. This study indicated that there is indeed a diversityboth in kinds and in molecular structures of the antibacterial substances

    Nicotine Alters Caffeine Behavioral Dependence Pattern: A Study of Conditioned Place Preference

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    Caffeine and nicotine are widely used addictive substances in the world. Several studies have confirmed that nicotine could increase the caffeine intake. Animal studies also indicated that nicotine could enhance caffeine dependence behavior especially with low doses of caffeine. However, study about the behavioral interaction of caffeine and nicotine with its effect on reinstatement is still limited. This experiment was conducted for studying the interaction between nicotine and caffeine in terms of their dependence behaviors. Conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm was used for establishing the dependence model. Forced swim test (FST) was carried out to observe any effect of caffeine and its combination with nicotine on depressive signs. A lower dose of caffeine (5 mg/kg) induced preference behavior. However, high dose of caffeine (50 mg/kg) stimulated aversive behavior indicated by decreasing preference score. Nicotine injection had no significant effect on the lower dose of caffeine. However at the high dose of caffeine, 0.7 mg/kg of nicotine i.p reduced the aversive behavior and changed the extinction-relapse behavioral pattern resulted from 50 mg/kg of caffeine. Moreover, high dose of caffeine (50 mg/kg i.p) resulted in anxiety behavior and also hyperkinesia shown by lower immobility time in FST. Nicotine injection prior to the high dose of caffeine reduced the anxiety-hyperkinesia manifestation. The result from the current study suggests that nicotine could alter the expression of behavioral manifestation of caffeine, especially with the higher dose of caffeine

    Studi Laporan Kasus Reaksi yang Merugikan Pasca Vaksinasi Covid-19: Narrative Review

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    The accelerated Covid-19 vaccines’ emergency use authorization raises many questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine due to the short duration of the pre-marketing clinical trial phase. In terms of vaccine safety, longer studies are needed, especially to see if there are long-term effects or unusual effects that were not detected during pre-marketing clinical trials. This study aims to summarize and assess the adverse reactions that occur after the administration of the Covid-19 vaccine that has obtained approval for emergency use. The search for case reports was carried out in the PubMed database with the keyword "case report on post covid-19 vaccination". Screening for duplication and assessment of each study was also carried out. The case findings obtained were then grouped based on patient demographics, type of vaccine, post-vaccination effects, medical interventions, and end results. There were 118 case reports of adverse effects after the Covid-19 vaccination. The most widely used type of vaccine was mRNA vaccine (76 cases; 64.41%) and the least was inactivated virus vaccine (3 cases; 2.54%). The most reported cases were those affecting the cardiovascular/circulatory/lymphatic system (42 cases; 35.59%) and the least were those affecting the respiratory system (1 case; 0.85%). A total of 89 cases were resolved (89 cases; 75.42%), 4 cases (3.39%) with disability and 2 cases (1.69%) of death were reported. The medical interventions used were mostly inflammatory response-related interventions

    Potensi Ketergantungan Mahasiswa Terhadap Konsumsi Minuman Berenergi

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    Minuman berenergi merupakan suplemen makanan yang terdiri dari multivitamin, makronutrien, taurin, kafein dengan tambahan herbal seperti ginseng dan jahe dengan bentuk sediaan cairan dalam kemasan botol, serbuk dan tablet yang dilarutkan menjadi minuman, yang dalam setiap kemasannya mengandung energi minimal 100 kkal. Penggunaannya adalah untuk menambah tenaga, stimulasi metabolisme, memelihara kesehatan dan stamina, yang diminum saat bekerja keras atau setelah olahraga. Konsumsi minuman berenergi meningkat sejak merk minuman berenergi terkenal mulai diperdagangkan tahun 1997. Penelitian di Amerika menunjukkan, 51% mahasiswa dari 496 mahasiswa yang diteliti mengonsumsi minuman berenergi lebih dari satu kali dalam sebulan. Dilihat dari kepopuleran minuman berenergi pada mahasiswa, diperlukan adanya ukuran untuk menilai potensi ketergantungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari mengenai potensi ketergantungan mahasiswa terhadap minuman berenergi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan pengisian kuesioner yang diisi oleh responden pada Maret 2017 sampai Juli 2017. Data dianalisis dan untuk memperoleh informasi derajat ketergantungan tiap responden menggunakan kriteria Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder V (DSM V). Jumlah total responden adalah 184 responden. Hasil menunjukkan 58% responden adalah perempuan dan 42% responden adalah laki-laki. Dari 6 merk minuman berenergi, merk E adalah minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi. Dua puluh tujuh persen responden mengonsumsi minuman berenergi satu kali dalam sebulan. Berdasarkan kriteria DSM V, 53% responden tidak mengalami ketergantungan, 30% mengalami ketergantungan ringan, 10% mengalami ketergantungan sedang dan 7% mengalami ketergantungan berat. Walaupun lebih dari setengah jumlah responden tidak mengalami ketergantungan, namun ketergantungan minuman berenergi pada mahasiswa tetap harus diperhatikan karena terdapat 47% potensi ketergantungan minuman berenergi pada mahasiswa yang diteliti.Minuman berenergi merupakan suplemen makanan yang terdiri dari multivitamin, makronutrien, taurin, kafein dengan tambahan herbal seperti ginseng dan jahe dengan bentuk sediaan cairan dalam kemasan botol, serbuk dan tablet yang dilarutkan menjadi minuman, yang dalam setiap kemasannya mengandung energi minimal 100 kkal. Penggunaannya adalah untuk menambah tenaga, stimulasi metabolisme, memelihara kesehatan dan stamina, yang diminum saat bekerja keras  atau  setelah  olahraga.  Konsumsi  minuman  berenergi  meningkat  sejak  merk  minuman berenergi terkenal mulai diperdagangkan tahun 1997. Penelitian di Amerika menunjukkan, 51% mahasiswa dari 496 mahasiswa yang diteliti mengonsumsi minuman berenergi lebih dari satu kali dalam sebulan. Dilihat dari kepopuleran minuman berenergi pada mahasiswa, diperlukan adanya ukuran untuk menilai potensi ketergantungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari mengenai potensi ketergantungan mahasiswa terhadap minuman berenergi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan pengisian kuesioner yang diisi oleh responden pada Maret 2017 sampai Juli 2017. Data dianalisis dan untuk memperoleh informasi derajat ketergantungan tiap responden menggunakan kriteria Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder V (DSM V). Jumlah total responden adalah 184 responden. Hasil menunjukkan 58% responden adalah perempuan dan 42% responden adalah laki-laki. Dari 6 merk minuman berenergi, merk E adalah minuman yang paling banyak dikonsumsi. Dua puluh tujuh persen responden mengonsumsi minuman berenergi satu kali dalam sebulan. Berdasarkan kriteria DSM V, 53% responden   tidak   mengalami   ketergantungan, 30%   mengalami   ketergantungan   ringan,   10% mengalami ketergantungan sedang dan 7% mengalami ketergantungan berat. Walaupun lebih dari setengah jumlah responden tidak mengalami ketergantungan, namun ketergantungan minuman berenergi pada mahasiswa tetap harus diperhatikan karena terdapat 47% potensi ketergantungan minuman berenergi pada mahasiswa yang diteliti


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    Objective: This study was to describe the histochemical and morpho-anatomical of kabau seeds originating from Lampung, Sumatra Indonesia. Methods: Microscopic anatomical analysis of kabau seeds was carried out on the parts of kabau seeds with an incision as thick as 100 ÎĽm. The sample was placed on a glass object and aquadest, glycerin and choral hydrate were added and then covered with a glass cover, then observed under the light microscope equipped with digital camera, and analysis using the S-Viewer program. Histochemical tests are carried out with cross sections, which are colored with the following: Lugol iodine solution; ferric chloride; dragendr of; ninhydrin; K2Cr2O7. Results: Macroscopic characteristics, neatly arranged cylindrical kabau seeds consisting of five to six seeds on each pod. Yellowish-white kabau seeds are covered in a black seed coat, have a distinctive odor like jengkol or jering, have a slightly bittersweetness and a soft texture. The size of kabau seeds is 2 cm in length and 1.5 cm in diameter. Microscopic results on kabau seeds, an incision in choral hydrate showed visible parts of the epicarpium, pericarpium contained oil sacs and cell nuclei, and endosperm in each part of the sac contained starch grains and oil sac bags that gave off odors to the head, incisions in the drops of aqua dest almost the same as choral hydrate except that the starch grains are more clearly visible and an average diameter of 5,176 ÎĽm starch can be calculated. Conclusion: Histochemical reaction in the Kabau seed incision gave positive results on tannins in the endosperm, positive results for amino acids in the endosperm of purple rice, positive for alkaloids in the epicardium and pericarpium parts; black color throughout the epicardium, pericarpium and endosperm indicates a lot of starch is contained; and there are polyphenols in the endosperm oil sac


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    Objective: In general, infectious diseases still known as a major contributor to the number of morbidity and mortality in the worldwide besideother diseases. Infections are ordinarily caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Several human pathogenic fungi involving Aspergillus flavus, Candidaalbicans, and Microsporum gypseum have responsible against infectious diseases. The objective of the research was to evaluate the antifungal activityof kombucha tea against human pathogenic fungi such as A. flavus, C. albicans, and M. gypseum.Methods: The antifungal activity of the kombucha tea against A. flavus, C. albicans, and M. gypseum were tested by disc diffusion method with durationof fermentation in 6, 12, and 18 days.Results: Based on the present study, inhibitory diameter of A. flavus, C. albicans, and M. gypseum are 16.83, 15.36, and 25.06 mm, respectively. Theinhibitory diameter was obtained from kombucha tea activity with duration of fermentation in 6 days.Conclusion: The results provide support for the use of kombucha tea as a potential antifungal source against human pathogenic fungi involvingA. flavus, C. albicans, and M. gypseum.Keywords: Antifungal, Kombucha tea, Pathogenic, Fungi

    Smoking Cessation Counseling Program: A Pilot Study on College Smokers

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    Smoking is one of the major problems of public health in Indonesia, but the effort from the government, especially in the light of health-related aspect, for smoking cessation program is still lacking. Pharmacists have a role in facilitating smoking cessation intervention through counseling and pharmacotherapy. The purpose of this prospective study was to determine whether counseling can reduce the number of the cigarette smoked and nicotine dependence (based on Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) score), also improve the quality of life (based on Smoking Cessation Quality of Life (SCQOL)) on college smokers. There were 12 pharmacy students trained as counselors using Rx for Change training module. After the training, there weresignificant increases in counseling skills and confidence aspects (p<0.01), but not in the perceived-role. From 188 respondents who are a current cigarette smoker, 17 agreed to participate and finished all four counseling sessions (30 days point-prevalence). By the end of the program, 3 (17.65%) had abstinence, 11 (64.70%) reduced their smoking consumption per day by ≥ 50%, while three others (17.65%) relapsed. Counseling had a positive impact on reducing nicotine dependence based on FTND score improvement (p<0.01), but not on the quality of life. Counseling as a method to reduce smoking is considered effective and applicable to be adapted by pharmacy students and pharmacists. For long-term cessation and its impact, participants’ progress should befollowed-up at longer point-prevalence and verified biochemically to prevent bias. Keywords: counseling, pharmacy students, smoking cessation, nicotine dependence, quality of lif


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    Objective: Study described the screening potential antidiabetic activity of kabau seed extract and fraction. Methods: The powdered crude drugs weighing 1349.32 grams were extracted with a solvent with solvents with escalating polarity by using soxhletation. The solvents used were n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and 96% ethanol. Screening activity using three variations on doses on the three extracts using the glucose test tolerance method, then the alloxan induction and high-fat feed induction testing methods using selected doses, decreasing blood glucose levels using the GOD PAP enzyme and decreasing MDA levels and increased levels of the enzyme SOD. Extracts that have potential antidiabetic activity are fractionated using liquid-solid fractionation; then the fraction is screened for antidiabetic activity using the glucose test tolerance method. Results: Screening for antidiabetic activity on the three extracts using the glucose test tolerance method showed that the ethanol extract at a dose of 250 mg/kg BW. The three extracts were then screened for the next mechanism using the alloxan induction method and high-fat feed induction, the decrease in blood sugar levels by the GOD-PAP method showed a good decrease in the ethanol extract by 202.94±2 mg/dl, the three extracts showed good less significant, in the SOD enzyme method, the ethanol extract gave a good value such as the positive control value. Testing on fraction can decrease in blood sugar; the results showed that the ethanol extract and methanol fraction gave a small AUC 0-150 (32695,3 and 33167,71), where the value was close to the result of the glibenclamide 30238,48. Conclusion: The antidiabetic activity of the extract showed that the ethanol extract was better with the glucose test tolerance method, with alloxan induction animal models and high-fat feed induction. In the methanol fraction derived from 96% ethanol extract, it provides a good reduction in blood sugar levels in the screening method with a glucose test toleranc
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