696 research outputs found

    Effect of Social Disruption on Sense of National Identity

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    The concept of national identity is prevalent in contemporary debate as it is constantly being challenged due to factors such as immigration, globalization, and significant social transformation. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of social disruption, or societal collapse, on sense of national identity. Societal collapse raises many fundamental questions of sociological concern. Specifically, what are the consequences of structural breakdown in a society? Also, do individuals’ identities become compromised in the process of such social disruption? To address these questions, surveys were conducted with individuals in Russia. I argue that, with the establishment of the Soviet Union, the previously established Russian identity was forcibly merged with a new “Soviet” identity. Once the Soviet Union fell, the old “Russian” identity resurfaced. Also, subjective and objective forces played a key role in determining the identities that drove individuals to occupy positions in society based on the emerging internal shift. Findings and implications are discussed

    Assessment Of Endothelial Function By Flow-mediated Dilation In Diabetic Patients: Effects Of Physical Exercise

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    The endothelium is now recognized as an endocrine organ that acts to maintain vascular homeostasis regulating the vascular tone and structure. The endothelial cells synthetize a variety of mediators among them, the main agent is the nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator. NO exerts its protective role preventing leukocyte adhesion and migration, expression of adhesion molecules, platelet aggregation, cell proliferation, and promoting the relaxation of smooth muscle cells. On the other hand, endothelial dysfunction present in many chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, is characterized by reduced NO bioavailability. Thus, a few decades ago, measurement of endothelial function has emerged as valuable tool that provides insights in the pathophysiological mechanisms, opportunity to identify early disease and cardiovascular risk, preventing future events or avoiding the progression of the disease. Diabetic patients, particularly, have been a target to apply this technique, mainly because this condition has been related with an impairment of endothelium-dependent dilation and it is believed that the endothelium dysfunction is the basis of diabetes complications such as coronary artery disease and accelerated atherosclerosis. In addition, cardiovascular complications represent the leading cause of morbidity and death in diabetes mellitus. Besides pharmacological therapy, lifestyle modifications have been recommended by specific organizations as a strategy to improve the endothelial function or even prevent the development of diabetes. The aim of this mini eview is to give an update about the importance of endothelium, most common non-invasive technique to evaluate its function, and to summarize some mechanisms involved in endothelial dysfunction and the beneficial effects of exercise in diabetes mellitus.22131

    Analisis Semiotik Fashion Ines Ariani Sebagai Bentuk Presentasi Diri

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    Fashion can be seen from the side semoitikanya that denotation and connotation. Like the black color that has connotations mysterious, bold, independent, and stylish, yellow color that symbolizes joy and a sense of spirit. Tiger spotted pattern connotes bold. Clothes that show the shape of the body shape connotes the online, open-minded, and confident. Denotation and connotation of this it can be concluded that Ines presenting himself as someone who is brave, open, cheerful, and stylish. Fashion and clothing are included in it has a deeper function than as body armor and kesopan that as the way a person communicates where fashion clothing is non-verbal communication that is artifactual. It can be seen that one can judge others simply on appearances alone. Even generally someone will first see the appearance of others before making conversation. This conversation function to verify whether the accepted meaning when just looking at clothes only in accordance with the meaning of a conversation or when it is doing the opposite. Although a person can wear to present themselves as it is, but nonetheless in reality there is an element of performance in it. It is also likely to be experienced by Ines, where in addition wants to present himself, Ines also wants the fashion that he was wearing viewed and became the center of attention of the crowd

    Acute Diarrhea Duration Between Children With Probiotic Therapy And Without Probiotic Therapy At Gotong Royong Hospital

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    Introduction: Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in childrenthroughout the world. Based on Basic Health Research data (Riskesdas), the highest diarrheaprevalence occurs in children aged 1-4. One of the supportive therapies given to children whohave acute diarrhea is probiotic therapy. Probiotic therapy in children with acute diarrhea canreduce the frequency and duration of diarrhea. Purpose: To analyze the differences in acute diarrhea duration between children withprobiotic therapy and without probiotic therapy, a case study in Gotong Royong Hospital. Method: An experimental study with Cohort approach. The sampling technique used in thisresearch was consecutive sampling. The procedure of this research was carried out bycollecting primary data, recording probiotic therapy given to the acute diarrhea children whocome to Gotong Royong Hospital at Surabaya and doing outpatient care, then continued withmonitoring to the patient's parents everyday to find out the duration of acute diarrhea in thechildren after probiotic therapy. This research used the Mann Whitney analysis test. Results: We found that there were significant differences between the duration of acutediarrhea in the children with probiotic therapy and the children without probiotic therapy witha value of p < 0,001 (p<0.05). The average duration of acute diarrhea in children withoutprobiotic therapy is 3.25 days. Meanwhile, the average duration of acute diarrhea in childrenwith probiotic therapy is 1.25 days. The average difference between children with andwithout probiotic therapy was two days. Conclusion: There is a difference in the duration of acute diarrhea in the children withprobiotic therapy and the children without probiotic therapy at Gotong Royong Hospital inSurabaya.

    Hubungan Antara Iklim Organisasi Dengan Stres Kerja Pada Anggota Sat Lantas Polrestabes Semarang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara iklim organisasi dengan stres kerja pada anggota polisi Satlantas Polrestabes Semarang. Stres kerja merupakan suatu respon fisiologis, emosional, dan tingkah laku yang dialami anggota organisasi, akibat dari ketidaksesuaian antara tuntutan pekerjaan dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki anggota organisasi. Iklim organisasi merupakan persepsi yang diberikan oleh individu terhadap praktek di lingkungan organisasi yang mencakup kualitas kepemimpinan, kepercayaan, komunikasi, perasaan melakukan pekerjaan yang bermanfaat, tanggung jawab, imbalan yang adil, tekanan pekerjaan, kesempatan, pengendalian terhadap perilaku, struktur dan birokrasi, serta partisipasi karyawan. Subjek penelitian sejumlah 120 anggota polisi yang didapatkan dengan teknik sampling simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan dua buah skala psikologi, yaitu Skala Iklim Organisasi yang terdiri dari 32 aitem (α= 0,915) dan Skala Stres Kerja yang terdiri dari 22 aitem (α= 0,906). Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode korelasi Spearman Brown dengan nilai rxy = -0,674 dengan p = 0,000 (p&lt;0,001). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan peneliti yaitu, terdapat hubungan negatif antara iklim organisasi dan stres kerja dapat diterima. Semakin positif iklim organisasi yang dimiliki Satlantas Polrestabes Semarang maka semakin rendah stres kerja yang dialami anggota polisi


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    Introduction: Patients with dementia experience painful, confusing, frustrating, and amnesialike emotional distress and instability because of their brain’s inability to correlate their emotions with the memory that causes the emotion. Moreover, the dependency of dementia patients also results in an additional emotional, physical, and financial burden to their families and caregivers. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic forces drastic self-isolation, which are hard to comprehend for dementia patients, increasing their feeling of anxiety, loneliness, and frustration. Music therapy has gained popularity amongst other therapy alternatives for dementia for its easy accessibility, previously proven effectiveness to reduce dementia symptoms and its positive impact on the caregivers.Method: A systematic review was performed, searching for randomized controlled trials, according to the PRISMA statement, throughout five international databases with published studies up to 18 April 2021. Critical appraisal was further conducted utilizing the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool 2.0.Results: The search yielded eight randomized controlled trials with a total of 534 subjects. The intervention conducted was in individual or group music therapy. The outcomes were measured using various indicators, and significant improvements found in agitated behaviour, behavioural and psychological symptoms, and general mood of the patient. Conclusion: Music therapy is a highly potential alternative therapy for elderly patients with dementia, showing significant and effective improvements to reduce dementia-related symptoms. Further studies in coherence with implementations of the therapy are urgently needed to aid the increasing prevalence of dementia worldwide, especially in Indonesia

    Dasar Gugatan Cerai Yang Diajukan Suami Terhadap Istri Menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dasar gugatan perceraian yang diajukan suami terhadap istrinya berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan pertimbangan hakim untuk menolak gugatan cerai dari penggugat. Jenis dan sifat penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif yang mengkonsepsikan hukum sebagai norma dalam berperilaku masyarakat terhadap apa yang dianggap pantas. Penelitian ini menganalisis Putusan Nomor 59/Pdt.G/2020/PN Blg. Tujuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dasar gugatan sudah sesuai dengan huruf (f) Pasal 19 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 9 Tahun 1975 yaitu antara suami dan istri terus-menerus terjadi perselisihan dan pertengkaran dan tidak ada harapan akan hidup rukun lagi dan pertimbangan hakim untuk menolak gugatan didasarkan pada fakta bahwa penggugat adalah penyebab timbulnya percekcokan dalam rumah tangga oleh karena penggugat telah tinggal bersama wanita lain yang bukan istrinya, jauh sebelum gugatan perceraian diajukan ke pengadilan

    Working Shift Differences And Their Effects On Employees’ Job Fatigue Levels: An Empirical Evidence From Hotel Industry In Surabaya

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    Bisnis pada sektor jasa memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam pengelolaan karyawannya. Pembagian jam kerja yang sesuai menentukan tingkat kualitas dari bisnis tersebut. Studi ini meneliti pengaruh perbedaan shift kerja terhadap tingkat kelelahan karyawan pada industri perhotelan di Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah ANOVA. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa responden yang bekerja pada shift pagi dan siang menunjukkan tingkat kelelahan kerja yang berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan merekayang bekerja pada shift malam, khususnya dalam hal kelelahan emosional, kelelahan umum dan kelelahan keterampilan

    Hubungan antara Motivasi dan Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja Auditor : Peran Rekan Kerja sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Batam, Padang, Pekanbaru)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of work stress on motivation and performance auditors with co-workers as a moderating variable. Hopefully this research can assist auditors in order to improve for better performance in the future, The sample used in this study is the auditor of a public accounting firm in Batam, Pekanbaru and Padang.Data collected by distributing questionnaires to 65 auditors working in 22 PAOs, but only 53 questionnaires were returned, and the questionnaire that can be processed only 48 questionnaires. Data were analyzed using multiple regression (multiple regression) and moderate regression (Moderate Regression Analysis-MRA) and processed using SPSS version 17.0. The results showed that motivation and work stress has an influence on the auditors performance. However, motivation and stress are moderated by co-workers do not affect performance

    Sistem Kependudukan Desa Berbasis Web pada Desa Cihuni Kecamatan Pagedangan Kabupaten Tangerang

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    The development of computerized systems can not be separated from technological&nbsp;developments which can affect many aspects of human life. One of the advantages of the&nbsp;computerized system is to produce a system that is relevant, timely and accurate. Build a village&nbsp;settlement system requires a good understanding and clear about the system to be used both in&nbsp;the procedures of the system, input, output and the things that affect system performance both&nbsp;for short term and long term. One of them in the population data. In the village Village Cihuni&nbsp;done today by using a manual system. Examples such as demographic data. So frequent errors&nbsp;in process or keep a record of the population, because in pengolahanya still with the&nbsp;conventional process. it is proposed to build an application in the form of settlement system that&nbsp;can be used by the village staff to process all web-based demographic data. It is expected that&nbsp;these applications can help in addition to demographic data processing can also store data&nbsp;properly and facilitate the public in terms of service needs Letter
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