50 research outputs found
Pattern formation and period doublings in the many-body coupled logistic maps
In this work we consider two many-body generalizations of the logistic map,
where we couple single maps with nearest-neighbour interactions on a
one-dimensional lattice, getting a discrete-time nonlinear dynamical system.
Numerically looking at some period -tupling order parameters, we check
that at least for the period-doubling transitions of
the single map persist. The values of the driving parameter where they
occur remain unchanged, independently of the system size, and of the type and
the strength of the coupling in the many-body system. We numerically observe
that the nonlinear dynamics leads to the formation of patterns, that can occur
if lies beyond the first period-doubling threshold and appear
if the system is large enough to accommodate them. We study the properties of
the patterns -- the characteristic length scale and the amplitude -- and find
that the former changes over many orders of magnitude when is varied. If
the system size is large enough, the properties of the pattern have no relation
at all with the single logistic map, witnessing the qualitative difference of
the many-body dynamics from the single-map one. We discuss also the effect of
noise and the relation of our findings with time crystals.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
Periodic driving of a coherent quantum many body system and relaxation to the Floquet diagonal ensemble
The coherent dynamics of many body quantum system is nowadays an experimental reality: by means of the cold atoms in optical lattices, many Hamiltonians and time-dependent perturbations can be engineered. In this Thesis we discuss what happens in these systems when a periodic perturbation is applied. Thanks to Floquet theory, we can see that -- if the Floquet spectrum obeys certain continuity conditions possible in the thermodynamic limit-- dephasing among Floquet quasi-energies makes local observables relax to a periodic steady regime described by an effective density matrix: the Floquet diagonal ensemble (FDE). By means of numerical examples on the Quantum Ising Chain and the Lipkin model, we discuss the properties of the FDE focusing on the difference among ergodic and regular quantum dynamics and on how this reflects on the thermal properties () of the asymptotic condition. We verify thermalization in the classically ergodic Lipkin model and we demonstrate that this effect is induced by the Floquet states being delocalized and obeying Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis.We discuss also, in the Ising chain case, the work probability
distribution, whose asymptotic condition is not described by the form (Generalized Gibbs Ensemble) that FDE acquires for local obserbvables because of integrability. Dephasing makes some correlations invisible in the local observables, but they are still present in the system.
We consider also the linear response limit: when the amplitude of the perturbation is vanishingly small, the Floquet diagonal ensemble is not sufficient to describe the asymptotic condition given by LRT.
For every small but finite amplitude, there are quasi-degeneracies in the Floquet spectrum giving rise to pre-relaxation to the condition predicted by Linear Response; these phenomena are strictly related to energy absorption and boundedness of the spectrum
Non equilibrium phase transitions and Floquet Kibble-Zurek scaling
We study the slow crossing of non-equilibrium quantum phase transitions in
periodically-driven systems. We explicitly consider a spin chain with a uniform
time-dependent magnetic field and focus on the Floquet state that is
adiabatically connected to the ground state of the static model. We find that
this {\it Floquet ground state} undergoes a series of quantum phase transitions
characterized by a non-trivial topology. To dinamically probe these
transitions, we propose to start with a large driving frequency and slowly
decrease it as a function of time. Combining analytical and numerical methods,
we uncover a Kibble-Zurek scaling that persists in the presence of moderate
interactions. This scaling can be used to experimentally demonstrate
non-equilibrium transitions that cannot be otherwise observed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Supplemental Material. (In this last version, the
one published in EPL, we provide a better discussion of the Floquet adiabatic
theorem, the construction of the Floquet ground state as an adiabatic
continuation and the nature of the phase transitions.
Floquet time crystal in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
In this work we discuss the existence of time-translation symmetry breaking
in a kicked infinite-range-interacting clean spin system described by the
Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model. This Floquet time crystal is robust under
perturbations of the kicking protocol, its existence being intimately linked to
the underlying symmetry breaking of the time-independent model.
We show that the model being infinite-range and having an extensive amount of
symmetry breaking eigenstates is essential for having the time-crystal
behaviour. In particular we discuss the properties of the Floquet spectrum, and
show the existence of doublets of Floquet states which are respectively even
and odd superposition of symmetry broken states and have quasi-energies
differing of half the driving frequencies, a key essence of Floquet time
crystals. Remarkably, the stability of the time-crystal phase can be directly
analysed in the limit of infinite size, discussing the properties of the
corresponding classical phase space. Through a detailed analysis of the
robustness of the time crystal to various perturbations we are able to map the
corresponding phase diagram. We finally discuss the possibility of an
experimental implementation by means of trapped ions.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure
Floquet theory of Cooper pair pumping
In this work we derive a general formula for the charge pumped in a
superconducting nanocircuit. Our expression generalizes previous results in
several ways, it is applicable both in the adiabatic and in the non-adiabatic
regimes and it takes into account also the effect of an external environment.
More specifically, by applying Floquet theory to Cooper pair pumping, we show
that under a cyclic evolution the total charge transferred through the circuit
is proportional to the derivative of the associated Floquet quasi-energy with
respect to the superconducting phase difference. In the presence of an external
environment the expression for the transferred charge acquires a transparent
form in the Floquet representation. It is given by the weighted sum of the
charge transferred in each Floquet state, the weights being the diagonal
components of the stationary density matrix of the system expressed in the
Floquet basis. In order to test the power of this formulation we apply it to
the study of pumping in a Cooper pair sluice. We reproduce the known results in
the adiabatic regime and we show new data in the non-adiabatic case.Comment: 9 page
Dissipation assisted Thouless pumping in the Rice-Mele model
We investigate the effect of dissipation from a thermal environment on
topological pumping in the periodically-driven Rice-Mele model. We report that
dissipation can improve the robustness of pumping quantisation in a regime of
finite driving frequencies. Specifically, in this regime, a low-temperature
dissipative dynamics can lead to a pumped charge that is much closer to the
Thouless quantised value, compared to a coherent evolution. We understand this
effect in the Floquet framework: dissipation increases the population of a
Floquet band which shows a topological winding, where pumping is essentially
quantised. This finding is a step towards understanding a potentially very
useful resource to exploit in experiments, where dissipation effects are
unavoidable. We consider small couplings with the environment and we use a
Bloch-Redfield quantum master equation approach for our numerics: Comparing
these results with an exact MPS numerical treatment we find that the quantum
master equation works very well also at low temperature, a quite remarkable
fact.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure
Resilience of hidden order to symmetry-preserving disorder
We study the robustness of non-local string order in two paradigmatic
disordered spin-chain models, a spin-1/2 cluster-Ising and a spin-1 XXZ
Heisenberg chain. In the clean case, they both display a transition from
antiferromagnetic to string order. Applying a disorder which preserves the
Hamiltonian symmetries, we find that the transition persists in both models. In
the disordered cluster-Ising model we can study the transition analytically --
by applying the strongest coupling renormalization group -- and numerically --
by exploiting integrability to study the antiferromagnetic and string order
parameters. We map the model into a quadratic fermion chain, where the
transition appears as a change in the number of zero-energy edge modes. We also
explore its zero-temperature-singularity behavior and find a transition from a
non-singular to a singular region, at a point that is different from the one
separating non-local and local ordering.} The disordered Heisenberg chain can
be treated only numerically: by means of MPS-based simulations, we are able to
locate the existence of a transition between antiferromagnetic and
string-ordered phase, through the study of order parameters. Finally we discuss
possible connections of our findings with many body localization.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, version published in PR
Entanglement dynamics with string measurement operators
We explain how to apply a Gaussian-preserving operator to a fermionic
Gaussian state. We use this method to study the evolution of the entanglement
entropy of an Ising spin chain following a Lindblad dynamics with string
measurement operators, focusing on the quantum-jump unraveling of such
Lindbladian. We find that the asymptotic entanglement entropy obeys an area law
for finite-range string operators and a volume law for ranges of the string
which scale with the system size. The same behavior is observed for the
measurement-only dynamics, suggesting that measurements can play a leading role
in this context.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure
Chaos and subdiffusion in the infinite-range coupled quantum kicked rotors
We map the infinite-range coupled quantum kicked rotors over an
infinite-range coupled interacting bosonic model. In this way we can apply
exact diagonalization up to quite large system sizes and confirm that the
system tends to ergodicity in the large-size limit. In the thermodynamic limit
the system is described by a set of coupled Gross-Pitaevskij equations
equivalent to an effective nonlinear single-rotor Hamiltonian. These equations
give rise to a power-law increase in time of the energy with exponent
in a wide range of parameters. We explain this finding by
means of a master-equation approach based on the noisy behaviour of the
effective nonlinear single-rotor Hamiltonian and on the Anderson localization
of the single-rotor Floquet states. Furthermore, we study chaos by means of the
largest Lyapunov exponent and find that it decreases towards zero for portions
of the phase space with increasing momentum. Finally, we show that some
stroboscopic Floquet integrals of motion of the noninteracting dynamics deviate
from their initial values over a time scale related to the interaction strength
according to the Nekhoroshev theorem.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, version published in PR
Weak ergodicity breaking in Josephson-junctions arrays
We study the quantum dynamics of Josephson junction arrays. We find isolated
groups of low-entanglement eigenstates, that persist even when the Josephson
interaction is strong enough to destroy the organization of the spectrum in
multiplets, and a perturbative description is no more possible. These
eigenstates provide a weak ergodicity breaking, and are reminiscent of the
quantum scars. Due to the presence of these eigenstates, initializing with a
charge-density-wave state, the system does not thermalize and the
charge-density-wave order persists for long times. Considering global
ergodicity probes, we find that the system tends towards more ergodicity for
increasing system size: The parameter range where the bulk of the eigenstates
look nonergodic shrinks for increasing system size. We study two geometries, a
one-dimensional chain and a two-leg ladder. In the latter case, adding a
magnetic flux makes the system more ergodic.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure