15 research outputs found
Два случаја на несиндромска конгенитална унилатерална хипоплазија во една фамилија
Micromastia or breast hypoplasia is described as underdevelopment of a woman's mammary tissue. We present the case of a 15-year-old girl with unilateral micromastia, with familial predisposition. Ultrasound, hormonal, dysmorphic, cardiologic, genetic examinations and testing were performed. No mutation in the whole- exome sequencing was found, nor novel mutation. Some of these cases have been reported to be related to breаst cancer so further follow-up is mandatory. Therapy consists of surgical reconstruction of the affected breast. This is a rare condition and it requires a multidisciplinary approach.Микромастија или хипоплазија на дојки е опишана како недоразвиеност на ткивото на дојката кај жените. Опишавме случај на 15-годишно девојче со унилатерална микромастија со фамилијарна предиспозиција. Беа направени ехосонографски, хормонални, дисморфични, кардиолошки и генетски испитувања и тестови. Не беше пронајдена мутација на целокупниот секвенциониран ексом, ниту пак нова мутација. Некои од овие случаи се прикажани како да се поврзани со канцер на дојката и затоа се потребни понатамошни задолжителни следења. Терапијата се состои од хируршка реконструкција на афектираната дојка. Ова претставува ретка состојба, но бара мултидисциплинарен пристап
Growing Prevalence and Incidence of Diabetes in Republic of Macedonia in the Past 5 Years Based on Data from the National System for Electronic Health Records
Introduction. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized with a rapid progression of prevalence in last 3 decades, especially in countries with low and middle income. Next three decades this number of diabetes in the world is expected to be doubled. Early diagnosis and appropriate management of diabetes is the primary way to prevent and delay cardiovascular complications.
Patients and methods. In this retrospective study, we used the data from National electronic system e-health which was performed in late 2014, wich gives us nearly precise data, and we made statistical analysis for diabetes in last 5 years (2015-2019).
Results. In 2015 we have registered 103480 patients with DM, in 2016 108130 patients, in 2017 114408, in 2018 119999 and in 2019 124450 patients with DM. 95% of patients are with T2DM and 4, 1% with T1DM. According the data from State statistical office for population of Republic of Macedonia, the prevalence of T2DM for the years 2015-2019 is as follows: 5,66% in 2015, 6.13% In 2016, 6.55% I 2017, 7,06% in 2018 and 7,2% in 2019.
Conclusions. The number of registered patients with diabetes in last 5 years has grown up for 20970 or 20%, in the last 5 years the number of patients with type 2 diabetes has grown up for 18272 patients or 11%. The prevalence of T2DM has increased for 1.54%. Involvement of primary health care professionals has improved the early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
ВажноÑÑ‚ на 6 минутниот теÑÑ‚ на одење во дијагноÑтика на ретка метаболна миопатија – приказ на Ñлучај на карнитин палмитоил транÑфераза 2 дефицит
Diagnosis of rare inherited neuromuscular disorders is sometimes delayed due to variations in time of onset, different clinical appearance and limited diagnostic possibilities. The management of patients starts with neurological examination, followed by specific laboratory tests and neurophysiologic assessment. In the era of molecular medicine, molecular biology tools are useful in avoiding some of the invasive investigations such as muscle biopsy. We present a boy with a mild form of metabolic myopathy due to carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 deficiency diagnosed upon timed functional assessment. A child had delayed developmental milestones, associated with fatigue and muscle pain during exercising and longer walks. There were no episodes of myoglobinuiria during exercise or during febrile illnesses. Neurological examination reveled proximal muscle weakness. Serum creatine kinase (CK) and serum lactate were above normal limits. Serum acylcarnitine profile was normal. Short timed functional tests such as 10 meters walk/run test showed normal results. Nord Star Ambulatory Assessment showed difficulties in balance and jumping. Diagnosis of myopathy was suspected after performance of 6-minute walk test, when the passed distance was 327 meters with slowing and fatigue. EMG and echocardiography were within normal range. Diagnosis was established by sequencing of the CPT II gene which revealed c.338C>T (p.Ser113Leu) mutation in homozygous form as characteristic CPT II deficiency profile.Дијагнозата на ретките невромуÑкулни заболувања е понекогаш пролонгирана заради различното вре- ме на почеток на Ñимптомите, различната клиничка Ñлика и ограничените дијагноÑтички можноÑти. Обработката на пациентот започнува Ñо невролошки преглед, по што Ñледат Ñпецифични лаборато- риÑки теÑтови и неврофизиолошки иÑпитувања. Во ера на молекуларната медицина, генетÑката анали- за овозможува да Ñе избегнат некои од инвазивните иÑпитувања, како на пример муÑкулната биопÑија. Прикажуваме момче Ñо блага форма на метаболичка миопатија Ñо карнитин палмитоил транÑфераза 2 (CPT II) дефицит, која е дијагноÑтицирана врз оÑнова на временÑка функционална проценка. Детето имало забавен моторен развој, Ñо замор и муÑкулна болка во тек на вежбање или подолго одење. Ðема- ло епизоди на миоглобинурија во тек на вежбање или во тек на фебрилни болеÑти. Ðевролошкиот пре- глед покажа прокÑимална муÑкулна ÑлабоÑÑ‚. СерумÑката креатин киназа и ÑерумÑкото ниво на лакта- ти беа над нормалните граници. СерумÑкиот профил на ацил карнитини беше нормален. Кратките функционални теÑтови како 10 метри одење/трчање покажаа уредни резултати. Nord Star Ambulatory Assessment – теÑтирањето покажа потешкотии во рамнотежата и при Ñкокање. Сомнение за вродена миопатија Ñе поÑтави по изведување на подолготраен функционален теÑÑ‚ – 6-минутниот теÑÑ‚ на одење кога поминатата диÑтанца беше 327 метри Ñо уÑпорување и замор. Електроневромиографијата и ехо- кардиографијата кај детето покажаа нормални наоди. Дијагнозата беше потврдена Ñо Ñеквенциони- рање на CPT II генот Ñо региÑтрирање на c.338C>T (p.Ser113Leu) мутација во хомозиготна форма која е карактериÑтична за CPT II дефицит
ABSTRACT The oral-facial-digital (OFD) syndrome is a heterogeneous group of abnormalities that share anomalies of the oral cavity, face and digits of hands and feet. On the basis of other anomalies of brain, kidneys, limbs, eyes and other organs, at least 13 subgroups have been described. We here describe four unrelated patients with this syndrome, who have the typical facial, oral and digital anomalies and also anomalies of other organs and systems. Facial features, digital malformations, as well as the existence of additional malformations all of which can be classifi ed into different subgroups. The report points out the diffi culty in delineation of the subtypes of OFD syndrome because of the overlapping features between OFD subgroups
Metabolic profile of neonates with different duration of gestation and different size at birth
Трудот е презентиран и печатен на симпозиум посветен на ендокринолошките проблеми и метаболниот профил кај деца со различна гестациска возраст и големина на раѓањето, барајќи асоцијација помеѓу трофиката и метаболниот профил
Regional Variation in the Incidence of Congenital Hypothyroidism in Macedonia
The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is increasing in different areas around the world. Potential causes include changes in population ethnic composition, environmental factors, changing screening program methodology and lowering of TSH cutoff levels. The incidence of CH in different regions of Macedonia has not been evaluated before. A total of 251,008 newborns from all eight regions in the country have been screened between 2002 and 2015, by measurement of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from blood spots, sampled 48–72 h after birth, using the DELFIA assay. Overall CH incidence confirmed at birth was 1/1976. The highest CH incidence was observed in the Vardar region (1/970), while the Eastern region had the lowest incidence (1/4202; p=0.021). In the other regions, the following CH incidence was detected: Northeastern 1/1459, Pelagonia 1/1627, Polog 1/1444, Skopje 1/2430, Southwestern 1/3226, and Southeastern 1/1843. Interestingly, in the Vardar region, 4.44% of the screened newborns had a TSH concentration > 5 mIU/L, as an indicator of regional iodine deficiency, compared to the Eastern region where 1.66% of newborns had a TSH > 5 mIU/L. The higher CH incidence in some of the regions may be due to increasing exposure to environmental toxic agents and/or deficient iodine intake. Further research into the potential environmental determinants of increased CH risk is warranted
A new case with 10q23 interstitial deletion encompassing both PTEN and BMPR1A narrows the genetic region deleted in juvenile polyposis syndrome
International audienc
Skewed X-chromosome inactivation in unsolved neurodevelopmental disease cases can guide re-evaluation For X-linked genes
Despite major advances in genome technology and analysis, >50% of patients with a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) remain undiagnosed after extensive evaluation. A point in case is our clinically heterogeneous cohort of NDD patients that remained undiagnosed after FRAXA testing, chromosomal microarray analysis and trio exome sequencing (ES). In this study, we explored the frequency of non-random X chromosome inactivation (XCI) in the mothers of male patients and affected females, the rationale being that skewed XCI might be masking previously discarded genetic variants found on the X chromosome. A multiplex fluorescent PCR-based assay was used to analyse the pattern of XCI after digestion with HhaI methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme. In families with skewed XCI, we re-evaluated trio-based ES and identified pathogenic variants and a deletion on the X chromosome. Linkage analysis and RT-PCR were used to further study the inactive X chromosome allele, and Xdrop long-DNA technology was used to define chromosome deletion boundaries. We found skewed XCI (>90%) in 16/186 (8.6%) mothers of NDD males and in 12/90 (13.3%) NDD females, far beyond the expected rate of XCI in the normal population (3.6%, OR = 4.10; OR = 2.51). By re-analyzing ES and clinical data, we solved 7/28 cases (25%) with skewed XCI, identifying variants in KDM5C, PDZD4, PHF6, TAF1, OTUD5 and ZMYM3, and a deletion in ATRX. We conclude that XCI profiling is a simple assay that targets a subgroup of patients that can benefit from re-evaluation of X-linked variants, thus improving the diagnostic yield in NDD patients and identifying new X-linked disorders