548 research outputs found

    The WFCAM Multi-wavelength Variable Star Catalog

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    Stellar variability in the near-infrared (NIR) remains largely unexplored. The exploitation of public science archives with data-mining methods offers a perspective for the time-domain exploration of the NIR sky. We perform a comprehensive search for stellar variability using the optical-NIR multi-band photometric data in the public Calibration Database of the WFCAM Science Archive (WSA), with the aim of contributing to the general census of variable stars, and to extend the current scarce inventory of accurate NIR light curves for a number of variable star classes. We introduce new variability indices designed for multi-band data with correlated sampling, and apply them for pre-selecting variable star candidates, i.e., light curves that are dominated by correlated variations, from noise-dominated ones. Pre-selection criteria are established by robust numerical tests for evaluating the response of variability indices to colored noise characteristic to the data. We find 275 periodic variable stars and an additional 44 objects with suspected variability with uncertain periods or apparently aperiodic variation. Only 44 of these objects had been previously known, including 11 RR~Lyrae stars in the outskirts of the globular cluster M3 (NGC~5272). We provide a preliminary classification of the new variable stars that have well-measured light curves, but the variability types of a large number of objects remain ambiguous. We classify most of the new variables as contact binary stars, but we also find several pulsating stars, among which 34 are probably new field RR~Lyrae and 3 are likely Cepheids. We also identify 32 highly reddened variable objects close to previously known dark nebulae, suggesting that these are embedded young stellar objects. We publish our results and all light-curve data as the WFCAM Variable Star Catalog.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Atomic force microscopy techniques for nanomechanical characterization : a polymer case study

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a versatile tool to perform mechanical characterization of surface samples at the nanoscale. In this work, we review two of such methods, namely contact resonance AFM (CR-AFM) and torsional harmonics AFM (TH-AFM). First, such techniques are illustrated and their applicability on materials with elastic moduli in different ranges are discussed, together with their main advantages and limitations. Then, a case study is presented in which we report the mechanical characterization using both CR-AFM and TH-AFM of polyaniline and polyaniniline doped with nanodiamond particles tablets prepared by a pressing process. We determined the indentation modulus values of their surfaces, which were found in fairly good agreement, thus demonstrating the accuracy of the techniques. Finally, the determined surface elastic moduli have been compared with the bulk ones measured through standard indentation testing. INTRODUCTION In the field of nanotechnology, the development of innovative and nondestructive characterization techniques plays a crucial role. Indeed, the characterization of nanostructured hybrid materials (e.g., thin films and nanocomposites) and devices requires the capability of acquiring maps of the local mechanical properties at the nanoscale. Nanoindentation is the most common method for determining the mechanical properties of thin films. However, its applicability is strictly limited by the thickness of the sample. Furthermore, its poor spatial resolution does not allow the reconstruction of an accurate distribution of the sample surface mechanical properties. For this reason, alternative methods, based on atomic force microscopy (AFM), have been developed. By exploiting the high resolution of the AFM, maps of the surface mechanical properties (i.e., indentation modulus) can be achieved. Among these techniques, AFM nanoindentation1 is the simplest method used to evaluate the local mechanical properties o

    Band edge oscillator strength of colloidal CdSe CdS dot in rods comparison of absorption and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy

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    We studied the oscillator strength f(gap) of the band gap transition in heteronanocrystals (hNCs) with a spherical CdSe core embedded in an elongated CdS shell. A comparison with fgap of core-only CdSe NCs confirmed a reduction of the electron-hole overlap in hNCs with a band gap larger than 2.05 eV or smaller than 1.98 eV. However, the decrease in fgap is limited to about 50% when compared to CdSe NCs, suggesting that residual confinement still localizes the electron near the core. We correlated fgap with the radiative lifetime obtained from multiexponential photoluminescence (PL) decay traces. The different components were attributed to radiative decay, or deep and shallow carrier trapping, respectively, using the PL quantum efficiency (QE) as a guideline. Our data highlight the challenges associated when extracting the radiative decay, and demonstrate the added value of absorption spectroscopy to obtain the band-edge oscillator strength and the associated radiative recombination rate in colloidal hNCs