973 research outputs found

    Diversity of S-Alleles and Mate Availability in 3 Populations of Self-Incompatible Wild Pear (Pyrus pyraster)

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    Small populations of self-incompatible plants may be expected to be threatened by the limitation of compatible mating partners (i.e., S-Allee effect). However, few empirical studies have explicitly tested the hypothesis of mate limitation in small populations of self-incompatible plants. To do so, we studied wild pear (Pyrus pyraster), which possesses a gametophytic self-incompatibility system. We determined the S-genotypes in complete samplings of all adult trees from 3 populations using a PCR-RFLP approach. We identified a total of 26 different S-alleles, homologous to S-alleles of other woody Rosaceae. The functionality of S-alleles and their Mendelian inheritance were verified in artificial pollination experiments and investigations of pollen tube growth. The smallest population (N = 8) harbored 9 different S-alleles and showed a mate availability of 92.9%, whereas the 2 larger populations harbored 18 and 25 S-alleles and exhibited mate availabilities of 98.4% and 99.2%, respectively. Therefore, we conclude that even small populations of gametophytic self-incompatible plants may exhibit high diversity at the S-locus and are not immediately threatened owing to reduced mate availabilit

    Search for Neutron Flux Generation in a Plasma Discharge Electrolytic Cell

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    Following some recent unexpected hints of neutron production in setups like high-voltage atmospheric discharges and plasma discharges in electrolytic cells, we present a measurement of the neutron flux in a configuration similar to the latter. We use two different types of neutron detectors, poly-allyl-diglicol-carbonate (PADC, aka CR-39) tracers and Indium disks. At 95% C.L. we provide an upper limit of 1.5 neutrons cm^-2 s^-1 for the thermal neutron flux at ~5 cm from the center of the cell. Allowing for a higher energy neutron component the largest allowed flux is 64 neutrons cm^-2 s^-1. This upper limit is two orders of magnitude smaller than what previously claimed in an electrolytic cell plasma discharge experiment. Furthermore the behavior of the CR-39 is discussed to point our possible sources of spurious signals.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Trapping and detrapping effects in high-quality chemical-vapor-deposition diamond films: Pulse shape analysis of diamond particle detectors

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    An analysis of the time evolution of the response of diamond particle detectors is carried out, using as a probe 5.5 MeV α particles impinging on high-quality diamond films grown by microwave chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Both the amplitude and the time evolution of the pulses are shown to change drastically when the detector is preirradiated with β particles (pumping), a slow component developing after pumping, indicating carriers trapping and releasing (detrapping). Pulse shapes obtained for positive and negative detector polarities are compared in both the as-grown and pumped states. The presence of at least two trapping centers for holes is necessary to explain the results, the shallower having an activation energy of about 0.3 eV. The effects of pumping are clarified, and the different role played by electrons and holes is evidenced. We modify a previous model for trapping-detrapping behavior originally applied to Si(Li) detectors to describe the more complex behavior of CVD diamond detectors, and develop a computer simulation based on it. The simulated pulse shapes agree very well with experiment with reasonable values of the physical parameters involved, making this technique helpful for studying and identifying defects which are responsible for limitation of the efficiency of CVD diamond particle detectors. Field-assisted detrapping seems to take place for fields of about 104 V/cm

    Experimental determination of electron and hole mean drift distance: Application to chemical vapor deposition diamond

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    A study was performed on the experimental determination of electron and hole mean drift distance in chemical vapor deposition polycrystalline diamond. Air was used as an absorbing layer in order to change the energy of the impinging α particles. The results showed that the pumping process was much more effective on hole conduction

    Systematic study of the normal and pumped state of high efficiency diamond particle detectors grown by chemical vapor deposition

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    The efficiency and charge collection distance (CCD) of nuclear particle detectors based on high quality diamond films grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have been systematically studied as a function of the methane content in the growth gas mixture and for varying film thickness. The effects of preirradiation with β particles (pumping) have been thoroughly studied. The results fully support a recently proposed model [Marinelli et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 3216 (1999)] discussing the role of in-grain defects and grain boundaries in determining the charge collection spectra of CVD diamond films both in the normal and in the pumped state. The model allows us to quantitatively explain the dependence of CCD and efficiency on film thickness, giving a microscopic picture of the effects of preirradiation with ionizing radiation in CVD diamond films. The highest average CCD obtained is 145 μm in a 160 μm thick detector (corresponding to about 50% average efficiency), while the maximum value (about 70% efficiency) is close to 370 μm. In addition, CCD is shown to be higher than film thickness and to monotonically increase with thickness, indicating margins for further improvements. © 2001 American Institute of Physics

    Crucial role of phospholamban phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation in the negative lusitropism induced by 17β-estradiol in the male rat heart.

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    Background/Aims: 17β-estradiol (17βE2) plays an important cardiovascular role by activating estrogen receptors (ER) α and ERβ. Previous studies demonstrated that the novel estrogen G protein-coupled receptor (GPR30/GPER) mediates estrogen action in different tissues. We have recently shown in the rat heart that 17βE2 elicits negative inotropism through ERα, ERβ and GPR30, by triggering activation of ERK1/2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase A (PKA) and endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase (eNOS) signaling. Methods: In the present study, using the isolated and Langendorff-perfused rat heart as a model system we analyzed: i) whether and to which extent 17βE2 modifies mammalian ventricular myocardial relaxation (lusitropism); ii) the type of ERs and the signaling pathways involved in this effect. Results: We found that 17βE2 negatively modulated the ventricular lusitropic performance. This effect, which partially involved the vascular endothelium, recruited ERβ and occurred via PI3K, eNOS-NO-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG) transduction cascade. Of note, 17βE2-mediated negative lusitropism associated with a modification of phospholamban (PLN) phosphorylation and S-nitrosylation (SNO) both in isolated Langendorff rat heart and in isolated cardiomyocytes. Conclusion: Taken together, our results allow including 17βE2 to the family of substances that control ventricular relaxation. This is of relevance in relation not only to the normal endocrine control of cardiac function, but also to physio-pathologic conditions characterized by an altered ventricular diastolic performance

    Atrial dimension reference values in healthy participants using the biplane/monoplane method for clinical and research use

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    AIM: To provide reference values of the dimensions of the left and right atrium (RA) obtained using the biplane and monoplane methods, respectively, on two- and four-chamber views, which represent the standard projections acquired in clinical practice, and correlation with body surface area (BSA), age, and gender. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Healthy volunteers, M:F = 1:1, including five participants per gender and age decile from 20 to 70 years, who underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) were enrolled prospectively. Normal atrial reference values were calculated for male and female subpopulations and stratified by age. Atrial areas and volumes were assessed both as absolute values and indexed to BSA. Differences among genders and correlation with age were assessed. Intra- and interobserver reproducibility were assessed in a subpopulation. RESULTS: Fifty participants (mean age 43.3 ± 14 years, 25 men) were evaluated. Image analysis took <1 minute for each subject (mean time 30 ± 5 seconds). Intra- and interobserver reproducibility were excellent (ICC >0.85 for all datasets). RA areas were significantly higher in males (p=0.0001). The left atrial (LA) surface did not show significant differences among genders. Atrial areas normalised to BSA did not show significant gender differences. Both right and left absolute atrial volumes turned out to be significantly higher in males (p=0.0001 and p=0.0047, respectively), and normalised to BSA remained significantly different only for the RA (p=0.0006). Neither atrial volume nor areas showed significant correlation with age. CONCLUSIONS: The monoplane method is a fast and reproducible technique to assess atrial dimensions. Absolute atrial dimensions show significant variations among genders. Gender-specific reference ranges for atrial dimensions are recommended

    Dimensional reduction of the Dirac equation in arbitrary spatial dimensions

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    We investigate the general properties of the dimensional reduction of the Dirac theory, formulated in a Minkowski spacetime with an arbitrary number of spatial dimensions. This is done by applying Hadamard’s method of descent, which consists in conceiving low-dimensional theories as a specialization of high-dimensional ones that are uniform along the additional space coordinate. We show that the Dirac equation reduces to either a single Dirac equation or two decoupled Dirac equations, depending on whether the higher-dimensional manifold has even or odd spatial dimensions, respectively. Furthermore, we construct and discuss an explicit hierarchy of representations in which this procedure becomes manifest and can easily be iterated