26 research outputs found

    MOD derived pyrochlore films as buffer layer for all-chemical YBCO coated conductors

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    We report a detailed study performed on La2Zr2O7 (LZO) pyrochlore material grown by Metal-Organic Decomposition (MOD) method as buffer layers for YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) coated conductors. High quality epitaxial LZO thin films have been obtained on single crystal (SC) and Ni-5%at.W substrates. In order to evaluate structural and morphological properties, films have been characterized by means of X-ray diffraction analyses (XRD), atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Precursors solutions and heat treatments have been studied by thermogravimetric analyses (TG-DTA-DTG) and infrared spectra (FT-IR) with the aim of optimizing the annealing process. Thin films of YBCO have been deposited by pulsed laser ablation (PLD) on this buffer layers. The best results obtained on SC showed YBCO films with critical temperature values above 90 K, high self field critical current density values (Jc > 1 MA/cm2) and high irreversibility field values (8.3 T) at 77 K together with a rather high depinning frequency vp (0.5 T, 77 K)>44 GHz as determined at microwaves. The best results on Ni-5%at.W has been obtained introducing in the heat treatment a pyrolysis process at low temperature in air in order to remove the residual organic part of the precursor solution

    Effect of annealing on structure and superconducting properties in Fe(Se,Te)

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    Abstract In this paper, the effect of post synthesis annealing treatments on a Fe(Se,Te) polycrystalline material is evaluated and discussed. The samples have been obtained via melting route. The material has been subjected to a high-temperature annealing treatment, carried out for 45 h at 680 °C. The role of the cooling step was investigated comparing samples obtained after a controlled cooling or after quenching in liquid nitrogen. From a morpho-structural point of view, the annealing treatment improves homogeneity, with respect to pristine samples, and influences secondary phase precipitate morphology. Regarding superconducting properties, a key role of the cooling procedure is assessed: controlled cooling leads in fact to a significant improvement of high field behaviour with respect to the melted material, while quenched samples are characterized by a worsening of the superconducting properties. Despite the overall worsening, however, the quenched samples show evidence of the presence of superconducting phases characterized by a remarkably high critical temperature (Tc > 18 K), observed for these materials only in films or under pressure

    Effect of oxygen contamination on densification of Fe(Se,Te)

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    Abstract The optimization of sintering behaviour of iron chalcogenides superconducting materials is mandatory to enhance their critical current density, in order to pursuit their application in the production of superconducting wires. In this context it has been investigated here the effect of oxygen contamination on the material densification, considering the issues related to industrial oxygen-free isolated production lines. Our results show that the densification process is negatively affected by oxygen contamination. However, despite the difference in density, all sintered samples are characterized by similar structural and morphological features, and show comparable electrical and magnetic properties, with low critical current densities (Jc<103 A/cm2). These results suggest that densification is not the key limiting factor in these conditions, and that grain boundary or misorientation factors may play a greater role in limiting the performance of sintered iron chalcogenides superconductors

    Dyspeptic symptoms and delayed gastric emptying of solids in patients with inactive Crohn's disease

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    Background: Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) have been shown to present dyspeptic symptoms more frequently than the general population. Some of these symptoms could be related to motility disorders to some degree. Then, we propose to investigate whether gastric emptying of solids in patients with inactive CD is delayed and to determine the relationships between gastric emptying and dyspeptic symptoms in inactive CD. Methods: Twenty-six patients with inactive Crohn's disease, as defined by a Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) &lt; 150, underwent a gastric emptying test by breath test using C-13 octanoic acid coupled to a solid meal and answered a validated questionnaire (The Porto Alegre Dyspeptic Symptoms Questionnaire) to assess dyspeptic symptoms. Patients with scores &gt;= 6 were considered to have dyspepsia. The control group was composed by 19 age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers. Results: Patients with CD had a significantly longer t 1/2 and t lag (p&lt;0.05) than the controls. CD patients with dyspepsia had significantly (p&lt;0.05) prolonged gastric emptying when compared to patients without dyspeptic symptoms. When the individual symptom patterns were analyzed, only vomiting was significantly associated with delayed gastric emptying (p&lt;0.05). There was no difference between the subgroups of patients with respect to gender, CDAI scores, disease location, clinical behavior (obstructive/obstructive) or previous gastrointestinal surgery. Conclusion: Delayed gastric emptying in inactive Crohn's disease patients seems to be associated with dyspeptic symptoms, particularly vomiting, even without any evidence of gastrointestinal obstruction.Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq)Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq

    Solution Refining for MOD-YBCO Optimization: a NMR Study

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    In this work a study of both pure and 5% BaZrO3_3 doped YBCO low-fluorine coating solutions performed by 1^1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopic techniques is presented. This investigation enabled us to unequivocally identify the chemical species involved in the solution aging process. It was found that the presence of traces of methanol, typically used for the preparation of the solutions, promoted methyl propionate formation. The presence of methyl propionate ester was not recognized in solutions obtained through a refining process in which residual methanol traces were fully removed. The modification in time of the solution composition was found to be in strong correlation with the degradation of the film properties for standard solution, whereas no degradation, in the same time frame, was observed for the films prepared with the refined solutions. Indeed, both YBCO and YBCO + 5%BaZrO3_3 films, grown with aged refined solutions, exhibit critical temperature values above 91 K and microstructure comparable with the ones recorded in samples obtained with freshly prepared solutions. Even though the exact role of the ester in the YBCO phase formation and film quality could not be identified yet, some possible mechanisms have been proposed and discusse

    Chemical Solution Deposition of YBCO Films with Gd Excess

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    Chemical solution deposition of Gd-doped YBCO, Y1GdyBa2Cu3O7-delta, (YBCO-Gd), film was carried out following the metal-organic decomposition approach and in situ route. Two dopant concentrations, 5 and 10 mol %, were evaluated. The morphology and crystalline structure of the superconductor films were deeply investigated. In general, a homogeneous and well c-axis oriented film was observed by using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and X-ray diffraction. However, compared to pure YBCO, YBCO-Gd samples showed an increased stacking faults concentration, as recognized by TEM. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy allowed studying the Gd distribution in the films and gathered information about the Gd electronic environment. Superconducting properties were evaluated at different temperatures, magnetic field directions, and intensities. Higher zero-field critical current densities were measured with respect to undoped samples in the temperature range from 10 to 77 K with both Gd concentrations (i.e., 28, 27, and 13 MA center dot cm(-2), respectively, for YBCO-Gd 5%, YBCO-Gd 10%, and undoped YBCO at 10 K in self field condition). At low temperatures, this improvement was maintained up to 12 T, confirming the efficacy of Gd addition for the enhancement of transport properties of YBCO film

    Influence of surface faceting of RABiT-type metallic substrate on epitaxial film growth

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    Surface faceting is a well-known phenomenon occurring in either metallic or oxide materials. It is due to thermal etching favoured by high-temperature annealing in vacuum, and leads to the formation of steps or facets on the surface. The occurrence of surface faceting on cube-textured metallic substrates for YBCO coated conductor has been only seldom reported and its influence on the epitaxial growth of both buffer and superconducting layers has never been considered. In this paper, we studied the effect of the annealing conditions on the surface morphology of Ni- and Ni-Cu-based cube-textured metallic substrates and the influence of the obtained surface morphology on epitaxial film grown by both physical vapour and chemical solution deposition techniques. We confirm that annealing in reducing atmosphere suppresses both surface faceting and grain boundary grooving. Such a surface is beneficial for epitaxial film growth as it leads to smoother and featureless surfaces. On the other hand, from a microstructural point of view, film deposition on a faceted substrate shows a sharper orientation

    Impact of depressive symptoms on visceral sensitivity among patients with different subtypes of irritable Bowel syndrome

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    The etiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is complex and multifaceted. Psychosocial factors play a role in such a process. Several reports suggest that IBS patients have increased psychopathology scores as compared with population controls. The influence of depressive symptoms on rectal sensitivity thresholds vary across different studies. The influence of predominant bowel habits on rectal sensitivity thresholds as determined by barostat-based investigations is not well established. The present report aimed to investigate the influence of depressive symptoms on rectal sensitivity in different subtypes of IBS patients (diarrhea/constipation-predominant vs. alternating subtypes). Depressive symptoms correlated well with first pain sensitivity threshold in alternating patients (n = 8; [rho] = -0.77; p = 0.02) but not in diarrhea/constipation predominant symptoms (n = 11; [rho] = -0.44; p = 0.27). These data suggest that depressive symptoms might impact pain thresholds differently according to the subtype of IBS.Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq